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New daily trending repos in TypeScript #34

vitalets opened this issue Nov 9, 2017 · 31 comments

New daily trending repos in TypeScript #34

vitalets opened this issue Nov 9, 2017 · 31 comments


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vitalets commented Nov 9, 2017

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Repository owner locked and limited conversation to collaborators Nov 9, 2017
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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

apache / superset
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
+28 stars today

TypeCellOS / BlockNote
A React Rich Text Editor that's block-based (Notion style) and extensible. Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.
+22 stars today

open-metadata / OpenMetadata
OpenMetadata is a unified platform for discovery, observability, and governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth lineage, and seamless team collaboration.
+17 stars today

backstage / backstage
Backstage is an open framework for building developer portals
+8 stars today

xjh22222228 / nav
🔍 发现导航 , 最强静态导航网站

🔍 Discover Navigation, the most powerful static navigation website

+6 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

directus / directus
The Modern Data Stack 🐰 — Directus is an instant REST+GraphQL API and intuitive no-code data collaboration app for any SQL database.
+35 stars today

expo / expo
An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
+34 stars today

nextui-org / nextui
🚀 Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library.
+29 stars today

sadmann7 / shadcn-table
A shadcn table component with server-side sorting, filtering, and pagination.
+24 stars today

grafana / grafana
The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
+20 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

idootop / mi-gpt
🏠 将小爱音箱接入 ChatGPT 和豆包,改造成你的专属语音助手。

🏠 Connect Xiaoai Speaker to ChatGPT and Doubao to transform it into your exclusive voice assistant.

+676 stars today

laudspeaker / laudspeaker
📢 Laudspeaker is an Open Source Customer Engagement and Product Onboarding Platform. Open Source alternative to Braze / One Signal / Customer Io / Appcues / Pendo . Use Laudspeaker to design product onboarding flows and send product and event triggered emails, sms, push and more.
+92 stars today

TanStack / query
🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.
+21 stars today

vikejs / vike
🔨 Flexible, lean, community-driven, dependable, fast Vite-based frontend framework.
+11 stars today

Dhravya / supermemory
Build your own second brain with supermemory. It's a ChatGPT for your bookmarks. Import tweets or save websites and content using the chrome extension.
+8 stars today

vercel / vercel
Develop. Preview. Ship.
+3 stars today

microsoft / azure-pipelines-tasks
Tasks for Azure Pipelines
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

RhysSullivan / shiptalkers
+76 stars today

documenso / documenso
The Open Source DocuSign Alternative.
+32 stars today

pixijs / pixijs
The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
+8 stars today

discordjs / discord.js
A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
+7 stars today

felixmosh / bull-board
🎯 Queue background jobs inspector
+7 stars today

elastic / kibana
Your window into the Elastic Stack
+5 stars today

discord / discord-api-docs
Official Discord API Documentation
+4 stars today

aws-samples / bedrock-claude-chat
AWS-native chatbot using Bedrock + Claude
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

jackyzha0 / quartz
🌱 a fast, batteries-included static-site generator that transforms Markdown content into fully functional websites
+26 stars today

catppuccin / catppuccin
😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
+23 stars today

lucia-auth / lucia
Authentication, simple and clean
+23 stars today

cruip / tailwind-landing-page-template
Simple Light is a free landing page template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully coded in React / Next.js. Made by
+9 stars today

joschan21 / digitalhippo
A Modern Fullstack E-Commerce Marketplace for Digital Products
+5 stars today

styled-components / styled-components
Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅
+5 stars today

mytonwalletorg / mytonwallet
The most feature-rich web wallet and browser extension for TON Network
+3 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

freeCodeCamp / freeCodeCamp's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
+67 stars today

yangshun / tech-interview-handbook
💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
+43 stars today

formbricks / formbricks
Open Source Survey Platform
+42 stars today

DIYgod / RSSHub
🧡 Everything is RSSible
+27 stars today

reworkd / AgentGPT
🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.
+16 stars today

actualbudget / actual
A local-first personal finance app
+12 stars today

xitanggg / open-resume
OpenResume is a powerful open-source resume builder and resume parser.
+10 stars today

vendure-ecommerce / vendure
A headless GraphQL commerce platform for the modern web
+6 stars today

t3-oss / create-t3-turbo
Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native
+3 stars today

