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Pierre Letouzey edited this page Oct 27, 2017 · 7 revisions

In Coq, you can use notations to have fancy (and/or more readable) way to write your code in Coq. Here is an example of what you can have:

Set Implicit Arguments.
Record set (A: Type): Type :=
Comprehension {In: A -> Prop}.
Delimit Scope set_scope with set.
Open Scope set_scope.
Notation "{ x : s 'st' P }" :=
 ({|In:=λ (x: s), P|}) (at level 10, x at level 69): set_scope.
Notation "{ x 'st' P }" := ({x:_ st P}) (at level 10, x at level 69): set_scope.
Notation "x ∈ X" := (X.(In) x) (at level 40): set_scope.
Notation "x ∉ X" := (¬(x ∈ X)) (at level 40): set_scope.
Notation "X ⊆ Y" := (∀ x, x ∈ X → x ∈ Y) (at level 40): set_scope.
Notation "X ≡ Y" := (X⊆Y ∧ Y⊆X) (at level 40): set_scope.
Notation "X ∪ Y" := ({x st x ∈ X ∨ x ∈ Y}) (at level 55): set_scope.
Notation "X ∩ Y" := ({x st x ∈ X ∧ x ∈ Y}) (at level 50): set_scope.
Notation "⋃ X" := ({x st ∃ y, x ∈ y ∧ y ∈ X}) (at level 35): set_scope.
Notation "⋂ X" := ({x st ∀ y, y ∈ X → x ∈ y}) (at level 30): set_scope.
Notation "f ⁻¹ Σ" := ({x st (f x) ∈ Σ}) (at level 5): set_scope.
Notation "∁ A" := ({x st x ∉ A}) (at level 5): set_scope.
Definition empty_set (A: Type) := {x: A st ⊥}.
Definition full_set (A: Type) := {x: A st ⊤}.
Notation "₀ s" := (empty_set s) (at level 5): set_scope.
Notation "₁ s" := (full_set s) (at level 5): set_scope.
Definition finite_union {A: Type} (f: nat -> set A) :=
 fix finite_union n :=
 match n with
 | O => ₀A
 | S k => (f k) ∪ (finite_union k)
Axiom Extensionnality: ∀ (S: Type) (σ1 σ2: set S), σ1 ≡ σ2 → σ1 = σ2.
Class Topology (S: Type): Type :=
{ O: set (set S);
  Hempty: ₀S ∈ O;
  Hall: ₁S ∈ O;
  Hinter: ∀ ω1 ω2, (ω1 ∈ O) → (ω2 ∈ O) → (ω1 ∩ ω2) ∈ O;
  HUNION: ∀ ωs, (∀ ω, (ω ∈ ωs) → (ω ∈ O)) → (⋃ωs) ∈ O
Definition Compact {A: Type} {ΩA: Topology A} a :=
 ∀ os, (a ⊆ ⋃os ∧ (∀ o, (o ∈ os) → (o ∈ O))) →
 ∃ subos, ∃ n, (∀ m, m<n → (subos m) ∈ os) ∧ a ⊆ (finite_union subos n).
Definition Separables {A: Type} {ΩA: Topology A} x y :=
 ∃ ox, ∃ oy,
 ((y ∈ oy) ∧ (oy ∈ O)) ∧
 ((x ∈ ox) ∧ (ox ∈ O)) ∧
 (ox ⊆ ∁oy).
Lemma compacts_are_closed:
 ∀ A {ΩA: Topology A}, (∀ x y, x ≠ y → Separables x y) →
 ∀ a, Compact a → (∁a ∈ O).

It seems cool, but how to have a way to input such a code in (almost) any editor under X? A good way is to have a "XIM" compliant editor (under X, almost any editor is XIM compliant; so it is the case for emacs, xterm, url in firefox, …), then following some tutorials on XCompose, you can have some cool stuff:

echo 'GTK_IM_MODULE=xim' >> $PROFILE
echo 'QT_IM_MODULE=xim' >> $PROFILE
echo 'XMODIFIERS=@im=xim' >> $PROFILE

where $PROFILE is "/.profile" or "/.xinitrc" (or any script file run at logging time under X).

Now, if you do not have a "<Multi-key>", it can be (although not necessary) to define one:

echo 'keycode 117 = Multi_key' >> ~/.Xmodmap

To know the keycode you want, you can use xev.

Now create or edit "~/.XCompose" to have your wished compositions:

echo 'include "~/.XCompose.my_symbols"' >> ~/.XCompose
touch ~/.XCompose.my_symbols

Now, you have to edit this file to have your own compositions. Take a look at the official webpage of unicode to find the unicode codes you want.

The expected format is:

[non_empty_list_of_keys_or_unicode_name] : [optional """utf8-encoded-character"""] [optional unicode-name] [optional "U"unicode-code]

for instance:

echo '<Multi_key> <a> <l> <l> : "∀" U2200' >> ~/.XCompose.my_symbols

Finally restart your X server, and all should work.

See this file for an example.

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