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Changes to the Mapbox Navigation SDK for iOS



  • Added CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManagerDidCancelPreview(_:) to notify developers after CarPlay canceled routes preview, and CarPlayManager.cancelRoutesPreview() method to cancel routes preview on CarPlay. (#4311)
  • Added CPRouteChoice.indexedRouteResponse property to allow developers to get access to the IndexedRouteResponse of CPRouteChoice on CarPlay. (#4311)
  • Added the ability to pan a map view on CarPlay. (#4288)

Other changes

  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect upcoming intersection index cause a crash. (#4314)




  • Added RouterDelegate.router(:shouldProactivelyRerouteFrom:to:completion), NavigationServiceDelegate.navigationService(:shouldProactivelyRerouteFrom:to:completion) and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(:shouldProactivelyRerouteFrom:to:completion) methods to inform and providing control over each individual proactive rerouting attempt. (#4229)
  • Added RouteController.updateRouteLeg(to:completionHandler:) method to allow switching route legs arbitrarily. (#4261)
  • Predictive cache optimization for reducing memory and CPU consumption on very long and complex routes. (#4283)
  • Fixed reset of DR driving out of the tunnel for a brief moment. (#4283)
  • Fix the issue where continuous alternative routes are not vanishied correctly. (#4283)
  • Fixed an issue where switching to a coincident online route sometimes resulted in using a route with different geometry than the original one. (#4305)


  • The maneuver arrow now extends 50 points along the route before and after an intersection, compared to 30 points previously. (#4230)
  • Fixed issue with simultaneous recognition of tap gesture. (#4283)
  • Fixed label localization to properly handle Simplified and Traditional Chinese. (#4283)
  • Allow simultaneous recognition of map- and annotation- handling gesture recognizers. (#4283)
  • Fixed an issue where text in the route duration annotation was not centered correctly on devices with different screen sizes. (#4130)
  • Added CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:willAdd:for:), NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:willAdd:) and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:willAdd:) to modify the properties of the default layer which will be added to the map view during navigation. (#4277)
  • Fixed issue where the traversed route layer doesn't share the same width with the main route casing layer after developers providing their own layer or midfying the layer properties. (#4277)
  • Added NavigationMapView.showcase(_:routesPresentationStyle:legIndex:animated:duration:completion:) and methods to draw IndexedRouteResponse data and populate view's routes and continuousAlternatives properties accordingly. (#4294)
  • Fixed an issue where map wouldn't be loaded in active navigation session on CarPlay. (#4315)

Location tracking

  • Fixed a rare crash that could happen during route simulation. (#4153)


  • Added the ability to display a junction image for the maneuver on CarPlay. (#4324)

Other changes

  • Fixed potential issue when rerouting and route refreshing happen simultaneously which could lead to old route restoration or even a crash. (#4238)
  • Fixed an issue where the route progress could be incorrectly calculated for folding back route steps. (#4234)
  • NavigationView.init(frame:tileStoreLocation:navigationMapView:), NavigationView.navigationMapView, NavigationView.floatingStackView, NavigationView.floatingButtons, NavigationView.wayNameView, NavigationView.speedLimitView, NavigationView.topBannerContainerView and NavigationView.bottomBannerContainerView are now publicly accessible. (#4249)
  • Fixed an issue where empty intersections of the current step could cause a crash. (#4260)
  • Deprecated NavigationSettings.initialize(directions:tileStoreConfiguration:routingProviderSource:alternativeRouteDetectionStrategy:utilizeSensorData:navigatorPredictionInterval:liveIncidentsOptions:statusUpdatingSettings:) method in favor of NavigationSettings.initialize(with:). (#4275)
  • Added new parameter that allows configuring logging level for Mapbox SDKs. Checkout new NavigationSettings.initialize(with:) method for more information. (#4275)
  • Fixed an issue where the UserHaloCourseView will be shown under reduced location accuracy mode with NavigationMapview.reducedAccuracyActivatedMode as false. Right now UserHaloCourseView will be applied in only one case: when user explicitly sets NavigationMapView.reducedAccuracyActivatedMode to true, and the Precise Location property in the settings of current application is disabled by user. (#4285)
  • Fixed an issue where ExitView used dark style when using InstructionCardViewController instead of light style for both highlighted and default states of the instruction card. (#4160)
  • Added ExitView.highlightColor and GenericShield.highlightColor properties that allow users to customize the highlight color of ExitView and GenericShields to better fit their application Style. (#4160)
  • SimulatedLocationManager's initializer SimulatedLocationManager.init(route:currentDistance:currentSpeed:) is now public. (#4276)
  • Added a console message when a newer version of Navigation SDK is available. (#4280)
  • Fixed an issue where Bundle.string(forMapboxNavigationInfoDictionaryKey:) and Bundle.string(forMapboxCoreNavigationInfoDictionaryKey returned values from the application bundle instead of the Navigation SDK when statically linking using Cocoapods. (#4280)
  • Added IndexedRouteReponse.parseAlternativeRoutes method to extract AlternativeRoutes data from a response. (#4294)




  • Traffic lights, stop signs, yield signs, and railroad crossings now appear along the route during turn-by-turn navigation. To disable these icons, set the NavigationViewController.annotatesIntersectionsAlongRoute and CarPlayNavigationViewController.annotatesIntersectionsAlongRoute properties to false. (#4185)
  • NavigationMapView.removeAlternativeRoutes() and NavigationMapView.removeContinuousAlternativeRoutesDurations() were made public to provide a way to remove previously shown alternative routes and alternative routes duration annotations, respectively. (#4134)
  • Fixed an issue where tapping on a route duration annotation that overlaps a different route would cause the wrong route to be passed into NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:didSelect:) or NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:didSelect:). (#4133)
  • Fixed an issue where the shields in the instruction are using the style from last navigation session with the NavigationMapView injection used in the new session. (#4197)
  • Fixed an issue where the NavigationMapView.localizeLabels() method only localized map labels according to the user’s Preferred Language Order setting if the application also had a localization in the preferred language. (#4205)
  • Additional parameters were added to FloatingButton.rounded(image:selectedImage:size:type:imageEdgeInsets:cornerRadius) to be able to provide button type, button image edge insets and corner radius. (#4060, #4157)
  • FloatingButton no longer contains corner radius shadow, border is applied instead. (#4060)
  • Added the NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didSelect:) and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didSelect:) methods that allow selection of the waypoint and continuous alternative. (#4175)
  • NavigationMapView.showcase(_:routesPresentationStyle:legIndex:animated:duration:completion:) now contains a legIndex parameter that allows highlighting one leg more prominently than other legs of the route. (#4211)
  • Fixed an issue where the route line with no traffic congestion data and multiple legs wasn't shown correctly. (#4217)
  • Fixed a crash when setting the NavigationMapView.userLocationStyle property to UserLocationStyle.puck3D. (#4239)


  • Added the PreviewViewController that along with the ability to display a route preview map allows to present banners with additional information. Such banners should conform to Banner protocol. The Mapbox Navigation SDK also provides default banners that allow to present address of the final destination (DestinationPreviewViewController) and route information like estimated time of arrival, total duration and distance (RoutePreviewViewController). The PreviewViewControllerDelegate protocol allows to observe Banner presentation and dismissal events. Seamless transition between PreviewViewController and NavigationViewController can be reached by using UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate and replacing existing NavigationViewController.navigationMapView instance with the one that is used in PreviewViewController. (#4227, #4188)

Banners and guidance instructions

  • Added replacement for VisualInstruction.maneuverImageSet(side:) method to generate a maneuver image on iOS 13 and above. (#4161)
  • Road shield images are now cached and re-used across multiple application sessions. (#3930)
  • Fixed an issue where the CarPlay style change would affect the style of Mapbox designed shields on mobile. (#3930)
  • Fixed an issue where the Mapbox designed shields and generic shields have different sizes in instruction banner. (#3930)
  • Turn lane indications now appear even if they slightly differ from what the routing engine would have inferred from the road geometry, For example, turn lanes now appear where the user is expected to use a lane marked as as a right turn lane to make a slight right turn. (#4191)
  • Route shields now respect language-specific route numbers in Japan. (#4191)
  • Improved the timing of some spoken instructions. (#4191)
  • Fixed an issue where the current road name label appeared even while the user is not traveling on a known road. (#4191)
  • Fixed an issue where top and bottom banners were not presented when starting active navigation session. (#4222)

Location tracking

  • Fixed an issue where the user’s location history was sometimes matched to unnavigable paths, leading to unreliable location snapping. (#4191)
  • Fixed an issue where the RoadObjectMatcher.matchOpenLR(location:identifier:) method would incorrectly match some TPEG OpenLR identifiers. (#4191)
  • Added HistoryReader for parsing history files. (#4194)


  • IndexedRouteResponse is now the preferred way for setting up routing information for navigation. NavigationViewController, MapboxNavigationService, Router and RoutingProvider are updated to accomodate this change. (#4127)
  • Added the RouteController.prefersOnlineRoute property, which lets you automatically switch from a route generated on the device to one generated by the Mapbox Directions API if the geometries match. Use NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didSwitchToCoincidentOnlineRoute:), NavigationServiceDelegate.navigationService(_:didSwitchToCoincidentOnlineRoute:), RouterDelegate.router(_:didSwitchToCoincidentOnlineRoute:) or .routeControllerDidSwitchToCoincidentOnlineRoute notification to track such events. (#4127)
  • Added the NavigationViewController(for:routeIndex:navigationOptions:) initializer to start turn-by-turn navigation using map matching response. (#4127)
  • Fixed an issue where continuous alternative route lines and their corresponding callouts were misplaced on long routes. (#4176)
  • Added ReplayLocationManager(history:) and MapboxNavigationService(history:customRoutingProvider:credentials:eventsManagerType:routerType:customActivityType:) for replaying trips recorded by a history file. (#4194)
  • Fixed an issue where after route refresh, the RouteStepProgress.userDistanceToUpcomingIntersection, RouteStepProgress.intersectionsIncludingUpcomingManeuverIntersection, RouteStepProgress.intersectionDistances and RouteStepProgress.intersectionIndex are all set to default values. (#4193)
  • Route refreshing now respects current user progress on a leg to reduce update size and improve updating longer routes. (#4111)
  • Added RoutingProvider.refreshRoute(indexedRouteResponse:fromLegAtIndex:routeShapeIndex:legShapeIndex:completionHandler:) to request a refresh starting from specified shape index. Updated RouteLegProgress and RouteProgress initializers to include shape indices, and added RouteProgress.refreshRoute(with:at:legIndex:legShapeIndex:) to apply partial route refresh. (#4111)
  • Fixed an issue where some alternative routes did not begin at the user’s current location or did not end at the same location as the main route. (#4191)
  • Fixed an issue where some continuous alternative routes were unavailable or not consistently available when the user is traveling at low speed. (#4191)
  • Fixed an issue where the values of RouteLeg.segmentDistances and RouteLeg.expectedTravelTime did not add up to RouteLeg.distance and RouteLeg.expectedTravelTime, respectively. Each value of RouteLeg.expectedTravelTime that immediately follows an intersection now includes the time required to traverse the intersection. (#4191)
  • Fixed an issue where some rat runs were suggested as alternative routes that matched the main route. These alternative routes are no longer suggested at all. (#4191)
  • Fixed an issue where routes avoided roads with the deprecated tags hov=lane and hov:conditional=lane @ … as restricted roads. (#4191)
  • Fixed an issue where the user’s location would get out of sync after traveling through short tunnels. (#4239)
  • Fixed a crash after changing RouteController.prefersOnlineRoute from false to true. (#4239)

User feedback

  • The MapboxMobileEvents dependency is no longer used. Feedback events are now handled by MapboxCommon. (#4011)
  • Deprecated NavigationEventsManager.init(activeNavigationDataSource:passiveNavigationDataSource:accessToken:mobileEventsManager:) in favor of NavigationEventsManager.init(activeNavigationDataSource:passiveNavigationDataSource:accessToken:). (#4011)

Predictive caching

  • Implemented predictive cache with TilesetDescriptor so that volatile sources are not loaded unexpectedly. (#4213)
  • Deprecated PredictiveCacheManager.init(predictiveCacheOptions:styleSourcePaths:) and PredictiveCacheManager.init(predictiveCacheOptions:mapOptions:) in favor of PredictiveCacheManager.init(predictiveCacheOptions:cacheMapOptions:). (#4213)
  • Added PredictiveCacheMapsOptions (map specific, that also allow to specify zoom levels for which the map tiles should be cached) and PredictiveCacheNavigationOptions (navigation specific) available through the PredictiveCacheOptions. (#4213)
  • Deprecated PredictiveCacheOptions.currentLocationRadius, PredictiveCacheOptions.routeBufferRadius, PredictiveCacheOptions.destinationLocationRadius, PredictiveCacheOptions.maximumConcurrentRequests. Use PredictiveCacheOptions.predictiveCacheNavigationOptions and PredictiveCacheOptions.predictiveCacheMapsOptions instead for separate predictive cache configuration for maps and navigation. (#4213)
  • Added PredictiveCacheManager.updateMapControllers(cacheMapOptions:) for cashing map styles after they are loaded. (#4213)

Other changes

  • Added NavigationViewController.usesNightStyleInDarkMode property to control whether night style is used in dark mode. (#4143)
  • Fixed an issue where the rerouting audio cue stopped background audio. (#3642)
  • Fixed an issue where the rerouting audio cue played even if RouteVoiceController.playRerouteSound was set to false. (#4214)
  • Added BorderCrossing.init(from:to:) to allow creation of BorderCrossing publicly. (#4226)


  • Fixed an issue where creating a RouteController with the result of RouteResponse(matching:options:credentials:) would cause route progress and guidance instructions to remain stuck at the beginning of the route. (#4186)



Location tracking

  • Added customActivityType to MapboxNavigationService initialization to allow overriding default activity type for location updates during this navigation session. Changed default activity type from automotiveNavigation to otherNavigation for .automobile and .automobileAvoidingTraffic profiles. (#4068)
  • Added NavigationSettings.navigatorPredictionInterval to control how far ahead Navigator will predict user current position. (#4072)
  • Added the RoadGraph.Edge.Metadata.isUrban and RoadObject.isUrban properties and accompanying convenience initializers to indicate whether the edge or road object is in an urban area. (#4085)
  • Fixed an issue where some incidents in Japan were associated with two disconnected road edges, causing the RoadGraph.Path in RoadObject.Location.openLRLine(path:shape:) to have the wrong RoadGraph.Path.edgeIdentifiers. (valhalla/valhalla#3667, #4085)
  • Fixed an issue where the user location couldn't be determined on iOS 13 and older versions. (#4113)


  • Fixed an issue where the route line layer appears above point of interest labels. (#4062)
  • Fixed an issue where the destination building failed to highlight if the user has gotten rerouted at any time during the trip. (#4085)
  • Fixed an issue where the map would cut off a continuous alternative route to appear as if it began after the deviation point. (#4085)
  • Fixed an issue where the callout annotating a continuous alternative route appeared far away from the route and contained an inaccurate travel time. (#4085)
  • Fixed an issue where some roads were shown as restricted on the route line even if public access is allowed for “local traffic only”. (#4085)
  • Fixed an issue where the NavigationMapView.traversedRouteColor property had no effect on the traversed part of the route line. (#4106)

Guidance instructions

  • Fixed an issue where the top banner and current road name label represented Mexican state highways with generic shields. (#4085)
  • Fixed an issue where the route would instruct the user to make a “U-turn” toward the passenger side wherever the user should actually make two successive turns toward the passenger side or take an exit ramp that curves 180°. (#4085)
  • JunctionView now appears after passing some toll booths or electronic toll collection points in Japan. (#4085)
  • Improved the pronunciation of junction names in Japanese in Japan. (#4085)
  • At a fork or exit on an expressway in Japan, spoken instructions now mention the junction name and side of the road but no longer mention the expressway name or number that the user would stay on. (#4085)
  • Fixed confusing instructions to take the roundabout in the Russian localization. (#4085)
  • Fixed the crashes occured in guidance instructions during offline navigation. (#4147)


  • After a fork in the road, if the user takes a different road than expected, RouteController now recognizes the actual road the user took more quickly than before. (#4085)
  • Fixed an issue where a route would U-turn outside the destination parking lot, avoiding a more direct parking lot entrance. (#4085)
  • If RouteOptions.departAt or RouteOptions.arriveBy is set, the resulting route now respects turn restrictions that depend on the date or time. (#4085)
  • Eliminated the time penalty that was applied to barriers such as gates and border crossings, which was redundant to the effective time penalty from predicted speeds around the barrier. (#4085)
  • A multi-leg route that crosses an international border can now have alternative routes. (#4085)
  • Curvy roads are penalized slightly more consistently. (#4085)
  • You can now set Waypoint.allowsSnappingToStaticallyClosedRoad to true to allow the waypoint to snap to a road that is fully closed for long-term construction. (#4085)
  • Added NavigationSettings.liveIncidentsOptions to configure how incidents data is fetched. (#4088)
  • Added NavigationSettings.statusUpdatingSettings to configure navigator status polling options. (#4135)
  • Added RouterDelegate.router(_:modifiedOptionsForReroute:), NavigationServiceDelegate.navigationService(_:modifiedOptionsForReroute:) and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:modifiedOptionsForReroute:) methods to allow RouteOptions customization on reroutes. (#4102)
  • Fixed incorrect duration calculations and route refreshing when an arrival step’s geometry contained only one coordinate. Normally, an arrival step’s geometry is expected to be a zero-length LineString; that is, with two coincident coordinates. (#4110)
  • Routes now respect conditional access restrictions that depend on the year. (#4144)
  • Routes now respect conditional access restrictions that apply to all vehicles. (#4144)
  • Fixed an issue where the Intersection.outletRoadClasses and Intersection.outletMapboxStreetsRoadClass properties were set to RoadClasses.restricted for an entrance to a rest area because of its “local traffic only” restriction. (#4144)
  • Fixed an issue where continuous alternative time travel delta was displayed as 0 in a callout after manually switching to an alternative route. (#4177)


  • Fixed an issue where navigation camera viewport padding was not taking into account MapView safe area insets on CarPlay. (#4098)

Other changes

  • When launching the application, any stray files left over from old canceled offline tile downloads are cleaned up automatically to save storage space. (#4085)
  • Fixed a “dereference error” when passing certain OpenLR identifiers into the RoadObjectMatcher.matchOpenLR(location:identifier:) method. (#4110)
  • Fixed an issue where the RoadObjectMatcher.matchOpenLR(location:identifier:) method sometimes returned the wrong parallel roadway. (#4110)
  • Removed the Hashable-conforming extension for CLLocationCoordinate2D in MapboxCoreNavigation to fix a compiler error in applications that define their own Hashable conformance for this type. (#4109)
  • Fixed the crash that sometimes occurs when orientation of the view controller that contains NavigationView is being changed and NavigationView's parent view is being deallocated at the same time. (#4118)



  • MapboxCoreNavigation now requires MapboxNavigationNative v111.x. (#4255)
  • This release of MapboxNavigation requires MapboxDirections v2.7.x to prevent an iOS 11 support removal issue. If you use Carthage, it requires MapboxDirections v2.7.1 exactly. (#4255)


  • Removed the Hashable-conforming extension for CLLocationCoordinate2D in MapboxCoreNavigation to fix a compiler error in applications that define their own Hashable conformance for this type. (#4109)
  • Fixed an issue where the user location couldn't be determined on iOS 13 and older versions. (#4113)
  • Fixed an issue where the NavigationMapView.traversedRouteColor property had no effect on the traversed part of the route line. (#4106)


  • Added NavigationSettings.liveIncidentsOptions to configure how incidents data is fetched. (#4088)




  • Fixed lost target and name fields in waypoints after rerouting, and the bearing calculation error during tunnel dead reckoning. (#4044)


  • Fixed MapView rendering issues that occur after the application returns to the foreground. (#1402)
  • Each alternative route shown during turn-by-turn navigation is now annotated with the amount of time it saves or adds to the trip. To hide these annotations, set the NavigationMapView.showsRelativeDurationOnContinuousAlternativeRoutes property to false. (#3956)
  • Fixed the issue where the route line endpoint is ahead of user location indicator on short straight-line route step when NavigationViewController.routeLineTracksTraversal enabled in active navigation. (#3992)
  • Added the ability to provide duration and completion handler while visualizing routes using NavigationMapView.showcase(_:animated:duration:completion:). (#4022)
  • Fixed an issue where the maneuver arrow is not removed after arriving to the final destination. (#4040)
  • Fixed an issue where the destination building is not highlighted after rerouting. (#4034)
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect destination building is highlighted after panning the correct building off screen. (#4034)
  • Fixed an issue where the maneuver arrow on the route line overlapped labels for points of interest. (#4030)
  • Fixed an issue where NavigationMapView injected with NavigationOptions isn't visible in active navigation. (#4049)
  • Fixed the crash caused by showing a route that doesn't contain coordinates. (#4046)


  • During active navigation, the user can tap the "Alternatives" button in the navigation bar to switch to an alternative route. (#3956)

Banners and guidance instructions

  • Added the WayNameView.cornerRadius property for customizing how the current road name is labeled. (#4004)
  • Reduced memory footprint while downloading road shield images. (#4020)

Location tracking

  • Fixed an error when rerouting the user with NavigationRouteOptions.profileIdentifier set to ProfileIdentifier.walking or ProfileIdentifier.cycling. (#4024)
  • Fixed an issue where the user’s location continued to be snapped to a roadway even after the user’s course deviated significantly from that roadway, for example because the user was actually on a parallel road. (#4012)
  • Fixed an issue when RouteController didn't update RouteProgress.distanceTraveled property during simulation. (#4043)

