A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by stargazed
- Blade (2)
- CSS (15)
- Gherkin (1)
- HTML (20)
- Java (1)
- JavaScript (130)
- Others (13)
- PHP (292)
- Python (2)
- Ruby (1)
- SCSS (7)
- Shell (1)
- TypeScript (13)
- Vue (7)
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | alpinimations | Streamline your animations by using these simple blade directives in your components! | lukeraymonddowning | 69 |
2 | livewire | A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs. | livewire | 9566 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | codrops-libre | A reponsive single page app template for collection management projects | amiechen | 124 |
2 | air | A hyper-minimal WordPress starter theme for developers built with Tailwind CSS. | joshuaiz | 34 |
3 | pcc | WordPress theme for the Platform Cooperativism Consortium. | platform-coop-toolkit | 2 |
4 | postcss-preset-env | Convert modern CSS into something browsers understand | csstools | 1909 |
5 | postcss-editor-styles | Remove your styles from the editors scope | m-e-h | 11 |
6 | theme-experiments | Experimenting with themes made out of blocks. | WordPress | 206 |
7 | tailwind-starter-kit | Tailwind Starter Kit a beautiful extension for TailwindCSS, Free and Open Source | creativetimofficial | 3317 |
8 | bootstrap-woocommerce | basmiddelham | 2 | |
9 | WP-Gallery-Bootstrap-styling | Bootstrap based styling voor WordPress galleries | basmiddelham | 2 |
10 | modern-acf-options | A modern approach to ACF Theme Options | Log1x | 21 |
11 | woocommerce-bootstrap-styling | Replacement for Woocommerce CSS for use in your Bootstrap project. | basmiddelham | 5 |
12 | gravityforms-bootstrap-styling | Gravity Forms SASS styles for use in your Bootstrap enabled WordPress theme. Use together with https://github.com/MoshCat/gravityforms-bootstrap-hooks | basmiddelham | 30 |
13 | animate.css | 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing. | animate-css | 69159 |
14 | wordpress-ui | Here lives a modernized approach to the WordPress Admin UI | Log1x | 12 |
15 | hexagonal_grid | Responsive hexagonal grid with hover animation | mnishiguchi | 7 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | advanced-custom-fields-wpcli | Manage Advanced Custom Fields groups in WP-CLI | hoppinger | 222 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | wordpress-packager | WIP generates roots/wordpress composer package | roots | 18 |
2 | infinite-scroll | 📜 Automatically add next page | metafizzy | 6792 |
3 | tailwind-login-template | TailwindCSS Login Template | davidgrzyb | 21 |
4 | tailwind-admin-template | An admin dashboard template built with Tailwind and Alpine.js | davidgrzyb | 147 |
5 | masilotti.com | Source for masilotti.com, built with Jekyll and Tailwind CSS. | joemasilotti | 20 |
6 | tails | Tails is a (no-config) copy'n paste library of templates and components crafted using TailwindCSS | thedevdojo | 401 |
7 | sage-demo-content | generoi | 1 | |
8 | responsive-navbar-with-dropdown | A responsive navbar with Dropdowns using AlpineJS and Heroicons build in the TailwindCSS Playground | jan-heise | 62 |
9 | icecast-status | Static Icecast Server Status monitor | ReeceM | 1 |
10 | gifs | mloberg | 1 | |
11 | windmill-dashboard | 📊 A multi theme, completely accessible, ready for production dashboard. | estevanmaito | 816 |
12 | bootstrap-ie11 | Internet Explorer 11 compatibility solution for Bootstrap 5 | coliff | 38 |
13 | bud-plugin-blade-support | @tinypixelco/bud-plugin-blade-support | kellymears | 2 |
14 | tw-social-landing-template | highscoresl | 33 | |
15 | vuepress-tailwind-starter | A boilerplate setup for VuePress with Tailwind CSS | m2de | 28 |
16 | wp-graphql-acf | WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields | wp-graphql | 346 |
17 | shiki | A beautiful Syntax Highlighter. | shikijs | 1157 |
18 | acorn-mail | Laravel's Mail Facade for Acorn | pixelcollective | 5 |
19 | design-blocks | A set of 170+ Bootstrap based design blocks ready to be used to create clean modern websites. | froala | 13161 |
20 | responsive-grid-of-hexagons | CSS responsive grid of hexagons | web-tiki | 479 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | gitstar-ranking | GitHub star ranking for users, organizations and repositories | k0kubun | 545 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | hacktoberfest-checker | 🎃 Check how you're doing in hacktoberfest | jenkoian | 742 |
2 | SuperWP-API-Proxy-Server | SuperWP - Mainwp API middleman proxy server build with Expressjs to secure origin server. | sarequl | 3 |
3 | stylenames | A simple JavaScript utility for conditionally joining inline styles together | shatstack | 14 |
4 | tailwindcss-stuck-variant | Adds a stuck: (and group-stuck: ) variant to Tailwind CSS. |
zirkeldesign | 1 |
5 | Dark-Mode | Dark Mode for the WordPress dashboard. | azizultex | 99 |
6 | tailwind-landing-page-template | Simple Light is a free landing page template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully coded in React. Made by | cruip | 709 |
7 | spruce | A lightweight state management layer for Alpine.js. 🌲 | ryangjchandler | 635 |
8 | laravel-mix-emotion | Zero-config Laravel Mix extension that enables Emotion styled components. | kellymears | 3 |
9 | tiny-table-of-contents | pixelcollective | 4 | |
10 | tiny-highlighter | Adds inline text highlight features to the Block Editor toolbar | pixelcollective | 7 |
11 | apexcharts.js | 📊 Interactive JavaScript Charts built on SVG | apexcharts | 9942 |
12 | tailwind-bootstrap-grid | Tailwind CSS plugin that generates Bootstrap's flexbox grid | karolis-sh | 55 |
13 | laraberg | A Gutenberg implementation for Laravel | VanOns | 935 |
14 | wordpress-rest-admin | A frontend for admin area of WordPress, using WP REST API and React. It works with Self-Hosted WordPress | rnaga | 107 |
15 | scrollmonitor | A simple and fast API to monitor elements as you scroll | stutrek | 3233 |
16 | puppeteer-screenshots | Take automated screenshots of webpages at multiple viewports. | WebDevStudios | 3 |
17 | github-profile-readme-generator | 🚀 Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI. | rahuldkjain | 3653 |
18 | wordpress-cypress-github-action-workflow | KevinBatdorf | 1 | |
19 | gatsby-source-gravityforms | Gatsby source plugin to add WordPress Gravity Forms nodes to your app. | robmarshall | 24 |
20 | be-full-post-scroll | When viewing a single post, dynamically load the next post as the user scrolls (like qz.com) | billerickson | 13 |
21 | github-stars-manager | Chrome extension that allows you to manage your Github stars with tags, and to create a bookmark folder with all your stars organized by the tags you created | gabrielgodoy-zz | 183 |
22 | component-navigation | 10up | 7 | |
