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Roadmap Meeting May 16 2014 2pm AST

SamFritz edited this page May 30, 2014 · 16 revisions
  • Chair: Donald Moses
  • Note taking: David Wilcox

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
  • Apologies:Gabriela Mircea

Old Business

  • Islandora Interest Groups:
    • Preservation Interest Group (Donald)
      • First meeting near the end of May
      • Go over new preservation features
      • Introductions
      • Technical roadmap: what can we do in the context of digital preservation?
    • Documentation Interest Group (Kirsta and Gabriela)
      • Meet on the 4th of June
    • Fedora 4 Interest Group (David)
      • Will send out the announcement when the message to the community is done
    • Islandora/Fedora 4 Alpha Project (Sam) re: [Message to the community]
    • Archival interest group
      • Lots of interest in the community
      • Nick will connect with them next week
      • Expand to GLAM?
      • How do you model archival content in Islandora
      • Integration with AtoM, ArchiveSpace, or other archival software
  • Crowdsourcing:
    • Kickstarter (contribution from Alex Kent)
      • Need to crowdsource ideas first
      • Indiegogo is another option
      • Distill some of the better ideas that have been suggested so far
  • Islandora Camp Updates:
    • iCampUK
      • Really, really awesome
      • Attendees from 7 countries
      • Both tracks went well
      • Good community presentations
      • Kirsta and Donald have slides to upload
      • Budget neutral
    • Islandora Day
      • One day camp in Halifax for CAIRN
      • Wednesday, May 21
    • iCampGTA
      • Jordan will join Nick as an instructor
    • iCampCO
      • Sam will be following up this week
    • Possibility of Florida camp in early 2015
      • Sam will confirm their interest in holding a camp

New Business

  • Software offers (LSAP) * fcrepo (Python Fedora3 wrapper) DGI (offer) * dgi has maintained a fork for a long time * Sharing with the community to fix some issues with microservices * Should it live with DuraSpace? * Nick will inquire with DuraSpace and the original project owners * Islandora Video.js Nick Ruest/Nelson Hart (offer) * Software is well know and has been installed in multiple places * Votes: * David: +1 * Nigel: +1 * Paul: +1 * Greg: +1 * Kirsta: +1 * Donald: +1 * Melissa: +1 * Peter: +1 * Mark: +1 * Gabriela: +1 * Need to change LSAP to indicate modules should be transferred to the Islandora Foundation when accepted

    • Roundtable
      • Greg
        • Installing new release
        • Implementing MODS display
        • 9 participants in the digital archives project
        • Will run in a multi-site config
      • Peter
        • Migrating from all-in-one repo service to a horizontal structure that is driven by Ansible as an orchestration language
        • Will bring up separate repos for each member
          • Everyone used to be in one repo using namespace restrictions
          • Cleaner to have separate repos
          • Issues with CLI Fedora client
      • Kirsta
      • Nick
        • OCUL has a million dollar grant to build out a cloud storage network for the consortium
        • They have the hardware, spinning up pilots
        • Will be using OpenStack Swift
        • Talked to Ben Armintor about getting Fedora 3 to connect to a cloud based datastore

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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