Other changes

  • Fixed the unmatched language issue of some localized strings in the feedback view. (#4007)
  • Added NavigationSettings.utilizeSensorData toggle to allow navigator to use additional device sensors data for better positioning. (#3973)
  • Fixed the issue of restricted layer over the whole route after the removal of continuous alternative route with a small portion of restricted road class at start. (#4009)
  • Added ResumeButton.borderWidth, ResumeButton.cornerRadius and ResumeButton.borderColor properties that allow ResumeButton's style modification. (#3996)
  • Fixed a crash when dismissing NavigationViewController. (#4029)
  • Fixed an issue where StyleManager was not applying style on iPad. (#4039)
  • Added filling of Incident properties countryCodeAlpha3, countryCode, roadIsClosed, longDescription, numberOfBlockedLanes, congestionLevel, affectedRoadNames when receiving RoadObject via Electronic Horizon. (#4045)
  • Fixed an issue where simulation inTunnels or onPoorGPS could teleport user puck to the route origin. (#4058)
  • Fixed an issue where the user location indicator moves out of view when approaching complex intersections. (#4070)



  • This release of MapboxNavigation requires MapboxDirections v2.7.x to prevent an iOS 11 support removal issue. If you use Carthage, it requires MapboxDirections v2.7.1 exactly. (#4273)



Location tracking

  • Fixed an issue where the user location couldn't be determined on iOS 13 and older versions. (#4113)




  • Added Router.finishRouting() method to finish routing session without dismissing related UI and logic components. (#3880)
  • Added reporting AlternativeRoute during navigation sessions. Subscribe to RouterDelegate.router(_:didUpdateAlternatives:removedAlternatives:) or Notification.Name.routeControllerDidUpdateAlternatives notification to receive updates on actual alternative routes list. Switching to the alternative route could be monitored by observing RouterDelegate.router(_:willTakeAlternativeRoute:at:) and RouterDelegate.router(_:didTakeAlternativeRouteAt:) methods or Notification.Name.routeControllerWillTakeAlternativeRoute and Notification.Name.routeControllerDidTakeAlternativeRoute notifications. To configure alternative routes detection, setup NavigationSettings.AlternativeRouteDetectionStrategy before starting navigation. (#3833)
  • During turn-by-turn navigation, the map view displays any alternative routes that are currently available. Tapping an alternative route switches to it, just like in a standalone NavigationMapView. (#3850)
  • Implemented refreshing RouteLeg.incidents during a route refreshing. (#3931)
  • The HistoryRecording.stopRecordingHistory(writingFileWith:) method can be called safely from the main thread. (#3913)
  • Snapped locations are spaced more evenly when the application is connected to an external GPS or CarPlay device capable of high-frequency location updates and the user rounds a corner. (#3913)
  • Fixed an issue where the user’s location would be snapped to the nearest road while the user moved around in a parking garage where the parking aisles have not been mapped in detail. (#3913)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteController sometimes took too long to detect that the user went off the route after making a turn or taking an off-ramp. (#3913)
  • When proactive reroute happens, new departure voice instruction will not be pronounced anymore. (#3937)
  • Fixed an issue where a departure instruction (e.g., “Head west”) was announced periodically in the middle of a trip due to proactive rerouting. (#3937)


  • Fixed an issue where camera stops updating when centerUpdatesAllowed, zoomUpdatesAllowed, bearingUpdatesAllowed, pitchUpdatesAllowed or paddingUpdatesAllowed disabled in OverviewCameraOptions and FollowingCameraOptions. (#3946)


  • When calling MapboxNavigationService.start() and MapboxNavigationService.stop() billing session will be resumed and paused respectively. (#3928)


  • Added NavigationMapView.tolerance property to configure the tolerance of map sources for route line, maneuver arrow, and restricted areas. The property controls the level of simplification by specifying the maximum allowed distance between the original line point and the simplified point. A higher tolerance value results in higher simplification. (#3891)
  • Added the layerPosition parameter to the method for controlling the position of the main route layer while presenting routes. (#3897)
  • Fixed an issue where camera kept receiving updates even after stopping MapboxNavigationService. (#3928)
  • Added NavigationViewController.showsContinuousAlternatives and CarPlayNavigationViewController.showsContinuousAlternatives flags to toggle displaying alternative route's lines during navigation session. Use and NavigationMapView.removeContinuousAlternativesRoutes() methods for fine control over displayed routes. (#3850)


  • Fixed an issue where route shields disappeared when the user enters a tunnel. (#3882)
  • The map automatically chooses the night style when "Always Show Dark Maps" is enabled in the Appearance section of Settings. (#3882)
  • Renamed the VisualInstruction.carPlayManeuverLabelAttributedText(bounds:shieldHeight:window:) to the VisualInstruction.carPlayManeuverLabelAttributedText(bounds:shieldHeight:window:traitCollection:instructionLabelType:) to have the ability to change color of the shield icons depending on provided trait collection. (#3882)
  • Fixed an issue where a StyleManager for CarPlay would update the appearance on both CarPlay and the iOS device simultaneously. (#3914)
  • Fixed an issue where an appearance change of CarPlay would cause an appearance change of iOS as well. Refer to DayStyle while implementing custom styles using Style class. (#3922)
  • Fixed an issue where maneuver arrow wasn't removed after passing visual instruction on CarPlay. (#3987)
  • Fixed an issue where LaneView uses incorrect styling on CarPlay. (#3975)

Other changes

  • Reduced peak memory usage.
  • Fixed an issue when alternative route lines overlapped the main route line during navigation. (#3947)
  • Fixed an issue when rerouting to the route which does not originate on current user location, route line and camera jumped to route origin. (#3943)
  • All logs that Navigation SDK produces are now sent to the MapboxCommon framework. You can intercept these logs in your own code using LogConfiguration.registerLogWriterBackend(forLogWriter:) method from MapboxCommon framework. (#3944)
  • Fixed an issue where popped window doesn't get updated in appearance when style changes on phone. (#3954)
  • Fixed an issue where detailed feedback items don't change color in different style. (#3954)
  • Update method deprecation for HistoryRecording protocol. Static methods are now preferred over instance ones. (#3960)
  • Fixed an issue where UserPuckCourseView is drawn in incorrect position if its location is outside of the bounds of MapView. (#3988)



  • This release of MapboxNavigation requires MapboxDirections v2.6.x to prevent an iOS 11 support removal issue. If you use Carthage, it requires MapboxDirections v2.6.1 exactly. (#4274)




Other changes

  • Fixed an issue when rerouting to the route which does not originate on current user location, route line and camera jumped to route origin. (#3943)



Other changes

  • Fixed multiple switching between alternative routes on reroute. (#3935)
  • Fixed memory heap corruption crash. (#3935)
  • Fixed an issue where SimulatedLocationManager would jump back to the beginning of the simulated route whenever RouteController reroutes the user onto a different route. (#3929)



User interface

  • Added the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:shouldUpdateNotificationFor:with:in:) and CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:shouldShowNotificationFor:in:) methods for controlling the display of user notifications while the application is in the background in CarPlay. (#3828)
  • Fixed an issue where shields disappeared after the application returns to the foreground. (#3840)
  • The top banner now shows shields that are more consistent with the map and current road name label. (#3864)
  • Fixed an issue where exit views and generic shields in the top banner got outdated when the style changed during turn-by-turn navigation. (#3864)
  • Fixed an issue where the current road name label used a generic white circle instead of the correct shield to represent a state route in the United States. (#3870)
  • Lane guidance remains visible while the step table is visible. (#3805)
  • Removed a transparent gap that appeared between the top banner and step table if the user completed a maneuver while the step table was visible. (#3805)
  • Fixed an issue where a gray dashed line, which normally indicates a restricted-access road, appeared at the beginning of the route line even if there was no restriction. (#3811)
  • Lane guidance views will now be shown even when all lanes a valid for the current route. (#3903)
  • Fixed the crash of nonstop road shield updates when no valid road information contained in guidance instruction. (#3911)

User feedback

  • Added the NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didSubmitArrivalFeedback:) method, which is called when the user submits a rating or comment at the end of a trip. (#3842)
  • Fixed an issue where EndOfRouteCommentView is using dark style when only light style is allowed. (#3845)

Location tracking

  • Added the Router.initialManeuverAvoidanceRadius property for adjusting the likelihood that the user will be rerouted onto a cross street very close to the current location. (#3754)
  • UserPuckCourseView no longer desaturates its color based on the age of the last location update. RouteController simulates location updates whenever Location Services is unable to receive real location updates. To ensure a steady stream of location updates outside of turn-by-turn navigation, install a PassiveLocationManager. (#3836)
  • Fixed an issue where UserPuckCourseView’s color desaturated during turn-by-turn navigation even as the location was being updated. (#3836)
  • Fixed an issue where the PassiveLocationManager(directions:systemLocationManager:eventsManagerType:userInfo:datasetProfileIdentifier:) initializer’s datasetProfileIdentifier argument was ignored. (#3867)
  • Fixed an issue where the user location was sometimes snapped to a parallel street just before it merges with the actual street. (#3862)
  • Fixed the possible crash after rerouting when routeLineTracksTraversal enabled. (#3896)


  • Renamed routingProvider to customRoutingProvider within the NavigationService class and Router protocol. You can continue to implement a RoutingProvider to customize how the router calculates a new route when rerouting, but the default value is now nil when using the built-in rerouting behavior. (#3754)
    • Renamed the NavigationService(routeResponse:routeIndex:routeOptions:routingProvider:credentials:locationSource:eventsManagerType:simulating:routerType:) initializer to NavigationService(routeResponse:routeIndex:routeOptions:customRoutingProvider:credentials:locationSource:eventsManagerType:simulating:routerType:).
    • Renamed the NavigationService(routeResponse:routeIndex:routeOptions:routingProvider:credentials:locationSource:eventsManagerType:simulating:routerType:) initializer to NavigationService(routeResponse:routeIndex:routeOptions:customRoutingProvider:credentials:locationSource:eventsManagerType:simulating:routerType:).
    • Replaced the NavigationService.routingProvider property with NavigationService.customRoutingProvider.
    • Renamed the Router(alongRouteAtIndex:in:options:routingProvider:dataSource:) initializer to Router(alongRouteAtIndex:in:options:customRoutingProvider:dataSource:)
    • Replaced the Router.routingProvider property with Router.customRoutingProvider.
  • Renamed the NavigationSettings.initialize(directions:tileStoreConfiguration:) method to NavigationSettings.initialize(directions:tileStoreConfiguration:routingProviderSource:). This method allows you to control whether the rerouting uses the network or offline routing data. (#3754, #3824)
  • Fixed an issue where a failure to calculate a route offline could result in a successful result being passed to a Directions.RouteCompletionHandler.
  • Added the public property of NavigationMapView.routeLineTracksTraversal when standalone NavigationMapView is used for active navigation. When it's set to true, call NavigationMapView.updateRouteLine(routeProgress:coordinate:shouldRedraw:) to update the route line, part of the route line disappears behind the user puck as the user travels along the main route. (#3855)


  • Fixed an issue where an active navigation using CarPlay application with route that contains multiple legs would cause a memory leak. (#3877)
  • Added the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:shouldUpdateNotificationFor:with:in:) and CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:shouldShowNotificationFor:in:) to provide the ability to control notifications presentation while CarPlay application is in the background. (#3828)

Other changes

  • During turn-by-turn navigation, incidents along the route are now refreshed periodically along with traffic congestion.
  • When the user passes a named toll collection point, the TollCollection object obtained through the Notification.Name.electronicHorizonDidPassRoadObject notification now has the property set.




  • Fixed an issue where the current road name, speed limit, and compass were missing from the map in CarPlay’s navigating activity. (#3858)



  • ❗ Starting with version 2.4.0, we are implementing a grace period of 30-seconds for all navigation sessions started by Nav SDK. A session will be counted only after this time period has surpassed. This allows you to reduce the cost of using the SDK during development and testing of your applications, as well as in production. Grace period is especially helpful to decrease the cost of short Free Drive session that are just a transition between Active Guidance sessions, or when a session is aborted right after it was started.


User interface

  • FeedbackViewController now supports changing styles based on StyleManager. (#3764)
  • Deprecated the optional StyleManagerDelegate.styleManager(_:viewForApplying:) method. All views appearance will be refreshed based on StyleManager. (#3764)
  • Fixed an issue where the map’s floating buttons are misaligned with its attribution button and sometimes untappable after rotating the device during turn-by-turn navigation. (#3776)
  • Fixed an issue where the top instruction banner couldn't be swiped back to the current one. (#3785)
  • Fixed an issue where the road name label shows wrong shield image when applying custom style under poor network connection. (#3792)
  • Added the SpeedLimitView.shouldShowUnknownSpeedLimit property which defines the view behavior if the SpeedLimitView.speedLimit property is nil. Setting this property to true will cause the view to display "--" as a speed limit instead of the SpeedLimitView being invisible. (#3798)

Location tracking

  • Added the RoadObject.Kind.railroadCrossing enumeration case to represent a railroad crossing along the route. (#3765)
  • Throttled requests to the Mapbox Directions API while the user moves around in a parking lot that has not been mapped in detail. (#3765)
  • If the user backtracks from the beginning of one leg of the route to the end of the previous leg, the user is no longer considered to be off-route; instead, RouteProgress.currentLegProgress decrements and other properties follow suit. (#3765)
  • Fixed a crash starting turn-by-turn navigation on some routes that included bridges and restricted-access roads. (#3765)
  • Fixed an issue where the route line appeared to begin away from the user’s current location after the route was refreshed. (#3781)
  • Fixed a memory leak after ending a turn-by-turn navigation session. (#3782)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteControllerWillReroute notification was incorrectly sent when a reroute was already in progress. (#3772)
  • Fixed an issue when SimulatedLocationManager could freeze the main thread when working with long routes. The manager now calls delegate methods from a background thread. (#3672)
  • Fixed an issue where initial puck position can be incorrect when NavigationViewController is presented. (#3773)
  • Fixed an issue where UserHaloCourseView was not correctly shown while changing CLLocationManager.accuracyAuthorization and CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus. (#3804)

Offline routing

  • In bilingual and multilingual areas, spoken and visual instructions include street names and destinations in the user’s preferred language when that language is signposted. (#3765)
  • Fixed Intersection.outletIndex values that were off by one. (#3765)
  • High-occupancy vehicle roads in OpenStreetMap that lack a hov:minimum tag are now assumed to be HOV 2+ roads, requiring one or more passengers. (#3765)
  • Decreased memory usage when starting turn-by-turn navigation along a long-distance route. (#3765)
  • Fixed an issue where street names in spoken instructions could be go unpronounced if tagged with a pronunciation. (#3765)
  • Added support for the workaround for requesting a route that avoids an arbitrary set of coordinates. (#3765)


  • Fixed an issue where CarPlay application was crashing during template dismissal on iOS 14 and higher. (#3794)
  • Added the ability to style each route line differently on CarPlay during route preview and active navigation using such delegate methods (#3744):
    • CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:routeLineLayerWithIdentifier:sourceIdentifier:for:) to style the route.
    • CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:routeCasingLineLayerWithIdentifier:sourceIdentifier:for:) to style the casing of the route.
  • Added CarPlayManager.previewRoutes(for:) to provide the ability to preview routes based on response from Mapbox Directions. (#3807)

Other changes

  • Added the MapboxSpeechSynthesizer(remoteSpeechSynthesizer:) initializer for creating a MapboxSpeechSynthesizer object that uses a custom SpeechSynthesizer instance. (#3747)
  • MapboxNavigationNative now sends messages to the Unified Logging subsystem com.mapbox for easier filtering. (#3765)
  • HistoryRecording static methods are deprecated in favor of instance methods. Using these instance variants on RouteController or PassiveLocationManager ensures correct history events recording and storing. (#3791)
  • Fixed a bug which caused RouteOptions.profileIdentifier to be ignored in active navigation. This may have caused elevated network usage. (#3796)


The v2.2.0 release notes clarified that is an error to have more than one instance of NavigationViewController, NavigationService, or RouteController running simultaneously. Now you will receive a log message at the fault level helping you to spot the issue. To pause the debugger when the SDK detect the problematic situation, enable the “All Runtime Issues” breakpoint in Xcode. Learn more about breakpoints in Xcode documentation. (#3740)



  • Renamed the NavigationMapView.highlightBuildings(at:in3D:completion:) method to NavigationMapView.highlightBuildings(at:in3D:extrudeAll:completion:) to provide the ability to extrude not only buildings at specific coordinates, but all other buildings as well. (#3736)
  • Added MapView.showsTileSet(with:layerIdentifier:) and MapView.setShowsTileSet(_:with:layerIdentifier:) to provide the ability to show and hide custom tile set identifiers on the map view. (#3700)
  • Added the NavigationMapView.mapViewTapGestureRecognizer property and the NavigationMapView.legSeparatingWaypoints(on:closeTo:) and NavigationMapView.routes(closeTo:) methods for configuring how the map view responds to tap gestures when previewing a route. (#3746)
  • Fixed an issue where the route line and 3D building highlights disappeared from a standalone NavigationMapView when the map style changed. (#3734, #3736)
  • Fixed an issue where the route line blinked when refreshing the route. (#3647)

Visual instructions

  • Renamed the NextBannerView.update(for:), and NextBannerView.hide() methods to NextBannerView.update(for:animated:duration:completion:),, NextBannerView.hide(animated:duration:completion:), respectively. (#3704)
  • Renamed the LanesView.update(for:), and LanesView.hide() methods to LanesView.update(for:animated:duration:completion:),, LanesView.hide(animated:duration:completion:), respectively. (#3704)
  • Added the InstructionsCardContainerView.separatorColor and InstructionsCardContainerView.highlightedSeparatorColor to be able to change instruction card's separator colors. (#3704)
  • Added routeShieldRepresentationKey to the user info dictionary of Notification.Name.passiveLocationManagerDidUpdate posted by PassiveLocationManager, and the Notification.Name.currentRoadNameDidChange posted by RouteController. The corresponding value is a MapboxDirections.VisualInstruction.Component.ImageRepresentation object representing the road shield the user is currently traveling on. (#3723)
  • InstructionsCardViewController now has a flat appearance. (#3704)
  • Fixed a crash when approaching an intersection in which one of the lanes is a merge lane. (#3699)
  • Fixed an issue where the step list in StepsViewController is empty whle the user is on the final step of a route leg. (#3729)
  • Fixed the color of leg section headers in StepsViewController to switch between the day and night styles like the rest of the view controller. (#3760)

Location tracking

  • Added an optional datasetProfileIdentifier argument to the MapboxRoutingProvider(_:settings:datasetProfileIdentifier:), PassiveLocationManager(directions:systemLocationManager:eventsManagerType:userInfo:datasetProfileIdentifier:), TilesetDescriptorFactory.getSpecificVersion(version:completionQueue:datasetProfileIdentifier:completion:), and TilesetDescriptorFactory.getLatest(completionQueue:datasetProfileIdentifier:completion:) methods for obtaining routing tiles optimized for a particular mode of transportation. Make sure to configure MapboxRoutingProvider and TilesetDescriptorFactory with the correct dataset profile if you customize Directions.profileIdentifier. (#3717)
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred in Release configuration when initializing a PassiveLocationManager or RouteController. (#3738)
  • Fixed an issue where the user location indicator floated around when the user was stopped at an intersection in an urban canyon. (#3705)
  • Fixed poor location snapping while the user is inside a tunnel. (#3705)
  • Fixed a leak of location tracking and routing resources after stopping all instances RouteController and PassiveLocationManager. (#3724)

Offline routing

  • If routing tiles in local storage are corrupted, the tiles are now redownloaded. (#3705)
  • Offline routes now respect the RouteOptions.roadClassesToAllow property. (#3705)
  • Fixed an issue where Directions.calculateOffline(options:completionHandler:) calculated the route by making a network request. (#3702)
  • Fixed an issue where offline directions contained instructions in English regardless of the DirectionsOptions.locale property. (#3705)

Other changes

  • Added CarPlayUserInfo type alias for storing CarPlay-related user information. This type will be used by CPRouteChoice or CPListItem while presenting trip with multiple route choices or when selecting list item from search results, respectively. (#3709)
  • Added the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManagerDidEndNavigation(_:byCanceling:) method, which is similar to the existing CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManagerDidEndNavigation(_:) method but indicates whether the user canceled the navigation session. (#3731)
  • Fixed an issue where changing NavigationViewController.showsReportFeedback, NavigationViewController.showsSpeedLimits, NavigationViewController.detailedFeedbackEnabled, NavigationViewController.floatingButtonsPosition and NavigationViewController.floatingButtons before presenting NavigationViewController had no effect. (#3718)
  • Fixed an issue where SpeechSynthesizing.managesAudioSession was ignored by RouteVoiceController. (#3572)
  • Fixed the gap between the end-of-route feedback panel and the bottom of the screen in landscape orientation. (#3769)




  • Added NavigationMapView.showsRestrictedAreasOnRoute property which allows displaying on UI parts of a route which lie on restricted roads. This overlay is customisable through NavigationMapView.routeRestrictedAreaColor, NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:, restrictedAreasShapeFor:) and NavigationMapView.navigationMapView(_:, routeRestrictedAreasLineLayerWithIdentifier:, sourceIdentifier:) methods. (#3603)
  • Fixed an issue where changing color of NavigationMapView.maneuverArrowColor and NavigationMapView.maneuverArrowStrokeColor did not work. (#3633)
  • Fixed an issue where the route line blinks when NavigationMapView.showsRestrictedAreasOnRoute is turned on during active navigation, and when NavigationMapView.routeLineTracksTraversal is set to true. (#3654)
  • Updated RoutesPresentationStyle to support the ability to present routes based on custom camera options. (#3678)