23 | alpine-magic-helpers | A collection of magic properties and helper functions for use with Alpine.js | alpine-collective | 375 |
24 | alpinejs-devtools | Chrome/Firefox DevTools extension for debugging Alpine.js applications. | alpine-collective | 168 |
25 | restrict-blocks | Example plugin for restricting blocks in the Gutenberg editor for certain templates. | UFHealth | 5 |
26 | ctx-blocks | Gutenberg blocks for Tailwind | gollenia | 1 |
27 | tailwind-swatches | philippbosch | 6 | |
28 | tailwindcss-brand-colors | Tailwind plugin for adding brands colors as background, border and text colors. | praveenjuge | 23 |
29 | tailwindcss-plugin-skip-link | Tailwind CSS plugin to easily add a 'skip to main content' link. | opdavies | 8 |
30 | gutentweaks | Log1x | 4 | |
31 | tailwind-styleguide | Laravel Mix plugin for generating a styleguide for your Tailwind project | josh-taylor | 7 |
32 | fghx | ⚡ Browser extension for Follow GitHub Organization ![]() |
follow-github-organisation | 48 |
33 | tailwindcss-wordpress | Tailwind CSS plugin for WordPress specific utility classes. | mattradford | 1 |
34 | wp-tailwind | A WordPress starter theme that utilizes Tailwind + PurgeCSS. | cjkoepke | 124 |
35 | tailblocks | Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks. | mertJF | 4996 |
36 | tailwind-wordpress-plugin-example | An example WordPress plugin for using Tailwind css in Gutenberg editor with webpack and sass | imranhsayed | 14 |
37 | tailwindcss-triangles | Tailwind CSS plugin to generate custom triangle components | benface | 25 |
38 | tailwindcss-debug-screens | A Tailwind CSS component that shows the currently active screen (responsive breakpoint). | jorenvanhee | 165 |
39 | wp-gutenberg-bootstrap | Bootstrap blocks for WordPress editor Gutenberg | loganstellway | 2 |
40 | brands-gutenberg-blocks | A Gutenberg block to easily create clients section on your website | kenzap | 1 |
41 | 10up-scripts | Official 10up asset building toolkit. | 10up | 7 |
42 | hello-roots | This is a boilerplate WordPress theme by say hello. It has an object oriented php architecture and comes with some very handy build workflows. | SayHelloGmbH | 9 |
43 | tailwindcss-typography | tailwindlabs | 1595 | |
44 | block-experiments | A monorepo of Block Experiments | Automattic | 72 |
45 | eightshift-frontend-libs | Frontend Libs that contains mixins used in projects. | infinum | 22 |
46 | alpinejs-table | tttstudios | 8 | |
47 | post-type-archive-mapping | Map your post type archives with a page/page template | MediaRon | 14 |
48 | laravel-mix-export-tailwind-config | Export your tailwind.js config file to a JSON file that can be consumed in applications | generoi | 1 |
49 | wp-genero-analytics | Some small Google Analytics additions | generoi | 2 |
50 | webpack-pwa-manifest | Progressive Web App Manifest Generator for Webpack, with auto icon resizing and fingerprinting support. | arthurbergmz | 445 |
51 | tailwindcss-react-flowchart | TailwindCSS React flow chart | ravisankarchinnam | 1 |
52 | ta-youtube | A light-weight, responsive and mobile first YouTube video wrapper with auto playback and aspect ratio for the video player. Perfect for solving data protection issues in some countries as the YouTube player loads after the visitor presses the play button. | markusantonwolf | 8 |
53 | eruda | Console for mobile browsers | liriliri | 9925 |
54 | css-vars-ponyfill | Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers | jhildenbiddle | 1146 |
55 | RotatedRevealers | Animated rotated overlays, or "reveal" elements for interesting page transition effects. | codrops | 120 |
56 | wt-orbis-3 | Version 3 of the WordPress theme for the Orbis plugin. | wp-orbis | 1 |
57 | leader-line | Draw a leader line in your web page. | anseki | 1397 |
58 | publication-checklist | Run checks and enforce conditions before posts are published. Built and designed for the WordPress block editor. | humanmade | 90 |
59 | wp-content-connect | WordPress library that enables direct relationships for posts to posts and posts to users. | 10up | 54 |
60 | hm-gutenberg-tools | Useful helpers, components or tools for building things with Gutenberg | humanmade | 160 |
61 | laravel-mix-purgecss | Zero-config Purgecss for Laravel Mix | spatie | 812 |
62 | postcss-high-contrast | Create high contrast version of your project with ease. | shiwaforce | 108 |
63 | gifffer | A tiny JavaScript library that prevents the autoplaying of the animated Gifs | krasimir | 717 |
64 | change-last-modified-date | Change last modified date plugin for WordPress | djuric | 2 |
65 | tailwindcss-blend-mode | Blend-mode utilities for Tailwind CSS. | hacknug | 58 |
66 | HTML_CodeSniffer | HTML_CodeSniffer is a client-side JavaScript application that checks a HTML document or source code, and detects violations of a defined coding standard. Comes with standards that cover the three conformance levels of the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 and the U.S. Section 508 legislation. | squizlabs | 1033 |
67 | tailwindcss-stimulus-components | A set of StimulusJS components for TailwindCSS apps similar to Bootstrap JS components. | excid3 | 437 |
68 | animate-blocks-wordpress-plugin | Animate Gutenberg blocks plugin for WordPress | liip | 11 |
69 | sage-starter | Starter for Sage 10 with TailwindCSS and PostCSS | soberwp | 48 |
70 | wp-jquery-update-test | WordPress plugin to test updates for jQuery and jQuery UI | WordPress | 12 |
71 | cookie-consent | Cookie consent with accessible dialog, agnostic tag triggers and conditional content, script and embed hooks. | grrr-amsterdam | 32 |
72 | lite-vimeo-embed | 🎥 A faster Vimeo embed. | luwes | 45 |
73 | vue-plyr | A Vue component for the plyr (https://github.com/sampotts/plyr) video & audio player. | redxtech | 522 |
74 | vue-svg-transition | Create 2-state, SVG-powered transitions | kai-oswald | 123 |
75 | vue-content-loader | SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading. | egoist | 2524 |
76 | vue-observe-visibility | Detect when an element is becoming visible or hidden on the page. | Akryum | 1322 |
77 | two.js | A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web. | jonobr1 | 7011 |
78 | TooltipAnimations | Some little ideas for bouncy and playful tooltip shapes and animations with SVG and anime.js. Among other styles, we use shape morphing and transform. | codrops | 381 |
79 | webGLImageTransitions | akella | 224 | |
80 | lazylists | Advanced tools for lists that enable you to be lazy. | sortabrilliant | 4 |
81 | planet4-plugin-gutenberg-blocks | WordPress plugin that includes the Gutenberg blocks for the Greenpeace Planet 4 project | greenpeace | 12 |
82 | tailwind-gutenberg-components | A Tailwind plugin for WordPress theme developers. | zirkeldesign | 2 |
83 | lite-youtube-embed | A faster youtube embed. | paulirish | 2912 |
