An Awesome Collection of Awesome Collections
Node.js - Async non-blocking event-driven JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- Cross-Platform - Writing cross-platform code on Node.js.
iOS - Mobile operating system for Apple phones and tablets.
Android - Mobile operating system developed by Google.
Electron - Cross-platform native desktop apps using JavaScript/HTML/CSS.
macOS - Operating system for Apple's Mac computers.
Heroku - Cloud platform as a service.
Raspberry Pi - Credit card-sized computer aimed at teaching kids programming, but capable of a lot more.
Smart TV - Create apps for different TV platforms.
DigitalOcean - Cloud computing platform designed for developers.
IBM Cloud - Cloud platform for developers and companies.
Firebase - App development platform built on Google Cloud Platform.
Robot Operating System 2.0 - Set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot apps.
Adafruit IO - Visualize and store data from any device.
Cloudflare - CDN, DNS, DDoS protection, and security for your site.
Actions on Google - Developer platform for Google Assistant.
- Promises
- Standard Style - Style guide and linter.
- Must Watch Talks
- Tips
- Network Layer
- Micro npm Packages
- Mad Science npm Packages - Impossible sounding projects that exist.
- Maintenance Modules - For npm packages.
- npm - Package manager.
- AVA - Test runner.
- ESLint - Linter.
- Functional Programming
- Observables
- npm scripts - Task runner.
- 30 Seconds of Code - Code snippets you can understand in 30 seconds.
- Python - General-purpose programming language designed for readability.
- Asyncio - Asynchronous I/O in Python 3.
- Scientific Audio - Scientific research in audio/music.
- CircuitPython - A version of Python for microcontrollers.
- Data Science - Data analysis and machine learning.
- Typing - Optional static typing for Python.
CSS - Style sheet language that specifies how HTML elements are displayed on screen.
React - App framework.
- Relay - Framework for building data-driven React apps.
- React Hooks - A new feature that lets you use state and other React features without writing a class.
Polymer - JavaScript library to develop Web Components.
Angular - App framework.
Backbone - App framework.
HTML5 - Markup language used for websites & web apps.
SVG - XML-based vector image format.
KnockoutJS - JavaScript library.
Dojo Toolkit - JavaScript toolkit.
Ember - App framework.
D3 - Library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations.
jQuery - Easy to use JavaScript library for DOM manipulation.
Cycle.js - Functional and reactive JavaScript framework.
Vue.js - App framework.
Marionette.js - App framework.
Aurelia - App framework.
PostCSS - CSS tool.
Draft.js - Rich text editor framework for React.
choo - App framework.
Redux - State container for JavaScript apps.
webpack - Module bundler.
Browserify - Module bundler.
Sass - CSS preprocessor.
Ant Design - Enterprise-class UI design language.
Less - CSS preprocessor.
WebGL - JavaScript API for rendering 3D graphics.
Preact - App framework.
Next.js - Framework for server-rendered React apps.
Hyperapp - Tiny JavaScript library for building web apps.
lit-html - HTML templating library for JavaScript.
JAMstack - Modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt markup.
WordPress-Gatsby - Web development technology stack with WordPress as a back end and Gatsby as a front end.
Mobile Web Development - Creating a great mobile web experience.
Storybook - Development environment for UI components.
Blazor - .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly.
Web Performance Metrics - Metrics to help understand page speed and user experience.
Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
nginx - Web server.
- University Courses
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Tutorials
- ML with Ruby - Learning, implementing, and applying Machine Learning using Ruby.
- Core ML Models - Models for Apple's machine learning framework.
- H2O - Open source distributed machine learning platform written in Java with APIs in R, Python, and Scala.
- Speech and Natural Language Processing
- Spanish
- NLP with Ruby
- Question Answering - The science of asking and answering in natural language with a machine.
- Linguistics
- Cryptography
- Papers - Theory basics for using cryptography by non-cryptographers.
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning - Neural networks.
- TensorFlow - Library for machine intelligence.
- Papers - The most cited deep learning papers.
- Education
- Deep Vision
- Open Source Society University
- Functional Programming
- Empirical Software Engineering - Evidence-based research on software systems.
- Static Analysis & Code Quality
- Information Retrieval - Learn to develop your own search engine.
- Quantum Computing - Computing which utilizes quantum mechanics and qubits on quantum computers.
- Big Data
- Public Datasets
- Hadoop - Framework for distributed storage and processing of very large data sets.
- Data Engineering
- Streaming
- Apache Spark - Unified engine for large-scale data processing.
- Qlik - Business intelligence platform for data visualization, analytics, and reporting apps.