Location tracking

  • Fixed an issue where customized .puck2D and .puck3D of NavigationMapView.userLocationStyle is not shown during simulated active navigation. (#3674)
  • Added the NavigationLocationProvider.didUpdateLocations(locations:) to send locations update to MapView and notify its LocationConsumer. (#3674)
  • When rerouting the user, if none of the new routes is very similar to the original route selection, the Router now follows the most optimal route, not a route that is only marginally similar. (#3664)
  • Exposed map matching status using new MapMatchingResult object which can be obtained through RouteController.routeControllerProgressDidChange and PassiveLocationManager.passiveLocationManagerDidUpdate notifications under mapMatchingResultKey. (#3669)

Banners and guidance instructions

  • In landscape orientation, NavigationViewController’s top and bottom banners take up less space, leaving more room for the map. (#3643)


  • Added the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManagerWillEndNavigation(_:byCanceling:) and CarPlayNavigationViewControllerDelegate.carPlayNavigationViewControllerWillDismiss(_:byCanceling:) methods for determining when CarPlayNavigationViewController is about to be dismissed. (#3676)

Other Changes

  • Extracted MapboxNavigationNative_Private usage into a type alias to fix a compilation in Xcode 12.4. (#3662)
  • Fixed a bug where tapping NavigationMapView while it transitions the camera to or from following/overview states would leave it in transitioning state, and thus blocking switching to either mode. (#3685)
  • Fixed an issue where building extrusion highlighting was covering other items located on the map like POI and destination/arrival icons. (#3692)

Location tracking

  • Fixed an issue where dismissing NavigationViewController could cause RouteController to crash or PassiveLocationProvider to behave like active turn-by-turn navigation. It is a programmer error to have more than one alive NavigationViewController, NavigationService or RouteController simultaneously. (#3652)



  • Fixed billing issues that might affect upgrading from v1.x to v2.x. This update is strongly recommended. (#3626)
  • Fixed an issue where paused billing trip sessions might result in requests made inside MapboxNavigationNative to be billed per request. (#3348)


Location tracking

  • Added RoutingProvider to parameterize routing fetching and refreshing during active guidance sessions. Directions.calculateWithCache(options:completionHandler:) and Directions.calculateOffline(options:completionHandler) functionality is deprecated by MapboxRoutingProvider. It is now recommended to use MapboxRoutingProvider to request or refresh routes instead of Directions object but you may also provide your own RoutingProvider implementation to NavigationService, RouteController or LegacyRouteController. Using directions property of listed above entities is discouraged, you should use corresponding routingProvider instead, albeit Directions also implements the protocol. (#3261)
  • Added the PassiveLocationManager.rawLocation and PassiveLocationManager.location properties to get the latest raw and idealized locations, respectively. (#3474)
  • Fixed an issue where ReplayLocationManager would crash if initialized with just one location. (#3528)
  • Added the ReplayLocationManager.replayCompletionHandler property that allows you to loop location. (#3528, 3550)
  • Added RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.headingKey to the user info dictionary of Notification.Name.routeControllerWillReroute, Notification.Name.routeControllerDidReroute, and Notification.Name.routeControllerProgressDidChange notifications. (#3620)
  • Added a Router.heading property that may contain a heading from the location manager. (#3620)
  • Changed the behavior of ReplayLocationManager so that it doesn't loop locations by default. (#3550)
  • If the user walks away from the route, they may be rerouted onto a route that initially travels in the opposite direction. This is only the case along steps that require walking on foot. (#3620)
  • Fixed an issue where ReplayLocationManager didn't update location timestamps when a new loop started. (#3550)
  • Fixed the background location update issue during active navigation when using default .courseView for NavigationMapView.userLocationStyle. (#3533)
  • Fixed an issue where UserPuckCourseView is trimmed when using custom frame for UserLocationStyle.courseView(_:). (#3601)
  • Fixed an issue where route line blinks when style is changed during active navigation. (#3613)
  • Fixed an issue where route line missing traffic colors after refresh or rerouting. (#3622)
  • Fixed an issue when user goes offline and the route line grows back when NavigationViewController.routeLineTracksTraversal enabled. When the distance of user location to the route is larger than certain distance threshold, the vanishing effect of route line would stop until the new route line gets generated. (#3385)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteStepProgress.currentIntersection was always returning invalid value, which in turn caused inability to correctly detect whether specific location along the route is in tunnel, or not. (#3559)

Banners and guidance instructions

  • Added the TopBannerViewController.lanesView, TopBannerViewController.nextBannerView, TopBannerViewController.statusView and TopBannerViewController.junctionView properties. (#3575)
  • Added the WayNameView.backgroundColor and WayNameView.borderWidth properties for customizing how the current road name is labeled. (#3534)
  • The InstructionsBannerViewDelegate and TopBannerViewControllerDelegate protocols now conform to the VisualInstructionDelegate protocol. (#3575)
  • Fixed a crash when scrolling the guidance cards while the orientation changes. (#3544)
  • Fixed an issue where VisualInstructionDelegate.label(_:willPresent:as:) was never called. Your NavigationViewControllerDelegate class can now implement this method to customize the contents of a visual instruction during turn-by-turn navigation. (#3575)
  • Fixed an issue where certain dual- or triple-use lanes were blank in the tertiary instruction banner. (#3569, mapbox/navigation-ui-resources#26)
  • Fixed an issue where dual-use slight turn lanes were sometimes depicted as normal turn lanes in the tertiary instruction banner. (#3569, mapbox/navigation-ui-resources#26)
  • Setting the WayNameView.isHidden property to true now keeps the view hidden even after the user goes onto a named road. (#3534)
  • Fixed an issue where the user interface did not necessarily display distances in the same units as the route by default. NavigationRouteOptions and NavigationMatchOptions now set DirectionsOptions.distanceMeasurementSystem to a default value matching the NavigationSettings.distanceUnit property. (#3541)


  • Added the NavigationViewController.usesNightStyleWhileInTunnel and CarPlayNavigationViewController.usesNightStyleWhileInTunnel properties, which allow to disable dark style usage, while traversing the tunnels. (#3559)
  • Added the ability to change congestion color transition sharply or softly when NavigationMapView.crossfadesCongestionSegments changed during active navigation. (#3466)
  • While the user is walking, the map rotates according to the user’s heading instead of their course. (#3620)
  • Fixed an issue where the entire route line was colored as NavigationMapView.routeCasingColor instead of NavigationMapView.trafficUnknownColor when traffic congestion data was missing. (#3577)
  • Fixed an issue where NavigationMapView.showcase(_:animated:) was clipping unselected routes by renaming it to the NavigationMapView.showcase(_:routesPresentationStyle:animated:), with an optional parameter to control whether the camera fits to unselected routes in addition to the selected route. (#3556)
  • Fixed an issue where on routes with large distances between current location and next manuever camera zoom level was too low. To control navigation camera zoom level use IntersectionDensity.averageDistanceMultiplier coefficient. (#3616)


  • Added the CarPlayActivity.panningInNavigationMode case, which allows to track a state when user is panning a map view while actively navigating. (#3545)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the panning dismissal button to stop working on CarPlay. (#3543)
  • Fixed an issue which caused the inability to see SpeedLimitView and CarPlayCompassView when left-hand traffic mode is used on CarPlay. (#3583)
  • Added the CarPlayMapViewController.wayNameView and CarPlayNavigationViewController.wayNameView properties to show the current road name on CarPlay. CarPlayNavigationViewController.compassView, CarPlayNavigationViewController.speedLimitView and CarPlayMapViewController.speedLimitView are kept as strong references, thus available throughout the lifetime of a parent object. (#3534)
  • Fixed an issue when NavigationMapView.crossfadesCongestionSegments enabled but congestion color transition is still sharp in CarPlay. (#3466)
  • Fixed an issue when incorrect padding was used for SpeedLimitView and CarPlayCompassView for right-hand traffic mode on CarPlay. (#3605)
  • Added the ability to extrude or highlight building on CarPlay by setting the CarPlayNavigationViewController.waypointStyle property. (#3564)
  • Fixed a retain cycle in CarPlay implementation of a navigation map view that prevented NavigationMapView instances from being deallocated after CarPlay is stopped. (#3552)

Other changes

  • Added the SpeechSynthesizing.managesAudioSession property to control if the speech synthesizer is allowed to manage the shared AVAudioSession. Set this value to false if you want to enable and disable the AVAudioSession yourself, for example, if your app plays background music. (#3572)
  • Fixed an issue when SpeechSynthesizingDelegate.speechSynthesizer(_:willSpeak:) callback was called at the wrong moment. (#3572)
  • Renamed the Locale.usesMetric property to Locale.measuresDistancesInMetricUnits. Locale.usesMetric is still available but deprecated. (#3547)


  • Added the Notification.Name.didArriveAtWaypoint constant for notifications posted when the user arrives at a waypoint. (#3514)
  • Added the CarPlayManager.currentActivity property to determine how a CPTemplate is being used. (#3521)
  • Fixed an issue where setting StyleManager.styles to an array of only one style did not immediately apply the style. (#3508)
  • Fixed an issue in CarPlay’s previewing activity where only the selected route was visible on the map, while other alternative routes were hidden. Now all the routes are visible simultaneously. (#3511)
  • Fixed an issue where the route line flashed when the user arrived at the destination if NavigationViewController.routeLineTracksTraversal was enabled. (#3516)

Banners and guidance instructions

  • InstructionsCardViewController now adapts to NightStyle. (#3503)
  • Fixed an issue where InstructionsCardViewController installed duplicate Auto Layout constraints on each location update. (#3503)



  • Choose from two new pricing options depending on your use case: per-trip or unlimited trips. (#3147, #3338)
  • The Mapbox Navigation SDK for iOS license has changed from the ISC License to the Mapbox Terms of Service. (#2808)
  • To gain access to Mapbox server APIs, set MBXAccessToken in your Info.plist. MGLMapboxAccessToken is deprecated and no longer supported by NavigationMapView. (#2837)
  • The MBXNavigationBillingMethod Info.plist key is no longer supported. (#3147)

System requirements

  • MapboxNavigation and MapboxCoreNavigation require iOS 11.0 or above to run. iOS 10.x is no longer supported. (#2808)
  • Xcode 12.4 or above is now required for building this SDK from source.
  • You can build MapboxNavigation for an iOS simulator on an Apple Silicon–powered Mac. (#3031)
  • You can now install MapboxNavigation using Swift Package Manager, but you can no longer install it using Carthage. If you previously installed MapboxNavigation using Carthage, use Swift Package Manager instead. (#2808)
  • Carthage v0.38 or above is now required for installing this SDK if you use Carthage. (#3031)
  • Added a Castilian Spanish localization. (#3186)



  • NavigationMapView is no longer a subclass of MGLMapView. To access MGLMapView properties and methods, use the NavigationMapView.mapView property. (#2808)
  • Added the NavigationOptions.navigationMapView property for reusing a custom map view within NavigationViewController. (#3186).
  • Added the NavigationMapView(frame:navigationCameraType:tileStoreLocation:) initializer. (#2826)
  • Replaced the NavigationMapView.navigationMapDelegate and NavigationMapView.navigationMapViewDelegate properties with a single NavigationMapView.delegate property. (#2808)
  • Renamed the NavigationViewController.mapView property to NavigationViewController.navigationMapView. (#2808)
  • Renamed the MGLStyle.navigationDayStyleURL and MGLStyle.navigationNightStyleURL properties to StyleURI.navigationDay and StyleURI.navigationNight, respectively. Removed the MGLStyle.navigationDayStyleURL(version:) and MGLStyle.navigationNightStyleURL(version:) methods in favor of these renamed properties. (#3332)
  • Renamed the NavigationMapView.highlightBuildings(at:in3D:) method to NavigationMapView.highlightBuildings(at:in3D:completion:). (#2827)


  • Added the NavigationMapView.navigationCamera and NavigationCamera.cameraStateTransition properties for controlling the camera’s motion and the NavigationViewportDataSource class for configuring the viewport behavior based on the current location and nearby portions of the route line. Added the ViewportDataSource and CameraStateTransition protocols and the NavigationViewportDataSourceOptions struct for more granular customization. (#2826, #2944)
  • Removed the CarPlayNavigationViewController.tracksUserCourse property and the NavigationMapView.enableFrameByFrameCourseViewTracking(for:), NavigationMapView.updateCourseTracking(location:camera:animated:), NavigationMapView.setOverheadCameraView(from:along:for:), and NavigationMapView.recenterMap() methods in favor of the NavigationMapView.navigationCamera property. (#2826)
  • Removed the NavigationMapView.defaultAltitude, NavigationMapView.zoomedOutMotorwayAltitude, NavigationMapView.longManeuverDistance, NavigationMapView.defaultPadding, NavigationMapView.courseTrackingDelegate, and NavigationViewController.pendingCamera properties and the NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapViewUserAnchorPoint(_:) method in favor of the NavigationCamera.cameraStateTransition property. (#2826)
  • NavigationMapView.updateCourseTracking(location:camera:animated:) accepts a CameraOptions instance instead of an MGLMapCamera object. (#2808)
  • Changed the NavigationViewController.pendingCamera property’s type from MGLMapCamera to CameraOptions. (#2808)
  • Renamed the CourseUpdatable.update(location:pitch:direction:animated:tracksUserCourse:) method to CourseUpdatable.update(location:pitch:direction:animated:navigationCameraState:). (#2826)
  • Eliminated redundant camera animations to conserve power. (#3155, #3172)
  • Fixed the camera shaking in mobile and CarPlay during active navigation in simulation mode. (#3393)

User location indicator

  • Removed the NavigationMapView.showsUserLocation and NavigationMapView.tracksUserCourse properties in favor of NavigationMapView.userLocationStyle. (#2808)
  • Added the NavigationMapView.userLocationStyle property to customize how the user’s current location is displayed on the map. Set this property to UserLocationStyle.puck2D(configuration:) or UserLocationStyle.puck3D(configuration:) to use a location indicator layer (LayerType.locationIndicator) powered by the Mapbox Maps SDK instead of the default view-backed implementation. (#2968)
  • Removed the NavigationMapView.userCourseView property in favor of the associated value when NavigationMapView.userLocationStyle is set to UserLocationStyle.courseView(_:). Added NavigationMapView.reducedAccuracyActivatedMode property, which allows to control current location styling based on accuracy authorization permission on iOS 14 and above. (#2968, #3384)
  • If you need to customize the appearance of the user location indicator, you can subclass UserPuckCourseView and UserHaloCourseView as a starting point. (#2968)
  • Added the UserHaloCourseView.haloBorderWidth property for changing the width of the ring around the halo view. (#3309)
  • Fixed an issue where setting UserPuckCourseView.puckColor in a Style subclass had no effect. (#3306)
  • Fixed a memory leak in UserCourseView. (#3120)
  • Fixed the pitch issue of UserHaloCourseView when map tilted during active guidance navigation. (#3407)
  • Added the UserPuckCourseView.minimizesInOverview property, which allows to disable UserPuckCourseView minimization in case when navigation camera state is NavigationCameraState.overview. (#3460)

Route overlay

  • Removed the NavigationAnnotation class. (#2808)
  • Renamed the MBRouteLineWidthByZoomLevel property to Constants.RouteLineWidthByZoomLevel and changed its type to Double for keys and values. (#2808)
  • Renamed the MBCurrentLegAttribute and MBCongestionAttribute constants to Constants.CurrentLegAttribute and Constants.CongestionAttribute, respectively. (#2808)
  • Added the NavigationMapView.navigationMapView(_:didAdd:pointAnnotationManager:) and NavigationViewController.navigationViewController(_:didAdd:pointAnnotationManager:) delegate methods, which are called whenever a PointAnnotation is added to a NavigationMapView or NavigationViewController, respectively, to represent the final destination. Added the NavigationMapView.pointAnnotationManager property for managing point annotations. (#2961, #3109)
  • When specifying the legIndex in, the route line for the specific route leg shows color-coded congestion segments, while other route legs are stroked with NavigationMapView.routeCasingColor by default. If the leg index is unspecified, all the route legs show color-coded congestion. During turn-by-turn navigation, the default specified route leg is the current route leg. You can override the route leg colors using properties such as NavigationMapView.routeCasingColor and NavigationMapView.trafficHeavyColor. Added the NavigationMapView.showsCongestionForAlternativeRoutes property to show congestion levels with different colors on alternative route lines. (#2833, #2887)
  • Fixed an issue where the route line disappears when changing a NavigationMapView’s style. (#3136)
  • Renamed the NavigationMapView.updateRoute(_:) method to NavigationMapView.travelAlongRouteLine(to:). Improved the performance of updating the route line to change color at the user’s location as they progress along the route. (#3201).
  • Fixed an issue where the route line grows backwards when the NavigationViewController.routeLineTracksTraversal property is set to true and the user passes the destination. (#3255)
  • Fixed incorrect color-coded traffic congestion along the route line and incorrect speeds in the speed limit view after some time had elapsed after rerouting. (#3344)
  • By default, there is no longer a subtle crossfade between traffic congestion segments along a route line. To reenable this crossfade, set the NavigationMapView.crossfadesCongestionSegments property to true. You can also adjust the length of this crossfade using the global variable GradientCongestionFadingDistance. (#3153, #3307)
  • The duration annotations added by the NavigationMapView.showRouteDurations(along:) method are now set in the fonts you specify using the NavigationMapView.routeDurationAnnotationFontNames property. Use this property to specify a list of fallback fonts for better language support. (#2873)
  • Fixed an issue when route line was sometimes invisible after starting turn-by-turn navigation. (#3205)

Banners and guidance instructions

  • Removed the InstructionsBannerViewDelegate.didDragInstructionsBanner(_:) method. (#2808)
  • Removed the StatusView.delegate and StatusView.canChangeValue properties and the StatusViewDelegate and DeprecatedStatusViewDelegate protocols. (#2993)
  • Removed the BottomBannerViewController(delegate:) initializer. (#2993)
  • The top banner can now show a wider variety of turn lane configurations, such as combination U-turn/left turn lanes and combination through/slight right turn lanes. (#2882)
  • Fixed an issue where the current road name label flashed when the camera state changed or the user traveled onto an unnamed road. (#2958)
  • Fixed an issue where the current road name label sometimes displayed the name of an intersecting road instead of the current road or blinked in and out. (#3257)
  • Fixed an issue where lane guidance icons would sometimes highlight the wrong arrow. (#2942)
  • Fixed an issue where instruction banners could appear in the wrong color after switching between Styles. (#2977)
  • Fixed an issue where GenericRouteShield images would ignore changing its foreground color in favor of a cached image. (#3217)
  • Fixed an issue where some banner instructions were occasionally skipped. (#3265)
  • Improved the current road name label’s performance and fixed a potential crash when updating it. (#3340)
  • Fixed an issue where arrival guidance card appears too early. (#3383)
  • Fixed an issue where the noncurrent guidance cards were highlighted. (#3442)
  • Fixed an issue where guidance cards for multi-leg routes could temporarily show fewer cards than available. (#3451)

Location tracking

  • Added the NavigationLocationProvider class to conform to LocationProvider protocol, which depends on NavigationLocationManager to detect the user’s location as it changes during turn-by-turn navigation. SimulatedLocationManager and ReplayLocationManager can now be used with a standalone NavigationMapView through NavigationMapView.mapView.location.overrideLocationProvider(with:). (#3091)
  • Added the Notification.Name.currentRoadNameDidChange to detect the road name posted by RouteController. (#3266)
  • RouteController and PassiveLocationManager now conform to the NavigationHistoryRecording protocol, which has methods for recording details about a trip for debugging purposes. (#3157, #3448)
  • Renamed the RouterDataSource.locationProvider and EventsManagerDataSource.locationProvider properties to RouterDataSource.locationManagerType and ActiveNavigationEventsManagerDataSource.locationManagerType, respectively. (#3199)
  • Renamed the Router.advanceLegIndex() method to Router.advanceLegIndex(completionHandler:) and the PassiveLocationDataSource.updateLocation(_:) method to PassiveLocationManager.updateLocation(_:completionHandler:). These methods are now asynchronous, and their completion handlers indicate whether the operation succeeded. (#3342)
  • Removed the RouteLegProgress.upComingStep property. (#2993)
  • Removed the NavigationViewController.indexedRoute, NavigationService.indexedRoute, and Router.indexedRoute properties in favor of NavigationViewController.indexedRouteResponse, NavigationService.indexedRouteResponse, and Router.indexedRouteResponse, respectively. Removed the RouteProgress.indexedRoute property. (#3182)
  • The NavigationViewController.indexedRoute, NavigationService.indexedRoute, Router.indexedRoute, and RouteController.routeProgress properties are no longer writable. Use the Router.updateRoute(with:routeOptions:completion:) method to manually reroute the user. (#3159, #3345, #3432)
  • The NavigationService.router and MapboxNavigationService.router properties are no longer unsafe-unowned. (#3055)
  • Fixed unnecessary rerouting when calling the NavigationService.start() method. (#3239)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteController or PassiveLocationManager sometimes snapped the user’s location assuming a path that violated a turn restriction. (#2808)
  • Added SimulationMode.inTunnels to enable simulating user location when loosing GPS signal while traversing tunnels. Simulation mode for default navigation service now can be configured using NavigationOptons.simulationMode. (#3314)
  • Improved performance and decreased memory usage when downloading routing tiles. (#2808)
  • Fixed a crash when navigating along a route 0 meters long (for example, because two waypoints snap to the same location). (#3387)
  • Renamed the Router.updateRoute(with:routeOptions:) method to Router.updateRoute(with:routeOptions:completion:). The method is now asynchronous, with a new completion handler that is called when the update has completed. (#3432)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteController sometimes incorrectly reported the user’s location as being off-route. (#3432)
  • Fixed a crash due to an invalid RouteProgress object. (#3432)

