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Releases: anki-geo/ultimate-geography


20 Feb 17:10
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πŸ“ To upgrade from v5.1, please follow the special upgrade instructions on the wiki, which include steps to remove one of the notes from the deck. To upgrade from an earlier version, please refer to the relevant instructions. If you run into issues, let us know in the v5.2 discussion thread.

New translation

Country names, capitals and supplementary info

  • πŸ—‘οΈ Remove Republic of Artsakh, which ceased to exist on January 1, 2024, and was removed from Wikipedia's list of sovereign states #611 #620
  • πŸ‘‰ Change capital of Kazakhstan back to Astana and update country info #571 #579
  • πŸ‘‰ [EN, CS, PL, IT] Add alternative names for Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic #561 #570
  • πŸ‘‰ [PL] Change ObwΓ³d Kaliningradzki to ObwΓ³d krΓ³lewiecki (Kaliningrad Oblast) and mention name change in country info #609
  • πŸ‘‰ [SV] Change Vitryssland to Belarus and add alternative name to country info #599
  • πŸ‘‰ [SV] Mention formal name of the United Kingdom, FΓΆrenade kungariket, in country info #600 #619
  • πŸ‘‰ [NL] Change Micronesia to Federale Staten van MicronesiΓ« and add alternative names in country info #583
  • πŸ‘‰ [NL] Change Maldiven to Malediven #588
  • πŸ‘‰ [NL] Add alternative names for Stille Oceaan (Pacific Ocean), Oostzee (Baltic Sea), Meer van Tiberias (Sea of Galilee), and Peking (Beijing) #582 #584 #585 #588
  • ⛑️ [NL] Fix multiple country and capital names and fix/improve various country/capital info #573 #574 #575 #576 #586 #588 #601

Maps and flags

  • πŸ‘‰ Update map of Azerbaijan to no longer mark as disputed the territory of the now-defunct Republic of Artsakh #611 #620
  • πŸ‘‰ Update flag of Kyrgyzstan with new sun design and correct shade of red #625 #626
  • ✨ Vectorise remaining PNG flags #534 #577 #580 #587
  • Make description of cyclic colour permutation clearer in flag similarities #614
  • Resize flag of Indonesia #578
  • Add viewBox to flag of Eswatini #578

Other changes


17 Aug 07:47
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Long time no see! πŸ˜… Hope you're ready for a big release, with no fewer than four new translations! πŸŽ‰

πŸ“ To upgrade from v5.0, please follow the instructions in the README. If you're still on v4.1 or earlier, please follow the special upgrade instructions on the wiki instead.

⚠️ For inconsequential reasons, CrowdAnki will bring up the "Change Note Type" dialog, so be careful to select the Ultimate Geography note type in the drop-down menu. Apart from that, everything should go smoothly. If you run into issues, please let us know in the v5.1 discussion thread.

New translations

Country names, capitals and supplementary info

  • πŸ‘‰ Change capital of Kiribati from Tarawa to South Tarawa #166 #512 (see also #416 and Capital field guidelines)
  • πŸ‘‰ [DE] Change Weißrussland to Belarus and mention alternative name in country info #485 #486
  • πŸ‘‰ [ES] Change spelling of capital of Kazakhstan from Nur-sultΓ‘n to NursultΓ‘n #508
  • πŸ‘‰ [NL] Help distinguish between Sint Maarten and Sint-Maarten, the Dutch and French territories on the island of Saint-Martin #464 #467
  • πŸ‘‰ [NL] Mention Belarus as an alternative name for Wit-Rusland #527
  • ⛑️ [NL] Fix spelling of BosniΓ« en Herzegovina and multiple other minor typos #496 #500 #501 #505 #497 #526 #528 #529 #530 #533
  • ⛑️ [RU] Fix multiple country and capital names and fix/improve various country/capital info #474 #515 #525
  • [DE] Remove DARS acronym from country name of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic #547
  • [DE] Fix gender typo in country name of Canary Islands #547
  • [DE] Fix small typos and make minor improvements #483 #484 #514
  • [ES] Fix minor gender typos #487
  • [FR] Fix exact month when Kazakhstan renamed its capital #557

