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mleggott edited this page Feb 24, 2012 · 15 revisions

Roadmap Meeting February 24th

Time and Place

DGI, 1:30 - 3:30 Friday February 24th


  • Update from Jonathan
    • Current Work
      • Jonathan distributed a link to documents: design for the repository API. He is currently looking at having a release next week, which would be a low-level version, including a number of specific tests.
      • An example of a test is to test the XML coming back from Fedora so we can determine if it is a version we support.
      • Jonathan also had some ideas regarding security: Drupal could point to Fedora, but otherwise Fedora would be inaccessible to the outside world unless a hole is available through the firewall. The basic outcome is that all requests for Fedora would go through Islandora. The key requirement would be that this should be configurable to some degree. This approach may also provide additional approaches to authT/Z.
    • Plans
  • Securing Druapl 7
    • Remove the servelet filter, authenticate through drupal
    • Fix up the servelet filter code
    • Solr Authentication
    • Audit stream
  • Update on drupal solr views

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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