84 | alpine | A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. | alpinejs | 14321 |
85 | checkbox | Create a functional & accessibile checkbox out of pretty much any HTML markup. | Robdel12 | 7 |
86 | Micromodal | ⭕ Tiny javascript library for creating accessible modal dialogs | ghosh | 2682 |
87 | tailwindcss-wordpress | Tailwind CSS plugin for WordPress specific utility classes. | brettsmason | 8 |
88 | tailwindcss-custom-forms | A better base for styling form elements with Tailwind CSS. | tailwindlabs | 1405 |
89 | multicast | 💚 A persistent solution to presenting content across multiple Chromecast devices. | superhawk610 | 181 |
90 | bootstrap-toc | An automatic table of contents generator, using Bootstrap 3 or 4 | afeld | 138 |
91 | laravel-mix-polyfill | A Laravel Mix extension to include polyfills by using Babel, core-js, and regenerator-runtime | scottcharlesworth | 45 |
92 | lazyframe | 🛀🏽 Dependency-free library for lazyloading iframes | vb | 225 |
93 | plyr | A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player | sampotts | 19219 |
94 | video.js | Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player | videojs | 30733 |
95 | sage-next | kellymears | 19 | |
96 | tailwindcss-gutenberg | generoi | 30 | |
97 | tailwindcss-pseudo | Tailwind CSS plugin to generate pseudo selector variants. | Log1x | 32 |
98 | postcss-font-magician | Magically generate all the @font-face rules | jonathantneal | 948 |
99 | tailwind-css | Boilerplate used for internal projects. | madebyshape | 10 |
100 | tailwindcss-gradients | Tailwind CSS plugin to generate gradient background utilities | benface | 187 |
101 | create-guten-block | 📦 A zero-configuration #0CJS developer toolkit for building WordPress Gutenberg block plugins. | ahmadawais | 2818 |
102 | tailwind-gutenberg-components | A Tailwind plugin for WordPress theme developers. | kellymears | 62 |
103 | lightbox-photoswipe | Integration of PhotoSwipe to WordPress | arnowelzel | 15 |
104 | wp-gs | WordPress: Global Styles (Concept) | ItsJonQ | 4 |
105 | outline.js | Removes CSS outlines in an accessible manner | lindsayevans | 108 |
106 | vue-stripe-menu | Creating a navigation menu with animations like on Stripe | Alexeykhr | 260 |
107 | luxon | ⏱ A library for working with dates and times in JS | moment | 10823 |
108 | International-Telephone-Input-for-Gravity-Forms | Transform Gravity Forms input phone to International Telephone Input. | WebCreatid | 3 |
109 | intl-tel-input | A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers | jackocnr | 5359 |
110 | headroom.js | Give your pages some headroom. Hide your header until you need it | WickyNilliams | 10719 |
111 | palette-webpack-plugin | Generate a JSON file containing your color palette from existing Sass maps and/or Tailwind. | roots | 36 |
112 | parcel | 📦🚀 Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler | parcel-bundler | 37669 |
113 | aos | Animate on scroll library | michalsnik | 15496 |
114 | franc | Natural language detection | wooorm | 3493 |
115 | acf-icon-picker | Creates an icon picker ACF field | houke | 48 |
116 | mcr-gutenberg-swiper-carousel | A WordPress Guetenberg Carousel built using Swiper | mread1208 | 6 |
117 | social-share-urls | Social Share URLs | bradvin | 2010 |
118 | wp-block-glossary | Adds a WordPress block to handle the <dl> element | kellymears | 5 |
119 | stats-gutenberg-blocks | Create beautiful testimonials section on your website. | kenzap | 2 |
120 | coblocks | A suite of professional page building content blocks for the WordPress Gutenberg block editor. | godaddy-wordpress | 474 |
121 | atomic-blocks | Page building blocks for the new WordPress editor. | studiopress | 157 |
122 | gutenberg-background-video | A custom Gutenberg block for easily embedding YouTube videos as hero background elements. | dkoo | 2 |
123 | block-background | 🖼️ Extend gutenberg blocks with additional background options - | lubusIN | 34 |
124 | purgecss-with-wordpress | Purgecss with wordpress | FullHuman | 30 |
125 | bootstrap-blocks-wordpress-plugin | Bootstrap Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress | liip | 136 |
126 | object-fit-images | 🗻 Polyfill object-fit/object-position on <img>: IE9, IE10, IE11, Edge, Safari, ... | fregante | 2010 |
127 | body-scroll-lock | Body scroll locking that just works with everything 😏 | willmcpo | 2928 |
128 | swiper | Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions | nolimits4web | 26259 |
129 | flickity | 🍃 Touch, responsive, flickable carousels | metafizzy | 6551 |
130 | slick | the last carousel you'll ever need | kenwheeler | 26551 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | structure | Examples demonstrating methods for structuring WordPress plugins. | cedaro | 26 |
2 | wp-graphql-acf | WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields | Booreiland | 2 |
3 | wp-graphql-gravity-forms | GraphQL API for interacting with Gravity Forms. | Booreiland | 2 |
4 | hm-proxy | A simple script to proxy from your computer | humanmade | 8 |
5 | wp_mail | Documentation for all the situations where WordPress core sends an email, how and when they happen, and how to filter or disable each one. | johnbillion | 140 |
6 | awesome | 🚀A curated list of awesome resources related to Alpine. | alpine-collective | 464 |
7 | bootstrap-xd | Bootstrap Design Template — Assets Library — for Adobe XD | 6qd | 71 |
8 | upptime | ⬆️ Uptime monitor and status page powered by GitHub Actions, Issues, and Pages | upptime | 6926 |
9 | gravityforms-kitchensink | A form to test all fields in the Gravity Forms plugin. | basmiddelham | 3 |
10 | gutenberg-examples | roots | 8 | |
11 | awesome-tailwindcss | 😎 Awesome things related to Tailwind CSS | aniftyco | 5408 |
12 | sage-woocommerce | WooCommerce integration for Sage 9 themes | ptrckvzn | 10 |
13 | awesome-gutenberg-blocks | Plugins for additional Gutenberg blocks types. | lukecav | 57 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | passbolt_api | Passbolt CE Backend, a JSON API written with Cakephp | passbolt | 2369 |
2 | tailwindo | 🔌 Convert Bootstrap CSS code to Tailwind CSS code | awssat | 583 |
3 | acf-dimensions | An ACF field for dimension. | ernilambar | 1 |
4 | elementor_rotate | Simply makes the elements rotate without writing a single line of code. | wpbuilt | 4 |
5 | wp-media-pro | WP Media Pro is the must-have toolkit for all WordPress websites that seriously use media. | tlovett1 | 4 |
6 | waf4wordpress | WAF for WordPress 🔥 with 60+ security checks and weekly updates | szepeviktor | 77 |
7 | mainwp-hello-world-extension | MainWP Hello World! Extension is an example extension. This extension provides two examples for calling MainWP Actions and Hooks. Purpose of this extension is to give you a start point in developing your first custom extension for the MainWP Plugin. This link provides step by step directions for creating your first Extension. | mainwp | 14 |
