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Releases: feelpp/feelpp

Feel++ Release V111 preview.10

15 Jul 21:21
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🎉 We're happy to share our developments as we approach the V111 release of Feel++. Following a refreshed naming strategy, we've moved to the -preview.x suffix from the conventional -alpha.x, -beta, or -rc labels. This change signifies our dedication to enhancing transparency and setting clear expectations for our pre-release versions.

Each pre-release version of Feel++ undergoes a rigorous process, encompassing detailed reviews, extensive tests across varied scenarios, and careful packaging. Our commitment to delivering a high-quality, reliable experience is reflected in our comprehensive platform support strategy. Alongside offering support for the latest two Long-Term Support (LTS) versions of Ubuntu and the newest LTS version of Debian, we're excited to announce that Feel++ is now accessible to Windows users through the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and to Mac users via MacPorts, Homebrew, Docker and now Apptainer. This expansion of platform support is a testament to our commitment to making Feel++ as accessible and versatile as possible for our diverse user base.

As we continue to refine and enhance Feel++, the V111 release promises to bring forward significant innovations and improvements. Stay tuned for further updates of Feel++.


docker pull
docker run ls
apptainer pull -F oras://
apptainer exec feelpp_v0.111.0-preview.10-jammy-sif.sif feelpp_toolbox_fluid --version

What's Changed

Exciting New Features 🎉

  • resolve 2231 : Support parts configuration in exporter by @vincentchabannes in #2232
  • resolves 1489 and 2175: enrich range object and simplify FunctionSpace by @prudhomm in #2176
  • resolves 2191 and 2196: cleanup and python wrapper for forms and implement feelpp namespace package by @prudhomm in #2227
  • resolves 2233: improve hdg toolbox, add new terms by @prudhomm in #2236
  • resolves 2259: add script to get feelpp version and improve packaging workflow by @prudhomm in #2260

HPC Changes

  • resolves 2246: fix non blocking mpi communication for large scale communications by @vincentchabannes in #2249

Recent Publications using Feel++


Full Changelog: v0.111.0-preview.9...v0.111.0-preview.10

Feel++ Release V111 preview.9

19 Mar 08:47
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🎉 We're happy to share our developments as we approach the V111 release of Feel++. Following a refreshed naming strategy, we've moved to the -preview.x suffix from the conventional -alpha.x, -beta, or -rc labels. This change signifies our dedication to enhancing transparency and setting clear expectations for our pre-release versions.

Each pre-release version of Feel++ undergoes a rigorous process, encompassing detailed reviews, extensive tests across varied scenarios, and careful packaging. Our commitment to delivering a high-quality, reliable experience is reflected in our comprehensive platform support strategy. Alongside offering support for the latest two Long-Term Support (LTS) versions of Ubuntu and the newest LTS version of Debian, we're excited to announce that Feel++ is now accessible to Windows users through the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and to Mac users via MacPorts, Homebrew, and Docker. This expansion of platform support is a testament to our commitment to making Feel++ as accessible and versatile as possible for our diverse user base.

As we continue to refine and enhance Feel++, the V111 release promises to bring forward significant innovations and improvements. Stay tuned for further updates of Feel++.


What's Changed

Exciting New Features 🎉

Clean code 👌

Bugs fixed 💚

  • Resolves: Bad lexical cast when reading fieldsplit fields with more than one figure by @lberti in #2067
  • Resolves incorrect values of dump function in feelpp_mesh_partitioner after partitioning by @lberti in #2085
  • Resolves: Same mesh in several instances of BVH tree by @lberti in #2072
  • Resolves: #2083 colon separated integers for preconditioning by @lberti in #2084
  • Resolves range problem for colon-separated list for preconditions by @lberti in #2097
  • Fix advection diffusion MOR example #2114 by @lberti in #2117
  • Resolves: #2127 fix parabolic CRB truth model by @lberti in #2128
  • fix toc display for crb code by @thomas-saigre in #2173
  • Resolves 2118: Fix some cases in mor examples by @lberti in #2209

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.110.2...v0.111.0-preview.9

Feel++ Release V111 alpha.5

22 Aug 09:27
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📦 Ubuntu packages
📦 Debian packages
📦 Docker images

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.111.0-alpha.4...v0.111.0-alpha.5

Feel++ V111 Alpha 4

03 Jul 03:01
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Feel++ V111 Alpha 4 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • resolves 2115: Add mesh, setMesh and updateParameterValues methods to the solid toolbox bindings by @Luplz in #2116
  • resolves 2115: add mesh setmesh and updateparametervalues methods to the solid python toolbox by @prudhomm in #2119
  • new mor application for heat transfert in eye fixes #2068 by @prudhomm in #2074
  • Fix advection diffusion MOR example #2114 by @lberti in #2117
  • 2098-compute-effectivity by @thomas-saigre in #2121
  • Resolves: #2127 fix parabolic CRB truth model by @lberti in #2128

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.111.0-alpha.3...v0.111.0-alpha.4


03 Jun 08:27
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v0.111.0-alpha.3 Pre-release

Packages and containers available here.

