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Coordinating Meeting April 12th 2019 11:30 am AST

Janice Banser edited this page Apr 12, 2019 · 6 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Notes: Janice Banser

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Janice Banser, Don Richards, Jeffrey Rubin, Melissa Anez, Martha, Michael Kemezis, Wei Xuan, Will, Marcus Barnes, Danny Lamb, Lydia Motyka, Jonathan Green, Common Media (Gavin)


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Don R)
  • ISLE Interest Group

Islandora 8

Islandora Camps

  • iCampEU
  • Islandoracon

Round Table

Next meeting April 26

  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Notes: Jonathan Green


Old Business

  • Previous meeting notes
    • Question from ICG - is 7x release this year still happening in Aug? Want to get LASIR (scholar) ready in time with release.
      • Yes, will be starting recruitment in May. Working on getting release managers. Exact timelines determined by release managers -- hamburger/lobster - support for retiring lobster and replace with new diagram
  • CoC Survey is still ongoing. is still ongoing - haven’t had a lot of response yet, would like more. CC please take survey and encourage colleagues as well.

New Business

  • Islandora at CNI
    • Melissa presented Islandora 8 - very well received, good sized audience. Questions after, discovered another Islandora 8 pilot project, Kent State.
    • Slidedeck
  • Islandora at OR2019 -- doing a couple of talks, compiling list of sessions about Islandora, taking part in Repository rodeo.

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Danny/Michael) Meeting notes - Is it okay to mint full entity and when is it not okay. Using certain fields for physical location and does anyone use it for search?

  • IR interest group (Bryan) NTR

  • Security Interest Group (Don R) -- 2 security alerts, one of the patches still be pulled. Exploit within the forms, found student could copy/paste from Word into title field and then couldn’t edit the form and also found could execute code within any of the fields.

    • Response workflow wasn’t fully followed, trying to get people involved. Danny will remove security tag so it is discoverable.
    • Danny talked about making security issues open to all committers, but keep off public Github. Good idea to review workflow for security issues. Send to TAG to review, add to next agenda.
  • ISLE Interest Group - Gavin trying to work on 1.1.1 release next week and starting work on dashboards and automated testing.

Islandora 8

  • Testing sprint beginning next week on Islandora 8
  • Working through some test cases, Nat made spreadsheet of test cases from draft document.
  • Made pass through first documentation sprint, pushed up to github pages for people to see
  • Many thanks to all the volunteers, it's coming together!
  • Getting 1.x milestones in github to filter out what going to fix and not before release. After testing sprint will be close to release. On track for May 1
  • Sign up for testing sprint.

Islandora Camps

  • iCampEU -16 registrations so far. Good schedule of user presentations
  • Islandoracon
    • CFP is closing on the 19th. Might extend.
    • Looking at Camp schedule for 2020, nothing scheduled yet

Round Table

Don - recruiting for a developer (unofficially 2 positions open as retirement upcoming) Marcus - Nat working on Islandora 8, focussed on getting collections in, and cleanup, will probably be some bug report coming in.


  • May hackdoc event in Albany, relevant if working on ISLE or Laser or in ICG institution.
  • Barnard, doing bootstrap refactoring. Advice gratefully accepted.

Michael - question about ingesting newspapers. Trying new ingest workflow, getting pushback, is anything beyond zip file? Time-consuming, anyone has a better solution for doing this at scale? Any suggestions:

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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