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aubergine10 edited this page Oct 27, 2015 · 2 revisions


The ConstructionTime setting, amazingly, defines the construction time of the item you're defining. I know, shocking, isn't it?


This setting is used in materials.txt and must be within a BEGIN Object ... or BEGIN Material ... definition block. It can be used only once per definition block.

    ConstructionTime <time>

Where is in game seconds, which are equivalent to prison minutes, but not real minutes which are equivalent to prison hours, but only on normal speed setting. Let's just cut to the chase and agree that time doesn't exist.

If the setting is omitted, a default of -1 is used to indicate that the non-existent time is now flowing backwards.


    ConstructionTime 10


The ConstructionTime setting required, along with various other settings depending on what you're defining (eg. Price in the case of entities), to make the defined item appear on the menus. More specifically, a value of -1 will prevent your item from appearing on the menu, whereas a value of 0 or above will enable it to appear on the menu.

Entities, while requiring a non-negative ConstructionTime to appear on the "Staff" menu, will always spawn immediately ...because it would look weird if workmen had to construct new entities with a drill.

The ConstructionTime also seems to set the amount of time it takes to dismantle or dump something, it's 'DestructionTime'...


The setting is not exposed to the scripting environment, and further more the Object.Spawn() method completely skips the construction process.

##See Also

^ Open "Pages" to Search


* = multi-use per block
... = BEGIN...END block


Name Sprite AttackPower num RechargeTime num Properties Weapons Properties NoImport Properties Improvised Properties Metal Properties Tools Scale TwoHanded true|false Range num Rotatable true|false - eg. book


Name Cost num MaxNumber num Vehicle vehicleId Entity entityId NumEntities Sprite

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