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1104 lines (724 loc) · 47.9 KB

File metadata and controls

1104 lines (724 loc) · 47.9 KB


v0.33.1 - 13/06/2024


  • Wrong slice spacing for DICOM Seg #1677

v0.33.0 - 06/06/2024


  • Add set position to zoom tool #1675
  • Allow to specify the root html document #1670
  • Revise image spacing calculation #1651
  • Cast value for UN tag write fix #1645
  • Allow to deactivate UN tags fixing #1642
  • Add url load 'forceLoader' option #1629
  • Check number of frames value before adding dimension #1615
  • Relax Accept header test for canLoadUrl methods #1614
  • Allow scroll if at least one data of the layerGroup can #1593
  • Allow to deactivate draw shortcuts #1579
  • Allow to abort individual load #1572
  • Allow to add missing tags while writing DICOM #1561
  • Remove mouse and touch event position calculation #1559
  • Add tags to image meta data #1557
  • Rename WindowCenterAndWidth to voiLut #1554
  • Rename rescaleLut to modalityLut #1553
  • Allow to check image UIDs #1550
  • Move label to bellow shape for circle and ellipse #1539
  • Change draw colour according to layer #1537
  • Add srclayerid to draw events #1531
  • Store window/level in data view config #1526
  • Change 'loaderror' and 'loadabort' event type #1524
  • No loadend event when http requests fails #1522
  • Store image smoothing setting for future layers #1519
  • Send delete draw events on layer delete #1518
  • Store current opacity and colour map in data view config #1517
  • Add window level type #1515
  • Add a colour map binder #1508
  • Do not synchronise opacity if only one layer #1506
  • Add support for writing DICOM with unknown VR #1505
  • Set colour map by name in ViewConfig #1499
  • Add units to draw quantification #1489
  • Export draw controller type #1488
  • Add opacity to dataViewConfig #1464
  • Allow to change image smoothing from the app #1463
  • Use string dataid, replace loadid with dataid #1460
  • Add data index to draw events #1457
  • Make scroll an option of the draw tool #1456
  • Allow to set the active layer group #1455
  • Make default properties available in shape quant #1434
  • Allow to add and remove view configuration #1431
  • Allow to override shape label text #1429
  • Add support for PET SUV #1418
  • Decouple data rescaling and view windowing #1406
  • Add API to help with information overlay #1383
  • Add support for writing DICOM seg #1128


  • Overlay on zoomed layer #1674
  • Wrong circle and ellipse quantification values for oriented views #1662
  • Fix scroll sensitivity #1634
  • Writer replace tags fails for implicit data #1607
  • Fix anisotropic DICOM seg support #1602
  • Fix abort #1573
  • VR=xs breaks data writing #1567
  • VR=OB and bitsAllocated=16 breaks data writing #1566
  • getIndexFromStringId does not handle X only index #1562
  • Wrong anchor position on circle edit undo #1540
  • View shift on resize of an MPR view #1535
  • TypeError: Cannot set property type of [object Event]... #1523
  • Crosshair gets out of layer #1494
  • Draws move on resize #1493
  • Error when moving anchor out of canvas #1492
  • Shape does not follow roi anchors #1491
  • Wrong measurements in MPR views #1473
  • Draw deletion in MPR #1468
  • Image offset and oriented incorrectly #1459
  • data change bug in viewer #1424
  • drawlayer bug when changing data view #1423
  • Bad transfer syntax for data with no DCIM prefix #1416
  • Image data range and rescaled range are not correct #1404

v0.32.6 - 17/04/2024


v0.32.5 - 17/04/2024


  • Image does not completely fill div #1655

v0.32.4 - 18/03/2024


  • event.preventDefault for wheel events #1632

v0.32.3 - 22/09/2023


  • Add support for writing DICOM with unknown VR #1507

v0.32.2 - 04/09/2023


  • Add app options type #1481
  • Add data element type #1474
  • Export luts as plural not singular #1478
  • Add data view config type #1475
  • Use File[] and not Filelist #1476

v0.32.1 - 19/06/2023


  • Update API to provide image creation and state apply #1410
  • Change babel configuration #1409


