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YUI 3.10.0 Change History Rollup

triptych edited this page Apr 15, 2013 · 18 revisions

App Framework Change History


  • Fixed: The options object passed to Model's setAttrs() method was being modified. Now a shallow copy of this object is now created so that the _transaction property is added to the copy and not the passed-in object. [#598]

Attribute Change History

  • Significant performance improvements in common Attribute operations.

    For example, on Chrome:

    `get()` is 4 times faster
    `set()` is 3 times faster

    Major performance related changes are listed below.

    Commit messages have detailed descriptions of incremental changes, and the benefits introduced.

  • We retrieve and pass the internally stored attribute configuration in State by reference in a lot more places, across methods, results in less function hops, and removing the need for each method to go and ask for the configuration.

  • Avoid the delete operator for transient configuration properties, and just set to null or other falsey values as appropriate.

  • Store final attribute config in State by reference, as opposed to merging since it's isolated already higher up in the call stack.

AutoComplete Change History

  • (Add italian language files to the components. [albertosantini])

Base Change History

  • Significant performance improvements in common Base/BaseCore operations.

    For example, on Chrome:

    new BaseCore() is 3 times faster BaseCore set() is 3 times faster BaseCore get() is 5 times faster

    In addition to the above basic BaseCore numbers, improvements in CustomEvent performance, result in the following improvements for Base

    new Base() is 4 times faster Base set() is 4 times faster Base get() is 5 times faster

    Major performance related changes are listed in the list of updates below.

    Commit messages have detailed descriptions of incremental changes, and the benefits introduced.

  • [!] The result of static ATTRS aggregation is now cached during the creation of the first instance of a given "class", and the cached results are reused for subsequent instances.

    This provides significant performance benefits, but has the potential to introduce a backwards compatibility issue in the hopefully rare circumstance that you're modifying the static ATTRS collection directly, after the first instance is created.

    [!] If you are modifying static ATTRS collection directly after an instance is created (e.g. if an optional module comes in and updates the collection dynamically), you will need to change the implementation to use the static Y.Base.modifyAttrs() or Y.BaseCore.modifyAttrs() method, so we can mark the cached aggregation dirty, and recompute it.

    `Y.Base.modifyAttrs(MyClass, {..changes to merge..})`

    Base.create and Base.mix will take care of this internally, so you only need to use the above methods if your own code is touching the ATTRS object on a class. Additionaly, Base.create and Base.mix will add the modifyAttrs to your created class, so you can also call it directly on the class. e.g.

    `MyCreatedClass.modifyAttrs({..changes to merge..})`

Color Change History

  • (Allow upper and lowercase to values for convert(). Also return original value if an invalid to value is provided. Fixes #583)

CSS Grids Change History

  • (remove previous text and images, use lorem ipsum and placeholder text instead.)

Node Change History

  • Fix node.all() to return an empty NodeList if the node was destroyed - Fixes #580 (hat tip Dallas Wheeler)

YUI Core Change History

  • (Add ability to filter log messages by threshold [andrewnicols])


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