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Computation of Bus Stop's Offset

smart-fm edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 6 revisions

Objective: Get the distance/offset of the bus stops from the starting of bus stop's segment (in meters)

The followings are the steps to compute bus stop's offset in QGIS. Data required:

  • segment shapefile
  • bus stop shapefile (had correct data of nearest segment id)
  1. Make the segments (which have bus stops) into points wth interval 0.5 meters (lower value, higher accuracy of bus stop's offset). By using QGIS plugin "Locate points along lines", located points along the segments and saved the result as new point shapefile. In result, each point segment stores information of "segment_id" and "distance/offset from the starting of segment".

  1. By using Distance Matric, find the nearest point_segment from each bus stop. (Input: Bus stop; Target: point_segment) From this matching, each bus stop able to obtain "distance/offset from the starting of segment" from nearest point_segment.

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