BlueWallet / BlueWallet
Bitcoin wallet for iOS & Android. Built with React Native
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

xenova / whisper-web
ML-powered speech recognition directly in your browser
+136 stars today

tailwindlabs / tailwindcss
A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
+54 stars today

invoke-ai / InvokeAI
InvokeAI is a leading creative engine for Stable Diffusion models, empowering professionals, artists, and enthusiasts to generate and create visual media using the latest AI-driven technologies. The solution offers an industry leading WebUI, supports terminal use through a CLI, and serves as the foundation for multiple commercial products.
+41 stars today

type-challenges / type-challenges
Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge
+36 stars today

facebook / docusaurus
Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
+26 stars today

mantinedev / mantine
A fully featured React components library
+21 stars today

prisma / prisma
Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB
+17 stars today

EvolutionAPI / evolution-api
Evolution API is an open-source WhatsApp integration API
+7 stars today

typescript-eslint / typescript-eslint
✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
+6 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

immich-app / immich
High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
+85 stars today

labring / FastGPT
FastGPT is a knowledge-based platform built on the LLMs, offers a comprehensive suite of out-of-the-box capabilities such as data processing, RAG retrieval, and visual AI workflow orchestration, letting you easily develop and deploy complex question-answering systems without the need for extensive setup or configuration.
+47 stars today

siyuan-note / siyuan
A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
+28 stars today

slidevjs / slidev
Presentation Slides for Developers
+21 stars today

cvat-ai / cvat
Annotate better with CVAT, the industry-leading data engine for machine learning. Used and trusted by teams at any scale, for data of any scale.
+9 stars today

chimurai / http-proxy-middleware
⚡ The one-liner node.js http-proxy middleware for connect, express, next.js and more
+5 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

redotvideo / revideo
Create Videos with Code
+164 stars today

langgenius / dify
Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you quickly go from prototype to production.
+147 stars today

shadcn-ui / ui
Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source.
+81 stars today

makeplane / plane
🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source JIRA, Linear and Asana Alternative. Plane helps you track your issues, epics, and product roadmaps in the simplest way possible.
+37 stars today

payloadcms / payload
The best way to build a modern backend + admin UI. No black magic, all TypeScript, and fully open-source, Payload is both an app framework and a headless CMS.
+22 stars today

vuejs / core
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
+20 stars today

rejetto / hfs
HFS is a web file server to run on your computer. Share folders or even a single file thanks to the virtual file system.
+11 stars today

maplibre / maplibre-gl-js
MapLibre GL JS - Interactive vector tile maps in the browser
+4 stars today

getsentry / sentry-javascript
Official Sentry SDKs for JavaScript
+3 stars today

actions / setup-node
Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of node.js
+2 stars today

Azure / azure-sdk-for-js
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for JavaScript (NodeJS & Browser). For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at or our versioned developer docs at
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

vitejs / vite
Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
+21 stars today

actions / checkout
Action for checking out a repo
+7 stars today

BuilderIO / builder
Drag and drop headless CMS for React, Vue, Svelte, Qwik, and more
+7 stars today

swiftlang / vscode-swift
Visual Studio Code Extension for Swift
+7 stars today

googleapis / release-please-action
automated releases based on conventional commits
+7 stars today

mongodb-js / compass
The GUI for MongoDB.
+4 stars today

misskey-dev / misskey
🌎 An interplanetary microblogging platform 🚀
+3 stars today

yarnpkg / berry
📦🐈 Active development trunk for Yarn ⚒
+3 stars today

Azure / communication-ui-library
UI Library for Azure Communication Services helps developers build communication applications with ease. From turn-key composites to UI components that can be composited together.
+3 stars today

DylanVann / react-native-fast-image
🚩 FastImage, performant React Native image component.
+2 stars today

dooboolab-community / react-native-iap
In App Purchase module for React Native!
+2 stars today

ardatan / graphql-tools
🔧 Utility library for GraphQL to build, stitch and mock GraphQL schemas in the SDL-first approach
+1 stars today

Azure / azure-rest-api-specs
The source for REST API specifications for Microsoft Azure.

