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Coordinating Meeting October 22 2021 11:30 am AST

amyrb edited this page Oct 22, 2021 · 9 revisions
  • Chair: Kirsta Stapelfeldt
  • Notes: Amy Blau

Per: Schedule

Attending: Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Mirko Hanke, Dara Virks, Rosie Le Faive, Drew Heles, Brandon Weigel, Amy Blau


  • Islandora Open Meeting in October - Planning/Logistics
  • Hiring short-term administrative support at Islandora Foundation
  • Response from Leadership group on possible tweaks to org structure
  • L10 discussion (meeting formats)

Old Business

Previous meeting notes (were not discussed at this meeting, but are linked here for the record)

New Business

  • Islandora Open Meeting - Logistics
  • Kirsta - Hiring short-term administrative support - thoughts from the group
  • Kirsta - response from Leadership group on possible tweaks to org structure - present for feedback
  • L10 discussion (meeting formats)- Dara

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Amy)
  • ISLE Interest Group ()
  • Documentation Interest Group (Mirko)

Islandora 2.0

Islandora Events

(see Notes below about Open Meeting on October 25)

Round Table


Islandora Open Meeting on Tuesday, October 25

  • Mirko will open the meeting on Zoom and let people in.
  • Amy and Bethany will help run the first part of the meeting.
  • Mirko will help coordinate the first open Q&A session, Kirsta will help with the second Q&A after the Open Event Planning Committee session.
  • Kirsta will confirm presentation, and send out a meeting reminder on Tuesday with login information.

Administrative support hiring at Islandora Foundation

  • There is a proposal to officially post a position as a paid full-time 6-8 month term internship (with a title such as "Communications Intern).
  • Work would include some communications work, website work, event facilitation, conference planning; contract would end after the conference was held; expectation that work could be remote, but conference-related travel (conditions permitting in-person).
  • General agreement of ICC members present that this would be a reasonable plan; suggestion to cast a wide net and give preference to underrepresented communities; legal requirements for posting will need to be confirmed.

Suggestions for Organizational Structure in Islandora Governance

  • Draft document from the Leadership Group is being circulated to ICC and TAG.
  • Suggested changes relate to how ICC and TAG are chaired (proposed fixed chair for limited term) and to communication between these committees and the Leadership Group.
  • Currently being reviewed by ICC and TAG; planned to release for wider discussion after LG meeting on Oct. 29.

L10 Meeting Formats discussion

  • Dara reported on use of L10 at Born Digital to run meetings.
  • Example spreadsheet showed standard meeting elements and order of discussion.
    1. Attendees can contribute to agenda ahead of meeting as issues arise.
    2. Based on individual and project status updates, attendees decide on to-do list.
    3. Most of meeting is devoted to issues, chosen 3 at a time. In discussion try to get to the root of the issue.
    4. After meeting, attendees rate how the meeting went.
  • Advantages: lets everyone contribute in deciding on most important issue, one item (or person) does not dominate the whole meeting
  • Suggestion from Kirsta that we could try this structure, but it would make sense to keep another record of the meeting (such as a Zoom transcript). A committee chair could run the meeting and someone else would be responsible for generating/keeping that record. Also that this is easier to do if the chair position doesn't rotate because practice at running this kind of meeting helps.
  • Questions about what if someone likes to dominate the conversation; Dara responded that the rules of the meeting can help to cut off tangents.
  • Suggestion from Drew that it would be good to try explicitly for a trial period and to have feedback on the process. One criterion of effectiveness is if it creates an equitable environment.
  • Have not yet committed to timeline for adopting this structure.

Interest Group updates

  • MIG (Rosie) -- discussion of use cases, frustration with using taxonomy terms as metadata. MIG is hoping that their feedback will be actionable. GitHub has been an unfamiliar interface. Questions on Metadata channel on Slack are going well.
  • IRIG (Amy) -- had a good demo from Nat and Lara on citations; looked at issues and talked about mapping IR use cases to the issues.
  • No ISLE update
  • DIG (Mirko) -- last meeting looked closely at PRs; past meeting with MIG to talk about their glossary of Drupal terms -- DIG considering how to integrate those into the documentation glossary. Considering how a documentation sprint would fit with community sprint.

Round Table

  • Amy -- Whitman migration progress

Next meeting Nov 5

  • Chair: Wei Xuan
  • Notes: Drew Heles

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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