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Roadmap Meeting January 20th 2017 11:30 am AST

Melissa Anez edited this page Jan 23, 2017 · 7 revisions
  • Chair: Kim Pham
  • Notes: Rosie Le Faive

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Bryan Brown, Melissa Anez, Danny Lamb, Kim Pham, Carell Jackimiek, David Wilcox, Diego Pino, Jennifer Eustis, Jonathan Green, Nick Ruest, Will Panting, Rosie Le Faive, Kirsta Stapelfeldt

  • Apologies: Jordan Fields, Donald Moses


Old Business

New Business

  • Bryan Brown stepping in for Jean Phillips
  • When to unpin the security notice?
  • New LSAP modules:
  • Islandora 7.x-1.9 release

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer)
  • IR interest group (Mark)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


Islandora Camps

  • Islandoracon

Round Table

Next meeting: Feb 3rd

  • Chair: Melissa Anez (subbing for Rosie Le Faive)
  • Notes: Mark Baggett



  • Bryan Brown
  • Melissa Anez
  • Danny Lamb
  • Kim Pham (chair)
  • Carell Jackimiek
  • David Wilcox
  • Diego Pino
  • Jennifer Eustis
  • Jonathan Green
  • Nick Ruest
  • Will Panting
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Kirsta Stapelfeldt

New Business

  • Bryan Brown is stepping in for Jean Phillips for the foreseeable future (welcome to Roadmap!)
  • The security notice should be updated asap to reflect that this has been fixed and in what versions, then immediately unpinned. While this type of communication was said to fall under the purview of the Security Interest Group, the Group will not be meeting for several weeks and so Danny Lamb will draft the update to the notice, and post it on behalf of the Foundation.
  • New LSAP modules:
    • Islandora Badges
      • Post
      • Result: Cannot proceed until harmonized with Altmetrics, which it is based off of, and which is also in Labs. Discussion should happen on the Committers call.
    • Islandora Social Metatags
      • Post
      • Result: a vote was taken to bring the module into Labs. The follow-up will be done by e-mail.
  • LSAP procedure (arising): Rosie will draft the LSAP document into more of a checklist that can be followed, as the Roadmap committee found the existing document difficult to navigate while evaluating the above proposals, to be discussed next meeting.

Interest Group Updates


  • Met on Jan 9th. Notes
  • Summary: Working on MODS to RDF with help from Amherst team. Working on creating CLAW issues from existing Metadata Interest Group issues. Will work with Hydra to piggyback on their MODS to RDF work.


  • Too few people for a proper meeting, see update.
  • Don Richards is new Co-convener.
  • Documenting all bugs in Islandora Scholar to squash a bunch before the release of 1.9.

Claw Update

  • Kim Pham's work on RDF UI has become a bunch of tickets in CLAW.
  • API-x has reached a milestone in that they have a demo out. It's in Docker, so easy to install.
  • Fedora 4.7.1 is coming out on Monday (barring apocalypse)
  • API Specifications updated to deal with Fixity after the call about Fixity and consensus was reached and it has moved forward thanks to Ben Armintor, Adam Soroka, Nick Ruest. Also updated to clarify that messaging can be synchronous or asynchronous.
  • There will be a (airquotes)"Release Candidate" of the API Specification; current working unofficial draft is here.
  • Import/Export Sprint 3 Stakeholder Feedback is open - please provide feedback! It's open until Jan 31.

Islandora Conference

  • Call for proposals closed and reviewing is in progress. Announcements will be made and a schedule set in early Feb.
  • Early bird rate applies until Jan 31. If you submitted a proposal, and you find out you don't get in, you will still be able to get the early bird rate.

Round Table


  • Solution pack for Genetic Editions in the works, to be done by the end of March. Maybe [note-taker's note: hopefully!] will be discussed at Islandora Con


  • Adding content - about 100,000 pages of the Winnipeg Tribune to be ingested! 400 local histories are already ingested.


  • A Fedora Camp in the UK is being planned, hopefully for April. A stateside event will be planned for later this year. Keep an eye out for announcements!
  • And doubled down on Nick's request to us to please give feedback for the import/export sprint and API-x. Noted that is down today.


  • forming a local Islandora User's Group. First meeting will be in early Feburary.
  • Drafting a solution pack that used to be called "postcard" but is now a broader, "correspondence" solution pack.
  • Working with a partner with large storage needs (50TB), is working on a mod on top of Tuque that will write datastreams to different storage locations (such as Amazon S3 cloud storage) based on rules like datastream size. Not yet public. Will be more of a workflow than a pull request.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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