OfficeDev / teams-toolkit
Developer tools for building Teams apps

aws / aws-sdk-js-v3
Modularized AWS SDK for JavaScript.

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

puppeteer / puppeteer
Node.js API for Chrome
+41 stars today

linkwarden / linkwarden
⚡️⚡️⚡️Self-hosted collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize, and preserve webpages and articles.
+35 stars today

fabian-hiller / valibot
The modular and type safe schema library for validating structural data 🤖
+19 stars today

langfuse / langfuse
🪢 Open source LLM engineering platform: Observability, metrics, evals, prompt management, playground, datasets. Integrates with LlamaIndex, Langchain, OpenAI SDK, LiteLLM, and more. 🍊YC W23
+15 stars today

refined-github / refined-github
Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
+12 stars today

streamich / react-use
React Hooks — 👍
+9 stars today

tusen-ai / naive-ui
A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast.
+8 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

xiaolai / everyone-can-use-english

Everyone can use English

+51 stars today

privatenumber / tsx
⚡️ TypeScript Execute: Node.js enhanced to run TypeScript & ESM
+45 stars today

calcom /
Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
+20 stars today

laurent22 / joplin
Joplin - the secure note taking and to-do app with synchronisation capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
+20 stars today

heyxyz / hey
Hey is a decentralized and permissionless social media app built with Lens Protocol 🌿
+10 stars today

shikijs / shiki
A beautiful yet powerful syntax highlighter
+8 stars today

koush / scrypted
Scrypted is a high performance home video integration and automation platform
+7 stars today

cloudflare / workers-sdk
⛅️ Home to Wrangler, the CLI for Cloudflare Workers®
+3 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

danny-avila / LibreChat
Enhanced ChatGPT Clone: Features OpenAI, Assistants API, Azure, Groq, GPT-4 Vision, Mistral, Bing, Anthropic, OpenRouter, Vertex AI, Gemini, AI model switching, message search, langchain, DALL-E-3, ChatGPT Plugins, OpenAI Functions, Secure Multi-User System, Presets, completely open-source for self-hosting. More features in development
+24 stars today

gothinkster / realworld
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more
+16 stars today

triggerdotdev / is the open source background jobs platform for TypeScript.
+11 stars today

amplication / amplication
🔥🔥🔥 Open-source backend development platform. Build production-ready services without wasting time on repetitive coding.
+9 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

lobehub / lobe-chat
🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design LLMs/AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Bedrock / Azure / Mistral / Perplexity ), Multi-Modals (Vision/TTS) and plugin system. One-click FREE deployment of your private ChatGPT chat application.
+69 stars today

baptisteArno /
💬 Typebot is a powerful chatbot builder that you can self-host.
+56 stars today

omnivore-app / omnivore
Omnivore is a complete, open source read-it-later solution for people who like reading.
+50 stars today

Lissy93 / web-check
🕵️‍♂️ All-in-one OSINT tool for analysing any website
+18 stars today

ueberdosis / tiptap
The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans.
+18 stars today

radix-ui / primitives
Radix Primitives is an open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps. Maintained by @workos.
+13 stars today

TanStack / table
🤖 Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for TS/JS - React-Table, Vue-Table, Solid-Table, Svelte-Table
+12 stars today

angular / components
Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
+5 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

Vendicated / Vencord
The cutest Discord client mod
+65 stars today

ant-design / ant-design
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
+31 stars today

Vencord / Vesktop
Vesktop is a custom Discord App aiming to give you better performance and improve linux support
+14 stars today

vercel / react-tweet
Embed tweets in your React application.
+10 stars today

GrapesJS / grapesjs
Free and Open source Web Builder Framework. Next generation tool for building templates without coding
+9 stars today

