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SMS case study for TRB 2018

smart-fm edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 3 revisions

1. Temporal Trip Distribution

Data Prep

            select prev_stop_departure_time, count(*) from demand.<das_table>
            group by prev_stop_departure_time
            order by prev_stop_departure_time asc;


(a) Change the x-axis labels to a more readable format
(b) Plot in Excel

2. Temporal Distribution of Demand and Supply

Data Prep

Use the Python script ''


Use the Python script ''

3. Mode Choices across the scenarios

Tableau visualization File

4. Congestion Map


(a) Make appropriate color legend in DynaVis setting
(b) Take out.txt after running supply and run DynaVis
(b) Take screenshots of Dynavis at specific timestamps

5. Overall User Experience metrics

Data Prep

[1] Consider served trips only, i.e. trips with waiting time less than 1 hour

        drop table if exists output.served_trips_rb;

        create table output.served_trips_rb
        select distinct person_id, trip_origin_id, trip_dest_id from output.travel_time
        where (person_id, trip_origin_id, trip_dest_id) not in
        (select distinct person_id, trip_origin_id, trip_dest_id from output.travel_time
           where travel_mode in ('WAIT_BUS', 'WAIT_MRT', 'WAIT_TAXI', 'WAIT_SMS', 'WAIT_RAIL_SMS') 
              and travel_time > 3600);`

[2] Create CDFs for total travel time, in-vehicle travel time, waiting time for served trips segmented by mode

-- Sample query shown below for Bus -- Need to change mode and time periods for morning peak, off peak and evening peak

Total Travel Time

Filename: CDF_TT_Serv_Bus_Base.csv OR CDF_TT_Serv_Bus_AllModes.csv OR CDF_TT_Serv_Bus_NoPT.csv

      select ( as tt_hr,, sum(count(*)) over (order by as cumul_count, sum(count(*)) over (order by count(*) 
      (select t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id, sum(t1.travel_time) as tt from output.travel_time as t1`
       inner join output.served_trips_rb as t2
       on t1.person_id = t2.person_id and t1.trip_origin_id = t2.trip_origin_id and t1.trip_dest_id = t2.trip_dest_id
       inner join demand.das_vc_no_public_no_pvt_bus_06072017 as das
       on das.person_id = t2.person_id and das.prev_stop_location = cast (t2.trip_origin_id as integer) and das.stop_location = cast (t2.trip_dest_id as integer)
       where t1.travel_mode in ('ON_BUS', 'ON_PBUS', 'WAIT_BUS')
       group by t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id
       order by tt asc) as subq) as prob, 'All' as indicator from
       (select t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id, sum(t1.travel_time) as tt from output.travel_time as t1
        inner join output.served_trips_rb as t2
        on t1.person_id = t2.person_id and t1.trip_origin_id = t2.trip_origin_id and t1.trip_dest_id = t2.trip_dest_id
        inner join demand.das_vc_no_public_no_pvt_bus_06072017 as das
        on das.person_id = t2.person_id and das.prev_stop_location = cast (t2.trip_origin_id as integer) and das.stop_location = cast (t2.trip_dest_id as integer)
        where t1.travel_mode in ('ON_BUS', 'ON_PBUS', 'WAIT_BUS')
        group by t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id
        order by tt asc) as sub
        group by


        select ( as tt_hr,, sum(count(*)) over (order by as cumul_count, sum(count(*)) over (order by count(*) from
       (select t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id, sum(t1.travel_time) as tt from output.travel_time as t1
        inner join output.served_trips_rb as t2
        on t1.person_id = t2.person_id and t1.trip_origin_id = t2.trip_origin_id and t1.trip_dest_id = t2.trip_dest_id
        inner join demand.das_vc_no_public_no_pvt_bus_06072017 as das
        on das.person_id = t2.person_id and das.prev_stop_location = cast (t2.trip_origin_id as integer) and das.stop_location = cast (t2.trip_dest_id as integer)
        where t1.travel_mode in ('ON_BUS', 'ON_PBUS', 'WAIT_BUS') and das.prev_stop_departure_time >= 8.25 and das.prev_stop_departure_time <= 9.75
        group by t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id
        order by tt asc) as subq) as prob, 'MP' as indicator from
        (select t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id, sum(t1.travel_time) as tt from output.travel_time as t1
        inner join output.served_trips_rb as t2
        on t1.person_id = t2.person_id and t1.trip_origin_id = t2.trip_origin_id and t1.trip_dest_id = t2.trip_dest_id
        inner join demand.das_vc_no_public_no_pvt_bus_06072017 as das
        on das.person_id = t2.person_id and das.prev_stop_location = cast (t2.trip_origin_id as integer) and das.stop_location = cast (t2.trip_dest_id as integer)
        where t1.travel_mode in ('ON_BUS', 'ON_PBUS', 'WAIT_BUS') and das.prev_stop_departure_time >= 8.25 and das.prev_stop_departure_time <= 9.75
        group by t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id
        order by tt asc) as sub
        group by