Maps and flags

  • πŸ‘‰ Replace flag of Afghanistan (tricolor flag outlawed by the Taliban) #531
  • ✨ Add contextual zoom box to map of Gibraltar #461 #507
  • Remove longitude and latitude lines from Ukraine map #471 #482
  • Update flag of Mauritania (minor colour and geometrical changes) #531
  • Update flag of Eswatini (colour of feathers) #506

Other changes

  • Remove tag UG::European_Union from note of the United Kingdom #536
  • Translate deck description to Spanish #510 #511
  • Document choices made regarding Brazilian and European dialects for Portuguese translation in CONTRIBUTING guide #490
  • Clarify major version upgrade instructions in README to mention that "clean import" is usually not the only way #479
  • Recommend using a text editor instead of spreadsheet in CONTRIBUTING guide to avoid mangling GUIDs #539
  • Upgrade to BrainBrew 0.3.8 (from 0.3.2), remove legacy recipes and extract note models into their own YAML files #502 #537 #548 #553
  • Fix typos in CONTRIBUTING guide and README #544
  • Optimise images with Imgbot by 15% all up (67 kB) #546


25 Sep 09:38
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πŸ‘‰ Upgrade instructions πŸ‘ˆ

If you use a translated version of the deck (i.e. any language other than English), please read the upgrade instructions carefully! You will need to check a few things to make sure that you can upgrade safely.

Additionally, the removal of the European Union's capital (see below) leads to the removal of two cards from the deck. After upgrading, open Anki, go to the Tools menu, and select Empty Cards.... The dialog that opens should indicate that two cards are now empty and can be removed. Click Delete to confirm their removal.

New notes with maps πŸ—ΊοΈ #388 #386

Following the introduction of the new inclusion rules for seas and straits in v4.1, this release brings no fewer than 9 new seas to the deck. Shout out to @aplaice for making the beautiful maps and upstreaming them to Wikimedia! πŸ™Œ

Multi-language support

After upgrading to this release, you will be able to install multiple translated versions of the deck within the same Anki profile.

This was already possible, except for a couple of language combinations: English+Norwegian and Spanish+French. These deck combinations were problematic because they shared the same sets of note identifiers (GUIDs), which meant that the decks would overwrite each other on import.

To avoid surprises, we decided to resolve this situation by making sure that every deck has its own set of unique note identifiers. We did this by regenerating the GUIDs of the French and Norwegian decks. If you use one of these decks and don't want to lose your progress, you will need to run a debug console script in Anki before upgrading to v5.0. This procedure is explained in details in the upgrade instructions on the wiki.

Country names, capitals and supplementary info

  • πŸ‘‰ Change capital of Palestine from Ramallah to Jerusalem #389 #409
  • πŸ‘‰ [DE] Change Swasiland to Eswatini and update country info #428
  • πŸ‘‰ [FR] Change capital of Palau from Melekeok to Ngerulmud #342 #416 #435
  • πŸ‘‰ [NB] Change capital of Kazakhstan from Astana to Nursultan #416 #435
  • ⛑️ [NL] Fix numerous typos in country and capital names #433
  • ⛑️ [RU] Fix numerous mistranslations of countries and capitals #443 #444 #452 #457 #465
  • ⛑️ [SW] Fix capital of Russia: Bukarest β†’ Moskva #421
  • πŸ—‘οΈ Remove capital and capital info for the European Union #438 #440
  • Mention future capital of Equatorial Guinea, Ciudad de la Paz, in Capital info field #406 #446
  • Add capital info and hints to both Palestine and Israel now that they share the same capital #389 #409
  • Add missing full stops to some country and capital info #384 #383
  • [DE] Fix grammar in capital info of Hong Kong #424
  • [DE] Move alternative spelling of capital of Burkina Faso to Capital info field: Ouagadougou (Wagadugu) β†’ Ouagadougou #416 #435
  • [ES] Remove honorary capital of Montenegro from Capital field: Podgorica, CetiΓ±a β†’ Podgorica #416 #435
  • [ES] Fix minor typos in Country info field #449
  • [NB] Remove alternative capital and capital info for Tuvalu: Vaiaku/Funafuti β†’ Funafuti #416 #435
  • [NB] Remove alternative name for capital of Finland from Capital field: Helsingfors (Helsinki) β†’ Helsingfors #416 #435
  • [NB] Clarify origin of alternative name of Finland's capital in Capital info field #435
  • [NB] Remove parens in capital names of Chile and Colombia #416 #435
  • [NL] Re-order capitals of South Africa for consistency with other languages #416 #435