  • Uncaught TypeError: t.findOne is not a function #1392

v0.32.0 - 02/06/2023


  • Make dwv importable as an es6 module #399
  • typings #669
  • Follow DICOM json standard #1071


  • Unknown VR breaks code #1325

v0.31.2 - 07/05/2023


  • Cannot run thread after stop #1358
  • Error in objectToArray #1354


  • Add source to dicom load errors #1355

v0.31.1 - 27/04/2023


  • MPR bad offset when loading larger data #1348
  • DICOM seg loading failure 'Test distance is increasing' #1347
  • Error when accessing modality w/l presets #1346

v0.31.0 - 07/03/2023


  • Add support for MIME multipart content-type #1084

  • Add support for reading DICOM Seg #932

  • Update dictionary to 2022a #1219

  • Add crosshair to layer groups #1286

  • Add pixel value on mouseover #1273

  • Remove i18next #1320

  • Allow for mouse wheel scroll in tools that do not use the mouse wheel #1319

  • Change draw shape opacity on mouse over #1318

  • Make mouse wheel scroll multi frame data #1316

  • Use event key property and not keyCode (deprecated) #1305

  • Use passive event listeners #1304

  • Send draw create/delete events when Draw tool is not selected #1301

  • Use lowest image position patient as geometry origin #1282

  • Revise layer id creation to avoid collision #1277

  • Simplify tool configuration in app.init #1269

  • Allow to set the image smoothing #1247

  • Recalculate vl at writing time #1240

  • Fix reading sequence items #1231

  • Remove vr=OW and bitsAllocated=8 warning #1225

  • Move to clean-jsdoc-theme #1212

  • Simplify Application tool API #1203

  • Add index to iterator next returned object #1202

  • Allow to override slice sorting #1185

  • Make scroll from trackpad less sensitive #1184

  • Use same pixel ratio for multiple views #1182

  • Add loadid and isfirstitem to 'loaditem' event #1180

  • Add intermediates slices when creating mask #1176

  • Fix negative index in worldToIndex #1163

  • Smaller data disapears in MPR #1162

  • Window level tool proportional to data range #1160

  • Do not throw error when no data view config #1155

  • Improve writer size calculation #1142

  • Overlay does not compensate for offset at each slice #1133

  • Avoid postion - index conversion in view #1130

  • Overlay data freezes when out of range #1129

  • Race condition for multiple loadURLs #1121

  • Move getElementsFromJSONTags to make it public #1114

  • Application fitToContainer should resize all layer groups #1113

  • Clip values in ciexyz to srgb conversion #1112

  • Replace string substr (deprecated) with substring #1089

  • Update CI to use node 16 #1080


  • Fix SpecificCharacterSet when writing DICOM data #1088
  • Bad normal construction #1264
  • An exception was caught when onResize was called #1233
  • readUint64Array is not defined #1220
  • Fix tag isPrivate method #1218
  • Microsoft Edge and Google Drive data #214

v0.30.8 - 03/01/2022


  • Load state shape does not show on correct slice #1078
  • TypeError: point.get is not a function when loading state #1077
  • Uncaught TypeError: t.getX is not a function when saving state #1072

v0.30.7 - 28/12/2021


  • Pinch zoom is not working #1070

v0.30.6 - 20/12/2021


  • Zoom does not stay centred with overlay data #1066
  • Image limit for offset overlap #1065

v0.30.5 - 16/12/2021


  • Allow to play multi-frame data #1064
  • Allow scroll for multi-frame data #1063
  • Stop worker if no tasks left #1062

v0.30.4 - 10/12/2021


  • Load i18next plugins as modules #1057
  • Update overlays after event data change #1056


