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Releases: localstack/localstack


13 Jun 14:16
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LocalStack 3.5 introduces significant enhancements including support for the Database Migration Service (DMS), an all-new EC2 Libvirt VM manager for emulating virtual machines, a new EventBridge provider, and much more. Other notable updates include enhanced support for container Lambda via the Kubernetes executor, custom model support for Sagemaker, several Step Functions enhancements, and new CloudFormation resource providers.

AWS Features

  • LocalStack now supports Database Migration Service (DMS) and you need to set the environment variable ENABLE_DMS=1 in order to activate it. (🌟 enterprise)
  • EC2 now supports Libvirt VM manager. This VM manager allows EC2 instances to be emulated as virtual machines using the KVM/QEMU on Linux via the Libvirt API. (🌟 pro)
  • LocalStack now includes a native EventBridge provider accessible through the feature flag: PROVIDER_OVERRIDE_EVENTS=v2. Learn more about it in our Discuss post.


  • LocalStack has added support for container lambdas using the Kubernetes executor. The configuration option LAMBDA_K8S_INIT_IMAGE lets you specify the image used to download the init binary from LocalStack. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for DELETE operation for Device Shadow Service over MQTT in the IoT provider. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for publishing MQTT messages with non-JSON payloads in the IoT provider. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for Apache Airflow 2.8.1 in the Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA). (🌟 pro)

  • Support for SageMaker custom-built model inference deployment. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for named shadows in the IoT provider. (🌟 pro)

  • Custom DNS support for API Gateway REST APIs. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for ListPipes operation in the EventBridge Pipes provider. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for CloudWatch Logs logging and monitoring in Step Functions.

  • LocalStack now includes additional SNS filter operators:

    Improvements have also been made to the Anything-but matching. