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Coordinating Meeting December 18 2020 11:30 am AST

amyrb edited this page Dec 18, 2020 · 13 revisions
  • Chair: Jon Green
  • Notes: Amy Blau

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
    • Daniel Aitken
    • Melissa Anez
    • Janice Banser
    • Amy Blau
    • Jonathan Green
    • Mirko Hanke
    • Danny Lamb
    • Rosie Le Faive
    • Gabriela Mircea
    • Bethany Seeger
    • Dara Virks
    • Brandon Weigel
    • David Wilcox


Old Business

New Business

  • Community-supported theme for Islandora 8
  • Tracking and sharing "What are you building?" for the community

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)
  • Multi-tenancy Interest Group (Brandon)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Jeff, Melissa, or Mirko)

Islandora 8

Islandora Events

Round Table

Next meeting January 15, 2021

  • Chair: Amy Blau
  • Notes: Mirko Hanke


  • Community-supported theme for Islandora 8

    • Born Digital will package Carapace theme, will then switch over to using Barrio, then package that and share configurations. Barrio was chosen for compatibility with Drupal 9 and because it was well-supported.
    • Question raised as to who maintains themes, and what the role of the Foundation is in continuing to maintain them.
    • Discussion of reasons why having a community theme is important: what appears in the sandbox can help attract users, block and view configurations are complicated and configurations are tied to the theme in I8 unless layout builder effectively allows you to separate them.
    • Decided to call a separate meeting to discuss a community theme.
  • Tracking and sharing "What are you building?" for the community

    • At the I8 Open Meetings people are talking about what they are working on. What are other ways to help Islandora users avoid duplicating efforts?
    • Rewards for sharing and collaborating include publicity and recognition, maybe shout-outs or other publicity from the Foundation could help.
    • Suggestions: have a RoundTable component of the tech call (will definitely be implemented), possibly add a collaborations channel to Slack, and/or provide some kind of guide to the Slack channels, have a periodic message board post with a rundown on collaborations that are out there

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)

    • Monday meeting was year-end recap. January will set goals for 2021. Notes
  • IR interest group

    • No update, last meeting was cancelled
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny)

    • Discussion of work in ISLE, how to distribute that work better. Need to reindex RDF to move things around with ISLE, and there are issues with that. Working on last aspects of implementation. Notes
  • Multi-tenancy Interest Group (Brandon)

    • Haven't met recently, no updates
  • Documentation Interest Group (Mirko)

    • Talked about issues in issue queue with documentation tag, talked about theme for documentation. Notes
    • Plan to use Material theme for mkdocs because it is feature-rich and well-supported. In looking into features, found that the author of the theme has certain features (such as the ability to create documentation that supports different versions) as sponsorware
    • Question about whether there is danger of features we want not being provided due to funding levels not being met; answer that the sponsorship model doesn't work that way, sponsorship opens up available features to the sponsor.
    • Call for approval to spend money ($10 per month) to have access to these features; vote on the call, voting will extend until next week for ICC members not at the meeting.

Islandora 8

  • Drupal 9 sprint wrapped up very successfully, shout outs to ASU, Discovery Garden, Seth Shaw for contributions.
  • Islandora will be able to support Drupal 8 until Drupal stops supporting it. There are important caveats about updating dependencies: must have Drupal 8 above 8.7, PHP at least 7.3. For Drupal 9, need PHP 7.4.
  • New release for Islandora 8 should be ready early in the new year. Will require release notes, additional written instructions.
  • Islandora 9 release is in planning, release process will begin in January but still requires a lot of community work. May be done by early March. Recommend starting new projects in Islandora 9.

Islandora Events

Round Table

  • Melissa: nothing new.
  • Danny: heads up Drupal 9 can't use Carapace.
  • Amy: ICG Hack/Doc on January 13 and 14
  • Bethany: moving DSpace to Islandora 8 at JHU. Using ISLE, working on workflow for staging and development and on metadata configuration. Islandora and versioning: In an update default scenario, there issues with dependencies. Can things be tagged more often? Or a quicker release cycle? It would be good to tag modules with a version when they are stable. Also semantic versioning would be good.
  • Dan: Drupal 9 sprint almost done.
  • Dara: will push updated Carapace theme to Git next week, then working on moving over to Barrio bootstrap.
  • David: Another alpha release of Fedora 6. Beta targeted for early in 2021.
  • Gabriela: nothing to report.
  • Janice: data cleanup in prep for IR migration.
  • Mirko: nothing to report. Waiting on timeline for migration.
  • Rosie: UPEI working on migration, turning off Drupal 6 sites, new archives in I7. DrupalCon has Olivero theme bundled with Core, has accessibility built in. Working on documentation stuff, playbook for RDM updates.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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