Maps πŸ—ΊοΈ

  • Improve map of Bali by adding small world map and making it stylistically consistent with other maps #425 #466
  • Update map of Baltic Sea to follow IHO 2002 draft by notably including Kattegat and the Danish straits #434
  • Bring more sea maps in line with IHO boundaries: White Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Gulf of Carpentaria, Gulf of California, East Siberian Sea, Tasman Sea #445 #468
  • Improve maps of Micronesia and Polynesia by insetting their boundaries slightly #455 #462

Flag similarities 🎏

  • Add flag similarities for Russia/Slovakia/Slovenia and Palestine/SADR #429 #473
  • Make flag similarities between Sudan and Palestine more descriptive #404 #432
  • [DE/ES/FR/RU] Fix typos in country names in Flag similarity field #470

Other changes

Contributors πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘

Big thanks to all the awesome people who contributed to this release, notably @aplaice, @zserghei, @ohare93, @josealberto4444, @x51mon, @jamesnelmore, @lennardnl, @Vages, @emiham, @axelboc, as well as everyone who contributed through issues and discussions!


06 Feb 11:23
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This release is a huge step for UG since we've finally migrated to a new deck manager, Brain Brew 🧠 🍺, awesomely made by @ohare93! The old deck manager, Anki Deck Manager, served us well, but with so many requests for new translations, having a single, gigantic CSV file was no longer viable. (Note that this does not change anything to the upgrade process, which still relies on the CrowdAnki add-on.)

Following the migration, our contributors did not waste any time: in just two weeks, the deck welcomed no fewer than four new translations, bringing the total to nine! πŸŽ‰ This release also brings seven new cards and maps, courtesy of @aplaice and the inclusion rules for political entities introduced in v4.0. Last but not least, we've also defined a new set of inclusion rules for seas and straits as explained below.

New translations

New notes with maps only #315 #343

New inclusion rules for seas and straits 🚦

As part of issue #137, we have now defined and documented clear sources and inclusion rules for a few types of water bodies, namely: oceans, marginal seas, straits, channels and passages. You can find these rules in and see them in action in the spreadsheet called physical-entities.xlsx, at the root of the repository.

The new rules will add 33 seas, 9 straits and 1 channel to the deck, and they'll remove only 2 seas. This will eventually result in a net increase of 41 cards with maps, but this may take a while.

Additional content changes

  • 🌟 Add disambiguating zoom boxes to maps of:
  • Rename "Australia (Oceania)" to Oceania and add country info #345 #366
  • [EN] Rename Kiev to Kyiv #371
  • [EN,DE,ES] Fix multiple minor misspellings in country names and capitals #351 #370

Other changes

  • 🧠 Move to Brain Brew and document usage in #364
  • 🌊 Add inclusion rules for seas, straits, channels and passages #137 #346 #379
  • Add constituent countries of the United Kingdom as dependent territories in the inclusion rules for political entities #361 #365


24 Jun 06:46
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It's time for a new MAJOR version! πŸŽ‰

Why all the fuss? In short, we've removed some of the most obscure content from the deck by defining precise inclusion rules for political entities. We hope you'll find those rules to be sensible and the deck to be more enjoyable to learn as a result. Read on to learn more and to find out how to upgrade the deck (don't worry, we have a solution for everyone πŸ˜‰).