  • Replace i18next-xhr-backend with i18next-http-backend #1049

v0.30.3 - 09/12/2021


  • y.Group is not a constructor #1055

v0.30.2 - 07/12/2021


  • Add browserlist to package.json #1052
  • Add engines to package.json #1050


  • require() of ES modules is not supported #1045

v0.30.1 - 03/12/2021


  • Missing class for Konva #1044

v0.30.0 - 02/12/2021


  • Allow for manual frame add #1034
  • Add support for multi-resolution data #1003
  • Remove coveralls and use karma coverage check #1002
  • Use the same (web) worker for multiple data decode #993
  • Add text encoding in data writer #963
  • Support anisotropic pixels #952
  • Check data allocation size to avoid error #951
  • Allow to load files based on UID #949
  • Simplify image class data storage #905
  • Multi-slice view #133
  • Add MPR #4


  • Check var length before accessing it #1017
  • Drag&drop of the ruler label causes console errors #994

v0.29.1 - 11/06/2021


  • Reduce z-index of draw layers #945
  • Postpone DOM first access #944

v0.29.0 - 03/06/2021


  • Allow for multiple image layers #893
  • Move roi meta data to meta object #883


  • Add utilities for CIE lab colour conversion #940
  • Send draw creation events at state load #939
  • Recurse in sequences when extracting meta data #921
  • Add support for binary data #919
  • Use the wheel event #917
  • Remove bower configuration #913
  • Move to Github actions #912
  • Mouse drag: Lowering WW below 0 Exception #903
  • Add shadow to text and background to label #889
  • Fix label text size #887
  • Allow to change the image layer opacity #886
  • Add circle draw shape #885
  • Add median, 25% and 75% percentiles to shape quantification #877
  • Add pixel quantification for ellipse #871
  • Out of view text #151

v0.28.2 - 20/04/2021


  • Do not force i18next dependency #910

v0.28.1 - 02/02/2021


  • TypeError: i18next.t is not a function #862

v0.28.0 - 28/01/2021


  • Remove hyphen from event types #808


  • Do not use smoothing for image display #850
  • Add a shortcut to exit draw creation #849
  • Handle no root case in decodeKeyValueUri #843
  • Add load benchmark to tests #840
  • Relax checks for meta data merge #828
  • Make first render optional #826
  • Use event name in overlays.json files #824
  • Send event data in the 'value' property #813
  • Private sequences with undefined length and explicit VR=UN #799
  • Add pixel generator from file #795
  • Move wiki pages to doc #789
  • Enforce code styling #782
  • Use a logger class #781
  • Use image iterators to generate view #749
  • Stop using PhantomJS #719


  • Wrong data size calculation for DicomWriter #809
  • Node deprecation #614
  • Cannot delete a draw when the cross overlaps with overlays #552


  • Update Konva to v7 #853
  • Update magic-wand #788
  • Update i18next to v19 #727

v0.27.1 - 24/09/2020


  • Merge #767 into v0.27.1 #773
  • Use image iterators to generate view #749
  • Stop using PhantomJS #719


  • Select multiple local Dcm files and report errors. #755
  • dwv 0.27.0 loadImageObject not work #739
  • Null first buffer element at image contruction #712
  • Node deprecation #614


  • Update i18next to v19 #727
  • Update Konva to v4 #726

v0.27.0 - 11/03/2020


  • Refactor data load events and handlers #701


  • Get merged tags for multislice data #690
  • Remove gui specific code #679
  • Add support for PALETTE COLOR photometric interpretation #664
  • Add support for YBR photometric interpretation #63


  • window.onResize is a memory leak and does not allow multiple dwv app instances at once #705
  • RLE decompression fails on 16bits data #670

v0.26.0 - 12/05/2019


  • More robust url parsing #650
  • Add support for RLE encoded data #636
  • Use ImageNumber to sort slice when ImagePosition is not present #592
  • slow processing speed when loading series with more than 100 Slices #559
  • Remove a drawing by id #557
  • Check memory usage for second image load #397
  • Allow to load DICOM with no DICM preamble #188


