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2.1 MVP

terrytaylorbonn edited this page Jun 23, 2024 · 14 revisions

24.0623 (major cleanup) (24.0622 merged)

MVP = minimal viable platform

  • 2.1.1 Test rig
  • 2.1.2 Batteries
  • 2.1.3 (4.3) Peripherals config (TX-RX)
  • 2.1.4 (4.5a) SpeedyBee F405v3 config (install INAV, config, etc)
  • 2.1.5 (4a.5) Flight 1a (indoors (still no gps))

2.1.1 Test rig


Below is what I did for the FPV build (sawed some plywood, drilled some holes, then built the copter on that plywood, test flight).

TODO: I need to describe how to drill the holes and cut the board.


Note: My original setup was just a single piece of plywood. I kept things this way until I succesfully ran the first motor test (just turning the motors with no props). I thus avoided the expense and complexity of a frame build at the start, and instead focused on potential show-stoppers (getting the motors running).


2.1.2 Batteries



Batteries are complex and potentially dangerous. It was a bit of a shock to see how this topic was not included in any drone build video series that I have seen. The instructions from the charger manufacturer only confused.


2.1.3 (4.3) Peripherals config (TX-RX)


Goal of this section: Describe the configuration of Tx/rx peripherals.

  • Tx (1) <> Rx (5) config/interconnection:
    • 2.1.3_(4.3-1)TxRx(SBEE)_tx12-rp1_v22_24.0401.docx. I spent 3 days getting my TX-12 connected to my RP1.
    • 2.1.3_(4.3-3)TxRx_R88(not_work)_v01_24.0417_0505.docx. I could not figure this out.. needed sbus... just used the RP1 (set to SBUS in RC).
    • 2.1.3_(4.3-5)_edgetx_companion+mixer_usage_v02_24.0511.docx

image image

2.1.4 (4.5a) SpeedyBee F405v3 config

(24.0514: cleaned up this page; docx's cleaned up (big job) and renamed)


Finally, the really big job.

  • Connect all the peripherals to the FC.
  • Configure the FC params (using BF (Betaflight) configurator, INAV configurator, AP (Ardupilot) MP/QGC)
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOptional: Install/config the FPV camera, VTX, antennas (not required for flight; could install later).

For the SBee F405v3 there are 4 configs

  • F405 quadcopter (1) bf, (2) ardu, (3) inav
  • F405-plane (4) inav (future)

Status of 4 configs:

  • (3) INAV (24.0507)
    • 2.1.4_(4a.5-21)config_sbee_inav(need_stick_level_fix)_v02_24.0517_0514.docx. Worked! However, need to adjust the stick settings (complicated in inav).


2.1.5 (4a.5) Flight 1a

First flight indoors.




Getting into the air ASAP

(0) Reference

EPIC 1 - Build/fly FPV drone

(1) FPV simulators (inav notes 0608)

(2) SBeeF405/INAV (1a)

(3) SBeeF405/BF (1b)

(4) SBeeF405/AP (1c)

EPIC 2 - Build/fly Pixhawk drone

(5) Pix6c/PX4 (2a)

(6) Pix6c/AP (2b)

EPIC 3 - Add AI to Pixhawk drone

(7) AI cc + cam

(8a) AI Nano PX4

(8b) AI Nano AP

(8c) AI PI PX4

(8d) AI PI AP

EPIC 4 – Advanced AI

(9a) SIH (frame+world sim)

(11) FC FW Mavlink API (via CC/GCS APIs) (5.3)

(13) CC AI (+ Mavlink) (2)

EPIC 5 – Advanced platforms

(14) Firmware dev (5)

(15) Mission platforms (6b)

(16) Special projects (5.6,5.5)

EPIC 6 – PITS (Pie in the sky)

(9b) HITL (frame+world sim)

(10) (skip) SITL (total sim) (1) (was E4)

(14b) Matlab (was E5/4(HITL))

(12) ROS (+ROSMAV) (was E4)

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