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Coordinating Meeting March 1st 2019 11:30 am AST

dannylamb edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 5 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Notes: Danny Lamb

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
  • Don Richards
  • Danny Lamb


Old Business

New Business

  • Per version support statement... when is the next 7.x release?
  • Islandora CoC - time to review?

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Don R)
  • ISLE Interest Group


Islandora Camps

  • iCampEU
  • Islandoracon

Round Table

Next meeting March 15

  • Chair: Danny Lamb
  • Notes: David Wilcox


Old Business

Previous Meeting


Multisites interest group

We're taking it to the CLAW group to look for more interested parties.

New Business

Next 7.x Release

Time to start another release cycle for 7.x. Summer is the least busy time and probably the best to shoot for. It will be after Islandora 8's initial release and before classes convene in the Fall.

Code of Conduct

ICG has released their code of conduct, and it's about time we review our now 3-year old code of conduct. Thoughts are to keep the group small to do the review, but there needs to be balance with public review. We'll open it up with a poll to the community to get general thoughts on a code of conduct as well as make the document available for public comments. Martha Tenney and Gavin Morris have volunteered to craft the survey questions.

Interest Groups


Latest meeting notes. Focused on titles and when to mint title entities.

IR Interest Group

Latest meeting notes. Lots of exciting work coming from UPEI and their RDM project with Islandora 8. Brandon Weigel showed off a remote media module to embed youtube/soundcloud media. LASIR is started to move from the planning to implementation phase.


Work on varnish caching is underway.

Islandora 8

Documentation sprint starts Monday. Spreadsheet for work is available here and already has been mostly filled out. Lots of good use cases have been submitted for workflows, video/audio streaming, and browsing Media revisions in Drupal. We've also received our first bug-fix from Jonathan Hunt at NZ based Catalyst.


iCamp EU

Looking to further balance 7.x with 8 content in the admin track. Had a good response to the call for proposals and will start filling out the schedule. We're hoping this will be dessert after OR and attendance is already looking good.


We got our first registration! We're still seeking sponsors, so spread the word around. We've already gotten 1 platinum and 1 gold sponsor.



Will be giving an Islandora 8 update at CNI this year.

David Wilcox

F6 face to face design meeting happened, with results to be presented to the community in the coming weeks. Seeks to make performance improvements and adopt an OCFL backend with minimal API changes.

Don Richards

Working on improving large image ingest performance!

Lydia Motyka

Working on code to do large zip batch ingests, and will be running performance reviews.

Marcus Barnes

UTSC has explored options for using HLS streaming to improve performance without adopting a full media streaming server. They've mailed out to the list about it and are seeking feedback.

Martha Tenney

ICG Hack/Doc coming up soon.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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