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Rm meeting february 15 2013

kstapelfeldt edited this page Feb 15, 2013 · 3 revisions

Islandora 6 release

  • 6 release has been marked - Try to capture packaging standards(if they exist and are relevant) during this process. Islandora git - islandora packaging tools repo contains the tools.
  • is the current six-build. Kirsta to review and add content before it can be exported for release. Kirsta to ask Charles to add Apollo - probably kris or roblib repo. Kirsta to talk to Charles about packaging.
  • Tentative plan to release next Friday (6 at very least)

Islandora 7 release candidate

  • Jonathan packaged yesterday. All code has been branched into 7x release branches. Renaming is done. No more API changes. Testing needs to happen. Release candidate status for two weeks. RC1 this week, RC2 release next week, actual release the week after. Contact Charles to see about beginning the 7 VM build.
  • Bridge module has been pushed off the immediate priority list. There have been two approaches where some code has been written. Jonathan to pass this information to Paul and Paul to review. Discussion and presentation at Islandora Camp Europe.
  • 2 week Fedora Sprint beginning next Wednesday for Paul.
  • Image Annotation Module - Paul to give it next Tuesday, see how far he gets. Push to Islandora - DGI to pull down. Garth to play with and document any issues.
  • High-level release notes discuss differences between 6 & 7, any major changes between 7 beta and 7 release, and points to new documentation, and known issues. Going forward - need to discuss release notes next time. DGI not prepared to use JIRA to record tickets (too much overhead alongside OnTime).

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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