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Part 2 Real AI HW

terrytaylorbonn edited this page May 14, 2024 · 41 revisions

In this part 2 (Gdrive) a real CC (companion computer, PI4/Nano) is used (all other components and the world are simulated).

image image

The goals for the tests in this section include

  • (1) Fly sim copter (with sim FC),
  • (2) stand in front of the (real) camera,
  • (3) the (real) CC recognizes that I am human OR recognizes a guesture and
  • (4) in response the (real) CC sends a MAVlink flight command to the sim FC (in this example to land the copter).


The first 4 sections of this Part B (Gdrive folder) describe how I got a few AI routines (I tried quite a few the first time around) running on the following platform HW:

  • 2.1 AI Ubuntu. Haarcascades and mediapipe gestures running on the Ubuntu (documents 2_B1.1,2,3, 23.0122-0131). I started using Ubuntu as the first test platform (instead of PI4/Nano) to avoid issues (such as camera drivers; PI4/Nano used their custom version of 18.04 Ubuntu).

  • 2.2 AI PI4. Haarcascades, TF-lite, and mediapipe face meshes (document 2_B2, 23.0119-0121).

  • 2.3 AI Jetson Nano. OpenCV, haarcascades (documents 2_B3_2a-1, 2_B3_3a, 23.0110-0118; 2_B3_2a describes Nvidia tutorials, for which I had trouble getting the camera other drivers setup).

  • 2.4 AI STM. Covers AI implmentations on STM hardware.

The last section covers:

  • 2.5 AI study. This section includes mainly the hands-on demos I did when I first started out studying AI.


The following diagrams shows where the CC fits in the drone physically and functionally ("flight board" = CC). The second diagram is from Intelligent Quads.




Getting into the air ASAP

(0) Reference

EPIC 1 - Build/fly FPV drone

(1) FPV simulators (inav notes 0608)

(2) SBeeF405/INAV (1a)

(3) SBeeF405/BF (1b)

(4) SBeeF405/AP (1c)

EPIC 2 - Build/fly Pixhawk drone

(5) Pix6c/PX4 (2a)

(6) Pix6c/AP (2b)

EPIC 3 - Add AI to Pixhawk drone

(7) AI cc + cam

(8) AI CC+FW

(9a) SIH (frame+world sim)

EPIC 4 – Basic Autonomy

(13) CC AI (+ Mavlink) (2)

(11) FC_Mavlink_API (via CC/GCS APIs) (5.3)

(13c) CC autonomy algorithms

EPIC 5 – Advanced Autonomy

(20) Kalman KK (+Python,vectornav)

(14) Firmware dev (5)

(22) AI

EPIC 6 – Project management 24.0903

EPIC 7 – Mission platforms / special projects

(15) Mission platforms (6b)

(16) Special projects (5.6,5.5)

EPIC 8 – PITS (Pie in the sky)

(12) ROS (+ROSMAV) (was E4)

(14b) Matlab (was E5/4(HITL))

(9b) HITL (frame+world sim)

(10) (skip) SITL (total sim) (1) (was E4)

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