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Roadmap Meeting September 4 2015 2pm AST

Nick Ruest edited this page Aug 28, 2015 · 20 revisions
  • Chair: Gabriela Mircea
  • Notetaker: Mark Cooper

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
  • Apologies:

Old Business

Interest Groups

  • Preservation Interest Group (Donald)

  • Archival Interest group (Melissa)

  • Fedora 4 Interest Group (David)

  • GIS Interest Group (Donald)

  • Documentation Interest Group (Melissa)

  • Dev Ops Interest Group (Noah)

  • Metadata Interest Group (Jennifer)

  • UI Interest Group (Rosie)

  • IR Interest Group (new!)

Islandora Camp updates


New Business

  • New LSAP offers:

  • Module moves:

    • Move Islandora Image Annotation to labs
    • Deprecate JWPlayer
  • 7.x-1.x vs. 7.x-2.x -- No more features/improvements?


Closing Remarks

Next meeting: Chair: Mark Cooper Notes: Jennifer Eustis

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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