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PSKoans v0.65.0 - New Katas, and MORE Koans!

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@vexx32 vexx32 released this 26 Oct 15:24

Notable Changes

  • Literally hundreds of new koans, both in old and new topics. We're well over 600 individual koans at present, and we'll still be adding more!
  • New Commands:
    • Show-Karma: A pretty koan completion status display command, taking the place of Measure-Karma.
    • Get-Karma: Outputs a summary object of your PSKoans progress, including current topic progress information. Store your data as you progress to keep a log, or design your own pretty views using the same information used in Show-Karma!
    • Get-PSKoanSetting / Set-PSKoanSetting: Directly get and set persistent settings for your PSKoans module!
      • Currently available settings:
        • KoanLocation: Change the folder location that PSKoans reads from and stores your koan library in!
        • Editor: Change the default editor that PSKoans opens your library in when you call Show-Karma -Meditate! Full paths or executables available from $env:PATH locations are both supported!
      • Settings are stored in ~/.config/PSKoans/config.json
    • Utility commands, with many thanks to @indented-automation for his black-magic wizardry for these gems:
      • Get-PSKoan: Lists the koan topics available!
      • Update-PSKoan: Updates all your koan files, adding any missing koans in your topic files, and copies new topic files over! You can also target specific topics to update with -Topic
      • Reset-PSKoan: Reset individual koan topics, context blocks, or individual koan It blocks by name! Call without parameters to do a full reset of your koan topics. You will be prompted for confirmation before any changes are made to each topic.
  • Updated Commands:
  • Retired Commands:
    • Measure-Karma: Retained as an alias to the new Show-Karma

Full Changelog

Community Contributions

A huge thank-you to all the folks from the community who helped make this update a hundred times better than it would otherwise be!

Special thanks go to @thomasrayner, @indented-automation, and @sudoblark for their hard work and immense contributions to the PSKoans topic library. (And especially for being willing to put up with me through some very thorough code reviews!)

Commit Name Subject
493be4a @A298B112 Fix Select-Object -Unique koan (#221)
c8c4893 @BrandonLundt Typos identified in Issue #190 (#201)
3320e2c @BrandonLundt Changed out-file parameter and updated Out-String koan (#198)
8db3533 @BrandonLundt Removed -Recurse, updated Regex Pattern, added help (#200)
8a4e35a @BrandonLundt 🎨 ♻️ Fixed typos, split ErrorRecord describe into two Contexts (#199)
1edc1b9 @BrandonLundt 🔧 Clarify AboutPSProviders->FileSystemProvider Koan. (#189)
f1bad6f @cyberd3mon ➕ A couple of qoutes of wisdom added. (#300)
09f013c @EVWorth Fixes auto-succeeding pester tests in AboutComparison and AboutStrings (#214)
7eaca0a @gep13 📝 Remove double space (#269)
4c5e590 @IISResetMe Fix #177 (unpredictable test expectations in AboutWhereObject) (#219)
508fada @indented-automation ✨ Updates AboutStrings with new examples (#299)
594d53a @indented-automation ✨ Adds Koans: AboutClasses (#296)
09e37fb @indented-automation ✨ Adds about enumerations koans (#263)
0628f3c @indented-automation 🐛 Fixes Detailed parameter (#268)
db83193 @indented-automation ✨ Adds examples to AboutArrays (#257)
302263e @indented-automation ✨ Adds module topic support & refactor init (#251)
1bb9e9d @indented-automation Updates AboutSelectObject (#247)
89632fb @indented-automation ✨ Adds bitwise operator and binary koans (#245)
9c2c5f7 @indented-automation ✅ Adds new koan validation tests (#246)
1a4c496 @indented-automation ✨ Adds Koan Update and Reset commands (#223)
21f8e42 @indented-automation ✨ Adds OFS to AboutStrings (#204)
3933d71 @johnheusinger ✨ Add a few bits of wisdom (#293)
d0726f5 @manoj2994 ✅ Write Tests for *-Advice Cmdlets #278 (#283)
54beee2 @robdy ✨ Add specific error for Show-Advice (#287)
31f0494 @robdy 🐛 Fix bug with VSCode opening empty file (#289)
785883c @robdy 🐛 Fix fun advices filenames (#285)
b1fbf7e @sudoblark ✨ Port of PowerShell Intro Training into PSKoans (#241)
defad7f @thomasrayner ✨ New topic: Regular Expressions (#281)
ce875f3 @tomlarse 🔧 Fix divide by zero on some systems (#192)
f67a246 @tomlarse Moved $Aliases to the correct scope (#173)
3fb8b44 @usrme 🐛 Check for PSKoan directory before opening (#274)
b9a2415 @usrme 🐛 Fix Show-Advice requiring full basename for snippet (#276)
5cd6b86 @vercellone 🔧 Fixes #191 AboutPSObjects (#228)
2b01ba4 @vercellone 📦 Enforce a single LF at EOF (#232)

All Other Changes

Commit Subject
4a66dfa 🚀 Fix nupkg generation for PRs
b03bc1a 🚀 Allow tests to publish on failed tests
e2ca569 📝 Use relative path for workspace folder
4f378d2 🐛 Properly Rethrow Get-Karma errors in Show-Karma (#302)
29fd4d1 🐛 Update-PSKoan - Fix Yes to All for ShouldProcess Prompts (#292)
f6ad6b8 🎨 ♻️ Style Pass (#295)
be71464 ✨ 🎨 Add meditation prompts (#294)
c7c536d ✨ Add -PipelineVariable koan & update AboutLoopsAndPipelines (#291)
9bc1a72 ✨ Persist koan settings (#248)
41ea730 🚧 🎨 Rework Koan Order (#277)
4f2e142 📝 Update (#271)
dd8b268 🐛 🎨 Update AboutDiscovery (#270)
d8fa6ca 🚀 Refactor job / task layout (#266)
9d046f5 🚀 Dry-Run Module Publishing in CI (#265)
11d0143 🚀 Add Code Coverage Reports (#259)
da66f06 🐛 Show-Karma - Properly handle completion of topics (#250)
47e75aa ✨ add CSV koans (#240)
edb870b 📝 Update readme and meditation prompt (#243)
9690b0a 🎨 Use longer-form blank for dummy type name (#244)
8300057 🔧 Update all references to $env:PATH (#239)
0cf03c8 ✨ Add Get-Karma function, rename Measure-Karma to Show-Karma (#238)
5e5c174 ✨ Implement first Katas (#237)
dff3296 🔧 🎨 Fix #179 AboutPSProviders (#235)
39aefd4 🚀 Add multi-platform building and testing (#236)
adbd525 🔧 🎨 Fix Outstanding koan issues (#233)
48060a7 🔧 Remove nonexistent Measure-Object parameter -Count (#229)
60fe30d ✅ Publish Test Results to Azure Pipelines (#230)
9e01282 Update AboutStringBuilder koans (#225)
2fbcaf4 Add Hidden Parameters to Get-Blank (#220)
768ba4d 🔧 About redirection fixes (#209)
3070afd ✨ Add extension recommendations (#208)
b160923 🔧 AboutHashtables Fixes (#187)
e0a54b0 📦 Automatically generate external help during build (#167)
757d80d Add -Detailed parameter for Measure-Karma (#166)
34173b8 ♻️ Refactor AboutSplatting (#165)
457a61f 🔧 Fix topic progress when topic file is completed. (#164)
53e3717 Add new alias for Get-Blank (#158)