New inclusion rules for political entities 🚦

Why was the British Indian Ocean Territory included but not Akrotiri and Dhekelia (cf. #221)? Why was Bali included with a capital and flag, while other provinces of Indonesia weren't included at all? What was Mount Athos doing in there!? These were all fair questions...

Until now, there were no rules guiding which political entities were or were not included in the deck. Content was being added from time to time without much opposition, and content was very rarely removed (because removing something without a clear reason seemed unwise). On top of that, the content of the deck had never really been audited since its first v2 release, which inherited most of its content from the original shared deck. As a result, the deck, which was already quite bloated with small territories originally, was becoming even more bloated release after release, and therefore more and more difficult to master.

Over the course of lengthy discussions, started in #137, continued in #306, and concluded in #312, we decided to do something about it by coming up with precise, documented rules and criteria for inclusion of political entities. You can now find these rules in and see them in action in the spreadsheet called political-entities.xlsx, at the root of the repository.

The new rules lead to the removal of a significant number of capitals (41), flags (38) and maps (17), for a total of 137 cards in the standard deck, thus justifying a major release. 17 notes are fully removed and 28 have had their capital and/or flag removed. The new rules will also lead to the addition of 7 notes with maps only, which will happen in a future release (cf. #315).

  • For more stats, see #312 (review).
  • For an exhaustive list of the removed content, see this file.
  • For an exhaustive list of the removed flags and maps, see this file.

How to upgrade

If you like the removals and don't mind losing your entire progress

Perhaps you've installed the deck recently, or you've been planning on learning the deck from scratch again? If so, the simplest way to upgrade to v4 is to perform a clean import, as described in the README.

If you like the removals but would prefer to keep your progress

We've made a special "legacy" deck for you that you can import in order to move the removed notes out of the main deck. Back up your deck if you want, and just follow these few steps:

  1. Download the ZIP of the legacy deck attached to the release notes,
  2. Extract the ZIP and find the folder that matches your version of the deck.
  3. In Anki, check the configuration of the CrowdAnki add-on to make sure that Do Not Move Existing Cards is unchecked. We do want the cards to move out of the main deck and into the legacy deck. You may re-enable the setting for step 5.
  4. Import this folder into Anki with the CrowdAnki add-on, as explained in the README (steps 4 to 7).
  5. Upgrade the main deck as explained, again, in the README (all the steps this time).
  6. In Anki, in the Tools menu, select Empty Cards... and then confirm the deletion of the cards.
  7. Delete the Ultimate Geography Legacy deck.
  8. In the Tools menu, select Check Media... and then Check Database.
  9. Open the card browser and, in the Notes menu, select Clear Unused Tags.
  10. Synchronise everything ... and you're good to go!

If you don't like the removals and want to keep your progress

We understand that the changes may not be to everyone's liking. If you don't want to lose any content, follow the steps in the previous section except for step 7 (don't delete the legacy deck). You'll then be able to rename the legacy deck and review it in parallel to the main deck. You progress will be kept on notes that were fully removed from the main deck, but not on those that were removed only partially -- those will appear as "new" cards in the legacy deck. We know it's not a perfect solution but we hope it's a reasonable compromise.

Note that it is safe to move the cards from the legacy deck back into the main deck -- they won't get removed or overridden on future upgrades. However, please beware that these notes will not be maintained by UG, so their content may become outdated.

Additional content changes

Maps and flags

  • 🌟 Improve maps of oceans #264 #325
  • 🌟 Improve maps of Java and Sumatra #269 #309
  • Stop highlighting Denmark in map of Greenland #333
  • Remove graticules from maps of continents #265 #331
  • Update outdated flag of the Northern Mariana Islands (now in legacy deck) #317
  • Fix very subtle bug in map of the Gulf of Thailand