  • Unable to abort RawImageLoader requests #583


  • An in-range update of grunt-jsdoc is breaking the build 🚨 #651
  • An in-range update of i18next-browser-languagedetector is breaking the build 🚨 #605
  • An in-range update of konva is breaking the build 🚨 #603
  • An in-range update of grunt-cli is breaking the build 🚨 #602

v0.25.2 - 08/10/2018


  • More generic layer container size calculation #581

v0.25.1 - 04/10/2018


  • Improve layer container size calculation #580

v0.25.0 - 02/10/2018


  • Use container size as reference #579

v0.24.1 - 25/09/2018


  • Allow to load DICOMDIR with extension #568
  • Add a width check at window level creation #567

v0.24.0 - 24/08/2018


  • image data processing speed is very slow #540
  • Allow to delete a draw using Supr key #525
  • Add tests for the dwv.image.ImageFactory #479
  • Add support for DICOMDIR #425


  • Wado non dicom does not get loaded #553
  • Cant load state in Microsoft Edge #551
  • Check for same image orientation when appending slices #466

v0.23.6 - 13/06/2018


  • Better placement of the delete draw arrow #517
  • Adapt shape extras to scale #516


  • Cannot load state with multiple drawings #515
  • Freehand anchors do not stick #505

v0.23.5 - 07/06/2018


  • Add public access to the DICOM tags #498
  • Change draw interaction for mouse events #492


  • Fix module.exports #491

v0.23.4 - 18/04/2018


  • Update build process #480

v0.23.3 - 25/03/2018


  • Running Modernizr tests at startup crashes node #474

v0.23.2 - 19/03/2018


  • Use event.currentTarget and not this in handlers #471

v0.23.1 - 18/03/2018


  • Include modernizr as part of the code #467
  • Add Romanian language #465


  • Fix AMD module wrapping #468

v0.23.0 - 11/03/2018


  • Can't set path for resources. #457
  • DICOM Compliance #449
  • Reduce Konva layer/canvas usage #442
  • Consider using ServiceWorker for offline support #213


  • IE11: Object doesn't support property or method 'startsWith' #441

v0.22.1 - 19/12/2017


  • Cannot append a slice with different number of columns #433


  • Line shapes are difficult to grab #440
  • Floating shape when dragging #439
  • MONOCHROME1 photometric interpretation does not display correctly #435

v0.22.0 - 30/11/2017


  • Make mouse-wheel and mouse-move coherent for scroll #427
  • Misprint in label #426
  • Add folder support on file input #424
  • Allow to cancel a file download and/or display #412
  • Update conquest lua scripts #406
  • DicomWriter transfer syntax limit #343


  • Listen for init and not loaded before using i18next #418


  • An in-range update of i18next is breaking the build 🚨 #417

v0.21.0 - 28/09/2017


  • Update jquery-ui to 1.12.1 #403
  • Add filter execution events #402
  • More precise window/level and zoom change events #395
  • Update JPEGLosslessDecoderJS to the latest version #394


  • The .min version uses " ext/rii-mango/decode-jpeg loss.js" but doesn't exist in this version /ext folder #383


  • An in-range update of konva is breaking the build 🚨 #380

v0.20.1 - 09/07/2017


  • Only use character set decoding on specific VR #368
  • Do not create new TextDecoders at each decode #365

v0.20.0 - 28/06/2017


  • Allow for easier file loader integration #337
  • Use a top of page line progress for the mobile viewer #333
  • Import data from video file #328
  • Do not show mesures when no pixel spacing is set #302


