OSX (macOS) inside a Docker container.
Nov 16, 2024 - Python
Docker is software that provides containers, which allows teams to emulate development environments. It began as an internal project, initially developed by dotCloud engineers.
OSX (macOS) inside a Docker container.
Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container.
Given an existing docker container, prints the command line necessary to run a copy of it.
Automatically update running docker containers with newest available image
Run virtual routers with docker
Reference deployment of JupyterHub with docker
This docker container allows you to see up to date reports simply mounting your "allure-results" directory in the container (for a Single Project) or your "projects" directory (for Multiple Projects). Every time appears new results (generated for your tests), Allure Docker Service will detect those changes and it will generate a new report autom…
A simple Headscale web UI for small-scale deployments.
Spawns JupyterHub single user servers in Docker containers
An Open Source Modular Framework From Face to FACS Based Avatar Animation (Unity3D / Blender)
A scalable storage service for cryptocurrency data
🤖 Automate Bing Searches 🔍, Quizzes 🧪, Polls 📝, & more for Bing Rewards. 💸
This is a repository for an object detection inference API using the Tensorflow framework.
Apply\Destory Terraform modules via a simple REST API endpoint.
A no nonsense Vector Tile pipeline
A module for Python that facilitates easier usage of Docker in Python.
This program finds the most mentioned ticker on r/wallstreetbets and uses Vader SentimentIntensityAnalyzer to calculate the sentiment analysis.
Poco will help you to organise and manage Docker, Docker-Compose, Kubernetes, Openshift projects of any complexity using simple YAML config files to shorten the route from finding your project to initialising it in your local environment.
This is a fork of the TecoGAN project (https://github.com/thunil/TecoGAN) that adds support for docker.
Created by Solomon Hykes
Released March 2013