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Coordinating Meeting July 5th 2019 11:30 am AST

Rosemary Le Faive edited this page Jul 5, 2019 · 3 revisions
  • Chair: Martha Tenney
  • Notes: Aaron Choate

Per: Schedule


  • Melissa Anez
  • Bryan Brown
  • Danny Lamb
  • Jonathan Green [chair]
  • Rosie Le Faive [notes]
  • Don Richards
  • Brandon Weigel
  • David Wilcox
  • Weixuan
  • Will Panting


Old Business

New Business

  • De-CLAWing Islandora 8 (recommendations from the TAG)
  • AGM August 22

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Martha or Gavin)

Islandora 8

Islandora Camps

  • Islandoracon
  • iCamps 2020

Round Table

Next meeting July 19

  • Chair: Aaron Choate
  • Notes: Lydia Motyka


Old Business

  • 7.x-1.13
    • needs testers and documenters (incl islandora scholar!).
    • Jared Whiklo is release managing. DGI may be able to take on the remaining testing positions.
    • Auditing has started July 1 and will go for another week.
    • Lots of new volunteers with this release

New Business

  • De-CLAWing the 8

    • CLAW is going to be coming under its real name, Islandora. TAG has come up with an approach:
    • All "CLAW" repos that don't overlap with 7x modules will be moved into the Islandora github. "Topics" will be used as tags to distinguish between 7x and 8x stuff.
    • CLAW/islandora will become a branch (8x?) of Islandora/islandora
    • We can use teams and permissions to lock down teams to their own branches (since we still have a different set of 7x and CLAW committers)
    • CLAW/CLAW will be split apart - one repo for docs/issues, and the other for
    • This will be disruptive - prepare for messaging!
    • We think we can migrate Issues using a migrator tool.
    • Needs approval of the Coordinating Committee. Danny will formalize in a google doc for the CC to review.
  • AGM Aug 22

    • Typically the CC gives a report at the AGM (submitted a week before by a team of volunteers). An email requesting volunteers (from the full committee) will be coming soon.
    • Official announcement to come.

Interest Group Updates

Metadata IG

  • did not meet July 1

IR Interest Group

  • Last Meeting Notes - last meeting included a talk by folks who work at Google Scholar!
  • Should Google Scholar stuff be turned on by default when installing Google Scholar? Decision: yes! PR forthcoming with config/documentation. Metatags will be used in 8x.
  • Updates from OR and iCamps too.

ISLE Interest Group

  • There was a meeting, though no representatives were present. Notes.

Islandora 8

  • Webinar upcoming? Including 'cookbooks' to show off integrations with other drupal modules.
  • De-CLAWing - in process.
  • Things being set up at (will be mirrored there, after de-CLAW). All projects have been promoted from Sandbox to Full. One problem was jsonld - owner transferred it to us.
  • Poll on features had a great response! Paged content is the clear winner. Results forthcoming. Sprint for Paged Content also going to be launched.
  • Melissa did a lot of documentation auditing
  • Nat has been working on multi-server deployments, working out some kinks. Documenting this process is gonna be awesome.
  • Desktop app for batch uploading? It's super feasible and would be our first "headlessness". Would be 'spiritual successor' to one in 7.x. Mark and Seth have been working on it. Uploads, bulk-edits with CSVs, etc.
  • UPEI has been working on FITS, OCR, LC subject heading integration.
  • Kent State made an OAI-PMH module. Seth has a PR up to enable the endpoint.

Islandora Camps


  • Full schedule published for a while now, logo contest closes out next week. Biggest so far!
  • Use-a-thon was announced, we're crowd sourcing use cases. Exclusively on 8x.

iCamps 2020

  • we intend to have our "full slate" of camps, though enrollment has been decreasing over the years. We might dial back the number of camps, and make sure they're in regions that are easy to travel to.
  • in 8, the line is blurrier between admin/dev.
  • Might be looking at a Fedora/Islandora8 camp in 2020!

Round Table

  • Jonathan Green: Slack channel? Melissa will set up a survey.
  • Melissa Anez: List of organizational repos on github
  • Don Richards: New repo for automated ingest of continuing publications and for checking collections to ensure everything's there!
  • Brandon Weigel: Automated Preservation in westvault is almost releaseable! Check a box on the object, then cron/drush stuff sends it to a cloud.
  • Bryan Brown: Deployment scripts that used an installation profiel for D8 - one of the dependencies changed its dependenceis without changing composer version number - drupal's site-install was broken. Changed to: Basic site install, slurp in config, slurp in content (with bash scripts). Dependency hell is the worst and we sympathize.
  • Danny Lamb: Maaaybe we want to run Islandora as an Installation Profile / Distribution? Those bear-traps sound bad. Alexander might know some tricks to make it work.
  • David Wilcox: Kicking off work on next Fedora version - 6- keeping same API, adding support for OCFL and synchronous search endpoint. Sprint page with links to tickets/roadmaps.
  • Kirsta Stapelfeldt: servers are ready to go, just waiting on Nat's PR... Danny planning to test. Site's gonna be bilingual!
  • Rosie: who wants to help me map the 8?
  • Weixuan: NTR
  • Will Panting: NTR

Neither our scheduled note-taker or chair are here... hopefully they're here next time!

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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