Redocly / redoc
📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
+9 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

strapi / strapi
🚀 Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript/TypeScript, fully customizable and developer-first.
+30 stars today

novuhq / novu
Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
+29 stars today

chaitin / SafeLine
A web security gateway, serve as a reverse proxy to protect your websites from attacks and exploits.
+28 stars today

angular / angular
Deliver web apps with confidence 🚀
+25 stars today

jestjs / jest
Delightful JavaScript Testing.
+11 stars today

sanity-io / sanity
Sanity Studio – Rapidly configure content workspaces powered by structured content
+9 stars today

jitsi / jitsi-meet
Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
+7 stars today

mapbox / mapbox-gl-js
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

pmndrs / zustand
🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
+37 stars today

marmelab / react-admin
A frontend Framework for building data-driven applications running on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using TypeScript, React and Material Design
+14 stars today

wasp-lang / wasp
The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js.
+12 stars today

vuejs / pinia
🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support
+7 stars today

youzan / vant
A lightweight, customizable Vue UI library for mobile web apps.
+7 stars today

aws / aws-cdk
The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
+5 stars today

ionic-team / capacitor
Build cross-platform Native Progressive Web Apps for iOS, Android, and the Web ⚡️
+2 stars today

WalletConnect / web3modal
A single Web3 provider solution for all Wallets
+2 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

superagent-ai / superagent
🥷 Run AI-agents with an API
+64 stars today

OpenRailAssociation / osrd
An open source web application for railway infrastructure design, capacity analysis, timetabling and simulation
+21 stars today

nestjs / nest
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript 🚀
+21 stars today

chanind / hanzi-writer
Chinese character stroke order animations and practice quizzes
+20 stars today

umami-software / umami
Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.
+16 stars today

mattermost / mattermost
Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle..
+12 stars today

niklasvh / html2canvas
Screenshots with JavaScript
+4 stars today

Shopify / flash-list
A better list for React Native
+3 stars today

highcharts / highcharts
Highcharts JS, the JavaScript charting framework
+2 stars today

safe-global / safe-smart-account
Safe allows secure management of blockchain assets.
+1 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

teableio / teable
✨ The Next Gen Airtable Alternative: No-Code Postgres
+15 stars today

getumbrel / umbrel
A beautiful home server OS for self-hosting with an app store. Buy a pre-built Umbrel Home with umbrelOS, or install on a Raspberry Pi or any x86 system.
+9 stars today

honojs / hono
Web Framework built on Web Standards
+9 stars today

juice-shop / juice-shop
OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application
+8 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

mayneyao / eidos
Offline alternative to Notion. Eidos is an extensible framework for managing your personal data throughout your lifetime in one place.
+150 stars today

maotoumao / MusicFreeDesktop

Plug-in, customizable, ad-free free music player

+120 stars today

gitbutlerapp / gitbutler
The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte
+47 stars today

AmruthPillai / Reactive-Resume
A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
+17 stars today

google-gemini / generative-ai-js
The official Node.js / Typescript library for the Google Gemini API
+8 stars today

anthropics / anthropic-sdk-typescript
Access to Anthropic's safety-first language model APIs
+4 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

nlkitai / nlux
The 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗳𝘂𝗹 Conversational AI JavaScript Library 💬 — UI for any LLM, supporting LangChain / HuggingFace / Vercel AI, and more 🧡 React, Next.js, and plain JavaScript ⭐️
+47 stars today

vuejs / devtools-next
The next iteration of Vue DevTools
+19 stars today

Infisical / infisical
♾ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI
+12 stars today

lit / lit
Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.
+10 stars today

babel / babel
🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
+8 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

colinhacks / zod
TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
+24 stars today

xyflow / xyflow
React Flow | Svelte Flow - Powerful open source libraries for building node-based UIs with React ( or Svelte ( Ready out-of-the-box and infinitely customizable.
+20 stars today

vbenjs / vue-vben-admin
A modern vue admin. It is based on Vue3, vite and TypeScript. It's fast!
+18 stars today

openstatusHQ / openstatus
🏓 The open-source synthetic & real user monitoring platform 🏓
+12 stars today

remix-run / react-router
Declarative routing for React
+11 stars today

NervJS / taro
开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。

An open cross-end and cross-frame solution that supports the use of React/Vue/Nerv and other frameworks to develop WeChat/JD/Baidu/Alipay/Bytedance/QQ Mini Programs/H5/React Native and other applications.