Passive navigation

  • Renamed PassiveLocationManager to PassiveLocationProvider and PassiveLocationDataSource to PassiveLocationManager for consistency with NavigationLocationProvider and NavigationLocationManager. (#3091)
  • PassiveLocationProvider now conforms to the LocationProvider protocol instead of MGLLocationManager. (#2808)
  • The PassiveLocationProvider.delegate property is now of type LocationProviderDelegate instead of MGLLocationManagerDelegate. (#2808)
  • Replaced PassiveLocationManager.accuracyAuthorization() was replaced with the PassiveLocationProvider.accuracyAuthorization property, which now returns CLAccuracyAuthorization instead of MBNavigationAccuracyAuthorization. (#2808)
  • Fixed a potential hang when PassiveLocationManager fails to download routing tiles. (#2808)
  • Renamed PassiveLocationManager.startUpdatingLocation(completionHandler:) to PassiveLocationProvider.startUpdatingLocation(). This method now runs synchronously like CLLocationManager.startUpdatingLocation(). (#2823)


  • RouteOptions no longer conforms to NSCopying. Use JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder to get a copy of the RouteOptions object round-tripped through JSON. (#3484)
  • Added the NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:shouldPreventReroutesWhenArrivingAt:) method, which is called each time the user arrives at a waypoint. By default, this method returns true and prevents rerouting upon arriving. (#3195)
  • Renamed RouteOptions.without(waypoint:) to RouteOptions.without(_:). (#3192)
  • Rerouting now uses a snapped location instead of a raw location from Core Location. (#3361, #3644)
  • Fixed an issue where a subclass of NavigationRouteOptions would turn into an ordinary RouteOptions when rerouting the user. (#3192, #3484)
  • Fixed an issue where the RouteController.indexedRouteResponse property would remain unchanged after the user is rerouted. (#3344)
  • Fixed an issue where the IndexedRouteResponse.routeIndex of the NavigationService.indexedRouteResponse property would reset to zero after the user is rerouted. (#3345)
  • Fixed an issue where the user would be rerouted even if NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:shouldRerouteFrom:) returned false. To implement reroute after arrival behavior, return true from this method and false from NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:shouldPreventReroutesWhenArrivingAt:), then set NavigationViewController.showsEndOfRouteFeedback to false. (#3195)

Predictive caching and offline navigation

  • A new predictive cache proactively fetches tiles which may become necessary if the device loses its Internet connection at some point during passive or active turn-by-turn navigation. Pass a PredictiveCacheOptions instance into the NavigationOptions(styles:navigationService:voiceController:topBanner:bottomBanner:predictiveCacheOptions:) initializer as you configure a NavigationViewController, or manually call NavigationMapView.enablePredictiveCaching(options:). (#2830)
  • Added the Directions.calculateOffline(options:completionHandler:) and Directions.calculateWithCache(options:completionHandler:) methods, which incorporate routing tiles from the predictive cache when possible to avoid relying on a network connection to calculate the route. RouteController now also uses the predictive cache when rerouting. (#2848)
  • Fixed an issue where PassiveLocationManager and RouteController did not use the access token and host specified by PassiveLocationDataSource.directions and RouteController.directions, respectively. Added the PredictiveCacheOptions.credentials property for specifying the access token and host used for prefetching resources. (#2876)
  • Added the NavigationMapView.mapTileStore, PassiveLocationManager.navigatorTileStore and RouteController.navigatorTileStore properties for accessing TileStore objects that are responsible for downloading map and routing tiles. (#2955)
  • Added the TilesetDescriptorFactory class for checking routing tiles in a TileStore. The tile storage location is determined by the NavigationSettings.tileStoreConfiguration property. (#3015, #3164, #3215)
  • Added the Notification.Name.navigationDidSwitchToFallbackVersion and Notification.Name.navigationDidSwitchToTargetVersion notifications, which are posted when PassiveLocationManager and RouteController fall back to an older set of navigation tiles present in the current tile storage. (#3014)
  • Added the NavigationSettings.directions and NavigationSettings.tileStoreConfiguration properties for ensuring consistent caching between instances of PassiveLocationManager and RouteController. The directions argument of PassiveLocationManager(directions:systemLocationManager:), RouteController(alongRouteAtIndex:in:options:directions:dataSource:), and MapboxNavigationService(routeResponse:routeIndex:routeOptions:directions:locationSource:eventsManagerType:simulating:routerType:) now defaults to NavigationSettings.directions. (#3215)
  • Removed Bundle.ensureSuggestedTileURLExists(), Bundle.suggestedTileURL and Bundle.suggestedTileURL(version:). (#3425)

Electronic horizon and route alerts

  • While a RouteController, PassiveLocationProvider, or PassiveLocationManager is tracking the user’s location, you can get notifications about location changes that indicate relevant details in the electronic horizon – the upcoming portion of the routing graph – such as the names of cross streets and upcoming speed limit changes. To receive this information call RouteController.startUpdatingElectronicHorizon(with:) or PassiveLocationManager.startUpdatingElectronicHorizon(with:) methods and observe the Notification.Name.electronicHorizonDidUpdatePosition, Notification.Name.electronicHorizonDidEnterRoadObject, Notification.Name.electronicHorizonDidExitRoadObject, and Notification.Name.electronicHorizonDidPassRoadObject notifications. Use the RouteController.roadGraph or PassiveLocationManager.roadGraph property to get more information about the edges contained in these notifications. (#2834)
  • Note: The Mapbox Electronic Horizon feature of the Mapbox Navigation SDK is in public beta and is subject to changes, including its pricing. Use of the feature is subject to the beta product restrictions in the Mapbox Terms of Service. Mapbox reserves the right to eliminate any free tier or free evaluation offers at any time and require customers to place an order to purchase the Mapbox Electronic Horizon feature, regardless of the level of use of the feature.
  • Added the RouteController.roadObjectMatcher and PassiveLocationManager.roadObjectMatcher properties for creating user-defined road objects by matching location primitives to the road graph. (#3004)
  • Removed the Alert enumeration and the RouteAlert.alert, RouteAlert.distance, RouteAlert.length, RouteAlert.beginCoordinate, RouteAlert.endCoordinate, RouteAlert.beginSegmentIndex, and RouteAlert.endSegmentIndex properties in favor of a consolidated RouteAlerts.roadObject property. (#2991)
  • Added the RouteController.startUpdatingElectronicHorizon(with:), RouteController.stopUpdatingElectronicHorizon(), PassiveLocationManager.startUpdatingElectronicHorizon(with:) and PassiveLocationManager.stopUpdatingElectronicHorizon() methods for managing electronic horizon updates. By default electronic horizon updates are disabled. (#3475)


  • Removed the CarPlayNavigationDelegate.carPlayNavigationViewControllerDidArrive(_:) method. (#2808)
  • Renamed the CarPlayManager.mapView property to CarPlayManager.navigationMapView. (#2808)
  • Removed the CarPlayManager.overviewButton property. (#2808)
  • Removed the CarPlayNavigationViewController.drivingSide property. (#2808)
  • Added the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:shouldPresentArrivalUIFor:) and CarPlayNavigationViewController.navigationService(_:didArriveAt:) methods for determining when to present an arrival user interface. (#3016)
  • Renamed the CarPlayNavigationDelegate protocol to CarPlayNavigationViewControllerDelegate and the CarPlayNavigationViewController.carPlayNavigationDelegate property to CarPlayNavigationViewController.delegate. (#3036)
  • The CarPlayNavigationViewController.styleManager and CarPlayMapViewController.styleManager properties are now read-only. (#3137)
  • Moved the CarPlaySearchController.searchTemplate(_:updatedSearchText:completionHandler:), CarPlaySearchController.searchTemplate(_:searchTemplate:selectedResult:completionHandler:) methods to the CarPlaySearchControllerDelegate protocol. Renamed the CarPlaySearchControllerDelegate.resultsOrNoResults(_:limit:) method to CarPlaySearchControllerDelegate.searchResults(with:limit:). (#2999)
  • CarPlaySearchControllerDelegate now conforms to the CPSearchTemplateDelegate protocol. (#2999)
  • Added the NavigationGeocodedPlacemark struct, which is similar to MapboxGeocoder.swift’s GeocodedPlacemark struct but with the addition of the NavigationGeocodedPlacemark.listItem() method. Added the RecentItem struct to represent a recently selected search result. (#2999)
  • Added the CarPlayMapViewControllerDelegate protocol, which provides methods for reacting to events during the browsing and previewing activities. (#3190)
  • Added the CarPlayMapViewControllerDelegate.carPlayMapViewController(_:didAdd:pointAnnotationManager:), CarPlayNavigationViewControllerDelegate.carPlayNavigationViewController(_:didAdd:pointAnnotationManager:) and CarPlayManager.carPlayManager(_:didAdd:to:pointAnnotationManager:) delegate methods, which will be called whenever the PointAnnotation representing the final destination is added to CarPlayMapViewController, CarPlayNavigationViewController and CarPlayManager, respectively. (#3190)
  • A speed limit indicator now appears on the map during the browsing activity. (#3197)
  • A speed limit indicator now can be fully hidden by using SpeedLimitView.isAlwaysHidden property. (#3429)
  • Renamed the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:navigationServiceAlong:routeIndex:routeOptions:desiredSimulationMode:) method to CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:navigationServiceFor:routeIndex:routeOptions:desiredSimulationMode:). It now returns an optional NavigationService; if it is nil, a MapboxNavigationService will be used by default. (#3208)
  • Renamed the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carplayManagerShouldDisableIdleTimer(_:) method to CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManagerShouldDisableIdleTimer(_:). (#3208)
  • Added the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:templateWillAppear:animated:), CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:templateDidAppear:animated:), CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:templateWillDisappear:animated:), and CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:templateDidDisappear:animated:) methods to pass through the corresponding methods from CPInterfaceControllerDelegate. (#3219)
  • Fixed an issue where CPMapTemplate.tripEstimateStyle uses dark appearance even if light appearance is selected. (#3397)
  • CarPlayMapViewController and CarPlayNavigationViewController are now subclassable. (#3424)
  • Added CPInterfaceController.safePopTemplate(animated:), which allows to safely pop back a CPTemplate by a single level in the template navigation hierarchy. (#3426)

User feedback

  • You can now solicit user feedback about PassiveLocationManager and NavigationMapView outside of active turn-by-turn navigation. Use PassiveLocationManager.eventsManager property of NavigationEventsManager type to create and send user feedback. You can use a FeedbackViewController to present the user with the same options as during turn-by-turn navigation. Alternatively, if you present a custom feedback UI, call the NavigationEventsManager.createFeedback() method and configure the resulting FeedbackEvent with any additional context. (#3122, #3322)
  • The ActiveNavigationEventsManagerDataSource.router, NavigationService.eventsManager, and MapboxNavigationService.eventsManager properties are no longer unsafe-unowned. (#3055)
  • Removed the EventsManager type alias. (#2993)
  • Feedback events now include a snapshot of NavigationViewController that is taken sooner, when the problem is more likely to be apparent. (#3049)
  • You can now manage the feedback event lifecycle, allowing the user to submit additional details later. Use NavigationEventsManager.createFeedback() to create a FeedbackEvent and NavigationEventsManager.sendActiveNavigationFeedback(_:type:description:) to send it to Mapbox. FeedbackEvent conforms to the Codable protocol, so your application can store incomplete feedback across sessions if necessary. (#3154, #3318)
  • To submit feedback during passive navigation, use NavigationEventsManager.createFeedback() to create a FeedbackEvent and NavigationEventsManager.sendPassiveNavigationFeedback(_:type:description:) to send it to Mapbox. This method accepts PassiveNavigationFeedbackType with feedback types specific to the passive navigation. (#3154, #3318)
  • Added an optional NavigationEventsManager.userInfo property that can be sent with all navigation events. The new property can contain application metadata, such as the application name and version, that is included in each event to help Mapbox triage and diagnose unexpected behavior. (#3007).
  • Fixed a missing feedback subtype description for LooksIncorrectSubtype.incorrectSpeedLimit and all “other” subtypes. (#3238)
  • Renamed the FeedbackViewController(eventsManager:) initializer to FeedbackViewController(eventsManager:type:). You can now customize the view controller to show only the feedback types specific to passive navigation. (#3323)
  • Renamed the FeedbackType enumeration to ActiveNavigationFeedbackType and the EventsManagerDataSource protocol to ActiveNavigationEventsManagerDataSource. (#3327)
  • Renamed the user-facing feedback categories and subcategories for active turn-by-turn navigation that are represented at runtime by the ActiveNavigationFeedbackType enumeration. (#3339
  • Added the ability to pass your own screenshot to the NavigationEventsManager.createFeedback() when a user submits a feedback. Screenshots help Mapbox to determine where issues exist for review and correction. (#3380
  • Added NavigationEventsManager.sessionId, which allows getting session identifier used in feedback and other events. (#3449)

Other changes

  • If your storyboard has a segue to NavigationViewController in Navigation.storyboard, you have to call the NavigationViewController.prepareViewLoading(routeResponse:routeIndex:routeOptions:navigationOptions:) method in your implementation of the UIViewController.prepare(for:sender:) method. (#2974, #3182)
  • Removed the NavigationViewController.origin property. (#2808)
  • Fixed a potential memory leak when using MultiplexedSpeechSynthesizer. (#3005)
  • Fixed a thread-safety issue in UnimplementedLogging protocol implementation. (#3024)
  • Fixed an issue where UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled was not properly set in some cases. (#3245)
  • Fixed an issue where LegacyRouteController could not correctly handle arrival to the intermediate waypoint of a multi leg route. (#3483)
  • Added the Notification.Name.navigationServiceSimulationDidChange to detect when the navigation service changes the simulating status, including MapboxNavigationService.NotificationUserInfoKey.simulationStateKey and MapboxNavigationService.NotificationUserInfoKey.simulatedSpeedMultiplierKey. (#3393).
  • By default, NavigationRouteOptions requests AttributeOptions.maximumSpeedLimit attributes along the route with the DirectionsProfileIdentifier.walking profile as with other profiles. (#3496)


  • Fixed the moment of custom feedback event creation. (#2495)
  • Fixed a bug in RouterDelegate.router(_:shouldDiscard:) handling. If you implemented this method, you will need to reverse the value you return. Previously, if you returned true, the Router wouldn't discard the location. (#3058)


  • Increased the minimum version of MapboxNavigationNative to v32.0.0. (#2910)
  • Fixed an issue when feedback UI was always appearing for short routes. (#2871)
  • Fixed automatic day/night switching. (#2881)
  • Fixed an issue where presenting NavigationViewController could sometimes interfere with view presentation in other windows. (#2897)
  • Added an optional StyleManagerDelegate.styleManager(_:viewForApplying:) method to determine which part of the view hierarchy is affected by a change to a different Style. (#2897)
  • Added the NavigationViewController.styleManager, StyleManager.currentStyleType, and StyleManager.currentStyle properties and the StyleManager.applyStyle(type:) method to manually change the UI style at any time. (#2888)
  • Fixed crash when switching between day / night modes. (#2896)
  • Added support for iOS 13's UIScene based CarPlay API. (#2832)
  • Added an optional CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:didPresent:) method that is called when CarPlayManager presents a new navigation session. (#2832)


  • MapboxCoreNavigation can now be installed using Swift Package Manager. (#2771)
  • The CarPlay guidance panel now shows lane guidance. (#1885)
  • Old versions of routing tiles are automatically deleted from the cache to save storage space. (#2807)
  • Fixed an issue where lane guidance icons would indicate the wrong arrow for certain maneuvers. (#2796, #2809)
  • Fixed a crash showing a junction view. (#2805)
  • Fixed an issue with CarPlay visual instructions where U-Turn maneuver icons were not being flipped properly based on regional driving side (#2803)
  • Fixed swiping for right-to-left languages for the Guidance Card UI to be more intuitive. (#2724)
  • NavigationViewController can now manage multiple status banners one after another. Renamed the NavigationViewController.showStatus(title:spinner:duration:animated:interactive:) method to and added a corresponding NavigationViewController.hide(_:) method. Renamed the NavigationStatusPresenter.showStatus(title:spinner:duration:animated:interactive:) method to and added a NavigationStatusPresenter.hide(_:) method. (#2747)


  • Increased the minimum versions of MapboxNavigationNative to v30.0 and MapboxCommon to v9.2.0. (#2793)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the App Store to reject some application submissions with error ITMS-90338. (#2793)



  • Increased the minimum versions of MapboxNavigationNative to v29.0, MapboxCommon to v9.1.0 and MapboxDirections to v1.2. (#2694, #2770, #2781)
  • Installing MapboxCoreNavigation using CocoaPods no longer overrides the EXCLUDED_ARCHS build setting of your application’s target. Installing MapboxNavigation still overrides this setting. (#2770)
  • Added a Ukrainian localization. (#2735)


  • Added the ability to customize the floating buttons in navigation view. The floating buttons could be edited with NavigationViewController.floatingButtons, the position of the floating buttons could be edited with NavigationViewController.floatingButtonsPosition. (#2763)
  • Fixed an issue which was causing clear map button disappearance in the example app when selecting the route. (#2718)
  • Fixed an issue where maneuver icon was not shown after selecting specific step. (#2728)
  • Added the ability to style each route line differently using such delegate methods (#2719):
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:mainRouteStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to style the main route.
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:mainRouteCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to style the casing of the main route.
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:alternativeRouteStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to style alternative route.
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:alternativeRouteCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to style the casing of alternative route.
  • Fixed an issue where the route line periodically peeked out from behind the user puck even though NavigationViewController.routeLineTracksTraversal was enabled. (#2737)
  • Created the UserHaloCourseView similar to UserCourseView for approximate location on iOS 14 during the navigation to represent user location. Allow the switch between UserHaloCourseView and UserCourseView when precise mode is changed. (#2664)
  • Added option to show route duration callouts when previewing route alternatives (#2734):
    • NavigationMapView.showRouteDurations(along:) to show duration annotation callouts on the map for the provided routes.
    • NavigationMapView.removeRouteDurations() to remove any route duration annotations currently displayed on the map.

Instruction banners

  • Fixed an issue which was preventing the ability to customize the bottom banner height. (#2705)
  • Fixed an issue which was preventing the ability to scroll between instructions cards on iOS 14 using workaround. (#2755)
  • Fixed an instructions cards layout issue that arose when changing orientation (portrait to landscape). (#2755)
  • Fixed swiping for right-to-left languages for the traditional top banner to be more intuitive. (#2755)
  • Fixed an issue which was returning incorrect card width after multiple rotations on iPads by adding InstructionsCardViewController.viewWillTransition(to:with:). (#2724)

Location tracking

  • Fixed potential crashes when using PassiveLocationManager or PassiveLocationDataSource. (#2694)
  • Fixed repeated rerouting when traveling alongside a freeway off-ramp. (#2694)
  • Fixed repeated rerouting when starting a new leg while the user is too far from the new leg’s origin. (#2781)
  • RouteController more reliably detects when the user has gone off-route. (#2781)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteController snapped the user’s location to the opposite side of a divided highway. (#2694)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteController got stuck after making a U-turn. (#2694)

Other changes

  • The user can now report feedback about an incorrect speed limit in the speed limit view. (#2725)
  • Added the RouteProgress.upcomingRouteAlerts property to track upcoming points along the route experiencing conditions that may require the user’s attention. The UpcomingRouteAlertInfo.alert property contains one of the following types with more details about the alert: Incident, TunnelInfo, BorderCrossingInfo, TollCollection, and RestStop. (#2694)
  • Added a new NavigationMapView.roadClassesWithOverriddenCongestionLevels property. For any road class in it all route segments with an CongestionLevel.unknown traffic congestion level and a matching Intersection.outletMapboxStreetsRoadClass will be replaced with the CongestionLevel.low congestion level. (#2741)
  • Added a new RouteLeg.streetsRoadClasses property, which allows to get a collection of MapboxStreetsRoadClass objects for specific RouteLeg. (#2741)
  • NavigationAnnotation was made public to provide a way to detect annotations created by NavigationMapView. (#2769)



  • MapboxNavigationNative dependency was updated to v22.0.5 and MapboxCommon to v7.1.2. (#2648)

User location

  • Fixed issues which was causing unsmooth user puck updates on iOS and inability to zoom-in to current location at the start of navigation on CarPlay by updating to Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v6.2.2. (#2699)
  • Added the NavigationServiceDelegate.navigationService(_:didChangeAuthorizationFor:) method and Notification.Name.locationAuthorizationDidChange to detect when the user changes the Location Services permissions for the current application, including for approximate location on iOS 14. (#2693)
  • When approximate location is enabled on iOS 14, a banner appears reminding the user to disable approximate location to continue navigating. (#2693)

Other changes

  • RouteProgress, RouteLegProgress, and RouteStepProgress now conform to the Codable protocol. (#2615)
  • Fixed an issue where NavigationMapView redrew at a low frame rate even when the device was plugged in. (#2643)
  • Fixed an issue where the route line flickered when refreshing. (#2642)
  • Fixed an issue where the End of route view UI is broken prior to iOS 11. (#2690)
  • Fixed an issue where completed waypoints remained on map after rerouting. (#2378)
  • Fixed an issue where positioning icon was not highlighted on CarPlay when using iOS 14.0. (#2697)
  • Fixed an issue where ETA label font was too small during turn-by-turn navigation. (#2679)
  • Fixed an issue with NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:shapeFor:) and NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:simplifiedShapeFor:) methods were not correctly called for route shape customization (#2623)
  • Fixed an issue where the banner indicating simulation mode displayed a very large speed factor in the Hebrew location. (#2714)
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect speed multiplier value was shown after arriving to the intermediate waypoint. (#2710)