8 | mainwp-report-templates | browninaz | 2 | |
9 | mainwp-cli | wp-cli intergration for mainwp | ianwijma | 2 |
10 | Code-Snippets-Functions | Repository for the MainWP Code Snippets Extension functions. | mainwp | 34 |
11 | collections | Slightly simplify post type creation. | murmurcreative | 1 |
12 | tailpress | A minimal boilerplate theme for WordPress using TailwindCSS and Laravel Mix. | jeffreyvr | 61 |
13 | A mail plugin for WordPlate | wordplate | 19 | |
14 | wordplate | WordPlate is a wrapper around WordPress. It makes developers life easier. It is just like building any other WordPress website with themes and plugins. Just with sprinkles on top. | wordplate | 1399 |
15 | extended-acf | Register advanced custom fields with object oriented PHP | wordplate | 206 |
16 | acf-fluent | ✒️ A fluent interface for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin | samrap | 260 |
17 | acf-to-rest-api | Exposes Advanced Custom Fields Endpoints in the WordPress REST API | airesvsg | 1147 |
18 | disable-media-pages | WordPress plugin to disable "attachment" pages automatically created for WordPress media | joppuyo | 4 |
19 | wordpress_rename | A one-file script to for renaming URLs in your wordpress DB. | vollyimnetz | 2 |
20 | remove-drop-cap | Plugin to disable drop cap in Gutenberg editor paragraph block. | joppuyo | 6 |
21 | acf-cleaner | Advanced Custom Field cleaner / remove empty and orphaned ACF entries from your WordPress database. | 1n3JgKl9pQ6cUMrW | 57 |
22 | acf-migrations | Change ACF field names and keys without losing existing content. | StoutLogic | 42 |
23 | ACF-Extended | ACF Extended Plugin | acf-extended | 197 |
24 | wp-password-bcrypt | WordPress plugin to implement secure bcrypt hashed passwords | roots | 518 |
25 | acorn-db | Provides Acorn projects with Eloquent Models for WordPress data. | zirkeldesign | 1 |
26 | hide-acf-settings-page | Hide ACF settings page on non-development enviroments | ItinerisLtd | 3 |
27 | sort-menu-order | ItinerisLtd | 1 | |
28 | wordpress-email-templates | Plugin to add html templates to wordpress | timersys | 61 |
29 | crop-thumbnails-cdn-cache-busting | ItinerisLtd | 1 | |
30 | fresa | 🍓 Developing WordPress should be sweet. | jplhomer | 42 |
31 | wordpress-eloquent | A library that converts converts wordpress tables into Laravel Eloquent Models. | drewjbartlett | 103 |
32 | wp-core-blocker | Disables WordPress from connecting into wp.org servers and installing stuff from wp-admin | devgeniem | 6 |
33 | wp-geniem-roles | Wrapper classes for developers to create and manipulate WordPress roles. | devgeniem | 10 |
34 | wp-project | This is our barebone wordpress project which you can use inside docker containers. | devgeniem | 61 |
35 | CodeForMyLife | WordPress blog - DustPress | MarikaKononen | 1 |
36 | wp-readonly-options | WordPress Plugin to set forced read-only options for get_option() | devgeniem | 9 |
37 | wp-vulnerability-alerts | This plugin scans your system on a daily basis to find vulnerabilities listed in the WPScan Vulnerability Database. | devgeniem | 4 |
38 | WordPress-Coding-Standards | PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions | devgeniem | 2 |
39 | wp-clean-post-meta-fields | WordPress plugin that keeps your post meta clean from unrelevant custom field data | devgeniem | 4 |
40 | wp-crontrol | WP Crontrol lets you view and control what's happening in the WP-Cron system. | johnbillion | 97 |
41 | cpt-archives | A WordPress plugin to manage post type archive titles, descriptions, and permalink slugs from the dashboard. | cedaro | 48 |
42 | koko-analytics | Privacy-friendly analytics for your WordPress site. | ibericode | 260 |
43 | wp-user-roles | Improve performance of user queries by adding a new table. | spacedmonkey | 10 |
44 | wp-migrations | WordPress library for managing database table schema upgrades and data seeding | deliciousbrains | 85 |
45 | Cavalcade | A better wp-cron. Horizontally scalable, works perfectly with multisite. | humanmade | 407 |
46 | studio | A workbench for developing Composer packages. | franzliedke | 1019 |
47 | hard-pass | Maintain a hardcoded block blacklist in PHP | kellymears | 6 |
48 | nova-media-library | Media Library for admin panel "Laravel Nova" | classic-o | 91 |
49 | http-status-check | CLI tool to crawl a website and check HTTP status codes | spatie | 506 |
50 | wp-blade-check | Checks and displays an admin notice if your uncompiled Blade templates are publicly accessible | roots | 13 |
51 | captured | A modernized rewrite of the Captured PHP Uploader Script. | Log1x | 4 |
52 | simple-local-avatars | Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar! | 10up | 47 |
53 | socialproof | A fluent interface for retrieving follower counts from social API's. | Log1x | 39 |
54 | dominant-color-async | Calculate the dominant color for every image in WordPress, asynchronously | CreunaFI | 10 |
55 | hm-messages | A simple error / success messages API for WordPress | humanmade | 13 |
56 | Notify-Humans | If Then, Then That for your WordPress applications. | humanmade | 14 |
57 | Unpublish | A plugin for unpublishing content. | humanmade | 21 |
58 | hmn-handbook | The theme for the old handbook site. No longer used. | humanmade | 12 |
59 | Social-Counts | Adds the # of times a post has been shared on major social networks as post meta. | humanmade | 9 |
60 | hm-lang-detect | NOT MAINTAINED - A WordPress plugin that will suggest a language based on location | humanmade | 8 |
61 | clean-html | humanmade | 38 | |
62 | hm-content-import | Migration framework for WordPress, attempts to reduce overhead in migrating content from differing data sources | humanmade | 17 |
63 | tachyon-plugin | WordPress plugin for Tachyon | humanmade | 67 |
64 | hm-limit-login-attempts | The original Limit Login Attempts plugin with the option to limit via username as well. | humanmade | 6 |
65 | publishing-checklist | Pre-flight your posts. | humanmade | 12 |
66 | distributor | Share content between your websites. | 10up | 277 |
67 | sage-woocommerce | Woocommerce support for sage 10 | smarteist | 10 |
68 | Pot-Translator | This is a automated translator for pot files by using google translate. | smarteist | 2 |
69 | popups-extended | Wordpress plugin extending popups. | generoi | 3 |
70 | rename-wp-login | Rename wp-login.php | ellatrix | 131 |
71 | php-qrcode | A QR Code generator for PHP7.4+ | chillerlan | 673 |
72 | laravel-cookie-consent | Make your Laravel app comply with the crazy EU cookie law | spatie | 874 |
73 | ajax-load-more-wordpress | 🔥 WordPress Ajax Load More - simple php/jquery/ajax/wp rest solution | ivo-ivanov | 2 |
