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Coordinating Meeting November 5 2021 11:30 am AST

kstapelfeldt edited this page Nov 5, 2021 · 13 revisions
  • Chair: Wei Xuan
  • Notes: Drew Heles

Per: Schedule


Drew Heles, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Amy Blau, Mike Kemezis, Mirko Hanke, Ian Song, Bethany Seeger


  • Kirsta: Update on Sprint planning and Governance Redux doc
  • Issues to record for notes: Drew and the political and practical roles of a Tech lead. Amy and ownership and determination of Roadmap.
  • Bethany notes that we call non-committers writing code "contributors" - may want to change the nomenclature to ensure there is limited confusion.

Old Business

  • Nothing to report

New Business

  • Nothing to report

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie) - No reps
  • IR interest group (Bryan or Don) - Amy has made additions to use cases. No recent meeting.
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan) - No representations
  • Documentation Interest Group (Amy/Yamil, Melissa, or Mirko) - conveners have met to plan the next meeting. Discussion about a possible "parking lot" (high level TOC to identify gaps). DIG meeting will happen next week. Also talking about how to manage this with amount of people that are coming to the DIG meetings regularly. Talking about maybe making a presentation in the open meeting.

Islandora 2.0

Islandora Events

  • Open Meeting on Oct 26th
  • Next event dates? - November Open meeting
  • Event ideas:
    • running/managing/maintaining ISLE
    • Documentation: how to use sandbox to test/configure and document it; how to write documentation

Next meeting Nov 19th

  • Chair: Drew Heles
  • Notes: Amy Blau

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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