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Supply Schema

smart-fm edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 7 revisions


Column name Description
id node id
x x position
y y position
z z position (currently we do not have this data)
traffic_light_id traffic light id from the traffic data
tags if any information we need to store
node_type 0 is default node, 1 is SINK or SOURCE node, 2 is INTERSECTION NODE, 3 is MERGING/DIVERGING NODE
* Source node - only has outgoing road sections connected to it
* Sink node - only has incoming road sections connected to it


Column name Description
id segment id
link_id every segment is part of the link
sequence_num sequence number of segment in the link
num_lanes number of lanes
capacity capacity of the segment (vehicle per hour per lane * num_lanes)
max_speed speed limit of the segment (km/hr)
tags to store any additional info
link_category category of the link foreign key to the link category table
(for more information on the category please refer to this doc


segment is a collection of points to correctly represent the geometry and this table holds the polypoints of the polylines.

Column name Description
id segment id
x x position
y y position
z z position (currently we do not have any data for z position)
seq_id order of the coordinate in the segment


Column name Description
road_type Road type EXPRESSWAY = 1, Road type URBAN = 2, Road type SLIPROAD = 3, Road type ROUNDABOUT = 4, Road type ACCESS = 5
category Road type EXPRESSWAY(Linkcat A) = 1, Road type URBAN(Linkcat B) = 2, Road type URBAN(Linkcat C) = 3, Road type ACCESS(Linkcat D) = 4, Road type ACCESS(Linkcat E) = 5, Road type SLIPROAD (Linkcat SLIPROAD) = 6, Road type ROUNDABOUT(Linkcat ROUNDABOUT) = 7
from_node Start node of the link
to_node end node of the link
road_name Name of the road


This table is the collection of the poly points for the links to represent the geometry.

Column name Description
id Link id
seq_id order of the point in the link
x x positon
y y position
z z position (we do not have data yet)


This table keeps the link travel time from the simulation run. After every simulation run the existing link travel time is aggregated for 5 min and averaged with the new travel time and if that link didn't exist previously then it will be inserted.

Column name Description
link_id link id
downstream_link_id downstream link id
start_time start of the 5 min interval
end_time end of the 5 min interval
travel_time average travel time


Type of link

Column name Description
id link id


Column name Description
width width of the lane by default is 3.5 m
vehicle_mode currently not used
bus_lane whether a bus lane?
can_stop whether vehicle can stop in this lane
can_park whether vehicle can park in this lane
high_occ_veh whether high occ vehicle is allowed in this lane
has_road_shoulder whether has road shoulder
segment_id segment id the lane belongs to


Polypoints for the lane boundaries.

Column name Description
id Link id
x x positon
y y position
z z position (we do not have data yet)


Connection between two segments.

Column name Description
from_segment starting segment for this connection
to_segment end segment for this connection
from_lane starting lane
to_lane ending lane
is_true_connector indicates whether the from and to lanes are physically connected. 0 - not physically connected, 1 - physically connected


Link's free flow travel time received from Land Transport Authority of Singapore.

Column name Description
link_id link id
travel_mode Travel mode
start_time start of the 5 min interval
end_time end of the 5 min interval


screenline is the count data by the vehicle type. There are some segments for which we have this count data. This table holds the mapping between the screenline data segment and SimMobility segment.

Column name Description
segmentId SimMobility segment id
screenLineSegmet screenline segment id


Turning path is the connection between the lanes within turning group. For more information refer to road network document.

Column name Description
from_lane id of the incoming lane to the turning path
to_lane id of the outgoing lane of the turning path
group_id id of the turning group to which the turning path belongs
max_speed speed limit in the turning (km/hr)


Turning group is the data structure in the intersection and it is the collection of turning paths connected to the similar links. For more information refer to the road network document.

Column name Description
node_id Intersection node
from_link id of the incoming link to the turning
to_link id of the outgoing link of the turning
phases traffic light phase for this intersection
rules NO_STOP_SIGN = 0, STOP_SIGN = 1 (currently we do not have any data)
visibility distance from where this intersection is visible


Turning conflicts are the points of intersection between two turning paths.

Column name Description
turning_path1 id of one of the turning paths in the conflict
turning_path2 id of the other turning path in the conflict
cd1 distance to the conflilct point from the starting point of turning_path1 (in metre)
cd2 distance to the conflilct point from the starting point of turning_path2 (in metre)
priority 0 - equal priority to vehicles on both turnings, 1 - higher priority to vehicles on turning_path1, 2 - higher priority to vehicles on turning_path2 (currently we do not have data, all are 0)
gap_time the critical gap value (in seconds)
tags any additional info


Collection of polypoints to represent the geometry of the turning path.

Column name Description
id turning path id
x x positon
y y position
z z position (we do not have data yet)


This table contains the information related to the geometry and characteristics of the bus stop.

Column name Description
x x position
y y position
z z position (we currently do not have any data)
id id of the bus stop
code bus stop code (assigned by the land transport authority of Singapore)
section_id segment id nearest to the bus stop
name bus stop name given by LTA Singapore
status status (operational or non-operational )
terminal whether a terminal bus stop (0 - not bus terminal; 1 - is bus terminal)
length the length of bus stops bay
section_offset the distance of bus stops from the starting of segment (in meters). Please refer to Computation of Bus Stop's offset.
tags any additional info
reverse_section (For Bus Terminal Only) the opposite segment of "section_id"
terminal_node (For Bus Terminal Only) node id which is sink node of "section_id" and source node of "reverse_section"


This table contains the bus stop information in terms of route of the bus lines.

Column name Description
route_id bus route id
stop_code stop code given by the LTA Singapore
sequence_no order of the bus stop along the bus route


This table contains the route of the buses which are ordered list of segments.

Column name Description
route_id bus route
sequence_no order of the segment in the list
section_id segment id


This table contains bus frequency information.

Column name Description
frequency_id frequency id
line_id bus route id
start_time start time of the frequency
end_time end time of the frequency
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