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Releases: rainbow-me/rainbow


11 Jul 00:36
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  • fixed a bug causing assets in swap to sometimes not reflect your balance (#5919)
  • removed the filtering out of the assetToSell from the currency lists which fixed a bug where ETH wasn't showing in output list (#5921)


09 Jul 00:34
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  • Fixed a crash that would happen when attempting a max swappable amount (#5907)
  • Fixed an issue where native network token was not at top of verified list (#5906)
  • Fixed an issue when tapping swap button on Degen Token expanded sheet would cause a crash (#5910)
  • Fixed broken searching of local and cross network search (#5912)
  • Fixed an issue where we would do an uncessary approval when unwrapping WETH (#5911)


01 Jul 23:33
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  • rewards UI cleanup (#5896)
  • e2e change of rerunning only failed tests (#5878)
  • enable unit tests (#5874)
  • rewards flag is now enabled by default (#5899)


  • Fixed an issue where firebase wasn't working correctly on Android (#5898)


25 Jun 18:47
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  • Added more analytics to our Dapp browser (#5755)
  • Added e2e test for validating malicious Dapp warnings (#5764)
  • Added more analytics for Swaps v2 (#5805)
  • Use ens graph api key (#5848, #5882)
  • ETH Rewards (#5866)


  • Improved performance by limiting Sentry tracking and NFT hooks (#5819)
  • Migrate remote cards over to zustand (#5796)


  • Fixed provider recursion bug where getProviderForNetwork was being repeatedly called (#5829)
  • Fixed crashes to swaps v2 flows (#5839)
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to swap on v1 (#5858)
  • Fixed a bug where we weren’t taking l1 op gas fees into account for claimBridge (#5889)
  • Fixed a bug where tapping swap button on token expanded state did not select the proper token (#5891)


05 Jun 00:56
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  • Added IDFA check on app launch (#5653)
  • Added parallel tests for e2e (#5786)



  • Fixed a bug where incorrect data would show in pending transactions (#5777)
  • Fixed a bug where the swap warning flashes when typing a larger number (#5769)
  • Fixed UX on receive sheet QR Code (#5672)


30 May 14:21
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  • Added new translations for various parts in the app (#5762)



  • Fixed a bug where some mints with unknown price was showing as free (#5750)
  • Fixed issues with NFTs causing crashes on some wallets (#5761)
  • Fixed an issue where transaction sheet would show the Buy ETH button when the selected wallet already has ETH (#5763)


17 May 13:57
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  • Added a new useSyncSharedValue hook that makes it easy to keep a shared value in sync with equivalently typed state (#5662, #5664)
  • Implemented smaller state subscriptions for current zustand stores outside of the browser (#5661)
  • Implemented dapp browser architecture (#5669, #5671)
  • Handle web injection natively (#5677)
  • Added a new zustand store creator called createRainbowStore (#5689)
  • Added a new hook called useSharedValueState (#5698)
  • Added new hooks for working with time in reanimated (#5699)
  • Added documentation to reanimated hooks (#5701)
  • Added new backend-provided explorer labels for swaps v2 (#5690)
  • Added custom gas panel for swaps v2 (#5647)
  • Added the ability for a user to name a newly created wallet group in backups flow (#5696)
  • Added exchange rate bubble for swaps v2 flow on swap screen (#5723)
  • Added privacy manifest (#5736)


  • Simplified logic for Rainbow fee display in review panel for swaps v2 (#5660)
  • Upgraded swaps sdk to 0.19.0 (#5694)
  • Moved around swaps functionality that were being used in other places (#5708)
  • Swaps v2 re-architecture implementation (#5705)
  • Migrated nft requests from nft proxy to nfts graphql endpoint (#5704)
  • Bumped provider to improve connection flow to dapps and L2 connection issues (#5703)
  • Integrated new arch into asset colors for swaps v2 (#5709)
  • Improvements to swaps quote fetching (#5711)
  • Replaced swaps redux reliant state with parity to browser extension (#5608)