What's Changed

  • resolves #2044: setup jupyter notebook by @prudhomm in #2051
  • Feature/toolboxes cfpdes interpolation by @vincentchabannes in #2027
  • Resolves: add meshMove python interface by @lberti in #2053
  • resolves 2058: minor interface updates and tests cleanup by @prudhomm in #2063
  • Resolves: Bad lexical cast when reading fieldsplit fields with more than one figure by @lberti in #2067
  • resolves #2065 : fixes prefix, keyword and subprefix and document them by @prudhomm in #2069
  • resolves 2078: port to c++20 on homebrew, petsc 3.19, nlopt and range-v3 by @prudhomm in #2089
  • Resolves incorrect values of dump function in feelpp_mesh_partitioner after partitioning by @lberti in #2085
  • Resolves: Same mesh in several instances of BVH tree by @lberti in #2072
  • Resolves: #2083 colon separated integers for preconditioning by @lberti in #2084
  • resolved 2009: add support for specx by @prudhomm in #2092
  • Resolves range problem for colon-separated list for preconditions by @lberti in #2097
  • resolves 2103, 2099: update Model Meshes and fix expression symbol missing in Toolboxes by @vincentchabannes in #2100
  • resolves 2095: enable mesh distance metric with respect to arbitrary markers by @prudhomm in #2101

Full Changelog: v0.111.0-alpha.1...v0.111.0-alpha.3

Feel++ V111 alpha.1

12 Mar 20:03
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.110.2...v0.111.0-alpha.1

Feel++ V110.2 Released

16 Nov 13:17
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Minor corrections in this release to improve the experience on Mac and in Python



Python and Jupyter Notebooks



Full Changelog: v0.110.1...v0.110.2

Feel++ V110.1

11 Nov 13:06
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What's Changed

  • resolves 1992: add better support for expression in python by @prudhomm in #1994
  • resolves #1191 : ftbs testsuite/feel/feelpython missing link python library by @prudhomm in #1993

Full Changelog: v0.110.0...v0.110.1

Feel++ V110

07 Nov 21:52
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End-user changes

  • [feelpp] Feel++ python wrappers were moved to their own component feelpp-python #1734
  • [feelpp] Feel++ mor classes and functions were moved to their own component feelpp-mor #1734
  • [feelpp] samcef mesh format can now be imported see #1800
  • [feelpp] All Feel++ application writes a table of information at end of execution reminding in particular the location of the generated results
  • [feelpp] distance function to a range got rewritten and support narrow band, see #1813 #1682
  • [toolboxes] the json format was massively updated to be more flexible and extensible in the future see json format documentation, a lot of examples are available in each toolbox
  • [toolboxes] support all postprocessing features described here
  • [python and toolboxes] support for remeshing see #1572, #1449 , #1567
  • [python/mor] Support pbdw see #1786
  • [python/mor] Support for outputs json specifications see #1840
  • [python] Better support for jupyter, see #1972
  • [feelpp] Support different Linux flavors fedora:{36,37} debian:{11,testing,sid}, ubuntu:{20.04,22.04,22.10} see #1913 and a docker environment is available for each of them<flavor>-<version>

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.109.0...v0.110.0

Feel++ V110 Release Candidate 5

30 Sep 05:18
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End-user changes

  • [feelpp] Feel++ python wrappers were moved to their own component feelpp-python #1734
  • [feelpp] Feel++ mor classes and functions were moved to their own component feelpp-mor #1734
  • [feelpp] samcef mesh format can now be imported see #1800
  • [feelpp] All Feel++ application writes a table of information at end of execution reminding in particular the location of the generated results
  • [feelpp] distance function to a range got rewritten and support narrow band, see #1813 #1682
  • [toolboxes] the json format was massively updated to be more flexible and extensible in the future see json format documentation, a lot of examples are available in each toolbox
  • [toolboxes] support all postprocessing features described here
  • [python and toolboxes] support for remeshing see #1572, #1449 , #1567
  • [python/mor] Support pbdw see #1786
  • [python/mor] Support for outputs json specifications see #1840

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.109.0...v0.110.0