  • By default, usage of Mapbox APIs is now billed together based on monthly active users rather than individually by HTTP request. Learn more in the pricing guide. (#2405)
  • Carthage v0.35 or above is now required for installing this SDK if you use Carthage. (81a36d0)
  • MapboxNavigation depends on Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v6.0.0, and MapboxCoreNavigation depends on builds of MapboxNavigationNative and MapboxCommon that require authentication. Before CocoaPods or Carthage can download Mapbox.framework, MapboxNavigationNative.framework, and MapboxCommon.framework, you need to create a special-purpose access token. See the updated installation instructions in the readme for more details. (#2437, #2477)
  • If you install this SDK using Carthage, you need to also add MapboxCommon.framework to your application target’s Embed Frameworks build phase. (#2477)
  • Xcode 11.4.1 or above is now required for building this SDK from source. (#2417)
  • Added Greek and Turkish localizations. (#2385, #2475)
  • Upgraded to MapboxDirections v1.0.0, MapboxSpeech v1.0.0, and Turf v1.0.0. (#2646)


  • The MGLStyle.navigationDayStyleURL and MGLStyle.navigationNightStyleURL properties contain URLs to the Mapbox Navigation Day and Night v5 styles, both of which show traffic congestion lines on all roads by default. The traffic congestion layer is appropriate for a preview map; to tailor the style to turn-by-turn navigation, set MGLMapView.showsTraffic to false. (#2523)
  • A portion of the route line now disappears behind the user puck as the user travels along the route during turn-by-turn navigation if NavigationViewController.routeLineTracksTraversal is set to true. (#2377)
  • Ability to hide the route line behind the user puck on CarPlay can be enabled by setting CarPlayNavigationViewController.routeLineTracksTraversal to true. (#2601)
  • Traffic congestion segments along the route line and the estimated arrival time periodically update to reflect current conditions when using the DirectionsProfileIdentifier.automobileAvoidingTraffic profile. These updates correspond to the new Notification.Name.routeControllerDidRefreshRoute notification, NavigationServiceDelegate.navigationService(_:didRefresh:) method, and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didRefresh:) method. To disable these updates, set RouteOptions.refreshingEnabled to false. (#2366)
  • A building at the destination waypoint can be extruded in 3D and highlighted for emphasis and recognizability. To enable building extrusion or highlighting, set the NavigationViewController.waypointStyle property. For a standalone map view that is not part of NavigationViewController, call the NavigationMapView.highlightBuildings(at:in3D:) method to highlight the destination building at a specific coordinate and NavigationMapView.unhighlightBuildings() to reverse this effect. (#2535)
  • Replaced the MGLStyle.navigationPreviewDayStyleURL and MGLStyle.navigationGuidanceDayStyleURL properties with MGLStyle.navigationDayStyleURL, and replaced MGLStyle.navigationPreviewNightStyleURL and MGLStyle.navigationGuidanceNightStyleURL with MGLStyle.navigationNightStyleURL. (#2523)
  • Replaced the MGLStyle.navigationGuidanceDayStyleURL(version:) and MGLStyle.navigationGuidanceNightStyleURL(version:) methods with MGLStyle.navigationDayStyleURL(version:) and MGLStyle.navigationNightStyleURL(version:) respectively, removed the MGLStyle.navigationPreviewDayStyleURL(version:) and MGLStyle.navigationPreviewNightStyleURL(version:) methods. (#2567)
  • Removed the NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:imageFor:) and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:viewFor:) methods in favor of MGLMapViewDelegate.mapView(_:imageFor:) and MGLMapViewDelegate.mapView(_:viewFor:), respectively. (#2396)
  • Removed NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:routeStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:), NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:routeCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) in favor of four new delegate methods to customize the route styling (#2377):
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:mainRouteStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to style the main route.
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:mainRouteCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to style the casing of the main route.
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:alternativeRouteStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to style alternative routes.
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:alternativeRouteCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to style the casing of alternative routes.
  • Removed the deprecated NavigationMapView.showRoutes(_:legIndex:) method in favor of and NavigationMapView.showWaypoints(_:legIndex:) in favor of NavigationMapView.showWaypoints(on:legIndex:). (#2539)
  • Fixed an issue where the casing for the main route would not overlap alternative routes. (#2377)
  • Fixed memory leaks after disconnecting the application from CarPlay. (#2470)
  • Fixed issue which was causing incorrect alignment of MGLMapView.attributionButton and MGLMapView.logoView. (#2613)

Visual and spoken instructions

  • As the user approaches certain junctions, an enlarged illustration of the junction appears below the top banner to help the user understand a complex maneuver. These junction views only appear when the relevant data is available. Contact your Mapbox sales representative or support team for access to the junction views feature. (#2408)
  • Replaced RouteVoiceController and MapboxVoiceController with MultiplexedSpeechSynthesizer. MultiplexedSpeechSynthesizer coordinates multiple cascading speech synthesizers. By default, the controller still tries to speak instructions via the Mapbox Voice API (MapboxSpeechSynthesizer) before falling back to VoiceOver (SystemSpeechSynthesizer), but you can also provide your own speech synthesizer that conforms to the SpeechSynthesizing protocol. (#2348)
  • Added an alternative presentation for maneuver instructions that resembles swipeable user notification cards. To replace the conventional TopBannerViewController presentation with the cardlike presentation, create an instance of InstructionsCardViewController and pass it into the NavigationOptions(styles:navigationService:voiceController:topBanner:bottomBanner:) method. (#2149, #2296, #2627)


  • The user can optionally provide more detailed feedback during turn-by-turn navigation. After tapping the feedback button and selecting a feedback type, the user is taken to a second screen for selecting from among multiple subtypes. Set the FeedbackViewController.detailedFeedbackEnabled property to true to enable two-step feedback. (#2544)
  • Reorganized FeedbackType cases (#2419):
    • Removed FeedbackType.accident, FeedbackType.hazard, FeedbackType.reportTraffic, and FeedbackType.mapIssue.
    • Renamed FeedbackType.roadClosed and FeedbackType.notAllowed to FeedbackType.roadClosure(subtype:) and FeedbackType.illegalRoute(subtype:), respectively.
    • Renamed FeedbackType.routingError to FeedbackType.routeQuality(subtype:).
    • Renamed FeedbackType.confusingInstruction to FeedbackType.confusingAudio(subtype:).
    • Added FeedbackType.incorrectVisual(subtype:), FeedbackType.routeQuality(subtype:), and FeedbackType.positioning(subtype:).
    • FeedbackType.missingRoad is now represented as FeedbackType.routeQuality(subtype:) with a subtype of RouteQualitySubtype.routeIncludedMissingRoads.
    • FeedbackType.missingExit is now represented as FeedbackType.incorrectVisual(subtype:) with a subtype of IncorrectVisualSubtype.exitInfoIncorrect.
  • FeedbackViewController no longer dismisses automatically after 10 seconds. (#2420)
  • Refreshed the feedback type icons. (#2419, #2421)
  • Fixed warnings in Interface Builder that prevented styling of UI components in EndOfRouteViewController. (#2518)

User location

  • Improved the accuracy of location tracking and off-route detection. (#2319)
  • Added the PassiveLocationManager class for use with the MGLMapView.locationManager property. Unlike CLLocationManager, this class causes the map view to display user locations snapped to the road network, just like during turn-by-turn navigation. To receive these locations without an MGLMapView, use the PassiveLocationDataSource class and implement the PassiveLocationDataSourceDelegate.passiveLocationDataSource(_:didUpdateLocation:rawLocation:) method or observe Notification.Name.passiveLocationDataSourceDidUpdate notifications. (#2410)
  • The NavigationViewController.route and NavigationService.route properties are now read-only. To change the route that the user is traveling along, set the NavigationViewController.indexedRoute or NavigationService.indexedRoute property instead, pairing the route with the index of the route in the original RouteResponse object. (#2366)
  • The following methods now require a route index to be passed in as an argument (#2366):
    • NavigationViewController(for:routeIndex:routeOptions:navigationOptions:)
    • NavigationViewController(route:routeIndex:routeOptions:navigationService:)
    • CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:navigationServiceAlong:routeIndex:routeOptions:desiredSimulationMode:)
    • MapboxNavigationService(route:routeIndex:routeOptions:)
    • MapboxNavigationService(route:routeIndex:routeOptions:directions:locationSource:eventsManagerType:simulating:routerType:)
    • RouteProgress(route:routeIndex:options:legIndex:spokenInstructionIndex:)
    • RouteProgress(route:routeIndex:options:legIndex:spokenInstructionIndex:)
    • Router(along:routeIndex:options:directions:dataSource:)
    • RouteController(along:routeIndex:options:directions:dataSource:)
  • Fixed an issue where location tracking would pause at the beginning of a route after setting RouteOptions.shapeFormat to RouteShapeFormat.polyline or RouteShapeFormat.geoJSON. Note that you most likely do not need to override the default value of RouteShapeFormat.polyline6: this is the least bandwidth-intensive format, and Route.shape and RouteStep.shape are set to LineStrings regardless. (#2319)
  • Fixed an issue where various delegate methods omitted CLLocation.courseAccuracy and CLLocation.speedAccuracy properties from passed-in CLLocation objects when using RouteController, even when these properties are provided by Core Location on iOS 13.4 and above. (#2417)
  • Fixed issues where the user puck would sometimes drift away from the route line even though the user was following the route. (#2412, #2417)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteController took longer than usual to detect that the user had gone off-route. (#2412)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteController would detect that the user had gone off-route due to a single errant location update. (#2412, #2417)
  • Fixed an issue where the camera and user puck would cut a corner when making a turn at speed. (#2412)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteController became too sensitive to the user going off-route near “intersections” that the Mapbox Directions API synthesizes at road classification changes, such as at either end of a tunnel. (#2412)
  • If the user’s raw course as reported by Core Location differs significantly from the direction of the road ahead, the camera and user puck are oriented according to the raw course. (#2417)
  • RouteController now tracks the user’s location more accurately within roundabouts. (#2417)
  • Fixed an issue where departure instructions were briefly missing when beginning turn-by-turn navigation. (#2417)
  • Removed the RouteController.projectedLocation(for:) method in favor of RouteController.location. It is no longer possible to predict the user’s location at an arbitrary time. (#2610)
  • Renamed the Router.advanceLegIndex(location:) method to Router.advanceLegIndex(). It is no longer possible to advance to an arbitrary leg using this method. (#2610)

Other changes

  • The RouteProgress.congestionTravelTimesSegmentsByStep and RouteProgress.congestionTimesPerStep properties are now read-only. (#2624)
  • Deprecated NavigationDirectionsCompletionHandler, OfflineRoutingError, UnpackProgressHandler, UnpackCompletionHandler, OfflineRouteCompletionHandler, and NavigationDirections. Use Directions instead of NavigationDirections to calculate a route. (#2509)



  • This SDK can no longer be used in applications written in pure Objective-C. If you need to use this SDK’s public API from Objective-C code, you will need to implement a wrapper in Swift that bridges the subset of the API you need from Swift to Objective-C. (#2230)
  • Added a new dependency on MapboxAccounts to prepare for upcoming improvements to how Mapbox bills this SDK’s usage of Mapbox APIs. If you use Carthage to install this SDK, remember to add MapboxAccounts.framework to the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section and the input and output file lists of Carthage’s Run Script build phase. (#2151)
  • Upgraded to Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.6.x. (#2302)
  • Fixed sporadic build failures after installing this SDK using CocoaPods. (#2368)

Top and bottom banners

  • Removed BottomBannerViewController(delegate:) in favor of BottomBannerViewController() and the BottomBannerViewController.delegate property’s setter. (#2297)
  • Removed the StatusView.canChangeValue property in favor of StatusView.isEnabled. (#2297)


  • UserCourseView is now a type alias of the UIView class and the CourseUpdatable protocol rather than a protocol in its own right. (#2230)
  • Renamed NavigationMapView.showRoutes(_:legIndex:) to (#2230)
  • Renamed NavigationMapView.showWaypoints(_:legIndex:) to NavigationMapView.showWaypoints(on:legIndex:). (#2230)
  • Removed the NavigationMapView.navigationMapDelegate property in favor of NavigationMapView.navigationMapViewDelegate. (#2297)
  • Added a speed limit indicator to the upper-left corner of the map view during turn-by-turn navigation (upper-right corner in CarPlay). To hide the speed limit indicator, set the NavigationViewController.showsSpeedLimits property to false. To customize the indicator’s colors, configure SpeedLimitView’s appearance proxy inside a Style subclass. (#2291)
  • Fixed an issue where the current road name label contained an oversized route shield when the current map style was a custom style created in Mapbox Studio. (#2357)

Spoken instructions

  • Removed in favor of (#2230, #2297)
  • The MapboxVoiceController.speakWithDefaultSpeechSynthesizer(_:error:) and VoiceControllerDelegate.voiceController(_:spokenInstructionsDidFailWith:) methods now accept a SpeechError instance instead of an NSError object. (#2230)
  • Added the VoiceControllerDelegate.voiceController(_:didFallBackTo:becauseOf:) method for detecting when the voice controller falls back to AVSpeechSynthesizer. (#2230)

User location

  • Removed the NavigationViewController.routeController property and LegacyRouteController(along:directions:dataSource:eventsManager:). To use LegacyRouteController instead of the default RouteController class, pass that type into MapboxNavigationService(route:directions:locationSource:eventsManagerType:simulating:routerType:), pass the MapboxNavigationService object into NavigationOptions(styles:navigationService:voiceController:topBanner:bottomBanner:), and pass the NavigationOptions object into NavigationViewController(route:navigationService:). To access LegacyRouteController, use the NavigationViewController.navigationService and NavigationService.router properties and cast the value of NavigationService.router to a LegacyRouteController. (#2297)
  • Removed the NavigationViewController.locationManager and LegacyRouteController.locationManager properties in favor of NavigationService.locationManager. (#2297)
  • Removed RouteLegProgress.upComingStep in favor of RouteLegProgress.upcomingStep. (#2297)
  • Removed the RouteProgress.nearbyCoordinates property in favor of RouteProgress.nearbyShape. (#2275, #2275)
  • Removed the LegacyRouteController.tunnelIntersectionManager property. (#2297)

Other changes

  • Various delegate protocols now provide default no-op implementations for all their methods and conform to the UnimplementedLogging protocol, which can inform you at runtime when a delegate method is called but has not been implemented. This replaces the use of optional methods, which are disallowed in pure Swift protocols. Messages are sent through Apple Unified Logging and can be disabled globally through Unifed Logging, or by overriding the delegate function with a no-op implementation. (#2230)
  • Removed NavigationViewController(for:styles:navigationService:voiceController:) and NavigationViewController(for:directions:styles:routeController:locationManager:voiceController:eventsManager:) in favor of NavigationViewController(route:options:). (#2297)
  • Removed the EventsManager type alias in favor of the NavigationEventsManager class. (#2297)
  • Removed the NavigationViewController.eventsManager and LegacyRouteController.eventsManager properties in favor of NavigationService.eventsManager. (#2297)
  • Removed the NavigationViewController.carPlayManager(_:didBeginNavigationWith:window:delegate:) and NavigationViewController.carPlayManagerDidEndNavigation(_:window:) methods. To mirror CarPlay navigation on the main device, present and dismiss a NavigationViewController in the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:didBeginNavigationWith:) and CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManagerDidEndNavigation(_:) methods, respectively. (#2297)
  • When Dark Mode is enabled, user notifications now draw maneuver icons in white instead of black for better contrast. (#2283)
  • Added the RouteLegProgress.currentSpeedLimit property. (#2114)
  • Added convenience initializers for converting Turf geometry structures into MGLShape and MGLFeature objects such as MGLPolyline and MGLPolygonFeature. (#2308)
  • Fixed an issue where the “End Navigation” button in the end-of-route feedback panel appeared in English regardless of the current localization. (#2315)


  • Upgraded to Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.5.1. (#2341)
  • Fixed an issue where the spoken instructions always fell back to VoiceOver when the MGLMapboxAPIBaseURL key was set in the Info.plist file. (#2329)
  • Fixed a crash when setting certain properties of a Style subclass to a dynamic color. (#2338)


  • Fixed a crash on launch if this SDK is installed using Carthage. (#2317)
  • Fixed a crash when the first visual instruction contained a route shield or exit number and the application’s user interface was written in SwiftUI. (#2323)
  • Fixed an issue where a black background could appear under the arrow in a ManeuverView regardless of the view’s backgroundColor property. (#2279)
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong style was applied to exit numbers in the top banner and for subsequent maneuver banners in CarPlay, resulting in poor contrast. (#2280)


  • Fixed a crash on launch if this SDK is installed using Carthage. (#2301)


  • Fixed an issue where user notifications displayed right turn arrows for left turn maneuvers. (#2270)


  • This library now requires a minimum deployment target of iOS 10.0 or above. iOS 9.x is no longer supported. (#2206)
  • Fixed an issue where the user puck appeared farther up the screen than the actual user location even while the camera pivoted around the user location at turns. (#2211)
  • Lock screen notifications are presented more reliably and more closely resemble instruction banners. (#2206)
  • Fixed an issue where manually incrementing RouteProgress.legIndex could lead to undefined behavior. (#2229)
  • DistanceFormatter now inherits directly from Formatter rather than LengthFormatter. (#2206)
  • Fixed an issue where DistanceFormatter.attributedString(for:withDefaultAttributes:) set NSAttributedString.Key.quantity to the original distance value rather than the potentially rounded value represented by the attributed string. (#2206)


  • Fixed a crash on launch if this SDK is installed using Carthage. (#2301)


  • Fixed an issue where a second swipe down on the top banner causes an open StepsTableViewController to animate incorrectly. (#2197)
  • Added the NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didUpdate:location:rawLocation:) method for capturing progress updates without having to inject a class between the NavigationViewController and the NavigationService. (#2224)
  • Fixed an issue where the bottom banner can disappear when presenting in UIModalPresentationStyle.fullScreen in iOS 13. (#2182)


  • Fixed an issue where InstructionsBannerView remained the same color after switching to a day or night style. (#2178)
  • Fixed an issue where NavigationMapView showed routes without congestion attributes, such as MBDirectionsProfileIdentifier.walking routes, as translucent lines, even if the route had only one leg. (#2193)
  • Fixed an issue where the “iPhone Volume Low” banner would persist until replaced by another banner about simulation or rerouting. (#2183)
  • Designables no longer crash and fail to render in Interface Builder when the application target links to this SDK via CocoaPods. (#2179)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when statically initializing a Style if the SDK was installed using CocoaPods. (#2179)
  • Fixed incorrect animation of instruction labels when presenting the step list. (#2185)


  • Upgraded to Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.1.0. (#2134)
  • Added the ability to define a custom view controller for the top banner via NavigationOptions.topBanner. (#2121)
  • StyleManager now posts a StyleManagerDidApplyStyleNotification when a style gets applied due to a change of day of time, or when entering or exiting a tunnel. (#2148)
  • Fixed a crash when presenting NavigationViewController on iOS 13.0. (#2156)
  • Added a setter to the Router.reroutesProactively property. (#2157)
  • Added a Yoruba localization. (#2159)


  • Upgraded to Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.0.0, which changes how monthly active users are counted. (#2133)
  • Deprecated StatusViewDelegate in favor of calling the UIControl.addTarget(_:action:for:) method on StatusView for UIControl.Event.valueChanged. (#2136)
  • Fixed an issue where the status view showed a simulated speed factor as an unformatted number. (#2136)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the status view from appearing while rerouting. (#2137)
  • The RouteOptions.alleyPriority, RouteOptions.walkwayPriority, and RouteOptions.speed properties now work when calculating walking routes offline. (#2142)


  • Restored the compass to CarPlayNavigationViewController, now displaying a digital readout of the direction of travel, represented by the CarPlayCompassView class. (#2077)


Core Navigation

  • Fixed an issue where RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.isProactiveKey was not set to true in Notification.Name.routeControllerDidReroute notifications after proactively rerouting the user. (#2086)
  • Fixed an issue where LegacyRouteController failed to call NavigationServiceDelegate.navigationService(_:didPassSpokenInstructionPoint:routeProgress:) and omitted RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.spokenInstructionKey from Notification.Name.routeControllerDidPassSpokenInstructionPoint notifications. (#2089)
  • Fixed an issue where SimulatedLocationManager’s distance did not update in response to updating the Router’s route, causing the user puck to be snapped to an invalid location on the new route. (#2096)
  • NavigationMatchOptions.shapeFormat now defaults to RouteShapeFormat.polyline6 for consistency with NavigationRouteOptions and compatibility with the RouteController. (#2084)
  • Fixed an issue where the user location was unsnapped when the user’s course was unavailable. (#2092)
  • Fixed an issue where a failed rerouting request prevented LegacyRouteController from ever rerouting the user again. (#2093)


  • Fixed an issue where the remaining distance and travel time displayed during turn-by-turn navigation were calculated relative to the upcoming waypoint instead of the final destination. (#2119)
  • Deprecated CarPlayManager.overviewButton in favor of CarPlayManager.userTrackingButton, which updates the icon correctly when panning out of tracking state. (#2100)
  • When previewing a route, the distance and estimated travel time are displayed at the bottom of the window. (#2120)
  • By default, the destination waypoint name is no longer displayed a second time when previewing a route. To add a subtitle to the preview, implement the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:willPreview:) method; create an MKMapItem whose MKPlacemark has the Street key in its address dictionary. (#2120)

Other changes

  • Fixed compiler warnings in Xcode 10.2 when installing the SDK using CocoaPods. (#2087)
  • Fixed an issue where the user puck could float around while the user is at rest or moving in reverse. (#2109)