        select ( as tt_hr,, sum(count(*)) over (order by as cumul_count, sum(count(*)) over (order by count(*) from
        (select t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id, sum(t1.travel_time) as tt from output.travel_time as t1
         inner join output.served_trips_rb as t2
         on t1.person_id = t2.person_id and t1.trip_origin_id = t2.trip_origin_id and t1.trip_dest_id = t2.trip_dest_id
         inner join demand.das_vc_no_public_no_pvt_bus_06072017 as das
         on das.person_id = t2.person_id and das.prev_stop_location = cast (t2.trip_origin_id as integer) and das.stop_location = cast (t2.trip_dest_id as integer)
         where t1.travel_mode in ('ON_BUS', 'ON_PBUS', 'WAIT_BUS') and das.prev_stop_departure_time >= 13.25 and               das.prev_stop_departure_time <= 14.75
         group by t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id
         order by tt asc) as subq) as prob, 'OP' as indicator from
         (select t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id, sum(t1.travel_time) as tt from output.travel_time as t1
          inner join output.served_trips_rb as t2
          on t1.person_id = t2.person_id and t1.trip_origin_id = t2.trip_origin_id and t1.trip_dest_id = t2.trip_dest_id
          inner join demand.das_vc_no_public_no_pvt_bus_06072017 as das
          on das.person_id = t2.person_id and das.prev_stop_location = cast (t2.trip_origin_id as integer) and das.stop_location = cast (t2.trip_dest_id as integer)
          where t1.travel_mode in ('ON_BUS', 'ON_PBUS', 'WAIT_BUS') and das.prev_stop_departure_time >= 13.25 and das.prev_stop_departure_time <= 14.75
          group by t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id
          order by tt asc) as sub
          group by


          select ( as tt_hr,, sum(count(*)) over (order by as cumul_count, sum(count(*)) over (order by count(*) from
          (select t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id, sum(t1.travel_time) as tt from output.travel_time as t1
          inner join output.served_trips_rb as t2
          on t1.person_id = t2.person_id and t1.trip_origin_id = t2.trip_origin_id and t1.trip_dest_id = t2.trip_dest_id
          inner join demand.das_vc_no_public_no_pvt_bus_06072017 as das
          on das.person_id = t2.person_id and das.prev_stop_location = cast (t2.trip_origin_id as integer) and das.stop_location = cast (t2.trip_dest_id as integer)
          where t1.travel_mode in ('ON_BUS', 'ON_PBUS', 'WAIT_BUS') and das.prev_stop_departure_time >= 17.25 and das.prev_stop_departure_time <= 18.75
          group by t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id
          order by tt asc) as subq) as prob, 'EP' as indicator from
          (select t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id, sum(t1.travel_time) as tt from output.travel_time as t1
          inner join output.served_trips_rb as t2
          on t1.person_id = t2.person_id and t1.trip_origin_id = t2.trip_origin_id and t1.trip_dest_id = t2.trip_dest_id
          inner join demand.das_vc_no_public_no_pvt_bus_06072017 as das
          on das.person_id = t2.person_id and das.prev_stop_location = cast (t2.trip_origin_id as integer) and das.stop_location = cast (t2.trip_dest_id as integer)
          where t1.travel_mode in ('ON_BUS', 'ON_PBUS', 'WAIT_BUS') and das.prev_stop_departure_time >= 17.25 and das.prev_stop_departure_time <= 18.75
          group by t1.person_id, t1.trip_origin_id, t1.trip_dest_id
          order by tt asc) as sub
          group by
          order by indicator, prob asc;

Subtrip metrics processing

Look at the image sample.

To obtain the CDFs of the travel times with the following scripts, you need to have gnuplot and octave (with nan package) installed. Go to a folder of your choice. Create these two scripts there: compute_cdf.m

#!/usr/bin/octave-cli -qf

## usage ./compute_cdf.m filename

arg_list = argv ();
filename = arg_list{1};

pkg load nan;

rowdata = dlmread(filename);

[f,x] = ecdf(rowdata);
grid minor;
#axis ([0 290])
outfile = sprintf("%s.cdf.eps", filename);
outdatafile = sprintf("%s.cdf.dat", filename);

printf("\n\nImage written %s\n" ,outfile)

dlmwrite(outdatafile, [x,f], " ")
printf("Data file written %s\n\n" ,outdatafile)

and compute_travel_time_cdf.bash

#!/usr/bin/octave-cli -qf

## usage ./compute_cdf.m filename

arg_list = argv ();
filename = arg_list{1};

pkg load nan;

rowdata = dlmread(filename);

[f,x] = ecdf(rowdata);
grid minor;
#axis ([0 290])
outfile = sprintf("%s.cdf.eps", filename);
outdatafile = sprintf("%s.cdf.dat", filename);

printf("\n\nImage written %s\n" ,outfile)

dlmwrite(outdatafile, [x,f], " ")
printf("Data file written %s\n\n" ,outdatafile)

Create a DATA folder and put your subtrip_metrics.csv there. Then, invoke:

./compute_travel_time_cdf.bash DATA/subtrip_metrics.csv MRT

This will create DATA/MRT.dat.cdf.eps, i.e., the image of the CDF of the MRT travel times. You can invoke the same command for TaxiTravel, Car, etc. Note also that files like DATA/MRT.dat.cdf.dat are also created. You can use these files to plot all the CDFs together, e.g., with a gnuplot script like:

set ylabel "Frequency"
set xlabel "Travel Time (h)"
set grid

plot 'DATA/TaxiTravel.dat.cdf.dat' using 1:2 title "Taxi" with lines,\
'DATA/BusTravel.dat.cdf.dat' using 1:2 title "Bus" with lines,\
'DATA/Car.dat.cdf.dat' using 1:2 title "Taxi" with lines,\
'DATA/Motorcycle.dat.cdf.dat' using 1:2 title "Taxi" with lines,\
'DATA/MRT.dat.cdf.dat' using 1:2 title "MRT" with lines,\
'DATA/ALL.dat.cdf.dat' using 1:2 title "All" with lines linewidth 3,\
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