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smart-fm edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 1 revision

Public Transit Teleportation Mode

There are situations where we might need to teleport an agent instead of simulating the actual movement in supply. One of the main reason for doing so is the unavailability of the supply for certain modes. For example, if we are simulating a new city it takes time to receive and process the detailed supply data required for Bus and train movement. If we have the day activity schedule (DAS) for this new city, we might want to simulate only Car trips. As the DAS ---by its nature--- has all the modes confounded in it, it is not possible to simulate it in within-day without the supply being complete too. A possible work around for this problem is to teleport public transit trips of an agent so that her successive car trips can be simulated. The same argument holds for car Sharing.

Note that Car Sharing, Private Bus trips are always teleported currently.

For Bus and Train within-day simulation, data might be unavailable for route choice, schedules, or movement.

Case(i): In case route-choice and supply data for PT is unavailable

Following settings in the simrun_MidTerm.xmlfile is required.

<public_transit enabled="false"/>

<busController enabled="false" busline_control_type="headway_based"/>

<trainController enabled="false" train_control_type="moving_block">

With the above settings

  • agents will be teleported from their origin_node to destination_node
  • mode in the subtrip_matrices.csv and travel_time.csv file will be indicated as 'BUS_TELEPORT'/'MRT_TELEPORT'.
  • Travel time will be zero or 'NA' but their arrival time to the destination node must be within the time period indicated in their DAS (e.g. if the next activity/trip after this teleport trip is supposed to start at 9.25 then this teleported trip must end between 9 - 9:30)

Case(ii) In case PT route-choice is available, bus supply is available, and train supply is unavailable

Following settings in the simrun_MidTerm.xmlfile is required.

<public_transit enabled="true"/>

<busController enabled="true" busline_control_type="headway_based"/>

<trainController enabled="false" train_control_type="moving_block">

With the above settings

  • agents will be teleported from their origin_station to destination_station
  • mode in the subtrip_matrices.csv and travel_time.csv file will be indicated as 'MRT_TELEPORT'.
  • No data for the train movement in file.
  • Travel time will be calculated as per the stop to stop travel time indicated in the supply.rail_transit_edge table

Case(iii): In case PT route-choice is available, bus supply is available, and train supply is partially available (few lines)

Following settings in the simrun_MidTerm.xmlfile is required.

<public_transit enabled="true"/>

<busController enabled="true" busline_control_type="headway_based"/>

<trainController enabled="true" train_control_type="moving_block">

With the above settings

  • agents will be teleported from their origin_station to destination_station only for those train lines for which supply data is missing
  • mode in the subtrip_matrices.csv and travel_time.csv file will be indicated as 'MRT_TELEPORT' for the missing supply lines and 'MRT' for those line which data is available and we can simulate train movement.
  • will capture the movement of the trains which are actually simulated.
  • Travel time will be calculated as per the stop to stop travel time indicated in the supply.rail_transit_edge table for the teleportation and actual travel time for the train movement lines.

Conclusion for Public Transition Travel

Public Transit On
BusController --ON BusController – OFF BusController ---ON BusController --OFF
TrainController –ON TrainController –ON TrainController –OFF TrainController –OFF
Pathset(edges b/w origin/destination) in DB
Only Bus Edge Movement Teleport Movement Teleport
Bus + Train Edge Movement Teleport(Bus) + Movement(train) Movement(Bus)+ Teleport(Train) Teleport
Only Train Edge Movement Movement Teleport Teleport
No Path in DB No Path found error; person removed from simulation No Path found error; person removed from simulation No Path found error; person removed from simulation No Path found error; person removed from simulation
Public Transit Off
always Teleport always Teleport always Teleport always Teleport

Question: Currently Car_sharing teleportation is showing the travel time calculated by node to node distance. Is it misleading?

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