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Sean Vig edited this page Feb 12, 2015 · 1 revision

GSoC 2014 Report

Accepted Students

Proposal Student GitHub login Mentor Application Blog
Geometry Module Akshay Narasimha akshayah3 Stefan Krastanov GSoC 2014 Application Akshay Geometry Module
Improving equation solvers Harsh Gupta hargup Matthew Rocklin, Sergey Kirpichev GSoC 2014 Application Harsh Gupta: Solvers
Linearization Routines for Equations of Motion Jim Crist jcrist Oliver, Luke Peterson
Optics Module Sudhanshu Mishra debugger22 Ondřej Čertík, Sean Vig GSoC 2014 Application Sudhanshu Mishra : Optics Module
Implementation of Propositional and First Order Logic in SymPy Soumya Dipta Biswas SDB1323 Aaron Meurer GSoC 2014 Application Soumya Dipta Biswas: Propositional and First Order Logic
sympy.vector Module Sachin Joglekar srjoglekar246 Jason Moore
Implementation of system of ODEs and Improvement of ODEs solving Engine Kundan Kumar KDMOE Tim Lahey, Sean Vig
Extending Elementary Functions in CSymPy Sushant Hiray sushant-hiray Ondřej Čertík GSoC 2014 Application Sushant Hiray: Extending Elementary Functions CSymPy
Linear Algebra Module for CSymPy Thilina Rathnayake thilinarmtb Ondřej Čertík GSoC 2014 Application Thilina Rathnayake: Linear Algebra Module for CSymPy
Series Expansion Avichal Dayal avichaldayal Stefan Krastanov, Sergey B Kirpichev GSoC 2014 Application Avichal Dayal Series Expansion
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