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6b.1 Mine clearance

terrytaylorbonn edited this page May 28, 2024 · 1 revision

24.0508 TERRY

here describe a mine clearance platform (a specific config that will be built).

A specific build.

This would use the tech intro'd in


A real build for something like the following.

Feb 2024 one my favorite Taiwanese bloggers (Mark from "Mark Space") posted a (as usual technically excellent) video that kind of sums up the kind of stuff I wanted to learn to do with an AI drone.

During the first 5 mins he focuses on drones in Ukraine. The following screenshot shows how mines give off heat at night more than earth (the FLIR image bright spots are mines). The key requirements for this mission are

  • CC and camera (FLIR) that have the best price/performance (power usage needs to be within the limits of the drone/battery)
  • AI algorithm that provides best detection for this specific scenario with the limitations of the CC/camera (my need to try several at the field)


In the screenshot below note the red square. This is the mission map from the mission planner the soldier is using. This shows the flight path the drone will take.


An AI drone would

  • Detect warm objects (object detection)
  • Recognize which objects are mines (object recognition)
  • Take any required action (autonomously)


Getting into the air ASAP

(0) Reference

EPIC 1 - Build/fly FPV drone

(1) FPV simulators (inav notes 0608)

(2) SBeeF405/INAV (1a)

(3) SBeeF405/BF (1b)

(4) SBeeF405/AP (1c)

EPIC 2 - Build/fly Pixhawk drone

(5) Pix6c/PX4 (2a)

(6) Pix6c/AP (2b)

EPIC 3 - Add AI to Pixhawk drone

(7) AI cc + cam

(8) AI CC+FW

(9a) SIH (frame+world sim)

EPIC 4 – Basic Autonomy

(13) CC AI (+ Mavlink) (2)

(11) FC_Mavlink_API (via CC/GCS APIs) (5.3)

(13c) CC autonomy algorithms

EPIC 5 – Advanced Autonomy

(20) Kalman KK (+Python,vectornav)

(14) Firmware dev (5)

(22) AI

EPIC 6 – Project management 24.0903

EPIC 7 – Mission platforms / special projects

(15) Mission platforms (6b)

(16) Special projects (5.6,5.5)

EPIC 8 – PITS (Pie in the sky)

(12) ROS (+ROSMAV) (was E4)

(14b) Matlab (was E5/4(HITL))

(9b) HITL (frame+world sim)

(10) (skip) SITL (total sim) (1) (was E4)

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