74 | wp-plugin-books-with-templatelock | pwkip | 1 | |
75 | WordPress-Ajax-load-more-posts | Plugin for WordPress. Loads the next posts page via Ajax. | Robbertdk | 2 |
76 | cncf.io | ☁️♮🏛🚧Rebuild of cncf.io site | cncf | 11 |
77 | image | Manipulate images with an expressive API | spatie | 768 |
78 | user-switching | WordPress plugin that provides instant switching between user accounts. | johnbillion | 122 |
79 | crumb | A simple breadcrumb package for Sage 10. | Log1x | 11 |
80 | gutenberg-page-templates | Create page-templates based on Gutenberg blocks. | sschat | 4 |
81 | wp-option-store | Extending WordPress Options API, read options from places other than database, the OOP way | TypistTech | 10 |
82 | image-optimize-command | Easily optimize images using WP CLI | TypistTech | 134 |
83 | redirection-variables | Log1x | 2 | |
84 | nofollow-pretty-links | Log1x | 2 | |
85 | 10up-experience | The 10up Experience plugin configures WordPress to better protect and inform clients, aligned to 10up’s best practices. | 10up | 69 |
86 | wp-safe-edit | 10up | 10 | |
87 | studio | Ready to use BotMan + Laravel framework | botman | 284 |
88 | acf-icomoon-select | Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) field type that creates an icon selection from icomoon.io JSON | kylephillips | 6 |
89 | simple-locator | Plugin for Wordpress that provides powerful store locator type functionality for any post type | kylephillips | 53 |
90 | favorites | Simple and flexible favorite buttons for any WordPress post type. | kylephillips | 161 |
91 | wp-nested-pages | A more intuitive way to manage pages in the WordPress admin | kylephillips | 154 |
92 | acf-editor-palette | A Gutenberg-like editor palette color picker field for Advanced Custom Fields. | Log1x | 17 |
93 | meta-inspector | See your post, term, and user meta data, and easily update on the fly. | alleyinteractive | 12 |
94 | Mailchimp-API-3.0-PHP | A feature rich object-oriented PHP library for interacting with MailChimp's API v3 💌🐵 | Jhut89 | 60 |
95 | mailchimp-api | Super-simple, minimum abstraction MailChimp API v3 wrapper, in PHP | drewm | 1941 |
96 | sage-blade-icons | Use blade-ui-kit/blade-icons in roots/sage themes. | zirkeldesign | 2 |
97 | blade-icons | A package to easily make use of SVG icons in your Laravel Blade views. | blade-ui-kit | 1161 |
98 | tailpine | Exploring Alpine and Tailwind in a Roots-Based WordPress install | jpowersdev | 5 |
99 | movie-app | 🌈 TMDB + Laravel + LiveWire + AlpineJS + ViewModels + Components = ❤️ Movies App 🔥 | betahut | 18 |
100 | laravelMovieApp | Laravel Movie App using the TMDB API | DougGoncalves | 1 |
101 | 10degrees-base | Base theme for 10 Degrees WordPress projects | 10degrees | 2 |
102 | acf-field-boilerplate | Modernized PSR-2 boilerplate for creating custom fields for ACF5. | Log1x | 47 |
103 | accessibility-statement-plugin | 10degrees | 31 | |
104 | Workflows | Powerful workflows for WordPress | humanmade | 57 |
105 | Parallax-Design-System | Parallax Design System | xdrew760x | 1 |
106 | models | WordPress plugin to create custom post types and taxonomies using JSON, YAML or PHP files | soberwp | 167 |
107 | simple-page-ordering | Order your pages and other hierarchical post types with simple drag and drop right from the standard page list. | 10up | 49 |
108 | safe-redirect-manager | A simple HTTP redirection plugin for WordPress. | 10up | 197 |
109 | aucor-starter | Superior WordPress starter theme with modern build tools by Aucor. 200+ hours of development over 3 years to make the greatest starting point for WordPress site. | aucor | 113 |
110 | odin | An open-source domain monitoring tool built using Maelstrom 🤖 Uptime Robot + 🧐 Oh Dear + 🧪 SSL Labs + ⏰ Cronitor + 🕵🏻♂️ DNS Spy | maelstrom-cms | 299 |
111 | eightshift-libs | Project dedicated to use inside WP Boilerplate and WP Boilerplate Plugin projects via composer to be able to easily setup modern development process. | infinum | 25 |
112 | 30-seconds-of-php | Short PHP code snippets for all your development needs | 30-seconds | 2406 |
113 | altis-reusable-blocks | humanmade | 3 | |
114 | site-reviews | Site Reviews is a WordPress plugin which allows you to easily collect and display reviews on your website or blog using easy-to-use blocks, shortcodes, and widgets. | pryley | 32 |
115 | mrw-simplified-editor-wordpress | MRW Simplified Editor, a WordPress Plugin | mrwweb | 2 |
116 | wp-gutenberg-backgrounds | generoi | 2 | |
117 | wp-gutenberg-templates | generoi | 39 | |
118 | sage-polylang | generoi | 2 | |
119 | wp-gutenberg-instafeed | generoi | 3 | |
120 | sage-nativeblock | generoi | 2 | |
121 | wp-genero-gdpr | generoi | 3 | |
122 | wp-gutenberg-postlist | generoi | 2 | |
123 | wp-gutenberg-hidetitle | generoi | 4 | |
124 | the-events-calendar-user-css | Automatically add /the-events-calendar/resources/events.css and /my-theme/events/events.css without duplicating. | afragen | 7 |
125 | the-events-calendar-category-colors | Plugin add-on for The Events Calendar to colorize categories | afragen | 36 |
126 | Tribe-events-custom-templates | Custom templates for The Events Calendar plugin | adansuku | 1 |
127 | registrations-for-the-events-calendar | Extension for The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe | craigschlegel | 5 |
128 | altis-cms | CMS Module for Altis | humanmade | 24 |
129 | sage-archive-pages | generoi | 2 | |
130 | roles-to-taxonomy | WordPress plugin to store user roles and levels in a taxonomy | humanmade | 56 |
131 | asset-manager-framework | A framework for overriding the WordPress media library with an external asset provider, such as a DAM | humanmade | 83 |
132 | replace-files | humanmade | 3 | |
133 | altis-media | Media Module for Altis | humanmade | 4 |
134 | wp-migrate-db | WordPress plugin that exports your database, does a find and replace on URLs and file paths, then allows you to save it to your computer. | deliciousbrains | 291 |
135 | S3-Uploads | The WordPress Plugin to Store Uploads on Amazon S3 | humanmade | 1428 |
136 | altis-core | Core Module for Altis | humanmade | 11 |
137 | altis-workflow | Workflow module for Altis | humanmade | 1 |
138 | propose-draft-date | A plugin to propose a publish date while writing posts as a contributing author. | humanmade | 2 |
139 | laravel | A Vimeo bridge for Laravel | vimeo | 300 |
140 | Gaussholder | Fast and lightweight image previews, using Gaussian blur | humanmade | 154 |
141 | plumbing-normalize-links | alwaysblank | 2 | |
142 | plumbing-responsive-images | alwaysblank | 2 | |
143 | vcard | This vCard PHP library can easily parse or generate/export vCards as .vcf | jeroendesloovere | 331 |
144 | wp-admin-notices | A simplified OOP implementation of the WordPress admin notices. | TypistTech | 14 |