  • Fixed a number of warnings and errors when building the SDK from source using CocoaPods in Swift 4.2. (#2058)
  • Restored “Declaration” and “Parameters” sections throughout the API reference. (#2076)
  • Deprecated NavigationMapView.navigationMapDelegate in favor of NavigationMapView.navigationMapViewDelegate. (#2061)
  • The NavigationMapView.navigationMapViewDelegate and RouteVoiceController.voiceControllerDelegate properties are now accessible in Objective-C. (#2061)
  • The sources added to the style by NavigationMapView.showRoutes(_:legIndex:) once again enables MGLShapeSourceOptions.lineDistanceMetrics. (#2071)
  • Deprecated NavigationDirections.configureRouter(tilesURL:translationsURL:completionHandler:) in favor of NavigationDirections.configureRouter(tilesURL:completionHandler:). (#2079)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if the Route lacked SpokenInstruction data, such as if the request was made using RouteOptions instead of NavigationRouteOptions or if the route was generated by a non-Mapbox API. (#2079)


Core Navigation

  • Fixed an issue where the wrong instruction could be announced or a crash could occur near maneuvers when using a RouteController. (#2004, #2029)
  • Restored the RouteController.reroutesProactively property. By default, RouteController and LegacyRouteController proactively check for a faster route on an interval defined by RouteControllerProactiveReroutingInterval. (#1986)
  • Added a RouteControllerMinimumDurationRemainingForProactiveRerouting global variable to customize when RouteController stops looking for more optimal routes as the user nears the destination. (#1986)
  • Fixed a bug which would cancel an ongoing reroute request when the request takes longer than one second to complete. (#1986)
  • Fixed an issue where rerouting would ignore any waypoints from the original route options where the Waypoint.separatesLegs property was set to false. (#2014)


  • Removed NavigationViewController.carPlayManager(_:didBeginNavigationWith:window:) that created and presented a NavigationViewController. Have your NavigationViewControllerDelegate (such as a UIViewController subclass, or a discrete delegate) create and present a NavigationViewController. (#2045)
  • Removed NavigationViewController.carPlayManagerDidEndNaviation(_:window:). Have your NavigationViewControllerDelegate (such as a UIViewController subclass, or a discrete delegate) dismiss the active NavigationViewController. (#2045)
  • Fixed an issue where CarPlayManager sometimes created a redundant NavigationService object, resulting in unexpected behavior. (#2041)
  • Fixed an issue where CarPlayManager sometimes created and presented a redundant NavigationViewController. (#2041)
  • Added the CarPlayManager.beginNavigationWithCarPlay(_:navigationService:) method. Use this method to programmatically start navigation in CarPlay if CarPlay is being connected while turn-by-turn navigation is already underway on the iOS device. (#2021)
  • Renamed the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:navigationServiceAlong:) method to CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:navigationServiceAlong:desiredSimulationMode:). CarPlayManagerDelegate implementations are now required to implement this method. (#2018, #2021)
  • Renamed the MapboxVoiceController(speechClient:dataCache:audioPlayerType:) initializer to MapboxVoiceController(navigationService:speechClient:dataCache:audioPlayerType:) and the RouteVoiceController() initializer to RouteVoiceController(navigationService:). (#2018)
  • Added the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:didFailToFetchRouteBetween:options:error:) method, which allows you to present an alert on the map template when a route request fails. (#1981)
  • A modal alert is no longer displayed when the user arrives at an intermediate waypoint. This fixes a crash that occurred when the user tapped the Continue button. (#2005)
  • Added the CarPlayNavigationViewController.navigationService property. (#2005)
  • CarPlayNavigationDelegate.carPlayNavigationViewControllerDidDismiss(_:byCanceling:) is now optional. (#2005)
  • Removed the CarPlayNavigationDelegate.carPlayNavigationViewControllerDidArrive(_:) method in favor of NavigationServiceDelegate.navigationService(_:didArriveAt:). (#2005, #2025)
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would sometimes fail to animate properly when returning to the browsing activity. #2022)
  • Removed the compass from CarPlayNavigationViewController. (#2051)

Other changes

  • Fixed an issue where the turn banner stayed blank when using a RouteController. (#1996)
  • The BottomBannerViewController now accounts for the safe area inset if present. (#1982)
  • Deprecated BottomBannerViewController(delegate:). Set the BottomBannerViewController.delegate property separately after initializing a BottomBannerViewController. (#2027)
  • The map now pans when the user drags a UserCourseView. (#2012)
  • Added a Japanese localization. (#2032)
  • Fixed a compiler error when rendering a NavigationViewController designable inside an Interface Builder storyboard. (#2039)
  • Fixed an issue where the user puck moved around onscreen while tracking the user’s location. (#2047)
  • Fixed an issue where the user puck briefly moved away from the route line as the user completed a turn. (#2047)


Core Navigation

  • Fixed an issue where RouteController could not advance to a subsequent leg along the route. (#1979)
  • Fixed an issue where the turn banner remained blank and RouterDelegate.router(_:didPassVisualInstructionPoint:routeProgress:) was never called if MapboxNavigationService was created with a LegacyRouteController router. (#1983)
  • Fixed an issue causing LegacyRouteController to prematurely advance to the next step when receiving an unreliable course from Core Location. (#1989)

Other changes

  • Fixed an issue preventing CarPlayMapViewController and CarPlayNavigationViewController from applying custom map styles. (#1985)
  • Renamed -[MBStyleManagerDelegate styleManager:didApply:] to -[MBStyleManagerDelegate styleManager:didApplyStyle:] in Objective-C. If your StyleManagerDelegate-conforming class is written in Swift, make sure its methods match StyleManagerDelegate’s method signatures, including @objc annotations. (#1985)


Core Navigation

  • PortableRouteController has been renamed to RouteController. The previous RouteController has been renamed to LegacyRouteController and will be removed in a future release. (#1904)
  • Added the MapboxNavigationService.router(_:didPassVisualInstructionPoint:routeProgress:) and MapboxNavigationService.router(_:didPassSpokenInstructionPoint:routeProgress:) methods, which correspond to Notification.Name.routeControllerDidPassVisualInstructionPoint and Notification.Name.routeControllerDidPassSpokenInstructionPoint, respectively. (#1912)
  • Added an initializer to DispatchTimer, along with methods for arming and disarming the timer. (#1912)


  • You can now customize the control layer of the map template comprising of the navigation bar's leading and trailing buttons and the map buttons. (#1962)
  • Added new map buttons in the CarPlayManager and the CarPlayMapViewController. You can now access map buttons that perform built-in actions on the map by accessing read-only properties such as: CarPlayManager.exitButton, CarPlayManager.muteButton, CarPlayManager.showFeedbackButton, CarPlayManager.overviewButton, CarPlayMapViewController.recenterButton, CarPlayMapViewController.zoomInButton, CarPlayMapViewController.zoomOutButton, CarPlayMapViewController.panningInterfaceDisplayButton(for:), CarPlayMapViewController.panningInterfaceDismissalButton(for:). (#1962)

Other changes

  • Replaced NavigationViewController(for:styles:navigationService:viewController:) with NavigationViewController(for:options:), which accepts a NavigationOptions object (not to be confused with NavigationRouteOptions). NavigationOptions contains various options for customizing the user experience of a turn-by-turn navigation session, including replacing the bottom banner with a custom view controller. (#1951)
  • Restored “Declaration” and “Parameters” sections throughout the API reference. (#1952)
  • Removed the deprecated NavigationViewController.routeController, NavigationViewController.eventsManager, and NavigationViewController.locationManager properties. (#1904)
  • Fixed audio ducking issues. (#1915)
  • Removed the NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:imageFor:) and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:viewFor:) methods in favor of NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:imageFor:) and NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:viewFor:), respectively. (#1964)
  • The NavigationViewController.navigationService property is now read-only. (#1965)
  • CarPlayManager now offers its delegate the opportunity to customize a trip and its related preview text configuration before displaying it for preview (#1955)

v0.28.0 (January 23, 2018)

  • Xcode 10 or above is now required for building this SDK. (#1936)
  • Search functionality on CarPlay is now managed by CarPlaySearchController. Added the CarPlayManagerDelegate.carPlayManager(_:selectedPreviewFor:using:) method for any additional customization after a trip is selected on CarPlay. (#1846)
  • Added the NavigationViewController.showEndOfRouteFeedback(duration:completionHandler:) method for showing the end-of-route feedback UI after manually ending a navigation session. (#1932)
  • Fixed inaudible spoken instructions while other audio is playing. (#1933)
  • Fixed an issue where setting Router.route did not update SimulatedLocationManager.route. (#1928)
  • Fixed an issue where U-turn lane was displayed as a U-turn to the right even in regions that drive on the right. (#1910)
  • Fixed an issue where a left-or-through lane was displayed as a right turn lane. (#1910)
  • Programmatically setting Router.route no longer causes NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:shouldRerouteFrom:) or RouterDelegate.router(_:shouldRerouteFrom:) to be called. (#1931)
  • Fixed redundant calls to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:shouldRerouteFrom:) and RouterDelegate.router(_:shouldRerouteFrom:) when rerouting repeatedly. (#1930)

v0.27.0 (December 20, 2018)

  • The NavigationDirections.unpackTilePack(at:outputDirectoryURL:progressHandler:completionHandler:) method is now available to Objective-C code as -[MBNavigationDirections unpackTilePackAtURL:outputDirectoryURL:progressHandler:completionHandler:]. (#1891)
  • Added support for styles powered by version 8 of the Mapbox Streets source. (#1909)
  • Fixed potential inaccuracies in location snapping, off-route detection, and the current road name label. (mapbox/turf-swift#74)

v0.26.0 (December 6, 2018)

Client-side routing

  • Added a NavigationDirections class that manages offline tile packs and client-side route calculation. (#1808)
  • Extended Bundle with Bundle.suggestedTileURL and other properties to facilitate offline downloads. (#1808)


  • When selecting a search result in CarPlay, the resulting routes lead to the search result’s routable location when available. Routes to a routable location are more likely to be passable. (#1859)
  • Fixed an issue where the CarPlay navigation map’s vanishing point and user puck initially remained centered on screen, instead of accounting for the maneuver panel, until the navigation bar was shown. (#1856)
  • Fixed an issue where route shields and exit numbers appeared blurry in the maneuver panel on CarPlay devices and failed to appear in the CarPlay simulator. (#1868)
  • Added VisualInstruction.containsLaneIndications, VisualInstruction.maneuverImageSet(side:), VisualInstruction.shouldFlipImage(side:), and VisualInstruction.carPlayManeuverLabelAttributedText(bounds:shieldHeight:window:). (#1860)
  • RouteLegProgress.upComingStep has been renamed to upcomingStep. (#1860)

Other changes

  • The NavigationSettings.shared property is now accessible in Objective-C code as MBNavigationSettings.sharedSettings. (#1882)
  • Fixed spurious rerouting on multi-leg routes. (#1884)
  • Fixed a hang that occurred when failing to fetch a route shield image for display in a visual instruction banner. (#1888)
  • Adding property RouteController.nearbyCoordinates, which offers similar behavior to RouteLegProgress.nearbyCoordinates, which the addition of step lookahead/lookbehind in multi-leg routes. (#1883)
  • The MGLShapeSourceOptions.lineDistanceMetrics property has been temporarily disabled from the route line shape source due to a crash. This means it isn’t possible to set the MGLLineStyleLayer.lineGradient property on the route line style layers. (#1886)

v0.25.0 (November 22, 2018)


  • Renamed CarPlayManager.calculateRouteAndStart(from:to:completionHandler:) to CarPlayManager.previewRoutes(between:completionHandler:) and added a CarplayManager.previewRoutes(to:completionHandler), as well as a CarPlayManager.previewRoutes(for:completionHandler:) method that accepts an arbitrary NavigationRouteOptions object. (#1841)
  • Fixed an issue causing UserCourseView to lag behind NavigationMapView whenever the map’s camera or content insets change significantly or when the map rotates. (#1838)
  • Renamed CarPlayManager(_:) to CarPlayManager(styles:directions:eventsManager:) and CarPlayNavigationViewController(with:mapTemplate:interfaceController:manager:styles:) to CarPlayNavigationViewController(navigationService:mapTemplate:interfaceController:manager:styles:). These initializers now accept an array of Style objects to apply throughout the CarPlay interface, similar to NavigationViewController. You can also change the styles at any time by setting the CarPlayManager.styles property. (#1836)
  • CarPlayManager(styles:directions:eventsManager:) also allows you to pass in a custom Directions object to use when calculating routes. (#1834)
  • Removed the StyleManager(_:) initializer. After initializing a StyleManager object, set the StyleManager.delegate property to ensure that the style manager’s settings take effect. (#1836)
  • Added CarPlayManager.mapView and CarPlayNavigationViewController.mapView properties. (#1852)
  • Some additional members of CarPlayManager are now accessible in Objective-C code. (#1836)
  • Fixed an issue where distances are incorrectly displayed as “0 m” in regions that use the metric system. (#1854)
  • Fixed an issue where the user puck pointed away from the route line during turn-by-turn navigation in CarPlay. The map’s vanishing point now accounts for safe area insets, including the side maneuver view. (#1845)
  • Fixed an issue where the map view used for browsing and previewing failed to call MGLMapViewDelegate.mapView(_:viewFor:) and MGLMapViewDelegate.mapViewWillStartLocatingUser(_:). (#1852)
  • You can now create a UserPuckCourseView using the UserPuckCourseView(frame:) initializer. (#1852)

Other changes

  • Fixed a crash during turn-by-turn navigation. (#1820)
  • Fixed a crash that could happen while simulating a route. (#1820)
  • Fixed an issue causing MapboxVoiceController to speak instructions using VoiceOver instead of the Mapbox Voice API. (#1830)
  • Added NavigationViewController.navigationService(_:willArriveAt:after:distance:) to assist with preparations for arrival. (#1847)

v0.24.0 (November 7, 2018)

  • It is now safe to set the NavigationMapView.delegate property of the NavigationMapView in NavigationViewController.mapView. Implement MGLMapViewDelegate in your own class to customize annotations and other details. (#1601)
  • Fixed an issue where the map view while navigating in CarPlay showed labels in the style’s original language instead of the local language. (#1601)
  • Fixed an issue where rerouting could still occur after arrival, even though NavigationServiceDelegate.navigationService(_:shouldPreventReroutesWhenArrivingAt:) returned true. (#1833)
  • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:routeStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:), NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:routeCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:), NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:routeStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:), and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:routeCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) can now set the MGLLineStyleLayer.lineGradient property. (#1799)
  • Reduced the NavigationMapView.minimumFramesPerSecond property’s default value from 30 frames per second to 20 frames per second for improved performance on battery power. (#1819)

v0.23.0 (October 24, 2018)

  • CarPlayManager is no longer a singleton; your application delegate is responsible for creating and owning an instance of this class. This fixes a crash in applications that specify the access token programmatically instead of in the Info.plist file. (#1792)
  • NavigationService.start() now sets the first coordinate on a route, if a fixed location isn't available the first few seconds of a navigation session. (#1790)

v0.22.3 (October 17, 2018)

  • Fixed over-retain issue that resulted in the MapboxNavigationService persisting beyond its expected lifecycle. This could cause unexpected behavior with components that observe progress noitifications.
  • Fixed warnings caused by internal usage of deprecated types.

v0.22.2 (October 15, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue where the U-turn icon in the turn banner pointed in the wrong direction. (#1647)
  • Fixed an issue where the user puck was positioned too close to the bottom of the map view, underlapping the current road name label. (#1766)
  • Added InstructionsBannerView.showStepIndicator to enable showing/hiding the drag indicator (#1772)
  • Renamed EventsManager to NavigationEventsManager. (#1767)
  • Added support in NavigationEventsManager that allows for routeless events. (#1767)

v0.22.1 (October 2, 2018)

User Location

  • Added ability to adjust poorGPSPatience of a NavigationService. #1763
  • Increased default Poor-GPS patience of MapboxNavigationService to 2.5 seconds. #1763
  • Fixed an issue where the map view while navigating in CarPlay displayed the day style even at night. (#1762)

v0.22.0 (October 1, 2018)


  • Added a dependency on the Mapbox Navigation Native framework. If you use Carthage to install this framework, your target should also link against MapboxNavigationNative.framework. (#1618)

User location

  • Added a NavigationService protocol implemented by classes that provide location awareness functionality. Our default implementation, MapboxNavigationService conforms to this protocol. (#1602)
    • Added a new Router protocol, which allows for custom route-following logic. Our default implementation, RouteController, conforms to this protocol.
    • NavigationViewController.init(for:styles:directions:styles:routeController:locationManager:voiceController:eventsManager) has been renamed NavigationViewController.init(for:styles:navigationService:voiceController:).
    • NavigationViewController.routeController has been replaced by NavigationViewController.navigationService.
    • If you currently use RouteController directly, you should migrate to MapboxNavigationService.
    • If you currently use SimulatedLocationManager directly, you should instead pass SimulationOption.always into MapboxNavigationService(route:directions:locationSource:eventsManagerType:simulating:).
    • Note: the MapboxNavigationService, by default, will start simulating progress if more than 1.5 seconds elapses without any update from the GPS. This can happen when simulating locations in Xcode, or selecting the "Custom Location" simulation option in the iOS Simulator. This is normal behavior.
  • Improved the reliability of off-route detection. (#1618)

User interface

  • StyleManagerDelegate.locationFor(styleManager:) has been renamed to StyleManagerDelegate.location(for:) (#1724)
  • Fixed inaccurate maneuver arrows along the route line when the route doubles back on itself. (#1735)
  • Added an InstructionsBannerView.swipeable property that allows the user to swipe the banner to the side to preview future steps. The InstructionsBannerViewDelegate.didDragInstructionsBanner(_:) method has been deprecated in favor of InstructionsBannerViewDelegate.didSwipeInstructionsBanner(_:swipeDirection:). (#1750)
  • NavigationMapView no longer mutates its own frame rate implicitly. A new NavigationMapView.updatePreferredFrameRate(for:) method allows you to update the frame rate in response to route progress change notifications. The NavigationMapView.minimumFramesPerSecond property determines the frame rate while the application runs on battery power. By default, the map views in NavigationViewController and CarPlay’s navigation activity animate at a higher frame rate on battery power than before. (#1749)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the end of route view controller appears, showing the keyboard. (#1754)

v0.21.0 (September 17, 2018)

User interface

  • In CarPlay-enabled applications on iOS 12, this SDK now displays a map, search interface, and turn-by-turn navigation experience on the connected CarPlay device. The CarPlay screen is managed by the shared CarPlayManager object, which you can configure by implementing the CarPlayManagerDelegate protocol. (#1714)
  • Added the Style.previewMapStyleURL property for customizing the style displayed by a preview map. (#1695)

User location

  • Breaking change: The eventsManager argument of RouteController(along:directions:locationManager:eventsManager:) is now required. NavigationViewController(for:directions:styles:locationManager:voiceController:eventsManager:) now has an optional eventsManager argument, which is passed to any instance of RouteController created as a result of rerouting. (#1671)
  • Fixed issues where the user puck would overshoot a turn or drift away from a curved road. (#1710)
  • Fixed incorrect conversions to inches in DistanceFormatter. (#1699)
  • Fixed several crashes related to telemetry collection. (#1668)

v0.20.1 (September 10, 2018)

  • Upgraded mapbox-events-ios to v0.5.0 to avoid a potential incompatibility when using Carthage to install the SDK.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented automatic day and night style switching. (#1629)

v0.20.0 (September 6, 2018)

User interface

  • While traveling on a numbered road, the route number is displayed in a shield beside the current road name at the bottom of the map. (#1576)
  • Added the shouldManageApplicationIdleTimer flag to NavigationViewController to allow applications to opt out of automatic UIApplication.isIdleTimerDisabled management. (#1591)
  • Added various methods, properties, and initializers to StatusView, allowing you to use it in a custom user interface. (#1612)
  • Added StyleManager.automaticallyAdjustsStyleForTimeOfDay, StyleManager.delegate, and StyleManager.styles properties so that you can control same time-based style switching just as NavigationViewController does. #1617
  • Fixed an issue where the banner was stuck on rerouting past the reroute threshold when simulating navigation. (#1583)
  • Fixed an issue where the banner appears in the wrong colors after you tap the Resume button. (#1588, #1589)
  • NavigationMapView’s user puck now responds to changes to the safe area insets while tracking the user’s location, matching the behavior of the map camera. (#1653)
  • Added StepsViewControllerDelegate and InstructionsBannerViewDelegate which makes it possible to listen in on tap events that occur in StepsViewController and InstructionsBannerView. #1633


  • Added a FeedbackViewController class for soliciting feedback from the user in a custom user interface. (#1605)
  • Replaced NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewControllerDidOpenFeedback(_:) with FeedbackViewControllerDelegate.feedbackViewControllerDidOpen(_:), NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewControllerDidCancelFeedback(_:) with FeedbackViewControllerDelegate.feedbackViewController(_:didSend:uuid:), and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didSendFeedbackAssigned:feedbackType) with FeedbackViewControllerDelegate.feedbackViewControllerDidCancel(_:). (#1605)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the end of route view controller appears, showing the keyboard. (#1599)

Other changes

  • Added a MapboxVoiceController.audioPlayer property. You can use this property to interrupt a spoken instruction or adjust the volume. (#1596)
  • Fixed a memory leak when RouteController.isDeadReckoningEnabled is enabled. (#1624)

v0.19.2 (August 23, 2018)

  • The MGLStyle.navigationGuidanceDayStyleURL and MGLStyle.navigationGuidanceNightStyleURL properties now return version 4 of the Mapbox Navigation Guidance Day and Night styles, respectively. These styles indicate incidents such as road closures and detours. (#1619)
  • Added an MGLMapView.showsIncidents property to toggle the visibility of any Mapbox Incidents data on a map view. (#1613)

v0.19.1 (August 15, 2018)