+10 stars today

wevm / viem
TypeScript Interface for Ethereum
+10 stars today

NomicFoundation / hardhat
Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software.
+4 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

aspen-cloud / triplit
A full-stack, syncing database that runs on both server and client. Pluggable storage (indexeddb, sqlite, durable objects), syncs over websockets, and works with your favorite framework (React, Solid, Vue, Svelte).
+150 stars today

wandb / openui
OpenUI let's you describe UI using your imagination, then see it rendered live.
+36 stars today

leptonai / search_with_lepton
Building a quick conversation-based search demo with Lepton AI.
+25 stars today

hoppscotch / hoppscotch
Open source API development ecosystem - (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
+25 stars today

material-components / material-web
Material Design Web Components
+19 stars today

renovatebot / renovate
Home of the Renovate CLI: Cross-platform Dependency Automation by
+17 stars today

baidu / amis
前端低代码框架,通过 JSON 配置就能生成各种页面。

The front-end low-code framework can generate various pages through JSON configuration.

+4 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

FlowiseAI / Flowise
Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow
+49 stars today

microsoft / playwright
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
+26 stars today

soybeanjs / soybean-admin
A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 UnoCSS。

A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on the latest front-end technology stack, including Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS.

+25 stars today

didi / xiaoju-survey
「快速」打造「专属」问卷系统, 让调研「更轻松」

"Quickly" create an "exclusive" questionnaire system to make research "easier"

+19 stars today

transloadit / uppy
The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶
+14 stars today

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

posit-dev / positron
Positron, a next-generation data science IDE
+189 stars today

ZuodaoTech / everyone-can-use-english

Everyone can use English

+50 stars today

eclipse-theia / theia
Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
+44 stars today

streetwriters / notesnook
A fully open source & end-to-end encrypted note taking alternative to Evernote.
+28 stars today

plasmicapp / plasmic
Visual builder for React. Build apps, websites, and content. Integrate with your codebase.
+27 stars today

ionic-team / ionic-framework
A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
+9 stars today

liyupi / sql-mother
免费的闯关式 SQL 自学教程网站,从 0 到 1 带大家掌握常用 SQL 语法,纯前端实现,简单易学~

A free SQL self-study tutorial website that helps you master common SQL syntax from 0 to 1. It is purely front-end implemented and easy to learn~

+6 stars today

QwikDev / qwik
Instant-loading web apps, without effort
+3 stars today

NG-ZORRO / ng-zorro-antd
Angular UI Component Library based on Ant Design

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

nocodb / nocodb
🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative
+15 stars today

maurodesouza / profile-readme-generator
🎨 Enhance your GitHub profile with this amazing tool, which allows you to create a personalized README quickly and easily. This profile README generator is the best you'll find 🚀
+9 stars today

compiler-explorer / compiler-explorer
Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
+9 stars today

ever-co / ever-gauzy
Ever® Gauzy™ - Open Business Management Platform (ERP/CRM/HRM/ATS/PM) -
+6 stars today

thepeacockproject / Peacock
The Peacock Project is a HITMAN™ World of Assassination trilogy server replacement.
+3 stars today

DestinyItemManager / DIM
Destiny Item Manager
+2 stars today

ffxiv-teamcraft / ffxiv-teamcraft
A ffxiv tool to handle collaborative crafts easily
+1 stars today

Roblox / creator-docs
Open Source Creator Documentation
+1 stars today

rgthree / rgthree-comfy
Making ComfyUI more comfortable!

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New daily trending repos in TypeScript!

mifi / lossless-cut
The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing
+695 stars today

kamranahmedse / developer-roadmap
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
+145 stars today

BartoszJarocki / cv
Print-friendly, minimalist CV page
+14 stars today

vercel / nextjs-subscription-payments
Clone, deploy, and fully customize a SaaS subscription application with Next.js.
+7 stars today

replit / kaboom
💥 JavaScript game library
+7 stars today

TanStack / router
🤖 Fully typesafe Router for React (and friends) w/ built-in caching, 1st class search-param APIs, client-side cache integration and isomorphic rendering.
+6 stars today

ghostfolio / ghostfolio
Open Source Wealth Management Software. Angular + NestJS + Prisma + Nx + TypeScript 🤍
+5 stars today

pawelmalak / flame
Flame is self-hosted startpage for your server. Easily manage your apps and bookmarks with built-in editors.
+4 stars today

vercel / platforms
A full-stack Next.js app with multi-tenancy and custom domain support. Built with Next.js App Router and the Vercel Domains API.
+3 stars today

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