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Roadmap Meeting July 25 2014 2pm AST

Peter Murray edited this page Jul 25, 2014 · 12 revisions
  • Chair: Nick Ruest
  • Note taking: Peter Murray

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: David, Donald, Kirsta, Nick, Peter
  • Apologies: Sam

Old Business

Interest Groups

  • Preservation Interest Group (Donald/Nick):
    • Islandora Background Processes Discussion Paper
      • This appears to come the closest to providing "simple" out-of-the-box "microservices" capability because it is based on a Drupal module. This would be an option for derivative creation, not a replacement for the synchronous derivative creation. So for a solution pack there might be three options for derivative creation: synchronous-by-Solution-Pack, through the Drupal-Background-Process, or none at all by Islandora (e.g. handled by JMS messages out of Fedora).
    • Archivematica FPR document - meeting 2, August 2, 2014
  • Archival interest group (Nick):
    • Terms of Reference
      • Up and running now. Will be meeting first soon and expecting to meet monthly after that. Working on integration between Islandora and AtoM.
  • Documentation interest group (Kirsta):
    • Meeting 30-July-2014. Working on survey to go out to the community to see what gaps exist in the documentation. Considering a Document-a-thon.
  • Fedora 4 Interest Group (David):
    • Nothing new after since last roadmap meeting. Expect to have more to discuss after IslandoraCamp GTA.

Islandora Camp updates

  • GTA - 32 bodies (24 registered, 4 comped, 4 faculty); offering 2 Islandora Scholarships (2 free registrations- waiting on letter of interest from community. The call for letters of interest is open until July 29th. Those selected will to attend will be notified by July 31st.
    • One or two more registrations. Have met budget needs; group suggested using extra money towards contract work to review outstanding pull requests. VM ready with URL set to be put in the message.
  • CO - 10 EB registrations; looking at offering an institutional rate (some like a admin/dev combo and then each additional registration from an institution will receive discount on registration fee). Will be opening regular registration, call for proposals, and logo contest next week.
    • There is interest in holding Fedora 4 workshop immediately before or after IslandoraCamp at no cost. Intent is to not effect the structure of IslandoraCamp.

New Business

  • Preliminary October 7.x-1.4 release discussion
    • Recruiting component managers: Nick to talk to existing component managers to see if they want to continue. For modules that remain after that process, Nick will put out a call for people to say why they should be a component manager.
    • Nick to talk with John Eden about what worked and what didn't work in the 1.3 release from DGI's perspective.
  • How does the community respond to a request for helping to model data. For example, LafayetteCollegeLibraries GIS (Donald)
    • (In this case, modeled on the GeoHydra work.)
    • Two questions: how do we recommend modeling GIS data; and how do we help with similar kinds of requests.
  • Roundtable
    • Nick: Got the XQuery module to work for search/replace in MODS datastreams. Kirsta: have any notes to share with the documentation committee? Nick: yudl-issues-267 and Twitter / ruebot: YES!!! Batch find & replace in @islandora! Some great work by @discgarden (includes screenshot).
    • Kirsta: Talking about the video/audio transcript module. Store the XML of timestamped transcript and index it in SOLR. Anticipating having something to show in the fall.
    • Donald: Have just launched a touchstreen that serves up content from Islandora. Have a new newspaper, funded by a member of the community, in the Island Newspapers project. Have a student working on a bioinformatics solution pack. Have an internal grant working on research data management.

Closing Remarks

Next meeting: August 8 @ 2pm AST

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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