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Zonal data

smart-fm edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 5 revisions

Preday model uses the following socio-demographic data for generating activity schedules.

  1. Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ)
  2. AM, PM and off-peak (OP) skim matrices
  3. departure and arrival time dependent TAZ-TAZ travel times for public transit and private vehicles interpreted from the skim matrices


Our socio-demographic data are (mostly) kept in the Simmobility database in the demand schema. The table structures are described below.


column description
zone_id taz id
zone_code zone code assigned by LTA
area area of the TAZ in
population population in the TAZ
shop number of shops within the TAZ
central whether this TAZ in a central zone
parking_rate parking rate in the TAZ
resident_workers number of working individuals residing in the TAZ
employment number of employed people in the TAZ
total_enrollment number of students enrolled in schools within the TAZ
resident_students number of students residing in the TAZ
cbd whether this TAZ is in the central business district

Skim matrices

column description
origin_zone origin taz code
destination_zone destination taz code
distance distance between the zones in km
car_cost_erp Electronic Road Pricing cost between the zones
car_ivt in vehicle car travel time in hours between the zones
pub_ivt in vehicle public transit travel time in hours between the zones
pub_walkt Public Transit (PT) access/egress walk time in hours between the zones
pub_wtt public transit waiting time in hour between the zone
pub_cost public transit cost between the zones
avg_transfer average number of PT transfers between the zones
pub_out public transit out of vehicle travel time in hours

zone-zone travel time data

There are two tables in the Simmobility database in the demand schema holding TAZ-TAZ departure and arrival based travel times for every TAZ pair for each of the 48 30-minute intervals in the day. The table tcost_car holds private vehicle travel times and the table tcost_bus holds public transit travel times.

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