  • Fixed build errors when installing this SDK with Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v4.3.0 or above. (#1608, #1609)

v0.19.0 (July 24, 2018)


  • Moved guides and examples to a new Mapbox Navigation SDK for iOS website. (#1552)
  • Applications intended for use in mainland China can set the MGLMapboxAPIBaseURL key in Info.plist to to use China-optimized APIs. This setting causes NavigationMapView to default to China-optimized day and night styles with places and roads labeled in Simplified Chinese. (#1558)

User interface

  • Fixed an issue where selecting a step from the steps list would take the user to the wrong step. (#1524)
  • The StyleManagerDelegate.locationFor(styleManager:) method’s return value is now optional. (#1523)
  • NavigationViewController smoothly fades between light and dark status bars. (#1535)
  • Renamed the InstructionsBannerView.updateInstruction(_:) method to InstructionsBannerView.update(for:). Added the NextBannerView.update(for:) and LanesView.update(for:) methods. These methods are intended to be called in response to Notification.Name.routeControllerDidPassVisualInstructionPoint if the views are used outside a NavigationViewController. By contrast, InstructionsBannerView.updateDistance(for:) should be called on every location update. (#1514)
  • Added the ManeuverView.visualInstruction and ManeuverView.drivingSide properties. (#1514)

v0.18.1 (June 19, 2018)


  • Increased the minimum deployment target of Core Navigation to iOS 9. (#1494)

User interface

  • Added NavigationMapView.recenterMap() for recentering the map if a user gesture causes it to stop following the user. (#1471)
  • Deprecated NavigationViewController.usesNightStyleInsideTunnels. Style switching is enabled as a side effect of TunnelIntersectionManager.tunnelSimulationEnabled, which is set to true by default. ([#1489]
  • Fixed an issue where the user location view slid around after the user pressed the Overview button. #1506

Core Navigation

  • Moved RouteController.tunnelSimulationEnabled to TunnelIntersectionManager.tunnelSimulationEnabled. (#1489) (mapbox#1489))
  • Added RouteControllerDelegate.routeControllerWillDisableBatteryMonitoring(_:) which allows developers control whether battery monitoring is disabled when RouteController.deinit() is called. #1476
  • Fixed an issue where setting NavigationLocationManager.desiredAccuracy had no effect. #1481

v0.18.0 (June 5, 2018)

User interface

  • Added support for generic route shields. Image-backed route shields also now display as generic (instead of plain text) while the SDK loads the image. #1190, #1417
  • Fixed an issue when going into overhead mode with a short route. #1456
  • Adds support for Xcode 10 Beta 1. #1499, #1478

Core Navigation

  • TunnelIntersectionManagerDelegate methods no longer take a completion handler argument. (#1414)
  • Added the ability to render more than 1 alternate route. #1372
  • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:shapeFor:) Now expects an array of Route. The first route will be rendered as the main route, all subsequent routes will be rendered as alternate routes.
  • Animating the user through tunnels and automatically switching the map style when entering a tunnel is now on by default. #1449
  • Adds RouteControllerDelegate.routeController(_:shouldPreventReroutesWhenArrivingAt:waypoint:) which is called each time a driver arrives at a waypoint. By default, this method returns true and prevents rerouting upon arriving. Progress updates still occur. #1454

v0.17.0 (May 14, 2018)


  • Upgraded to the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v4.0.0. If you have customized the route map’s appearance, you may need to migrate your code to use expressions instead of style functions. (#1076)
  • Added a Korean localization. (#1346)

User interface

  • Exit indications are now drawn accurately with a correct exit heading. (#1288)
  • Added the NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:roadNameAt:) method for customizing the contents of the road name label that appears towards the bottom of the map view. (#1309)
  • If the SDK tries but fails to reroute the user, the “Rerouting…” status view no longer stays visible permanently. (#1357)
  • Completed waypoints now remain on the map but are slightly translucent. (#1364)
  • Fixed an issue preventing NavigationViewController.navigationMapView(_:simplifiedShapeDescribing:) (now NavigationViewController.navigationMapView(_:simplifiedShapeFor:)) from being called. (#1413)

Spoken instructions

  • Fixed an issue causing the wrong instructions to be spoken. (#1396)

User location

  • The RouteController.routeProgress property is now available in Objective-C. (#1323)
  • Added a RouteController.tunnelSimulationEnabled option that keeps the user location indicator moving steadily while the user travels through a tunnel and GPS reception is unreliable. (#1218)

Other changes

  • DistanceFormatter, ReplayLocationManager, SimulatedLocationManager, LanesView, and ManueverView are now subclassable. (#1345)
  • Renamed many NavigationViewController and NavigationMapViewDelegate methods (#1364, #1338, #1318, #1378, #1413):
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewControllerDidCancelNavigation(_:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewControllerDidDismiss(_:byCanceling:)
    • -[MBNavigationViewControllerDelegate navigationViewController:didArriveAt:] to -[MBNavigationViewControllerDelegate navigationViewController:didArriveAtWaypoint:] in Objective-C
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:routeStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:routeStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:routeCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:routeCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:shapeFor:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:shapeFor:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:simplifiedShapeFor:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:simplifiedShapeFor:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:waypointStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:waypointStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:waypointSymbolStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:waypointSymbolStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:shapeFor:legIndex:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:shapeFor:legIndex:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:didTap:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didSelect:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:imageFor:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:imageFor:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:viewFor:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:viewFor:)
    • NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didSend:feedbackType:) to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didSendFeedbackAssigned:feedbackType:)
    • -[MBNavigationViewControllerDelegate navigationViewController:shouldDiscard:] to -[MBNavigationViewControllerDelegate navigationViewController:shouldDiscardLocation:] in Objective-C
    • -[MBNavigationViewControllerDelegate navigationViewController:roadNameAt:] to -[MBNavigationViewControllerDelegate navigationViewController:roadNameAtLocation:]
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:shapeDescribing:) to NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:shapeFor:).
    • NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:simplifiedShapeDescribing:) to NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:simplifiedShapeFor:).
    • -[MBNavigationMapViewDelegate navigationMapView:shapeDescribingWaypoints:legIndex:] to -[MBNavigationMapViewDelegate navigationMapView:shapeForWaypoints:legIndex:] in Objective-C
  • RouteController.recordFeedback(type:description:) now returns a UUID instead of a string. Some RouteController methods have been renamed to accept UUIDs as arguments instead of strings. (#1413)
  • Renamed TunnelIntersectionManagerDelegate.tunnelIntersectionManager(_:willEnableAnimationAt:callback:) to TunnelIntersectionManagerDelegate.tunnelIntersectionManager(_:willEnableAnimationAt:completionHandler:) and TunnelIntersectionManagerDelegate.tunnelIntersectionManager(_:willDisableAnimationAt:callback:) to TunnelIntersectionManagerDelegate.tunnelIntersectionManager(_:willDisableAnimationAt:completionHandler:). (#1413)

v0.16.2 (April 13, 2018)

  • Fixed a compiler error after installing the SDK using CocoaPods. (#1296)

v0.16.1 (April 9, 2018)

User interface

  • Draws slight right and left turn icons for slight turns in the turn lane view. #1270

Core Navigation

  • Fixed a crash that was caused by check the edit distance of an empty string. #1281
  • Removes warnings when using Swift 4.1. #1271

Spoken instructions

  • Fixed an issue that would preemptively fallback to the default speech synthesizer. #1284

v0.16.0 (March 26, 2018)

User interface

  • While the user travels through a tunnel, NavigationMapView temporarily applies a night style (a style whose styleType property is set to StyleType.night). (#1127)
  • The user can reveal the list of upcoming steps by swiping downward from the top banner. (#1150)
  • Renamed StyleType.dayStyle and StyleType.nightStyle to and StyleType.night, respectively. (#1250)
  • Fixed an issue causing the overview map to insist on centering the route upon each location update. (#1223)
  • Improved the contrast of TimeRemainingLabel.trafficSevereColor against BottomBannerView.backgroundColor in NightStyle. (#1228)
  • Fixed an issue where a slash appeared between two shields in the top banner. (#1169)
  • Fixed an issue where using NavigationMapViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:imageFor:) would not override the destination annotation. (#1256)
  • Adds a handle at the bottom of the banner to reveals additional instructions. (#1253)

Spoken instructions

  • Audio data for spoken instructions is cached in device storage to minimize data usage. (#12296)

Core Navigation

  • Renamed the RouteController.reroutesOpportunistically property to RouteController.reroutesProactively, RouteControllerOpportunisticReroutingInterval global variable to RouteControllerProactiveReroutingInterval, and the RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.isOpportunisticKey value to RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.isProactiveKey. (#1230)
  • Added a RouteStepProgress.currentIntersection property that is set to the intersection the user has most recently passed along the route. (#1127)
  • Fixed an issue where the RouteStepProgress.upcomingIntersection property was always set to the current step’s first intersection. (#1127)
  • Added support for using the Mapbox Map Matching API. #1177

Other changes

  • Added Arabic and European Portuguese localizations. (#1252)

v0.15.0 (March 13, 2018)

Breaking changes

  • NavigationMapViewDelegate and RouteMapViewControllerDelegate: navigationMapView(_:didTap:) is now navigationMapView(_:didSelect:) #1063
  • The Constants that concern Route-Snapping logic have been re-named. The new names are: RouteSnappingMinimumSpeed, RouteSnappingMaxManipulatedCourseAngle, and RouteSnappingMinimumHorizontalAccuracy.

User interface

  • StepsViewController 's convenience initializer (StepsViewController.init(routeProgress:)) is now public. (#1167)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the distance from appearing in the turn banner when the system language was set to Hebrew and the system region was set to Israel or any other region that uses the metric system. (#1176)
  • Various views and view controllers correctly mirror right-to-left in Hebrew. (#1182)

Core Navigation

  • RoteController now has a new property, snappedLocation. This property represents the raw location, snapped to the current route, if applicable. If not applicable, the value is nil.
  • RouteController's MBRouteControllerProgressDidChange notification now exposes the raw location in it's update, accessible by MBRouteControllerRawLocationKey

Voice guidance

  • Fixed an issue that caused RouteVoiceController and MabpboxVoiceController to speak over one another. #1213

Other changes

  • Fixed a crash while navigating that affected applications that do not use Mapbox-hosted styles or vector tiles. #1183
  • The DistanceFormatter.attributedString(for:) method is now implemented. It returns an attributed string representation of the distance in which the NSAttributedStringKey.quantity attribute is applied to the numeric quantity. (#1176)
  • Fixed an issue in which turn lanes were displayed in the wrong order when the system language was set to Hebrew. (#1175)

v0.14.0 (February 22, 2018)

Breaking changes

  • Removed the dependency on AWSPolly. Voice announcements are now coming directly from Mapbox and for free for all developers. Because of this, PollyVoiceController has been removed. #617
  • MapboxDirections.swift version 0.17.x is now required. #1085
  • Removed the key RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.estimatedTimeUntilManeuverKey from .routeControllerProgressDidChange. Please use durationRemaining instead which can be found on the RouteProgress. #1126
  • Renamed notification names associated with RouteController in Objective-C code. #1122
  • The user info keys of RouteController-related notifications have been renamed and are now members of the RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey struct in Swift and the MBRouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey extensible enumeration in Objective-C. #1122
Here is reference for the new notification names:
Swift Objective-C
Old New Old New
Notification.Name.navigationSettingsDidChange Notification.Name.navigationSettingsDidChange MBNavigationSettingsDidChange MBNavigationSettingsDidChangeNotification
Notification.Name.routeControllerProgressDidChange Notification.Name.routeControllerProgressDidChange MBRouteControllerNotificationProgressDidChange MBRouteControllerProgressDidChangeNotification
Notification.Name.routeControllerDidPassSpokenInstructionPoint Notification.Name.routeControllerDidPassSpokenInstructionPoint MBRouteControllerDidPassSpokenInstructionPoint MBRouteControllerDidPassSpokenInstructionPointNotification
Notification.Name.routeControllerWillReroute Notification.Name.routeControllerWillReroute MBRouteControllerWillReroute MBRouteControllerWillRerouteNotification
Notification.Name.routeControllerDidReroute Notification.Name.routeControllerDidReroute MBRouteControllerDidReroute MBRouteControllerDidRerouteNotification
Notification.Name.routeControllerDidFailToReroute Notification.Name.routeControllerDidFailToReroute MBRouteControllerDidFailToReroute MBRouteControllerDidFailToRerouteNotification
RouteControllerProgressDidChangeNotificationProgressKey RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.routeProgressKey MBRouteControllerProgressDidChangeNotificationProgressKey MBRouteControllerRouteProgressKey
RouteControllerProgressDidChangeNotificationLocationKey RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.locationKey MBRouteControllerProgressDidChangeNotificationLocationKey MBRouteControllerLocationKey
RouteControllerProgressDidChangeNotificationSecondsRemainingOnStepKey 🚮 (removed) MBRouteControllerProgressDidChangeNotificationSecondsRemainingOnStepKey 🚮 (removed)
RouteControllerNotificationLocationKey RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.locationKey MBRouteControllerNotificationLocationKey MBRouteControllerLocationKey
RouteControllerNotificationRouteKey 🚮 (unused) MBRouteControllerNotificationRouteKey 🚮 (unused)
RouteControllerNotificationErrorKey RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.routingErrorKey MBRouteControllerNotificationErrorKey MBRouteControllerRoutingErrorKey
RouteControllerDidFindFasterRouteKey RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.isOpportunisticKey MBRouteControllerDidFindFasterRouteKey MBRouteControllerIsOpportunisticKey
RouteControllerDidPassSpokenInstructionPointRouteProgressKey RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.routeProgressKey MBRouteControllerDidPassSpokenInstructionPointRouteProgressKey MBRouteControllerRouteProgressKey

Core Navigation

  • Location updates sent via .routeControllerProgressDidChange are now always sent as long as the location is qualified. #1126
  • Exposes setOverheadCameraView(from:along:for:) which is useful for fitting the camera to an overhead view for the remaining route coordinates.
  • Changed the heuristics needed for a the users location to unsnap from the route line. #1110
  • Changes routeController(:didDiscardLocation:) to routeController(:shouldDiscardLocation:). Now if implemented, developers can choose to keep a location when RouteController deems a location unqualified. #1095

User interface

  • Added a NavigationMapView.localizeLabels() method that should be called within MGLMapViewDelegate.mapView(_:didFinishLoading:) for standalone NavigationMapViews to ensure that map labels are in the correct language. #1111
  • The / delimiter is longer shown when a shield is shown on either side of the delimiter. This also removes the dependency SDWebImage. #1046
  • Exposes constants used for styling the route line. #1124
  • Exposes update(for:) on InstructionBannerView. This is helpful for developers creating a custom user interface. #1085

Voice guidance

  • Exposes RouteVoiceController.speak(_:) which would allow custom subclass of MapboxVoiceController to override this method and pass a modified SpokenInstruction to our superclass implementation.

v0.13.1 (February 7, 2018)

Core Navigation

  • Fixes a bug where the spokenInstructionIndex was incremented beyond the number of instructions for a step. (#1080)
  • Fixed a bug that crashed when navigating beyond the final waypoint. (#1087)
  • Added NavigationSettings.distanceUnit to let a user override the default unit of measurement for the device’s region setting. (#1055)

User interface

  • Added support for spoken instructions in Danish. (#1041)
  • Updated translations for Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Ukrainian, and German. (#1064)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the user puck from laying flat when rotating the map. (#1090)
  • Updated translations for Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Ukrainian, and German. (#1064) (#1089)

v0.13.0 (January 22, 2018)


  • Upgraded to MapboxDirections.swift v0.16.0, which makes ManeuverType, ManeuverDirection, and TransportType non-optional. (#1040)
  • Added Danish and Hebrew localizations. (#1031, #1043)

User location

  • Removed RouteControllerDelegate.routeController(_:shouldIncrementLegWhenArrivingAtWaypoint:) and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:shouldIncrementLegWhenArrivingAtWaypoint:). RouteControllerDelegate.routeController(_:didArriveAt:) and NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didArriveAt:) now return a Boolean that determines whether the route controller automatically advances to the next leg of the route. (#1038)
  • Fixed an issue where NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didArriveAt:) was called twice at the end of the route. (#1038)
  • Improved the reliability of user location tracking when several location updates arrive simultaneously. (#1021)

User interface

  • Removed the WayNameView class in favor of WayNameLabel and renamed the LanesContainerView class to LanesView. (#981 )
  • Added a NavigationMapView.tracksUserCourse property for enabling course tracking mode when using the map view independently of NavigationViewController. (#1015)

v0.12.2 (January 12, 2018)

Beginning with this release, we’ve compiled a set of examples showing how to accomplish common tasks with this SDK. You can also check out the navigation-ios-examples project and run the included application on your device.

User interface

  • Fixed a crash loading NavigationViewController. (#977)
  • Fixed issues causing the user puck to animate at the wrong framerate while the device is unplugged. (#970)
  • Fixed unexpected behavior that occurred if only one Style was specified when initializing NavigationViewController. (#990)

Core Navigation

  • If RouteController initially follows an alternative route, it now attempts to follow the most similar route after rerouting. (#995)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the RouteControllerDelegate.routeController(_:didArriveAt:) method from being called if navigationViewController(_:shouldIncrementLegWhenArrivingAtWaypoint:) was unimplemented. (#984)
  • Added a VoiceControllerDelegate.voiceController(_:willSpeak:routeProgress:) method for changing spoken instructions on an individual basis. (#988)

v0.12.1 (January 6, 2018)

User interface

  • Fixed an issue where the “then” banner appeared at the wrong times. (#957)
  • Fixed an issue where the user location view spun around at the end of a leg. (#966)

Core Navigation

  • Fixed an issue that triggered unnecessary reroutes. (#959)
  • The RouteControllerDelegate.routeController(_:didArriveAt:) method is now called when arriving at any waypoint, not just the last waypoint. (#972)
  • Added a RouteController.setEndOfRoute(_:comment:) method for collecting feedback about the route before the user cancels it. (#965)

v0.12.0 (December 21, 2017)

Breaking changes 🚨

  • If you install this SDK using Carthage, you must now include each of this SDK’s dependencies in your Run Script build phase: AWSCore.framework, AWSPolly.framework, Mapbox.framework, MapboxDirections.framework, MapboxMobileEvents.framework, Polyline.framework, SDWebImage.framework, Solar.framework, and Turf.framework. These dependencies are no longer embedded inside MapboxNavigation.framework. See the Carthage documentation for details. (#930)
  • This library no longer depends on OSRM Text Instructions for Swift. If you have previously installed this SDK using Carthage, you may need to remove OSRMTextInstructions.framework from a Run Script build step. (#925)
  • Notification names are now members of Notification.Name. (#943)

User interface

  • When the user approaches the final waypoint, a panel appears with options for sending feedback about the route. (#848)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the “Then” banner from appearing. (#940)
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the night style from being applied. (#904)
  • The turn banner’s labels and route shield images are now derived from the Directions API response. (#767)
  • Roundabout icons in the turn banner now go clockwise in regions that drive on the left. (#911)
  • Fixed an issue that turned the estimated arrival time to black when traffic congestion data was unavailable. (#912)
  • Added a Bulgarian localization. Help us speak your language! (#954)
  • Updated Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, and Vietnamese translations. (#944)

Voice guidance

  • Tapping the mute button immediately silences any current announcement. (#936)
  • Improved announcements near roundabouts and rotaries when using NavigationRouteOptions. You can also set the RouteOptions.includesExitRoundaboutManeuver property manually to take advantage of this improvement. (#945)
  • You can customize the AWS region used for Amazon Polly spoken instructions using the PollyVoiceController(identityPoolId:regionType:) initializer. (#914)
  • Certain roads tagged with pronunciations in OpenStreetMap are pronounced correctly when Amazon Polly is unavailable. (#624)
  • Refined the appearance of the spoken instruction map labels that are enabled via the NavigationViewController.annotatesSpokenInstructions property. (#907)

User location

  • When SimulatedLocationManager is active, the user can swipe on the “Simulating Navigation” banner to adjust the rate of travel. (#915)
  • Fixed unnecessary rerouting that sometimes occurred if the user advanced to a subsequent step earlier than expected. (#910)
  • If your application’s Info.plist file lacks a location usage description, NavigationViewController will immediately fail a precondition. (#947)

v0.11.0 (November 29, 2017)

Beginning with this release, the navigation SDK and Core Navigation are written in Swift 4 (#663).