145 | woocommerce-sage-10 | Roots WooCommerce integration with Sage 10 hooks. | MikaCaldera | 6 |
146 | astral | Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease | astralapp | 2297 |
147 | acorn | WordPress plugin framework with support for key Laravel components | roots | 282 |
148 | query-monitor | The Developer Tools Panel for WordPress | johnbillion | 1135 |
149 | bedrock-plugin-disabler | Disable certain plugins in non-production environments using PHP constants. | lukasbesch | 20 |
150 | seo-by-rank-math | Rank Math is a revolutionary WordPress SEO Plugin that combines the features of many SEO tools and lets you multiply your traffic in the easiest way possible 💡 📈 → | rankmath | 35 |
151 | demo-publication-checklist | humanmade | 4 | |
152 | wp-mu-plugins | 🔌🔌 Must Use (MU) plugins used to power WordPress sites cncf.io, lfph.io, and possibly others. | cncf | 3 |
153 | stream | 🗄️ Stream plugin for WordPress | xwp | 332 |
154 | wcw-alt-tag-audit | Wordpress plugin that displays a list of images in the media library without alt text, and an admin message reminding you to add it. | thewatermethod | 1 |
155 | hm-gtm | Google Tag Manager template tags and settings tool | humanmade | 26 |
156 | smart-media | Smart Media enhancements for WordPress | humanmade | 55 |
157 | plugin-meta | A simple meta package to install a few plugins I use regularly along with a couple related filters. | Log1x | 3 |
158 | BE-Events-Calendar | Event Calendar plugin | billerickson | 65 |
159 | BE-Comment-Rating | A lean and AMP-compatible star rating field for WordPress comments | billerickson | 9 |
160 | BE-Automatic-Alt-Text | Automatically adds alt tags to images in existing content when you add them in the media library | billerickson | 7 |
161 | snippet-library | gravitywiz | 12 | |
162 | slashadmin | Slash Admin gathers some common functions that you probably need in most of your WordPress websites. | gsarig | 5 |
163 | stage | WIP: WordPress Theme Framework based on Roots Sage | ouun | 26 |
164 | aire | Modern form builder for Laravel | glhd | 341 |
165 | schema-org | A fluent builder Schema.org types and ld+json generator | spatie | 882 |
166 | ad-acf-blocks | A collection of custom blocks for the new editor. Made with ACF. | anybodesign | 4 |
167 | intervention | WordPress plugin to configure wp-admin and application state using a single config file. | soberwp | 467 |
168 | redipress | A WordPress plugin that provides a blazing fast search engine and WP Query performance enhancements. | devgeniem | 24 |
169 | acf-codifier | A wrapper class to help write more readable ACF field declarations. | devgeniem | 112 |
170 | classifai | Enhance your WordPress content with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning services. | 10up | 181 |
171 | pwa-wp | WordPress feature plugin to bring Progressive Web Apps (PWA) to Core | GoogleChromeLabs | 437 |
172 | Super-Progressive-Web-Apps | SuperPWA helps to convert your WordPress website into Progressive Web Apps instantly. PWA (Progressive Web Apps) demo at : https://superpwa.com and Plugin : | SuperPWA | 299 |
173 | acf-phone-number | A real ACF phone number field powered by libphonenumber and intl-tel-input | Log1x | 34 |
174 | index-pages | Assign pages as the index page for WordPress custom post types, similar to the Posts Page. | dougwollison | 6 |
175 | 13milliseconds2019 | New portfolio website for 13milliseconds | 13milliseconds | 1 |
176 | wp-graphql | 🚀 GraphQL API for WordPress | wp-graphql | 2761 |
177 | thestoryexchange.org | New Trellis website for The Story Exchange | 13milliseconds | 2 |
178 | ElasticPress | A fast and flexible search and query engine for WordPress. | 10up | 1028 |
179 | tall | A TALL (Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel and Livewire) Preset for Laravel | laravel-frontend-presets | 1066 |
180 | MountainBreeze | A Wordpress theme starter template for the modern web developer, including Tailwind CSS, Alpine JS and Laravel Blade | lukeraymonddowning | 52 |
181 | wp-graphql-gravity-forms | GraphQL API for interacting with Gravity Forms. | harness-software | 70 |
182 | acf-quickedit-fields | WordPress Plugin implementing Column Displaying, QuickEdit and BulkEdit for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) | mcguffin | 324 |
183 | acf-filters-and-functions | General filters and function for use with Advanced Custom Fields WP Plugin | Hube2 | 209 |
184 | wp-posts-to-posts | Efficient many-to-many connections between posts, pages, custom post types, users. | scribu | 929 |
185 | rotary | Handle phone numbers. | alwaysblank | 9 |
186 | driver-web | BotMan Web / API Driver | botman | 82 |
187 | wp-phpmailer | Provides a clean and simple way to configure the WordPress-bundled PHPMailer library, allowing you to quickly get started sending mail through a local or cloud based service of your choice | ItinerisLtd | 46 |
188 | wpml-installer | zirkeldesign | 1 | |
189 | wpemerge-theme | An organized, ES6 and SASS powered theme taking advantage of the WP Emerge framework. 🚀 | htmlburger | 238 |
190 | favicon-extender | Extend the native WordPress Site Icon functionality to use different icons for Android, iOS and Windows. | gsarig | 2 |
191 | extrovert | Simple social media sharing links. | alwaysblank | 3 |
192 | sage-woocommerce | generoi | 31 | |
193 | daredev | DareDev is a WordPress MU (Must-Use) plugin which facilitates some development tasks. | gsarig | 8 |
194 | wp-user-profiles | ⭐️ Better Profiles for WordPress | stuttter | 83 |
195 | skaut-google-drive-gallery | A WordPress gallery using Google Drive as file storage. | skaut | 25 |
196 | page-for-post-types | Select pages to use as custom post type archives just like WordPress's native page_for_posts setting. |
Clark-Nikdel-Powell | 3 |
197 | just-responsive-images | WordPress Plugin to support better responsive images with <picture> tag, backgrounds, retina support etc. | justcoded | 31 |
198 | stage-woocommerce | WooCommerce integration for Sage 10 & Stage | ouun | 11 |
199 | lazy-load-for-videos | Speed up your site by replacing embedded Youtube and Vimeo videos with a clickable preview image. Free WordPress plugin. | kevinweber | 38 |
200 | github-updater | This WP plugin will update GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, and Gitea hosted plugins and themes | afragen | 2741 |
201 | tribe-ext-tickets-additional-fields | Add fields to your Tickets or RSVPs. | mt-support | 1 |
202 | tribe-ext-extension-template | Blank template showing the structure expected for plugins that use the extension framework | mt-support | 3 |
203 | wp-crumbs | Simple Wordpress Breadcrumbs | jjgrainger | 34 |
204 | wp-autoupdates | Feature plugin building a UI for opting-in to plugin, theme, and core auto-updates. | WordPress | 46 |