  • Touch scroll triggers slice play #361
  • Keep TypedArray type in image append #360
  • Dicom writer error: Offset is outside the bounds #335
  • Input color not available on Safari #330

v0.19.2 - 19/04/2017


  • Fix MagicWand dependency #326

v0.19.1 - 13/04/2017


  • Fix dwv modules #325

v0.19.0 - 12/04/2017


  • Investigate using Konvajs #152

v0.18.0 - 29/03/2017


  • Add support for different image orientation #317
  • Add support for per slice window/level #316
  • Allow for mouse wheel frame navigation #310
  • Update CI PhantomJs to 2.1 #287


  • HTTP 403 error when accessing Googe Drive data #215

v0.17.0 - 23/12/2016


  • Allow for individual draw display toggle #293
  • Add a free-hand draw tool #292
  • Add an annotation draw tool #291
  • Change the line tool into a ruler #290
  • Add a play slice/frame #289
  • Create a DrawController #284
  • Allow to delete all drawings #283
  • Avoid race condition in applaunchers #265
  • Show list of drawings #5


  • Spaces are lost when in state content #277
  • Image not Opening (page crashes) #236

v0.16.1 - 03/10/2016


  • Add TypedArray slice implementation for signed data #275
  • Better i18n locale folder initialisation #274
  • Add GB2312 character set support #273
  • Suppose same min/max for all frames #267
  • Initialise Livewire only when displayed #266
  • Updated jquery-ui to 1.12.0 #263
  • Add annotation tool #64


  • Use correct Chinese language code #272
  • Ellipse surface goes negative #271
  • PixelData parse error. PixelData VR=OB,TransferSyntax=1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 #270
  • Uncaught unknown JPEG marker ffff #262

v0.16.0 - 23/08/2016


  • Allow multi frame synchronous decoding #260
  • Add global decoding web workers setting #259

v0.15.0 - 21/07/2016


  • Allow to enforce the Character Set #254
  • Add support for character sets #248
  • Store frames as array elements #246
  • Allow for external tool addition #242
  • Simplify DICOM sequences parsing #240
  • Add next/previous slice key binding #234
  • Multi-language support #220
  • Add support for multi frame data #132


  • Fix empty sequence tag support #238
  • Cannot draw on multislice data #230

v0.14.0 - 09/03/2016


  • Update demo and test to use https #216
  • Change app.loadURL to app.loadURLs #212
  • Change to JSDoc #210
  • Update jquery dependencies #209
  • Add dropbox integration #207
  • Add Google drive integration #206
  • Allow viewers to add functionality #205
  • Allow to set RequestHeaders on url load #204
  • Allow to overload the URI decoding #203
  • Investigate using web workers #194
  • src/gui/loader.js - fix class name #190
  • Input urls via HTTP Post #130


  • Fix id generator #201
  • Fix slice order glitch #200
  • argument for draw listener #198
  • Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'add' of null #197

v0.13.0 - 20/11/2015


  • Add a slice change event #185
  • Allow for relative uri for manifest file link #184


  • Fix flicking progress #186

v0.12.0 - 20/10/2015


  • Access GUI component per app #177


  • Cannot type in the DICOM tags search input #181
  • Error parsing image - nested sequences? #180
  • setCurrentPosition using getCurrentPosition does not work #178

v0.11.1 - 30/09/2015


  • Prevent page scroll when using mouse whell #175
  • Proper multiframe error #174

v0.11.0 - 18/09/2015


  • Add support for JPEG Lossless transfer syntax #165
  • Update DICOM dictionary #164
  • Add standard colour maps #163
  • Restrict use of DICOM dictionary #160
  • Slips in documentation #158
  • Add support for JPEG transfer syntax #61


  • is not a function #167

v0.10.1 - 26/06/2015


  • Remove unnecessary swap #157
  • Additional Examples of Displaying DICOM #138

v0.10.0 - 27/05/2015


  • No data copy in dicomParser #148
  • Undo doesn't trigger draw-event #147
  • Export application events #143
  • Proper support for DICOM tag sequence #142
  • Proper FileMetaInformationGroupLength tag name #141
  • Allow for value multiplicity for US and UL VR #140
  • Save application state #136
  • Review pdf.js jpeg2000 support #131