Country names, capitals and supplementary info

  • πŸ‘‰ Rename Artsakh to Republic of Artsakh as per Country field guidelines #294
  • πŸ› οΈ [FR] Fix numerous misspellings and typos in country names and capitals #291 #293 #323
  • πŸ› οΈ [FR] Fix country names and capitals as per field guidelines (and update Country info field as required): #323
    • Congo β†’ RΓ©publique du Congo
    • RΓ©publique tchΓ¨que β†’ TchΓ©quie
    • Myanmar β†’ Birmanie
    • Ngerulmud β†’ Melekeok (capital of Palau)
    • District de Yaren β†’ Yaren
    • Luxembourg-Ville β†’ Luxembourg
    • Tarawa-Sud β†’ Tarawa
    • Guatemala-Ville β†’ just Guatemala
  • Add capital info to Switzerland to specify that Bern is the de facto capital -- the country has no official capital #322
  • [EN,DE,FR] Use proper typographical character for NukuΚ»alofa, the capital of Tonga #328
  • [NB] Add missing capital info for Nauru #335
  • [ES] Fix typo in country name of the Philippines #321

Other changes

  • 🏷️ Add subregion tags for Africa: UG::West_Africa and UG::East_Africa #244 #298 #304
  • 🏷️ Reorganise American tags according to 7-continent model by removing UG::America and UG::North+Central_America, and adding UG::North_America #244 #295 #300
  • 🏷️ Fix tag of Greenland: UG::Europe β†’ UG::North_America #297
  • πŸŒ” Improve dark mode glow on flags by not offsetting it like a shadow #290
  • Demonstrate use of new Ug::North_America tag in Custom study section #300
  • Sort every note's tags alphabetically #300
  • Fix links to issues and PRs in #296
  • Update links to new Anki Manual #301
  • Clarify which folder to import when upgrading the deck from a ZIP file #287


13 Apr 09:39
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Another big release! Highlights include two new translations (French and Spanish), brand new maps for water bodies, and plenty of new supplementary information. πŸŽ‰ 🍻

New translations

Content changes

Maps and flags

  • ✨ Improve maps of seas and other water bodies (gulfs, bays, lakes, etc.) #176 #193 #1 - by @aplaice
  • ✨ Improve maps of the Balkan Peninsula and Saint Helena #258 #1
  • ✨ Use better maps for sub-regions of Oceania (Melanasia, Micronesia, Polynesia) #194
  • Update map of the European Union to no longer highlight the United Kingdom #199
  • Update flag of El Salvador (green instead of yellow mountains) #249
  • Fix incorrect highlighting in map of the Aegean Sea #183

Country names

  • πŸ‘‰ [EN] Change Sahrawi Republic to Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic #236
  • Change capitalisation of eSwatini to Eswatini #168
  • Move alternative name for Ivory Coast (CΓ΄te d'Ivoire) from parenthetical to Country info field #186
  • [ES/FR] Add parenthical to Saint-Martin and Sint Maarten for disambiguation #212


  • πŸ”± Change capital of South Africa from Pretoria to Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein to give all three capitals the same prominence #207
  • 🌟 [EN/DE/ES/FR] Add Brussels as capital of the European Union #245
  • 🌟 [NB] Add Brussel, Strasbourg, Luxembourg as capital of the European Union #245
  • πŸ‘‰ [EN/DE] Change capital of Kiribati from South Tarawa to Tarawa #166 #197
  • πŸ‘‰ [EN] Change capital of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic from El AaiΓΊn to Laayoune #170
  • πŸ™…β€β™‚ [DE/FR] Remove capital of the British Inidian Ocean Territory #192
  • [DE] Fix capital of San Marino: San Marino β†’ Stadt San Marino #170
  • Separate the two capitals of the Canary Islands with a comma instead of and to clarify that they are two different cities #233

