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Roadmap Meeting November 22, 2013 2pm AST

Don Moses edited this page Nov 22, 2013 · 7 revisions
  • Attending: Melissa Anez, Donald Moses, David Wilcox, Jonathan Green

  • Apologies: Greg Colati, Paul Pound, Nick Ruest, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Mark Leggott

Old Business

  • Islandora Camp updates - how was NYC?

    • a good group of participants
    • Thanks to Columbia
    • Use of piratebox *Islandora Camp future - CA, London, GTA (dates?)
    • For booking flights have a look at Google flights.
    • CA Camp
      • Would Nigel be available for CA. - dgi to check scheduling
      • 8 registrants for CA camp.
      • CA Camp is hosted at Berkeley Labs
    • London Camp
      • early March 2014
      • potential hosts - Anna at Kings College
      • Would Alan S. be available from dgi ?
    • GTA (Toronto)
      • hosts - Kirsta and/or Nick ?
      • host institution ?
  • Update on call for volunteers: - review Hydra comments

    • Questions
      • Release cycle is for a point release or major release?
      • How often does the Foundation release?

New Business

  • W3C Standards and Islandora - possible integration and support
    • Martin Dowe - London
      • W3C standards for video in repo software.
    • Video SP discussion
      • JG suggesting ngix for a video server backend ?
      • Look at rearchitecting the Video SP (eg. externally referenced DS, push derivative into Youtube, etc.)
  • Scholar Module
    • discussion re: profiles … DM and DW to share docs and discuss

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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