  • URL with hash part is not parsed correctly #146
  • Fix drawing text #145
  • Line Endings in src/image/geometry.js #137
  • version 9 zoom flip the image after extra zoom #134

v0.9.0 - 06/03/2015


  • Scroll: default, only when needed and mouse wheel #129
  • Allow for multiple app instances on the same page #124
  • Add support for per slice rescale slope and intercept #80
  • Add tool to measure angles #8


  • Cannot load data from manifest file #127
  • Fix OW value representation for 8bit PixelData #123

v0.8.0 - 24/11/2014


  • Add support for file(s) drag and drop #113
  • No exception for zero length value length #112
  • Use url key as a keyword #111
  • Integrate with Orthanc #110


  • Window Width value is going -ve on window/level #114
  • RGB data missing center in simple viewer #109
  • Wrong display for signed data with rescale slope different than one #108

v0.7.1 - 18/09/2014


  • Add links in help page #106
  • Update to jquery-mobile 1.4.3 #105
  • Restore quantification on drawn shapes #100
  • Add 3D to drawings #66


  • Fix OX value representation for PixelData #107

v0.7.0 - 28/06/2014


  • Read weasis wado manifest files #89
  • Add iBooks HTML widget resources #86
  • Allow to move/modify drawings #6
  • integration dcm4chee #1


  • Incorrect display of signed data in Internet Explorer #95
  • Measurments do not adapt to zoom #27

v0.6.0 - 24/02/2014


  • Update jquery and related #84
  • Add central version for viewers #83
  • Add single interaction tools #82
  • Can you please update the conquest interface file? #78
  • Add mutiple file url load #77
  • Flexible GUI #73
  • Revise mobile gui #72
  • Move static version to a demo folder #71
  • Manual window/level saving #65


  • Window/level preset for abdomen is inverted #81

v0.5.1 - 10/01/2014


  • Update to jquery mobile 1.4 #70


  • Local data loading progress does not disappear #69

v0.5.0 - 18/12/2013


  • Update flot to v0.8.2 #67
  • Add support for JPEG 2000 transfer syntax #62
  • Modularise data loaders #58
  • Use application cache #52
  • Add help #51
  • Update to jquery 2 #50
  • Proper support for RGB images #29

v0.4.1 - 26/09/2013


  • Check browser compatibility #40

v0.4.0 - 24/09/2013


  • Enable livewire on mobile #49
  • Clean up documentation #48
  • Load multiple remote slices #45
  • Check tag consitency for multiple input #44
  • Support signed data #39
  • Use travis continous integration #38
  • Adapt presets to modality #37
  • MVC Design #36
  • Safeguard zoom/pan #35
  • Use the bits* DICOM tags #30
  • Load multiple local slices #3


  • Conquest interfacing broken #46
  • Can't load another image without refreshing #43
  • The response of windowlevel is very slow #34
  • Two touch zoom goes only one way in one go #33
  • messes up display [#18](#18)

v0.3.0 - 07/05/2013


  • Planar configuration for RGB images #31
  • Add onmouseout for tools #26
  • Support for different values of Photometric Interpretation #24
  • Support jpg and png input #21
  • FielReader.readAsBinaryString is deprecated #20
  • Autosize #19
  • Udpate jquery #16
  • Integration request with conquest web viewer #15
  • Enable touch events #14
  • Check DICOM data support #10
  • Add zoom/pan tool #2


  • Missing information in meta tags #23
  • Read number in scientific notation #17

v0.2.0 - 05/11/2012


  • Mobile interface #13


  • Can't show some images on second load #12
  • Can't show big size image #11

v0.1.0 - 02/04/2012


  • Use dialogs #9
  • Search dicom tags #7