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865 lines (587 loc) · 46.8 KB

File metadata and controls

865 lines (587 loc) · 46.8 KB

Change Log

v1.0.0-beta.18 (2019-04-01)

🚀 Enhancement

  • slate-sections-plugin, slate-translations
  • slate-tools

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-sections-plugin
    • #1008 Fix lax checking of filename against genericTemplateName in sections plugin. (@andyexeter)

Committers: 3

v1.0.0-beta.17 (2019-03-11)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-sections-plugin

Committers: 1

v1.0.0-beta.16 (2019-03-05)

🚀 Enhancement

🏠 Internal

Committers: 3

v1.0.0-beta.15 (2019-02-11)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-tools
    • #967 Resolve Windows Slashes for styles and script tags snippets.. (@YourWishes)
  • slate-analytics
    • #925 Update analytics to refer to betainstead of alpha. (@t-kelly)

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

  • slate-tools
    • #923 Fix cli:start and start:start analytics events. (@t-kelly)

:wrench Config

  • slate-env, slate-sync
    • #968 Expose request timeout of themekit in .env. (@Liroo)

Committers: 4

v1.0.0-beta.14 (2018-11-22)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-tools
    • #883 Fix liquid styles not uploading to Shopify. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-cssvar-loader
    • #878 Add check for hyphens in Liquid style tag for CSS custom properties. (@chrisberthe)

Committers: 2

v1.0.0-beta.13 (2018-11-16)

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-tools
    • #877 Fix style-tags.liquid so it points to correct styleLiquid path. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 2

v1.0.0-beta.12 (2018-10-25)

💔 Breaking

All pre-exisiting logic and operations that were performed to folders inside the the src/assets directory has been removed. All contents of the assets folder are now statically copied to the dist/assets folder.

The src/assets/scripts directory has moved to src/scripts.

The src/assets/styles directory has moved to src/styles.

SVGs contained in the src/assets/svgs directory, which were copied to the dist/snippets directory and renamed to .liquid files, should now be moved into the src/snippets directory and manually renamed with a .liquid extension. This will allows these SVGs to continue to be inlined into your theme via the {% include %} tag.

Referencing assets via relative paths, e.g. <img src"{{ '../assets/images/my-image.jpg' | asset_url }} />, has been replaced by native Shopify asset references, e.g. <img src"{{ 'my-image.jpg' | asset_url }} />.

See Pull Request #850 for all the details.

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

  • html-webpack-liquid-asset-tags-plugin, slate-config, slate-liquid-asset-loader, slate-tools
  • slate-tools

Committers: 3

v1.0.0-beta.11 (2018-10-16)

🐛 Bug Fix

🏠 Internal

Committers: 3

v1.0.0-beta.10 (2018-10-12)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-tools
    • #808 Support customers level template bundles. (@tshamz)
    • #810 Add rule to webpack config to handle .css files. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-env, slate-sync, slate-tools
    • #812 Fix SLATE_USER_EMAIL env variable not being set for all commands. (@t-kelly)

📝 Documentation

  • slate-env
    • #814 Clarify how the the SLATE_IGNORE_FILES env variable works. (@t-kelly)

🏠 Internal

  • slate-tools
    • #815 Remove extra } character in settings-data prompt. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 2

v1.0.0-beta.9 (2018-09-28)

In addition to this beta release, we shipped v1 of theme-cart, a tiny library (<1kb min+gzip that facilitates requests to Shopify's Cart API and makes it easier to manage cart state. Check out the other packages in the repo while you're there too!

🚀 Enhancement

  • slate-tools
    • #773 Add configuration to disable external testing using local IP. (@t-kelly)

🐛 Bug Fix

🏠 Internal

  • Other
  • slate-tools
    • #779 Update dependencies to remove Tapable.plugin warning. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 2

v1.0.0-beta.8 (2018-09-14)

💔 Breaking

You will need to update your slate.config.js to the new, simplified, more powerful format. For more information see the new Slate Configuration page.

There is no longer seperate development or production configurations. A configuration can return different values for prod or dev by checking if process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' or process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'.