  • Fixed a bug where dapp connection warning was not being displayed (#5710)
  • Fixed an issue where there’s no web3 provider injected on the current tab when doing an app cold start (#5663)
  • Fixed a bug where Google login button wouldn’t load on certain sites (#5670)
  • Fixed issues relating to account/network switching by refactoring AppSessionsStore to use RainbowStore (#5693)
  • Fixed numerous issues that arose from dapp browser bug bash session (#5695)
  • Fixed an issue with bridge assets and spacing between items for Swaps v2 (#5686)
  • Fixed supporting chain Id’s matching behavior with browser extension (#5697)
  • Fixed a bug where a newly created wallet with a custom name would have the address but not the custom name displayed in backups (#5692)
  • Fixed UI bug where Learn More Backups sheet was clipped at the topped (#5687)
  • Fixed a bug with favorites list on swaps v2 (#5659)
  • Fixed issue with running e2e tests by disabling sentry (#5707)
  • Fixed a bug where there weren’t any touch events executed on the webview (#5702)
  • Fixed a bug with dapp browser open in new tab (#5688)
  • Fixed a bunch of dapp browser bugs on Android devices (#5712, #5715)
  • Fixed a bug with searching in dapp browser that now allows you to navigate to an exact URL instead of suggested (#5719)
  • Fixed browser bugs and improved performance (#5721)
  • Fixed a bug on account switching from control panel on browser (#5726)
  • Fixed various bugs within the control panel on the browser (#5730, #5734, #5735)
  • Fixed search logic and homepage empty state bugs on browser (#5737)
  • Fixed an addys API error when no address is provided (#5729)
  • Fixed a swaps bug where chainID was undefined (#5738)
  • Fixed a crash when tapping settings while bridging in swaps flow (#5740)


25 Apr 15:21
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  • Rainbow now displays your total USD balance for your wallet inside of the Wallet Switcher and Send instead of just ETH balances. Even better for L2s! (#5631, #5665)


  • Improved quote reliability for Swaps (#5644)
  • Fixed a crash when swapping ProxySwap on Degen Chain (#5667)
  • Minor copy update when using Send for an L2 network (#5495)


17 Apr 11:41
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  • Added full support for Degen Chain, including sending, swapping, and connecting to dApps with WalletConnect (#5621 #5583)


  • You can now see price estimates in your preferred currency for simulations in the Transaction Preview sheet (#5585)
  • You'll now see warning in Swaps when the quote's price impact is unknown (#5597)
  • You'll also now see a warning in Send when attempting to send assets to a contract address (#5586)


  • Improved WalletConnect pairing flow reliability and improved telemetry to diagnose additional issues (#5616)
  • Improved error handling on Web Profile preferences to mitigate crashes when hiding NFTs or organizing your Showcase (#5607)
  • Fixed an unintentional scroll when dismissing Promotional cards on Discover (#5606)
  • Fixed a bug where some NFTs wouldn't show up in your gallery (#5537)
  • Fixed an bug where non-backed up wallets would show as backed up under certain conditions (#5593)
  • Fixed pairing metadata display issues for Zora mints (#5584)


02 Apr 17:02
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  • Backups are more reliable than ever with a completely redesigned Backup flow. Ensure your Secret Recovery Phrases are backed up today and try it out in Settings (#5310)


  • Added a pending transaction indicator on the tab bar when transactions are being broadcast (#5529)


  • Resolved an issue where $Nan may appear in the Transaction Details sheet, and improved speed and reliability (#5535)
  • Improved NFT Offers and Mints gas estimations and success rates using simulations (#5448)
  • Properly refetching balances after a transaction is confirmed to ensure accurate balances (#5551)
  • Fixed token metadata display issues when searching by contract address in Discover (#5563)
  • Hiding favorite buttons for non-Mainnet assets (#5565)
  • Fixed a crash when tapping the Settings button (#5544)
  • Improved WalletConnect v2 sessions telemetry for user diagnostics (#5382)