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Roadmap Meeting January 22 2016 2pm AST

gabrielaatmac edited this page Jan 22, 2016 · 12 revisions
  • Chair: Nick
  • Notetaker: Gabriela

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Rosie, Mark Jordan, Brian Harrington, Jean Phillips, Will Panting, David Wilcox, Melissa, Nick, Jennifer, Carell, Gabriela
  • Apologies: Donald Moses, Caleb Derven, Mark Baggett


Old Business

New Business

  • from Mark Jordan
    • – emailed and did not hear back – 2 weeks since the warning – Nick will remove the redirection
  • New member
    • Mark cooper stepped down and we welcomed Brian

Interest Group Updates

Islandora Camps

  • iCampFL

  • iCampBC2

    • registration not open yet, in a couple of months
  • iCampMO

    • no news – looking at October
  • OR2016

    • Potential presentations?
      • Nick – has 2 proposal in the works
      • Erin and Melissa – workshop proposal
      • Update about CLAW

New Business

  • UofM CLAW work

    • Carell – we have been working with Discovery Garden on an external triplestore – expect to be completed at the end of the coming up Friday – The CLAW committee will look at it
    • Many tanks expressed for UofM
    • Nick: Claw to move forward at faster pace – if you have any developer that can spare some time or if you have money you can donate to the project – always welcome
  • Jan 2016 Newsletter goes out next week. Anything to add?

  • Meeting time: Revisit?

    • Melissa to send out a doodle pool with some new options for Friday, frequency will remain the same

Round Table

Next meeting: Feb 5

  • Chair: Gabriela
  • Notes: Jennifer

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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