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aubergine10 edited this page Oct 21, 2015 · 2 revisions

PA MotherBug 9631 - don't use this setting on Doors!



The Wired setting indicates that an Object can have wired connections, allowing it to transmit data to other Wired objects.


The setting is used in materials.txt and must be within a definition block. It can be used only once per definition block.

    Properties Wired

##Example Mods


Some categories of Object, such as Entities and Vehicles, probably won't behave as expected if you make them Wired (need to do more testing). Doors in particular definitely do not like being Wired and will fail in spectacular ways.

If you are creating a custom Wired object, it will be useless without some scripting...


The scripting API does not currently support properties relating to wired connections other than .Triggered which allows you to determine the triggered state of incoming connections or send a trigger to outgoing connections. The fact that both are done via the same property is somewhat depressing.

##See Also

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