  • Removed the audio feedback recording feature. You no longer need to add an NSMicrophoneUsageDescription to your Info.plist. (#870)
  • The Report Feedback button no longer appears after rerouting if NavigationViewController.showsReportFeedback is disabled. (#890)

User interface

  • Added a StepsViewController class for displaying the route’s upcoming steps in a table view. (#869)
  • The bottom bar is more compact in landscape orientation. (#863)
  • Fixed an issue where the “then” banner appeared too soon. (#865)
  • Maneuver arrows are no longer shown for arrival maneuvers. (#884)
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred after returning to the application from the background. (#888)

Voice guidance

  • A new RouteVoiceController.voiceControllerDelegate property lets an object conforming to the VoiceControllerDelegate protocol know when a spoken instruction fails or gets interrupted by another instruction. (#800, #864)

User location

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didArriveAt:) from getting called. (#883)
  • Fixed an issue where the user location indicator floated around when starting a new leg. (#886)

v0.10.1 (November 16, 2017)


  • Reverts a change that used AWS's repo for the Polly dependency. This will help with build times when using Carthage. #859
  • Updates Polly dependency to v2.6.5 #859


  • Aligns the instruction banner and the next banner better. #860
  • Fixes a bug on InstructionsBannerView and StepInstructionsView that prevented them from being styleable. #852
  • Fixes a few minor styleable elements on DayStyle and NightStyle. #858


  • MGLMapView init(frame:styleURL:) is exposed again on NavigationMapView. #850

User location tracking

  • The refresh rate of the user puck remains throttled if the upcoming step is straight. #845


  • The Report Feedback button after rerouting is only displayed for 5 seconds. #853

v0.10.0 (November 13, 2017)


  • Xcode 9 is required for building the navigation SDK or Core Navigation. (#786)
  • Added German and Dutch localizations. Help us speak your language! (#778)
  • To build and run the provided sample applications, you now have the option to create a plain text file named .mapbox containing a Mapbox access token and place it in your home folder. The SDK will read this file and automatically populate the MGLMapboxAccessToken of the Info.plist at build-time. (#817)

Instruction banner

  • Improved NavigationViewController’s layout on iPhone X. (#786, #816)
  • Refined the turn banner’s appearance. (#745, #788)
  • Added a reusable InstructionBannerView class that represents the turn banner. (#745)
  • Route shields are displayed inline with road or place names in InstructionBannerView. (#745)
  • When another step follows soon after the upcoming step, that subsequent step appears in a smaller banner beneath the main turn banner. (#819)


  • The map zooms in and out dynamically to show more of the road ahead. (#769, #781)
  • Replaced NavigationMapView.showRoute(_:) with NavigationMapView.showRoutes(_:legIndex:), which can show alternative routes on the map. (#789)
  • Added a NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:didSelect:) method to respond to route selection on the map. (#789, #806)
  • Added a NavigationMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:didSelect:) method to respond to waypoint selection on the map. (#806)
  • Fixed a bug preventing legs beyond the third waypoint from appearing. (#807)
  • Decreased the map’s animation frame rate for improved battery life. (#760)

Voice guidance

  • Spoken instructions are determined by Directions API responses. (#614)
  • When Polly is enabled, audio for spoken instructions is fetched over the network ahead of time, reducing latency. (#724, #768)
  • The NavigationViewController.annotatesSpokenInstructions property, disabled by default, makes it easier to see where instructions will be read aloud along the route for debugging purposes. (#727, #826)
  • Fixed an issue preventing PollyVoiceController from ducking background audio while the device is muted using the physical switch. (#805)

User location tracking

  • Fixed an issue causing poor user location tracking on iPhone X. (#833)
  • The user location indicator is more stable while snapped to the route line. (#754)
  • Renamed RouteController.checkForFasterRouteInBackground to RouteController.reroutesOpportunistically. (#826)
  • Added a RouteControllerOpportunisticReroutingInterval constant for configuring the interval between opportunistic rerouting attempts. (#826)


  • The NavigationViewController.recordsAudioFeedback property, disabled by default, allows the user to dictate feedback by long-pressing on a feedback item. This option requires the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription Info.plist option. (#719, #826)
  • Options in the feedback interface are easier to discern from each other. (#761)
  • Fixed an issue where the feedback interface appeared automatically after rerouting. (#749)
  • Rearranged the feedback options. (#770, #779)

v0.9.0 (October 17, 2017)

  • NavigationMapView uses a custom course tracking mode created from the ground up. The view representing the user’s location (the “user puck”) is larger and easier to see at a glance, and it continues to point in the user’s direction of travel even in Overview mode. To customize the user puck, use the NavigationMapView.userCourseView property. (#402)
  • Fixed an issue causing the user puck to slide downward from the center of the screen when beginning a new route. (#402)
  • You can customize the user puck’s location on screen by implementing the NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:mapViewUserAnchorPoint:) method. (#402)
  • Improved user course snapping while not moving. (#718)
  • Throttled the map’s frame rate while the device is unplugged. (#709)
  • Fixed an issue causing the “Rerouting” banner to persist even after a new route is received. (#707)
  • A local user notification is no longer posted when rerouting. (#708)

v0.8.3 (October 9, 2017)

  • Pins the dependency Solar to v2.0.0. This should fix some build issues. #693
  • Increases the width of the upcoming maneuver arrow. #671
  • Improved user location snapping. #679
  • Improves simulation mode by using more accurate speeds. #683
  • Adopted Turf. The wrap(_:min:max:) function has been removed; use Turf’s CLLocationDirection.wrap(min:max:) instead. #653
  • Defaulted to kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation for location accuracy. #670

v0.8.2 (September 29, 2017)

  • Fixed a bug which caused the upcoming maneuver label in night mode to have a white background (#667).
  • Fixed a bug which caused audio announcements to be repeated over one another (#661, #669).

v0.8.1 (September 28, 2017)

  • Fixed a build error that occurred if MapboxNavigation was installed via CocoaPods. (#632)
  • The turn banner shows more of the upcoming road name before truncating. (#657)
  • When entering a roundabout, the icon in the turn banner indicates the correct direction of travel. (#640)
  • When beginning a new route, the SDK announces the initial road and direction of travel. (#654)
  • Fixed an issue causing the user’s location to be snapped to the wrong part of the route near a U-turn. (#642)
  • Core Navigation detects when the user performs a U-turn earlier than anticipated and promptly calculates a new route. (#646)
  • If Amazon Polly is configured but unreachable, the SDK switches to AVSpeechSynthesizer sooner, before the instruction becomes outdated. (#652)
  • When instructions are announced by Amazon Polly, dynamic range compression is used to make the audio easier to hear over the din of a moving vehicle. (#635, #662)

v0.8.0 (September 19, 2017)

Location and guidance

  • Fixed an issue causing steps to be linked together too frequently. (#573)
  • On a freeway, an announcement is read aloud at ¼ mile ahead of a maneuver instead of ½ mile ahead. (#569)
  • Separate instructions are given for entering and exiting a roundabout. (#561)
  • Rerouting occurs more promptly when the user makes a wrong turn at an intersection. (#560)
  • More unreliable location updates are filtered out. (#579)
  • Improved how Polly pronounces some road names and numbers. (#618, #622)
  • Instructions are read by the higher-quality Alex voice if it is installed and Polly is unconfigured or unavailable. (#612)

User interface

  • Adjusted the night style to take effect closer to sunset. (#584)
  • Fixed an issue where the map bore a day style while the surrounding UI bore a night style. (#572)
  • Fixed an issue causing some elements on the map to disappear when switching styles. (#570)
  • Fixed an issue causing slight turns to look like regular turns in the turn banner. (#602)
  • Large, named roundabouts are symbolized as roundabouts instead of simple intersections in the turn banner. (#574)
  • Fixed an issue producing confusing lane arrows at a fork in the road. (#586)
  • The notification for a completed maneuver is removed as the user completes that step. (#577)
  • The distance in the turn banner changes at a more regular interval. (#626)
  • Updated the appearance of various controls in turn-by-turn mode. (#578, #587, #588, #591)
  • Arrows in the turn banner can have a different appearance than arrows in the step table. (#571)
  • Fixed overly aggressive abbreviation of road names in the turn banner. (#616)
  • Fixed an issue preventing road names in the turn banner from being abbreviated when certain punctuation was present. (#618)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when an attempt to calculate a new route failed. (#585)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the estimated arrival time from being updated as the user is stuck in traffic. (#595)
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when starting turn-by-turn navigation. (#607)
  • Fixed a flash that occurred when rerouting. (#605)
  • Fixed memory leaks. (#609, #628)

Other changes

  • Fixed strings in the Hungarian, Swedish, and Vietnamese localizations that had reverted to English. (#619)
  • Updated translations in Catalan, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Vietnamese. (#619)
  • Added methods to NavigationViewControllerDelegate that indicate when the user is sending feedback. (#599)
  • Fixed an issue where DistanceFormatter.string(fromMeters:) used the wrong units. (#613)

v0.7.0 (August 30, 2017)


  • Unpinned most dependencies to avoid various build issues introduced in v0.6.1. It is once again possible to use this SDK with the latest Mapbox iOS SDK. (#525)
  • Added Russian, Slovenian, and Ukrainian localizations. (#505, #542)

User interface

  • NavigationViewController and its map automatically switch between daytime and nighttime styles. (#519)
  • A banner appears when the device experiences weak GPS reception. (#490)
  • A banner also appears when simulation mode is enabled. (#521)
  • The time remaining in the bottom bar changes color based on the level of traffic congestion along the remaining route. (#403)
  • Added NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:viewFor:) for providing a custom user location annotation and/or destination annotation. (#498)
  • Moved various properties of Style to individual control classes. (#536)
  • Added properties to LaneArrowView for customizing the appearance of lane indicators. (#490)
  • Added a Style.statusBarStyle property for customizing the appearance of the status bar. (#512)
  • A shield now appears in the turn banner on Puerto Rico routes. (#529)
  • Fixed an issue preventing an arrow from appearing on the route line when the user swipes the turn banner to a future step. (#532)
  • Fixed an issue causing the shield in the turn banner to go blank when the user swipes the turn banner backward. (#506)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the camera to stutter when completing a maneuver. (#520)
  • Fixed an issue causing the turn banner to remain on a future step after tapping Resume. (#508)
  • Fixed an issue where the distance would sometimes be displayed as “0 mm”. (#517)
  • Fixed a missing less-than sign in the bottom bar when little time remains on the step or route. (#527)

Voice guidance

  • Fixed an issue causing Polly to misread abbreviations such as “CR” in route numbers and letters such as “N” in street names. (#552)
  • A tone is played when automatically switching to a faster route in the background. (#541)
  • Polly now pronounces Italian instructions using an Italian voice. (#542)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the SDK from falling back to AVFoundation when Polly is unavailable. (#544)
  • Improved the wording of various instructions in Swedish. (Project-OSRM/osrm-text-instructions#138)
  • The Spanish localization consistently uses usted form. (Project-OSRM/osrm-text-instructions#137)

Core Navigation

  • A new NavigationRouteOptions class makes it easier to request a route optimized for turn-by-turn navigation. (#531)
  • A trip can now consist of multiple legs. (#270)
  • Added SpokenInstructionFormatter and VisualInstructionFormatter classes for turning RouteSteps into strings appropriate for speech synthesis and display, respectively. (#456)
  • When the user is moving slowly, RouteController snaps the location and course to the route line more aggressively. (#540)
  • RouteController more aggressively snaps the user’s location to the route line at greater distances than before. (#551)
  • Added NavigationLocationManager.automaticallyUpdatesDesiredAccuracy to control whether the location manager’s desired accuracy changes based on the battery state. (#504)

v0.6.1 (August 14, 2017)

v0.6.0 (July 28, 2017)


  • By default, NavigationMapView displays the Navigation Guidance Day v2 style. A Navigation Preview Day v2 style (mapbox://styles/mapbox/navigation-preview-day-v2) is also available for applications that implement a preview map. (#387)
  • By default, NavigationMapView now indicates the level of traffic congestion along each segment of the route line. (#359)
  • Added Italian and Traditional Chinese localizations. Help translate the SDK into your language! (#413, #438)

User interface

  • A 🐞 button on the map allows the user to submit feedback about the current route. (#400)
  • The turn banner and bottom bar display fractional mileages as decimal numbers instead of vulgar fractions. 🙊🙉 (#383)
  • If a step leads to a freeway or freeway ramp, the turn banner generally displays a control city or a textual representation of the route number (alongside the existing shield) instead of the freeway name. (#410, #417)
  • As the user arrives at a waypoint, the turn banner displays the waypoint’s name instead of whitespace. (#419)
  • The route line is now wider by default, to accommodate traffic congestion coloring. (#390)
  • Moved the snapsUserLocationAnnotationToRoute property from RouteController to NavigationViewController. (#408)
  • The road name label at the bottom of the map continues to display the current road name after the user ventures away from the route. (#408)
  • If the upcoming maneuver travels along a bannered route, the parent route shield is no longer displayed in the turn banner. (#431)
  • Fixed an issue causing the Mapbox logo to peek out from under the Recenter button. (#424)

Voice guidance

  • Suppressed the voice announcement upon rerouting if the first step of the new route is sufficiently long. (#395)
  • The rerouting audio cue now unducks other applications’ audio afterwards. (#394)
  • If a step leads to a freeway or freeway ramp, voice announcements for the step generally omit the name in favor of the route number. (#404, #412)
  • Fixed an issue causing Amazon Polly to read parentheses aloud. (#418)


  • Various methods of NavigationMapViewDelegate have more descriptive names in Objective-C. (#408)
  • Fixed an issue causing NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didArriveAt:) to be called twice in a row. (#414)
  • Fixed a memory leak. (#399)

Core Navigation

  • Added a RouteController.location property that represents the user’s location snapped to the route line. (#408)
  • Added a RouteController.recordFeedback(type:description:) method for sending user feedback to Mapbox servers. (#304)
  • Fixed excessive rerouting while the user is located away from the route, such as in a parking lot. (#386)
  • Fixed an issue where RouteController sometimes got stuck on slight turn maneuvers. (#378)
  • When rerouting, Core Navigation connects to the same API endpoint with the same access token that was used to obtain the original route. (#405)
  • The ReplayLocationManager.location and SimulatedLocationManager.location properties now return simulated locations instead of the device’s true location as reported by Core Location. (#411)
  • You can enable the RouteController.checkForFasterRouteInBackground property to have Core Navigation periodically check for a faster route in the background. (#346)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the RouteControllerAlertLevelDidChange notification from posting when transitioning from a high alert level on one step to a high alert level on another step. (#425)
  • Improved the accuracy of location updates while the device is plugged in. (#432)
  • Added anonymized metrics collection around significant events such as rerouting. This data will be used to improve the quality of Mapbox’s products, including the underlying OpenStreetMap road data, the Mapbox Directions API, and Core Navigation. (#304)

v0.5.0 (July 13, 2017)


  • The map now uses a style specifically designed for turn-by-turn navigation. (#263)
  • Added French, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Persian, and Spanish localizations. Help translate the SDK into your language! (#351)
  • Upgraded to OSRM Text Instructions v0.2.0 with localization improvements and support for upcoming exit numbers provided by the Directions API. (#348)
  • Corrected the frameworks’ bundle identifiers. (#281)

User interface

  • The turn banner now indicates when the SDK is busy fetching a new route. (#269)
  • More interface elements are now styleable. The Style.fontFamily property makes it easy to set the entire interface’s font face. (#330)
  • The interface now supports Dynamic Type. (#330)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the turn banner from displaying the distance to some freeway exits. (#262)
  • Fixed an issue in which swiping the turn banner to the right caused NavigationViewController to navigate to the wrong step. (#266)
  • Fixed a crash presenting NavigationViewController via a storyboard segue. (#314)
  • Fixed an issue causing black lines to appear over all roads during turn-by-turn navigation. (#339)
  • When NavigationViewController.route is set to a new value, the UI updates to reflect the new route. (#302)
  • Widened the route line for improved visibility. (#358)
  • Fixed an issue causing maneuver arrows along the route line to appear malformed. (#284)
  • Maneuver arrows no longer appear along the route line when the map is zoomed out. (#295)
  • The turn banner more reliably displays a route shield for applicable freeway on- and off-ramps. (#353)
  • Fixed an issue causing the turn banner to show a shield for the wrong step after swiping between steps. (#290)
  • Fixed an issue causing NavigationViewController and voice alerts to stop updating after a modal view controller is pushed atop NavigationViewController. (#306)
  • The map displays attribution during turn-by-turn navigation. (#288)
  • Added a NavigationMapViewControllerDelegate.navigationMapView(_:imageFor:) method for customizing the destination annotation. (#268)
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong source was passed into MGLMapViewDelegate.navigationMapView(_:routeCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:). (#265, #267)
  • The turn banner abbreviates road names when using the Catalan, Lithuanian, Spanish, Swedish, or Vietnamese localization. (#254, #376)

Voice guidance

  • To use Amazon Polly for voice guidance, set the NavigationViewController.voiceController property. (#313)
  • Fixed an issue that disabled Polly-powered voice guidance when the application went to the background. A message is printed to the console if the audio background mode is missing from the application’s Info.plist file. (#356)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the device is muted and an instruction would normally be read aloud. (#275)
  • By default, a short audio cue now plays when the user diverges from the route, requiring a new route to be fetched. (#269)
  • Renamed RouteStepFormatter.string(for:markUpWithSSML:) to RouteStepFormatter.string(for:legIndex:numberOfLegs:markUpWithSSML:). (#348)


  • Fixed a crash after a simulated route causes the SDK to fetch a new route. (#344)
  • Fixed an issue that stopped location updates after the application returned to the foreground from the background. (#343)
  • Fixed excessive calls to NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didArriveAt:). (#347)
  • Fixed crashes that occurred during turn-by-turn navigation. (#271, #336)
  • Fixed a memory leak that occurs when NavigationViewController.navigationDelegate is set. (#316)

Core Navigation

  • RouteController now requests Always Location Services permissions if NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription is set in Info.plist. (#342)
  • RouteController now continues to track the user’s location after arriving at the destination. (#333)
  • Fixed an issue causing RouteController to alternate rapidly between steps. (#258)
  • The SimulatedLocationManager class now bridges to Objective-C. (#314)
  • The DistanceFormatter class has been moved to Core Navigation. (#309)

v0.4.0 (June 1, 2017)


  • Documentation is now available in Quick Help and code completion for most classes and methods. (#250)
  • Added Catalan, Swedish, and Vietnamese localizations. (#203)

User interface

  • A new class, Style, makes it easy to customize the SDK’s appearance and vary it by size class. (#162)
  • Fixed an issue causing the road name in the turn banner to be truncated. The road name may be abbreviated to fit the allotted space. (#215)
  • Enlarged the distance in the turn banner. (#217)
  • A button at the top-left corner of the map view displays a live overview of the route. (#106)
  • A small label at the bottom of the map view displays the name of the street along which the user is currently traveling. (#155)
  • NavigationViewController automatically adopts the tint color of the view controller that presents it. (#176)
  • The user can no longer swipe the turn banner left of the current step to “preview” already completed steps. (#223)
  • The U-turn icon in the turn banner is no longer flipped horizontally in countries that drive on the right. (#243)
  • Distances are now measured in imperial units when the user’s language is set to British English. (#246)

Voice guidance

  • Fixed an issue causing voice instructions to be delivered by an Australian English voice regardless of the user’s region. (#187, #245)
  • Fixed an issue causing a “continue” instruction to be repeated multiple times along the step. (#238)
  • A final voice instruction is no longer delivered when merging onto a highway. (#239)

Core Navigation

  • RouteController is now responsible for the basic aspects of rerouting, including fetching the new route. A new RouteControllerDelegate protocol (mirrored by NavigationViewControllerDelegate) has methods for preventing or reacting to a rerouting attempt. (#251)
  • A notification is posted as soon as Core Navigation successfully receives a new route or fails to receive a new route. (#251)
  • When rerouting, any remaining intermediate waypoints are preserved in the new route. (#251)
  • Improved the timing and accuracy of rerouting attempts. (#202, #228)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the route progress (and thus the progress bar) from completing as the user arrives at the destination. (#157)
  • Fixed an issue that affected Core Navigation’s accuracy near maneuvers. (#185)
  • A simulated route performs maneuvers more realistically than before. (#226)
  • Fixed an issue preventing a simulated route from reaching the end of the route. (#244)
  • Resolved some compiler warnings related to the location manager. (#190)

v0.3.0 (April 25, 2017)

  • Renamed RouteViewController to NavigationViewController. (#133)
  • Replaced the NavigationUI.routeViewController(for:) method with the NavigationViewController(for:) initializer. (#133)
  • Fixed compatibility with MapboxDirections.swift v0.9.0. This library now depends on MapboxDirections.swift v0.9.x. (#139)
  • Fixed an issue causing the SDK to ignore certain routing options when rerouting the user. (#139)
  • Added a NavigationViewController.simulatesLocationUpdates property that causes the SDK to simulate location updates along a route. (#111)
  • Added a NavigationViewControllerDelegate.navigationViewController(_:didArriveAt:) method that gets called when user arrives at the destination. (#158)
  • Added methods to NavigationViewControllerDelegate to customize the appearance and shape of the route line. (#135)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the volume setting from working when using the built-in system speech synthesizer. (#160)
  • Added support for Russian and Spanish voices when using Amazon Polly for voice alerts. (#153)

v0.2.1 (April 15, 2017)

  • This library now requires MapboxDirections.swift v0.8.x as opposed to v0.9.0, which is incompatible. (#150)

v0.2.0 (April 14, 2017)

  • Renamed MapboxNavigation and MapboxNavigationUI to MapboxCoreNavigation and MapboxNavigation, respectively. MapboxNavigation provides the complete turn-by-turn navigation experience, including UI and voice announcements, while MapboxCoreNavigation provides the raw utilities for building your own UI. (#129)
  • Exposed methods on NavigationMapView that you can override to customize the route line’s appearance on the map. (#116)
  • Removed an unused dependency on MapboxGeocoder.swift. (#112)
  • Fixed memory leaks. (#120)

v0.1.0 (March 30, 2017)

  • Adds MapboxNavigationUI for a drop in navigation experience
  • Allows for Integration with AWS Polly for improved voice announcements
  • Adds optional user snapping to route line. This option also snaps the users course
  • Fixes an issue where announcements withContinuewould not announce the way names correctly
  • Updates to Swift v3.1
  • Fixed an issue where the route line was not inserted below labels after re-routing.

v0.0.4 (January 24, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue where a finalHeading just below 360 and a user heading just above 0, would not be less than RouteControllerMaximumAllowedDegreeOffsetForTurnCompletion (#25)
  • Better specified the swift version (#26)

v0.0.3 (January 19, 2017)

  • Fixes CocoaPod installation error

v0.0.2 (January 19, 2017)

Initial public release