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Roadmap Meeting September 4 2015 2pm AST

Nick Ruest edited this page Sep 4, 2015 · 20 revisions
  • Chair: Gabriela Mircea
  • Notetaker: Mark Cooper

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Gabriela, Melissa, Will, Nick, Rosie
  • Apologies: Jennifer, Mark C, Donald, Noah

Old Business

All accepted. Labs for: Archidora, Binary Solution Pack, Islandora Datastream Exporter

No current process to say "who is, who isn't" committer. Looking to adopt (something similar to) Fedora Committer process. Need to work out how to formalize who the core committers are. Fedora process for adding new committers is same as Apache process. Also, some overlap in communities (with Fedora) so shared experience benefits.

Next steps: draft proposal for next Roadmap meeting to vote on. General support for grandfathering in "existing" known committers. There will be a private mailing list for the committer group (where voting to add new committers can happen).

Interest Groups

  • Preservation Interest Group (Donald)

No updates. Need to schedule next meeting. Hoping for a regularly scheduled date.

  • Archival Interest group (Melissa)

Nothing to report. Working on date to reconvene.

  • Fedora 4 Interest Group (David)

Talked about the future of the project. Leads: Danny, Nick -- formally "off" project. Topic for Roadmap Committee (and community) -- whether to "pause" development of current stack and focus on new stack.

Problem is momentum behind new stack, not enough with 2.5 people (Danny, Nick, Jared). Needs focus to succeed.

  • GIS Interest Group (Donald)

No update. Last meeting 07/14.

  • Documentation Interest Group (Melissa)

No update.

  • Dev Ops Interest Group (Noah)

No update.

  • Metadata Interest Group (Jennifer)

No update.

  • UI Interest Group (Rosie)

Fixed day of month to meet established. Lots of tickets to address (not all in JIRA yet). Looking forward to solving stuff.

  • IR Interest Group (new!)

In process.

New report method for Interest Groups: quarterly reports.

Islandora Camp updates

Conference will only happen every other year (board decision) -- next one 2017. Next summer covered by Vancouver camp. Roadmap committee will get survey data from conference.

  • iCampCT


2 new CLAs.

New Business

  • Board vote to extend Roadmap members:

Original partners have board representation but not a Roadmap member, which is unequal. Will add 3 (?) new Roadmap members.

  • New LSAP offers:

No new ones.

  • Module moves:
    • Move Islandora Image Annotation to labs

No component manager for Image Annotation, therefore move from core to labs.

  • 7.x-1.x vs. 7.x-2.x -- No more features/improvements?

See Fedora4 IG notes.


Focused on Sprints. General sense it's going well, lots of good effort.

Closing Remarks

Next meeting: Chair: Mark Cooper Notes: Jennifer Eustis

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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