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Coordinating Meeting October 12th 2018 11:30 am AST

Melissa Anez edited this page Oct 12, 2018 · 5 revisions
  • Chair: Jon Green
  • Notes: Melissa Anez (for Brandon Cole)

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Jon Green, Melissa Anez, Danny Lamb, Will Panting, Janice Banser, Aaron Choate, Wei Xuan, Wilhelmina Randtke


Old Business

New Business

  • IF Newsletter next week - any updates to include?

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (hiatus?)
  • Dev Ops (hiatus)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)
  • ISLE Interest Group


Islandora Camps

  • iCampCA
  • iCampEU
  • Islandoracon

Round Table

Next meeting October 26

  • Chair: Brandon Cole
  • Notes: Martha Tenney


Old Business

  • Previous meeting notes
  • 7.x-1.12
    • Coming along well. Audits are scheduled to finish today and look likely to be done on time.

New Business

  • IF Newsletter next week - any updates to include?
    • Wilhelmina shared some updates from FLVC

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (hiatus?)
  • Dev Ops (hiatus)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)
  • ISLE Interest Group


  • Working through a lot of fallout from Technical Roadmap being up for review. Folks started grabbing items and taking them. Video & audio derivatives are in the works. Migration work continues. Mark Jordan has made a microservice for audit and fixity checking, migrating audit datastream from 7x.

Islandora Camps

  • iCampCA
    • Coming along well. Only two registrations to go for budget neutrality.
  • iCampEU
    • Happening the week after OR201 (three-day gap) so may appeal to OR attendees. Will draw instructors from that group to keep costs down.
  • Islandoracon
    • We have dates! We have a location! We will announce both next week.

Round Table

  • Melissa: Running a survey with member to review member benefits. About 1/3 have responded. Highlights: most cite support for the project and support for open-source in this domain as primary reasons for joining the Islandora Foundation. The most valued service the IF provides is the development of Islandora CLAW, followed by managing Islandora 7x releases.
  • Janice: SFU postponing IR launch until next spring
  • Aaron: Doing some CLAW-related work (Minnie Rangel)
  • Danny: Staring an audit of Islandora CLAW github orgs in anticipation of a release. Converting a lot of services into "apps." Because we're open source, we get free access to some thing that normally cost $$
  • Wei: Working on integration of discovery layer with Primo
  • Wilhelmina: Held a workshop about metadata quality control. Working with MARCedit and Openrefine.

Next meeting October 26

  • Chair: Brandon Cole
  • Notes: Martha Tenney

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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