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aubergine10 edited this page Dec 6, 2015 · 11 revisions


The Properties setting sets flags on items in materials.txt (and sometimes also needs.txt). It must appear in a definition block and can be used multiple times, once per flag being added.


This optional setting is used in materials.txt (and sometimes needs.txt) and must be within a definition block. It can be used multiple times per definition block, once per <flag>.

    Properties <flag>

Where <flag> defines the flag to associate with the item being defined:


A Guard should (must?) be a member of Staff and all people must (should?) be an Entity. Oh, and this one DoesNotTire. He's an unstoppable machine!

    Properties Entity
    Properties Staff
    Properties Guard
    Properties DoesNotTire

You'll be glad to know that if you try defining a custom Guard in your mod, the game will likely crash (guaranteed to crash when using the Guard and Scripted properties together).


Technically, any type of definition block in materials.txt that supports the Properties setting can use any of the values listed above. However, you're likely to get very odd results (maybe even game crashes) if you abuse it. That being said, please do experiment and let us know what you find!


The .GetNearbyObjects() method is able to search based on property value, for example you can search for all Entity objects, all Staff objects and so on.

##See Also

^ Open "Pages" to Search


* = multi-use per block
... = BEGIN...END block


Name Sprite AttackPower num RechargeTime num Properties Weapons Properties NoImport Properties Improvised Properties Metal Properties Tools Scale TwoHanded true|false Range num Rotatable true|false - eg. book


Name Cost num MaxNumber num Vehicle vehicleId Entity entityId NumEntities Sprite

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