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Roadmap Meeting Feb 6 2015 2pm AST

Melissa Anez edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 7 revisions
  • Chair: Mark Leggott (Nick alternate)
  • Notetaker: David Wilcox

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Mark Cooper, Nick, Ruest, Melissa Anez, David Wilcox
  • Apologies: Mark Leggott, Paul Pound, Donald Moses, Jennifer Eustis, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Gabriella Mircea, Stephen Davison

Old Business

Interest Groups

  • Preservation Interest Group (Donald/Nick)
    • Meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 4
    • Discussed release
    • Sub-working group for PREMIS led by Robin
    • Fedora 4: Audit Service & PREMIS Event Service use cases
      • Makes sense to keep this at the Fedora layer
    • Donald creating a topic to discuss backups in the community
  • Archival interest group (Melissa)
    • Need a new convenor
  • Documentation interest group (Kirsta)
    • Nothing new to report
    • Next meeting on Feb. 17
  • Fedora 4 Interest Group (Nick)
  • GIS Interest Group (Melissa or Donald)
    • First meeting was Jan 27. Notes
    • Lots of work being done by Lafayette

Islandora Camp updates

New Business

  • LOC transforms and forking has reared its head again. Here's where the Committers voted for.

    • Nick updated all instances of mods_to_dc XSLT to be the same version
    • Will is writing a policy statement on why we don't maintain forked versions of these XSLTs
  • OR2015

    • Mark & Melissa have a proposal is for a general update on the community
    • Nick, Danny, & Melissa have a proposal in on the Fedora 4 upgration
    • David has proposals for Fedora 4 training workshop, Fedora community/software update, Fedora upgration projects, and community engagement.
  • Roundtable

    • David
    • Mark
      • No updates
    • Melissa
      • Limerick and SFU new partners in Islandora Foundation
      • York, McMaster, and LYRASIS upgraded to partners
    • Nigel
      • No progress on METS structure for books
    • Nick
      • Hit 200,000 objets in York Islandora repo

Closing Remarks

Next meeting: February 20

  • Chair: Donald Moses
  • Notetaker: Nick Ruest

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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