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KM200 Binding

whopperg edited this page Feb 3, 2017 · 68 revisions

Documentation of the KM200 binding bundle Note: This Binding will be available starting with version 1.9.0 of the OH1 bindings.


For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings, or you can add this JAR to your addons folder.

The KM200 Binding is communicating with a Buderus Logamatic web KM200 / KM100 / KM50. It is possible to recive and send parameters like string or float values.

Important: If the communication is not working and you see in the logfile errors like "illegal key size" then you have to change the Java Cryptography Extension to the Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction.

For Linux Systems:
cd $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security
Check if these two files local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar already exsist. If so, delete them and extract the ones from the zip file to this folder.
Also, if this doesn't work, please try restart openhab service.

Adapt your openhab.cfg to your configuration:

  • IP address of KN200 to connect to
  • There a two ways of de-/encryption password handling:
  1. With the finished private key, here is this one required:

    You could generate this key here f.e.
    Geräte-Passwort = gateway password
    Benutzer-Passwort = user password (the one you set the first time you connected with the EasyControl App to the box)

  2. --OR-- the binding is creating the key from the md5salt, the device and the private password. Here are all three required:

Generic Item Binding Configuration

In order to bind an item to the KM200 device, you need to provide configuration settings. The easiest way to do so is to add some binding information in your item file (in the folder configurations/items). There are two different ways to configure the items.

Direct access wir defined key:

DateTime  budDate	"Buderus Date Time[%1$tA, %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" {km200="date_time"}
DateTime  budDate	"Buderus Datum  [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]" {km200="date_time"}
String  budBrand "Brand of the heater [%s]" {km200="sys_brand"}
String  budType "Type of the heater [%s]" {km200="sys_type"}
String  budStatus "State of the heater [%s]" {km200="sys_state"}
String  budFirmware "Firmwareversion [%s]" {km200="ver_firmware"}
String  budHardware  "Hardwareversion [%s]" {km200="ver_hardware"}

List of avalible services:

The second way is the definition of user-defined items with direct path to the services. Here you need to know which kind of services is you device supporting. This information you will get from this binding.

  • Set the right configuration to the openhab.cfg file.
  • Now you have to start openhab and take a look to the openhab log file. (/var/log/openhub/openhab.log)
  • Here you will see after 1-2 Minutes after start a table with all supported services and capabilities. It is looking like this:

List of availible services:


You can copy this table in excel. It is ';' seperated.
The colums are:

Property Description
readable Service is readable, if not then you cannot use it
writable It is possible to set values
recordable It is possible to create recordings. Not directly supported yet
virtual This service is only virtual and not existing of the device. The binding is translating the message to the parent
type FloatValue, stringValue, switchProgram (not supported), refEnum ( not relevant), yRecording (not supported)
service This is the path for the configuration
value Value of the service in the time of the init
allowed If existing then only this values are possible
min The min value for a float
max The max value for a float

You can select this services in the config with the syntax: service:

Switching Programs

The binding is now supporting the reading and changing of switching programs. The communication between the binding and the user is done over virtual services. In the service list are now virtual services included. Every switch program service has now five virtual subservices. They are:

Subservice Description
weekday Selection of a weekday, possible: Mo/Tu/We/Th/Fr/Sa/Su
nbrCycles The number of cycles (on+off or day+night, depends on the parent service) on the selected day
cycle Selection of a cycle on the selected day
on/day The selected switch time for the on/day type of the selected cycle
off/night The selected switch time for the off/night type of the selected cycle

Add a new switch cycle

With the last commit it's possible to add a switch cycle to the end of the cycle list.

  • Set a weekday.
  • Set the cycle to the one after the number of actual cycles.
  • Set the time for the new on/day type, it will by automaticly moved to the first possible time.
  • Set the time for the new off/night type, it will by automaticly moved to the first possible time.

Remove a switch cycle

With the last commit it's possible to remove a switch cycle from the end of the cycle list.

  • Set a weekday.
  • Set the cycle to the last one.
  • Set the time for the off/night type to max time (1430 Minutes).
  • Set the time for the on/day type to max time (1430 Minutes).
  • Some seconds later it will be removed.

##Error Lists The binding is supporting the parsing of the device error list. This list is usally readable from the /notification service. This has now new subservices

Subservice Description
nbrErrors The number of errors
error Selection of the error for generation of the errorString
errorString String with all informations about this error

Dynamic service path (Parameter replacement)

In some cases the path to the service not static. It depends on something else like another service. One example for this are switching programs. It is nice to see switch points parameters from the current selected program. This binding is supporting parameter replacements. It meens that's possible to replace a part of the service path with a values from another service.

Parameter Replacement
__current__ current:<path>


String  budState "State of the heating [%s]"  {km200="service:/system/healthStatus"}
Number	budTemp  "Temperature heating night [%.1f °C]" {km200="service:/heatingCircuits/hc3/temperatureLevels/night"}

For switches you can define which of the allowed values is the one for 'on' and 'off'.

Switch budMode "Mode [%s]" {km200="service:/heatingCircuits/hc3/operationMode on:auto off:night"}

Switching programs: (you have to select as first the day, second the cycle and then read/write on/day or off/night).

String actBudDayHC1 "Day HC1 [%s]" {km200="service:/heatingCircuits/hc1/switchPrograms/Eigen1/weekday" }
Number nbrBudNbrCyclesHC1 "Cycles HC1 [%d]" {km200="service:/heatingCircuits/hc1/switchPrograms/Eigen1/nbrCycles" }
Number actBudCycleHC1 "Selected cycle HC1 [%d]" {km200="service:/heatingCircuits/hc1/switchPrograms/Eigen1/cycle" }
Number actBudPosHC1 "Day  HC1  [%d]" {km200="service:/heatingCircuits/hc1/switchPrograms/Eigen1/day" }
Number actBudNegHC1"Night HC1  [%d]" {km200="service:/heatingCircuits/hc1/switchPrograms/Eigen1/night" }

Number nbrBudNbrCyclesHCT1Curr "Current HC1 [%d]" {km200="service:/heatingCircuits/hc1/switchPrograms/__current__/nbrCycles current:/heatingCircuits/hc1/actualSwitchingProgram" 

###Example files (German):


KM200 Binding with OpenHAB

KM200 Binding with CometVisu

Supported item types

Item Type KM200 service type
Number For string, float and switching program (cycle, nbrCycles, on/day, off/night)
String For string, float and switching program (weekday))
DateTime For string and switching program (on/day, off/night)
Switch For string

This binding is automaticly blocking the values to the allowed and limiting them to the min and max capabilities.


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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