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smart-fm edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 6 revisions

The population data from SimMobility LT is an input for MT preday models. Every individual in the population is a potential source of travel demand. Various characteristics of individuals are used by the preday models to determine their activity schedule.

MT data requirements from LT population

Population data required for MT is kept within the long-term database in multiple tables viz. individual, household, job, establishment and fm_unit_res tables. See here for a short description of these tables. Below is a list of attributes of each person that MT preday requires to be able to construct an activity schedule.

column LT-table description
id individual individual (person) id
employment_status_id individual person type id (refer employment_status table in LT database for descriptions)
gender_id individual gender of person
education_id individual student type category id (refer education table in LT database descriptions)
vehicle_category_id individual vehicle ownership type (refer vehicle_category table in LT database for descriptions)
age_category_id individual age category id (refer age_category table in LT database for descriptions)
income individual income of person
work_at_home individual whether the person works from home
car_license individual whether the person has licence to drive car
motor_license individual whether the person has licence to drive motorcycle
vanbus_license individual whether the person has licence to drive heavy vehicles
time_restriction job whether the person has strict work hours
fixed_workplace job whether the person has a fixed work location
is_student job is the person a student
sla_address_id establishment address of primary activity location (school location if student, work location if employed)
id household id of household to which the person belongs
sla_address_id fm_unit_res person's home address id
size household size of person's household
child_under4 household number of household members under 4 years of age
child_under15 household number of household members under 15 years of age
adult household number of adults in household
workers household number of earning individuals in the household


<population source = "pgsql" database= "database_id" credential= "credential_id" />

The source of population data is specified in the population element in simrun_MidTerm.xml. The database connection information and credentials are supplied by specifying the database_id and credential_id. database_id is the id of the database element in simulation.xml pointing to the correct LT database holding population data and credential_id is the id of the credentials element in simulation.xml holding the correct login credentials for the same LT database.

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