Supplementary info

  • πŸ“’ Mention alternative country/entity names:
    • Czech Republic β†’ Czechia #182
    • Cape Verde β†’ Cabo Verde #182
    • Ivory Coast β†’ CΓ΄te d'Ivoire #186
    • Gulf of California β†’ Sea of Cortez #184
    • Gulf of Thailand β†’ Gulf of Siam #209
  • ✌️ Mention secondary capitals:
    • Netherlands β†’ The Hague #218
    • European Union β†’ Strasbourg and Luxembourg. #245
    • Montenegro β†’ Cetinje #205
  • Clarify that the Canary Islands have indeed two capitals #233
  • Clarify what an oblast is in Kaliningrad Oblast's capital info #208
  • Fix gorvenance information for Greenland and the Faroe Islands #169
  • Make capital hints more consistent #179
  • Use commas to separate countries with similar flags #203
  • Sort flag similarities by importance #225
  • [EN/DE/ES/FR] Add capital hints for Belgium and the European Union #245
  • [DE] Add capital hint for Aruba #158
  • [NB] Add capital info for Kaliningrad Oblast #208
  • [FR] Follow Wikipedia's capitalisation policy for words like royaume or fΓ©dΓ©ration #219
  • [NB] Fix mistranslations of capital info for the Cayman Islands and Guyana #160

Other changes

  • πŸ™ˆ Blur text on flags of Bali, Bolivia, El Salvador, Guam, Nicaragua, and Paraguay to not giveaway the answers. Blurred flags are shown only on the front of Flag - Country cards. #220
  • πŸŒ— Support Anki's built-in dark mode #173 #277
  • πŸ”€ Add placeholders to hint at expected answer type on front of extended deck's Country - Flag and Country - Map templates #152
  • πŸ“œ Document guidelines for all content fields #255 #181
  • Remove Country info field from front of extended deck's Country - Map template to not give away answers #164
  • Keep showing Capital hint field on back of Capital - Country template #162
  • Don't apply shadows to images with non-rectangular outlines (i.e. flag of Nepal, and maps of oceans and continents) #274
  • Mention CrowdAnki's new setting to not move cards on import in README #254
  • Move translation sources to CONTRIBUTING #210
  • Add continuous integration worflow to check deck integrity #171
  • Refactor class names and styles #270


22 Sep 18:24
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A whole lot happened in 6 months! Better maps, cloze-style templates, a Norwegian version, list of image sources and licences... The list goes on. Big shout-out to everyone who helped out, you rock 🀘 🎸

Content changes

New notes

  • ✨ Saint Martin #149
  • ✨ Saint BarthΓ©lemy #149


  • πŸ—Ί Add map of Sicily #72 #126
  • πŸ‘ Replace maps of Azores, Corsica, Dead Sea, Kaliningrad Oblast, GalΓ‘pagos Islands, Norwegian Sea, Sardinia, Scandinavia, Sea of Galilee and Zanzibar with better-looking, more consistent and well-sourced versions #1 #126
  • πŸ›  Correct and improve map of Persian Gulf #150
  • πŸ” Add zoom boxes to maps of Caribbean islands: Anguilla, Aruba, Barbados, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, CuraΓ§ao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Montserrat, Saba, Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Eustatius, Sint Marteen, Trinidad and Tobago and United States Virgin Islands #1 #114
  • πŸ‘€ Update oceans' maps and maps of Celtic Sea, Ceuta, Denmark Strait, Gulf of Mexico, Melilla and Polynesia with more up-to-date versions from Wikimedia #1 #109
  • πŸ—Ώ Highlight only one island on map of Easter Island #117


  • 🚩 Replace civil flags of Peru, Venezuela, Belgium and Costa Rica with state flags #111


  • πŸ‘‰ Change capital of Burundi from Bujumbura to Gitega #86
  • 🌟 Rename capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, to Nur-Sultan #97
  • 🏝 Add capital of Corsica, Ajaccio #140
  • πŸ™…β€β™‚ Remove capital of Tokelau #100

Supplementary info

  • ⚑️ Mention naming dispute for Sea of Japan #112
  • 🎏 Add similarity information for flags of: #50
    • Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Yemen #88
    • Faroe Islands and Iceland / Norway #125
    • Bolivia and Ghana #125
  • πŸ™…β€β™‚ Remove similarity info for flags of Costa Rica and Thailand as per new Costa Rica state flag #125 #111
  • πŸ™…β€β™‚ Remove similarity info for flag of Jordan (from Palestine and Sudan) as per new guidelines #125 #50
  • πŸ’Ή Improve wording of existing flag similarities #125
  • πŸ”£ Differentiate coats of arms from emblems in flag similarities #88
  • πŸ” Add capital info to Nauru #95
  • πŸ”± Add clues for capitals of England and British Indian Ocean Territory (both London) in German deck #127

