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Roadmap Meeting October 28th 2016 11:30 am AST

Melissa Anez edited this page Nov 4, 2016 · 5 revisions
  • Chair: Gavin Morris
  • Notes: Kim Pham

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:

    • Brian Harrington
    • David Wilcox
    • Diego Pino
    • Donald Moses
    • Gavin Morris
    • Jordan Fields
    • Kim Pham
    • Kirsta Stapelfeldt
    • Melissa Anez
    • Nick Ruest
    • Rosie Le Faive
    • Will Panting
  • Apologies:


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa): nothing to report
  • Dev Ops (Mark Jordan): upcoming meeting soon
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer): no update
  • IR interest group (Mark): no update
  • Security Interest Group (Will): nothing to report

CLAW (Nick)

  • MVP moved to Github
  • Danny will be organizing sprints soon, different approach to sprints
  • Import/Export sprint Phase II meeting will be on Monday
  • PCDM community meeting Nov. 3rd

Islandora Camps (Melissa)

  • iCampMO: 2 weeks ago, 32 attendees, $1500 profit. Bigger admin track than dev track, not unusual. Interest in CLAW and good regional showing.
  • Islandoracon: registration is officially open, no registrants yet. CFP until Mid-December, have a few responses. Workshop voting closing next week, 30-40 responses so far with clear favourites.
  • iCampEU 2017: Delft clear favourite, reached out to three, Cypress interested in 2018, same for Limerick. With Delft find dates not to conflict with OR and Islandora CON. 2017 European Camp dates will be June 15th-20th.

Round Table

  • Brian Harrington - John Green full time developer has started, this might be Brian's last call and John Green will take over seat at roadmap committee
  • Don - looking into ontologies CLAW context. open access week, relaunch yesterday of IR, open data night
  • Rosie - mid migration
  • David - fedora camp nyc end of next month still some seats left. agenda finalized
  • Diego - moving to NY in 2 days from Chile, enhancements to solr metadata displays, use authority urls as links to other solr fields. links solr fields to other fields. Also trying to make Drupal permissions to work on XML forms. Forms tied to content model, not role/user. Allow to let partners access XML forms. Trying to customize to current users. Also working on documentation. Working on CLAW syncing Drupal 8 to Fedora, port modules from current Islandora Ontologies module. Export external ontologies - 2 months priority.
  • Jordan - icamp with Mark, launching small collections, using Islandora in the back end migrated from Past Perfect
  • Kirsta - sys adminastrator, icamp devs, digitizing menus and batch ingesting, oral histories web annotation content model, abstracted utility module implemented for different viewers, minimize conflict move to claw
  • Melissa - computer is hopefully fine
  • Nick - nothing to report
  • Will - nothing to report

Next meeting: November 11th? (Canadian Holiday)

  • Chair: Jean Phillips
  • Notes: Brian Harrington

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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