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Roadmap Meeting April 4 2014 2pm AST

Don Moses edited this page Apr 4, 2014 · 13 revisions
  • Chair: Kirsta Stapelfeldt
  • Note taking: Mark Leggott

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Kirsta [Chair], Peter, Greg, Paul, Nick, Gabriela, David, Nigel
  • Apologies: Melissa,

Old Business

  • Islandora 7.x-1.3 release updates (Nick & Melissa)

    • needs assistance with getting pull requests processed
    • Nick to work with MJ re: applying fixes to Virtual Machine with the hope of releasing a RC2 for next week.
    • Planning for committers' call
    • Rolling releases discussion ... have users on HEAD
      • Decision re: when to roll out releases.
        • timing ... 2 releases / year.
        • next release planned for Oct 31, 2014.
  • Report on progress: Islandora Interest Groups Proposal (Donald)

  • Discussion about forming a Documentation Interest Group.

    • Gabriela and Kirsta to work together on a terms of reference for the group.
  • Islandora/Fedora 4 Alpha Project

    • Review draft document
    • Mark provided a backgrounder related to the messaging.
    • Establish a Fedora 4 / Islandora Interest Group
      • 4.1 is the target for a F3 > F4 migration tool (estimate of next year)
      • David could put some communication out to the list about Fedora 4 on the Islandora groups and will help form the F4/Islandora interest group.

New Business

  • COUNTER Code of Practice for Articles - something to add to Scholar? (Mark or Donald)

    • Kirsta would be interested in contributing to that effort. Kirsta will pull together a discussion document.
  • Crowdfunding possibilities - modules and tools to develop? (Mark, Kirsta, Melissa)

    • Melissa to install commerce modules on
    • Looking at creating a crowdfunding opportunities for Islandora.
    • an un-RFP process / approach.
    • discussion generally about the process.
  • Purpose of the Committee

    • Roadmap Committee is more like a Steering Committee.
  • Roadmap dev

    • We need to develop a technical roadmap.

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