205 | expertstatsplugin | A stats dashboard for codeable experts. | codeablehq | 30 |
206 | wp-no-white-screen | Got a white-screen-of-death in WordPress? Use this file to display the error! | stracker-phil | 87 |
207 | sage | WordPress starter theme with a modern development workflow | zirkeldesign | 2 |
208 | corcel | Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application | corcel | 3167 |
209 | purgecss-with-sage | tylerwiegand | 1 | |
210 | PHP2Blade | It's a php library for converting ordinary php view files to laravel blade | smarteist | 9 |
211 | acorn-settings-roles | Configuration-based WordPress role and capability management | pixelcollective | 5 |
212 | ModernWordPressWebsite | Modern WordPress Website (MWW) aims to bring a good OOP experience for working with WordPress. | Luc45 | 95 |
213 | wp-rocket | Performance optimization plugin for WordPress | wp-media | 385 |
214 | Exopite-WooCommerce-Ajaxify-WordPress-Plugin | WordPress Plugin to add amount for single product on shop and ajaxify add to cart button on product pages. | JoeSz | 2 |
215 | acorn-db | Provides Acorn projects with Eloquent Models for WordPress data. | pixelcollective | 15 |
216 | config | Internal configuration helper for roots/bedrock projects | pixelcollective | 3 |
217 | imposter-plugin | Composer plugin that wraps all composer vendor packages inside your own namespace. Intended for WordPress plugins. | TypistTech | 86 |
218 | server-side-rendering | Experimental server-side rendering for Sage 10 applications. | kellymears | 4 |
219 | NYLC | Sage V9 Theme for NYLC | SJIAssociates | 2 |
220 | yoast-schema-tribe-events | This plugin serves as a connector between Yoast SEO and The Events Calendar. | luehrsenheinrich | 5 |
221 | acorn-block-templates | Easily override Gutenberg block markup with Blade templates in Sage 10. | pixelcollective | 17 |
222 | two-factor | Two-Factor Authentication for WordPress. | WordPress | 472 |
223 | gravityforms-phone-extension | Extension for GravityForms (WordPress) which applies the International Phone Input (http://intl-tel-input.com) to all Phone Fields. | ANEX-Agency | 24 |
224 | pagi | A better WordPress pagination. | Log1x | 22 |
225 | acorn-settings-dashboard | Provides Acorn projects with configuration options for the WordPress dashboard | pixelcollective | 5 |
226 | acorn-instagram | Utilize Instagram account data in Sage 10's view composers. | pixelcollective | 6 |
227 | tribe-ext-set-ticket-default-quantity | Events Tickets Extension: Set default quantity of tickets | mt-support | 1 |
228 | tribe-ext-maps-openstreetmap | Replace Google Maps with OpenStreetMap (OSM), including map displays on single event pages, Map View, and single venue pages. | mt-support | 2 |
229 | wp-htaccess-server-info-server-status | Apache server-info and server-status monitoring right in your WordPress admin. | Pierre-Lannoy | 3 |
230 | GF-ACF-simple-voteform | A simple vote form using ACF & Gravity Forms. Displays results in Admin. | basmiddelham | 1 |
231 | cf7-additional-types | Contact Form 7 Additional Types | getrealcreative | 1 |
232 | google-translate-php | 🌐 Free Google Translate API PHP Package. Translates totally free of charge. | Stichoza | 1113 |
233 | language-detection | A language detection library for PHP. Detects the language from a given text string. | patrickschur | 659 |
234 | sagestarter | A WordPress starter theme based on Roots/Sage that implements a minimal set of features I use in most of my projects. Including a boilerplate pagebuilder made with ACF Builder including some usefull components. | basmiddelham | 3 |
235 | modern-login | A whitelabeled and modernized wp-login.php | Log1x | 46 |
236 | acorn-glide | PHP Image Manipulation for Acorn | pixelcollective | 4 |
237 | acorn-media-tools | Work with the WordPress media library in style | pixelcollective | 2 |
238 | site-health | Site health mods for Bedrock | pixelcollective | 2 |
239 | add-sitemap-to-robots | MWDelaney | 2 | |
240 | bedrock-security-config | Sets default security configurations | ItinerisLtd | 3 |
241 | add-yoast-seo-sitemap-to-robots-txt | Add Yoast SEO Sitemap to robots.txt | ItinerisLtd | 1 |
242 | bootstrap-woocommerce-template | Nikolailurkin | 1 | |
243 | Sage-Woocommerce | A repository to explain how I got Woocommerce and Sage 9.0.0-beta.4 working | MarekVrofski | 10 |
244 | gravity-forms-data-attributes | Add custom data attributes to your Gravity Forms field markup | mmirus | 8 |
245 | sage-woocommerce | WooCommerce integration for Sage 9 | devil1991 | 1 |
246 | schemer | Help with schema.org generation. | alwaysblank | 7 |
247 | wp-text-replacements | generoi | 1 | |
248 | wp-genero-cookieconsent | A wordpress plugin providing a cookie consent popup using Cookie Consent by Insites | generoi | 6 |
249 | acf-autosize | Autoresize wysiwyg and textarea fields in ACF | yeah8000 | 16 |
250 | acf-medium-editor | Configurable Medium Editor WYSIWYG Field for ACF5 Pro | Hube2 | 68 |
251 | Sage9-Woocommerce-Integration | How to use Woocommerce (3.4.3) with Sage 9.0.1 (Blade + SoberWP controllers), WP 4.9.7 (17/07/2018) | mtx-z | 26 |
252 | sage-woocommerce-support | Add Woocommerce support for Sage 9 based themes. | kimhf | 10 |
253 | acorn-stripe | Acorn Stripe | pixelcollective | 2 |
254 | acorn-settings-gutenberg | WordPress 5 block editor configuration for Acorn projects | pixelcollective | 5 |
255 | wp-performant-media | Simple lazy loading plugin for WordPress | pixelcollective | 36 |
256 | copernicus | WordPress Block Editor Framework // Formerly "Mutombo" | pixelcollective | 13 |
257 | roots-wordpress-announcement | ItinerisLtd | 1 | |
258 | gf-sagepay | Gravity Forms Add-on for SagePay | ItinerisLtd | 1 |
259 | tiny-blocks | WordPress block editor framework | pixelcollective | 28 |
260 | pppp | Posts per page for custom post types and taxonomies. | torounit | 7 |
261 | cultural-affairs-wp-theme | Wordpress theme code for culturela.org | CityOfLosAngeles | 6 |
262 | versionpress | Git-based version control for WordPress. Whoa! | versionpress | 2388 |
263 | google-tag-manager-snippets | MWDelaney | 4 | |
264 | wp-smtp | Simple package for handling WordPress SMTP with .env when using the Roots stack. | Log1x | 20 |
265 | poet | Configuration-based post type, taxonomy, block category, and block registration for Sage 10. | Log1x | 52 |
266 | acf-gutenblocks | ItinerisLtd | 68 | |
267 | satispress | Expose installed WordPress plugins and themes as Composer packages. | cedaro | 343 |
268 | composer-wp-pro-plugins | Composer installer for Pro WordPress plugins. | junaidbhura | 40 |
269 | Nebula | Nebula is a WordPress theme framework that focuses on enhancing development. The core features of Nebula make it a powerful tool for designing, developing, and analyzing WordPress websites consistently, yet its deliberately uncomplicated code syntax also serves as a learning resource for programmers themselves. | chrisblakley | 96 |