Other changes

  • ✨ Implement cloze-style templates #90
  • πŸ—£ Translate deck to Norwegian (bokmΓ₯l) #139
  • 🌊 Add UG:Mediterranean tag #92
  • πŸ‘» Fix file extension of map of Saint Helena #104
  • πŸ“Š Replace 3 PNG flags with SVG versions as per new 50 kB threshold #110


  • β›° List source and licence of every image in sources.csv #2
  • πŸ’¬ Document sources for Norwegian (bokmΓ₯l) translations in #139
  • 🎏 Document guidelines for Flag similarity field in CONTRIBUTING guide #125
  • βœ”οΈ Add section on quotes normalisation to CONTRIBUTING guide #129
  • ⚠️ Advise against importing extended deck on top of standard deck in README #98
  • πŸ“œ Mention Anki's filtered deck feature in deck description and README #115
  • ✏️ Restructure README to put features forward #144


17 Mar 10:39
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Thanks to the migration to Anki Deck Manager in v3.0, the long-awaited ability to create variations and translations of the original deck has become a reality. As of v3.1, the deck now officially has three alternative versions:

  • Ultimate Geography [DE], the first translation of the deck, which happens to be German.
  • Ultimate Geography [Extended], for the bravest of us, a version of the deck with two additional note templates: Country - Flag and Country - Map, for an extra 578 cards.
  • Ultimate Geography [Extended] [DE], the extended deck in German.

Content changes

  • πŸ’₯ Fix typo in capital of Mauritania: Nouakchot Nouakchott #68
  • ✨ Rename Swaziland to eSwatini #74
  • ✨ Rename Macedonia to North Macedonia #82
  • πŸ’₯ Fix typo in Gulf of Carpenteria Gulf of Carpentaria #83
  • ✨ Rename Luxembourg (i.e. the capital) to Luxembourg City #80

Other changes

  • πŸ—£ Translate deck to German #64
  • πŸš€ Create extended deck with two extra note templates: Country - Flag and Country - Map #71
  • πŸ”’ Mention version number in deck description #78


12 Aug 18:04
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The deck is now managed with Anki Deck Manager. This clever tool brings a new build process that makes the deck a lot easier to maintain and extend. πŸŽ‰ It opens the door to some awesome projects that have been brewing for a while, like translating the deck into other languages, adding more fields, and publishing alternative versions of the deck with fewer or more cards. The Ultimate Geography deck has a bright future! β˜€οΈ

Alas, great things don't come free, and that's why this release is branded v3.0. By upgrading from v2.x, you will lose all your progress and will have to start studying from scratch. 😭

Content changes

  • πŸ—Ί Add map of Mount Athos #61

Other changes

  • πŸŽ‰ [BREAKING] Migrate to Anki Deck Manager #63 #65


10 May 14:18
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Content changes

  • β›‘ Add capital hints for:
    • Basseterre (Saint Kitts and Nevis) and Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe) - #43
    • Georgetown (Guyana) and George Town (Cayman Islands) - #43
  • πŸ˜‘ Fix typo in Antarctica #44 #45
  • 🎏 Add similarity information for flags of:
    • Palestine and Sudan - #46
    • Andorra and Moldova - #50 #56
    • Australia and New Zealand - #50 #56
    • CuraΓ§ao and Nauru - #50 #56
  • πŸ—Ί Change map of the Baltic Sea #49 #56
  • πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Ώ Change capital of Swaziland to Mbabane (mention Lobamba in capital info) #47 #56
  • πŸ‡±πŸ‡° Change capital of Sri Lanka to Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte (mention Colombo in capital info) #48 #56

Other changes

  • πŸ—£ Duplicate English deck in preparation for German translation #52 #53 #54