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SimMobility road network

smartfm edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 8 revisions

The building blocks of SimMobility road network are described below.

  • Links are contiguous stretches of single directional roads.
  • Nodes are the end points of links. It included different types of nodes:
    - default node (node type = 0)
    - sink/source node (node type = 1)
    (source node-only has outgoing road sections connected to it ; Sink node - only has incoming road sections connected to it)
    - intersection node (node type = 2)
    - merging/diverging node (node type = 3)
    - unreachable / closed nodes (node type = 9)
    - loop node (if a nodes fromLink = toLink) (node type = 8)

Please Note: There should not be any pickup/drop off demand at the node type 1,8 and 9. Also the cars cruising freely on the road should avoid those nodes. Because once the cars will reach there either for pickup/dropoff/cruising they cannot come back to the network.

  • Segments are sub-divisions of a link. These are typically based on changes in the link geometry, such as change in the number of lanes.
  • Lanes are a part of segments that are designated for use by a single line of vehicles.
  • Connectors connect lanes of two consecutive segments within the same link.
  • Turning path is a path connecting specific lanes of two connected links.
  • Turning group is a set of all turning paths that connect the same pair of links.
  • Turning conflicts are overlapping points of two turning paths that have the same traffic phases.
  • Poly-line is a sequence of points defining the shape of road network constructs such as segments, lanes, links and turning paths.

Database Design's supply schema shows the table structures and relationships of the above road network elements.

Step by step guide: How to edit network using QGIS and import in SimMobility

Boston Implementation

Boston road network generation code shows how to generate road network.

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