270 | sage-acfblocks | generoi | 28 | |
271 | sage-gutenberg-acf-tailwind-example | An example implementation of an ACF-based Gutenberg block builder with Sage 10 (pre-alpha). | knowler | 5 |
272 | sage-svg | A simple package for using inline SVGs with Sage 10. | Log1x | 49 |
273 | navi | A developer-friendly alternative to the WordPress NavWalker. | Log1x | 115 |
274 | private-composer-installer | Composer install helper outsourcing sensitive keys from the package URL into environment variables | ffraenz | 164 |
275 | gravityforms-bootstrap-hooks | Actions & filters for using Gravityforms in your Bootstrap enabled theme. | basmiddelham | 9 |
276 | block-areas | Introduces a simple method for defining block areas to use the block editor outside of the post content. | wprig | 36 |
277 | wp-plugin-activation-manifest | PrimeTimeCode | 66 | |
278 | extended-cpts | A library which provides extended functionality to WordPress custom post types and taxonomies. | johnbillion | 701 |
279 | acf-builder | An Advanced Custom Field Configuration Builder | StoutLogic | 481 |
280 | pomf | A simple implementation of the Pomf API. | Log1x | 3 |
281 | acf-block-builder | A wrapper around ACF Builder for registering ACF Blocks. Default usage is for Sage 10. | kmdig | 11 |
282 | fields-composer | Cached Advanced Custom Fields data for Sage 10 view composers | pixelcollective | 4 |
283 | BlockCompose | View composer and attribute builder for Sage 10 and WordPress' Project Gutenberg editor. | kellymears | 13 |
284 | acf-composer | Compose ACF Fields, Blocks, Widgets, and Option Pages with ACF Builder on Sage 10 | Log1x | 115 |
285 | sage-directives | A set of Blade directives for use with Roots Sage. | Log1x | 170 |
286 | crop-thumbnails | "Crop Thumbnails" made it easy to get exacly that specific image-detail you want to show. Crop your images the simple way. | vollyimnetz | 31 |
287 | wponion | ~ Lightweight, Flexible & Rapid WP Development Framework ~ | wponion | 120 |
288 | govintranet-free | Intranet theme inspired by GOV.UK. Custom post types: news, blog, events, tasks & guides, projects, vacancies, A to Z, jargon-buster, staff directory, teams. Theme widgets: About this page, A to Z, Events listing, Feature blogposts, Feature news, Feedback, How do I?, Most active, Hot topics, Most recent, Search autocomplete, Vacancy listing, Tube status, Profile nudge, Intraverts. Requires Advanced Custom Fields Pro (Premium plugin). | lukeoatham | 56 |
289 | roots-example-cpt | An example of a WordPress Custom Post Type designed for easy inclusion in a Roots/Bedrock project. | MWDelaney | 26 |
290 | sage-acf-wp-blocks | Composer library for generating ACF Gutenberg blocks from templates. | MWDelaney | 226 |
291 | sage-bootstrap4-navwalker | MWDelaney | 73 | |
292 | sage-advanced-custom-fields | MWDelaney | 66 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | divio-cloud-docs | Divio Cloud documentation for developers | divio | 8 |
2 | videocr | Extract hardcoded subtitles from videos using machine learning | apm1467 | 297 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | composer-summary | Automatically document your composer dependencies | oncarrot | 9 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | bootstrap-dark-5 | The Ancillary Guide to Dark Mode and Bootstrap 5 - A continuation of the v4 Dark Mode POC | vinorodrigues | 15 |
2 | wp-map-block | Gutenberg Map Block for google map & Openstreet map | imrantushar | 2 |
3 | acf-commonmark | Allows you to add a Markdown field to ACF using CommonMark standard | joppuyo | 3 |
4 | cloudfour.com-patterns | The Pattern Library for cloudfour.com | cloudfour | 14 |
5 | Engineering-Best-Practices | 10up Engineering Best Practices | 10up | 645 |
6 | genero-design-system | generoi | 3 | |
7 | air-light | WordPress starter theme - designed to be minimal, lightweight and easy for all kinds of WordPress projects. Public Roadmap: https://favro.com/organization/3b45e73eaf083f68fefef368/c1dd2d4a99d6723904d2e763 | digitoimistodude | 267 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | toolbox | Frameworks, plugins, libraries, tools, cheat sheets, etc. | metinucar | 8 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | tail-kit | Tail-kit is a free and open source components and templates kit fully coded with Tailwind css 2.0. | Charlie85270 | 857 |
2 | module-drawer | Open and close things, but in a nice way. | murmurcreative | 1 |
3 | vue-tailwind | Vue UI components with configurable classes ready for TailwindCSS | alfonsobries | 1088 |
4 | pwa-asset-generator | Automates PWA asset generation and image declaration. Automatically generates icon and splash screen images, favicons and mstile images. Updates manifest.json and index.html files with the generated images according to Web App Manifest specs and Apple Human Interface guidelines. | onderceylan | 1396 |
5 | lite-vimeo | Vimeo version of Justin's version of Paul's lighter YT embed | slightlyoff | 16 |
6 | vue-awesome-swiper | 🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs | surmon-china | 11163 |
7 | bud | A webpack framework combining the best parts of Laravel Mix and Symfony Encore | roots | 18 |
8 | composify | Turn WordPress plugin zip files into git repositories, so that composer version constraints work properly. | ItinerisLtd | 36 |
9 | critical-css-api | This nodeJS app provides a simple API to generate the Critical CSS from a given URL. It also has a whole user management based on MongoDB where users can create and delete projects. | nico-martin | 4 |
10 | hls.js | JavaScript HLS client using Media Source Extension | video-dev | 9346 |
11 | sage-cli | Perform tasks with the Sage theme | roots | 20 |
12 | countUp.js | Animates a numerical value by counting to it | inorganik | 6646 |
13 | disable-scroll | Prevent page scrolling | gilbarbara | 95 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | gradient-designer | jenstornell | 57 | |
2 | surmon-china.github.io | Repository project pages. | surmon-china | 109 |
3 | tailwind-take-home-project | adamwathan | 116 | |
4 | v-maps | A simple Google Maps component for Vue | zirkeldesign | 2 |
5 | merakiui | 🚀 ☄️ Beautiful TailwindCSS components that support RTL languages. | bakateam | 463 |
6 | VueFeedbackReaction | Helps you to collect feedback and leads using the most spoken language in the world: the emoji. | IvanSotelo | 74 |
7 | vue-wordpress | Use Vue.js and the WP REST API to build WordPress themes as SPAs with dynamic routing, HMR for development, SEO enabled, and SSR capable. Demo: | bucky355 | 347 |
To the extent possible under law, smeedijzer-internet has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.