🚀 Enhancement

  • slate-config, slate-cssvar-loader, slate-env, slate-rc, slate-sync, slate-tools
    • #725 Simplify @shopify/slate-config and refactor where it's used. (@t-kelly)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-config
    • #750 Throw any errors that occur in slate.config.js. (@t-kelly)

📝 Documentation

  • slate-config

🏠 Internal

  • slate-config
    • #756 Pass computed default value to slate.config.js functions. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-tools
  • slate-analytics, slate-env, slate-tools
  • slate-config, slate-tools
  • slate-analytics, slate-tools
  • slate-config, slate-cssvar-loader, slate-tools
    • #730 Correct tests to use global.slateUserConfig. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 1

v1.0.0-beta.7 (2018-09-04)

🚀 Enhancement

  • slate-tools

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-tools
    • #721 Fix conditions for generating script tags. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 2

v1.0.0-beta.6 (2018-08-01)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-tools
  • slate-tag-webpack-plugin
    • #662 Only set theme_packaged_with if the first settings panel is theme_info. (@davidcornu)

📝 Documentation

  • slate-env

Committers: 3

v1.0.0-beta.5 (2018-06-26)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-tools
    • #654 Fix build break when missing fonts directory. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 1

v1.0.0-beta.4 (2018-06-26)

💔 Breaking

  • slate-tools
    • #642 BREAKING: Add load logic and preload future styles and scripts. (@t-kelly)

🚀 Enhancement

  • slate-tools
    • #647 Copy the contents of src/assets/images and src/assets/fonts. (@t-kelly)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-sync, slate-tools
    • #643 Throw an error if we fail to access Theme API. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 1

v1.0.0-beta.3 (2018-06-19)

🚀 Enhancement

  • slate-cssvar-loader
    • #621 Modified slate-cssvar-loader to allow CSS variables without Liquid variables, V2. (@truribe)

Committers: 3

v1.0.0-beta.2 (2018-05-25)

🚀 Enhancement

  • slate-analytics, slate-env
    • #592 Add SLATE_USER_EMAIL env variable for slate-analytics. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-tools

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-analytics

🏠 Internal

Committers: 4

v1.0.0-beta.1 (2018-05-03)

🚀 Enhancement

  • html-webpack-liquid-asset-tags-plugin

    • #521 Update liquid-asset-plugin to use tapable.hooks. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-cssvar-loader

    • #520 Change the the default CSS var declaration file to theme.liquid (@t-kelly)
  • slate-tools

    • #519 Breaking: assets/vendors to assets/static. (@t-kelly)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #517 Fix CircleCI running with Node 10. (@t-kelly)

  • slate-analytics

    • #522 Remove circular reference in Slate Analytics event (@t-kelly)
  • slate-cssvar-loader

    • #515 [slate-cssvar-loader] Escape double quotes from liquid variable. (@mmorissette)

📝 Documentation

  • slate-tools

Committers: 1

v1.0.0-alpha.29 (2018-04-27)

🚀 Enhancement

  • concat-style-loader
    • #510 Ignore @import statements which are not followed by url(..). (@t-kelly)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • create-slate-theme
    • #513 Make sure paths with spaces don't break Create Slate Theme. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-liquid-asset-loader, slate-tools
    • #512 Fix asset url generated in slate-tools start. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-cssvar-loader
    • #506 Fix default cssVarLoaderLiquidPath for the slate-cssvar-loader package. (@mmorissette)

Committers: 2

v1.0.0-alpha.28 (2018-04-18)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • concat-style-loader
    • #500 Add @import file as dependencies in concat-css-loader. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-tools
    • #498 Fix files uploaded by the dev server. (@t-kelly)
    • #495 Add path module to dev-server/ssl module. (@t-kelly)
    • #494 Adds concat-style-loader to slate-tools package.json. (@t-kelly)

📝 Documentation

Committers: 2

v1.0.0-alpha.27 (2018-04-17)


  • #450 Webpack v4. Add template and layout specific JS entrypoints.
  • #488 Add concat-style-loader to handle Liquid Style files. (@t-kelly)

Huge performance improvements for Themes on it's way with the introduction of Webpack 4 and its automatic bundle splitting. This allows Layouts and Templates to have their own independent JS and CSS bundles that are only loaded on the appropriate page(s). Say goodbye to JS and CSS bloat!

