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TCLethbridge edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 1 revision

Manual UmpleOnline tests

Do the following groups of manual tests whenever you have made changes to UmpleOnline. This will help ensure everything remains working. Update this wiki page if you discover anything else that needs testing

Test group A: Tests of Do/undo including text loading unloading

A1. Edit text, verify that after 3 seconds, changes are made to diagram.

A2. ... after test A1, use undo button, verify text reverts and diagram reverts

A3. Same as test A2, but use command-z (if on a Mac) or control-z if on Windows

A4. ... after test A2 and A3, use redo, verify text comes back

A5. Edit diagram ... verify change is made in text

A6. After test A5, use undo (c-Z) and verify that the diagram and text change are undone.

A7. Repeat A6 but using the undo icon in the middle of the screen

A8. Use Save&Load / Reset / Load Blank Model; then undo to verify the previous model comes back.

A9. Do multiple text changes and then undo several times, and redo several times.

A10. Add add a new Umple tab (little + near the top), and repeat above tests in the new tab and the old one

A11. Verify that the icon to indent code works, and that undo works with this too

Test group B: General window tests

B1. Make sure that if you use control-T or command-T that the text disappears, and that it reappears if you repeat.

B2. Use the options menu to display and hide the layout editor

B3. Change the size of the text panel, and of the overall Window and verify all looks good

Test group C. Internal Code editing and manipulating capabilities

C1. Type a line number into the line number box and verify that line is highlighted

C2. In a class diagram (In editable E mode) select a class, and verify the relevant code is highlighted in the text pane

C3. Repeat test C2 in a graphviz class diagram

C4. In a large example with many lines o text, type 999 into the line number box and verify it jumps to the end

C5. Verify that the keywords are highlighted as per the clike.js file (as in 2.x where it said CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-umple") ... in particular check that isA and mixset keywords are highlighted as these are unique to Umple.

C5. Make sure that as you enter brackets, the matching bracket appears in green.

C6. Verify that if you add a bracket that cannot be matched, the bracket appears in red.

C7. Verify that if you click on a line number area with an open brace (curly bracked) that the block of code is hidden, and that clicking again re-opens it

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