You must now include the following in the <head> of any layout file you wish to have JS and CSS. For example, this is what you would put inside the <head> of your layout/theme.liquid file:

{% include 'script-tags', layout: 'theme' %}
{% include 'style-tags' %}

These snippets are generated automatically by Slate Tools at build. Their contents include <script> and <link> tags for each JS and CSS bundles.

You now must also have a src/assets/scripts/layout folder and a src/assets/scripts/templates. Any file contained in these folders which have a name the same as their Liquid counterpart is considered an entrypoint. For example, if I create a src/assets/scripts/templates/index.js file, it's contents will only be downloaded and run when a user visits the Index page.

🚀 Enhancement

  • concat-style-loader, slate-tools
    • #488 Add concat-style-loader to handle Liquid Style files. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-sync, slate-tools
  • create-slate-theme, html-webpack-liquid-asset-tags-plugin, slate-analytics, slate-sync, slate-tag-webpack-plugin, slate-tools
    • #450 Webpack v4. Add template and layout specific JS entrypoints.. (@t-kelly)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-config
    • #482 Incorrect type checking when building config objects. (@t-kelly)

📝 Documentation

  • slate-tools
    • #478 Fix typo at packages/slate-tools/ (@jbruni)

🏠 Internal

  • slate-sync, slate-tools
  • slate-babel, slate-common-excludes, slate-tools
    • #473 Remove slate-babel and slate-common-excludes. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 2

v1.0.0-alpha.26 (2018-03-27)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-tools
    • #458 Fix fake SSL certificate path in slate-tools start command. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 3

v1.0.0-alpha.25 (2018-03-23)

🚀 Enhancement

  • slate-sync, slate-tools
  • slate-tools
  • create-slate-theme
    • #445 Default to https when cloning new Slate theme. (@t-kelly)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • create-slate-theme

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

  • slate-tools
    • #417 marks webpack compilation script error with process.exit(1). (@rickitan)
  • slate-babel, slate-common-excludes, slate-config, slate-cssvar-loader, slate-env, slate-rc, slate-sync, slate-tools

Committers: 3

v1.0.0-alpha.24 (2018-02-21)

🚀 Enhancement

  • slate-cssvar-loader
    • #397 Grab the entire cssvar value when running the slate-cssvar-loader (@mmorissette)
  • slate-config, slate-env
    • #405 Add helpful comments to generated .env file. (@t-kelly)

📝 Documentation

Committers: 3

v0.13.0 (2017-10-30)

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

🏠 Internal

  • slate-tools
    • #303 Change dev script click event target from document to minimize button.(@Investopedia)
  • slate-theme
    • #300 Correct some function comments. (@Jore)
  • Other

Committers: 9

v0.12.4 (2017-09-07)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-theme
    • #275 Fix search result item image liquid reference. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 1

v0.12.3 (2017-09-06)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-theme
    • #272 Fix a variable declaration typo in product.js. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 1

v0.12.2 (2017-08-30)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-theme
    • #264 Fix typo and variable declaration order in product.js. (@saudslm)

Committers: 1

v0.12.1 (2017-08-24)

🐛 Bug Fix

Committers: 1

v0.12.0 (2017-08-24)

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

  • slate-theme
    • #239 Fix behaviour and errors when no productimage. (@t-kelly)
  • slate-tools
    • #240 Ignore watching dot files in dist/ directory. (@t-kelly)

🏠 Internal

  • slate-cli, slate-theme, slate-tools
    • #212 Combine all Slate repos into a single monorepo. (@t-kelly)

Committers: 2

v0.11.0 (2017-07-19)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

v0.10.2 (2017-06-16)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

v0.10.1 (2017-05-26)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

v0.10.0 (2017-04-19)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

v0.9.7 (2017-04-07)

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Merged pull requests:

v0.9.5 (2017-03-01)

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Merged pull requests:

v0.9.2 (2016-11-29)

Full Changelog

v0.9.1 (2016-11-24)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

v0.9.0 (2016-11-22)

Merged pull requests:

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator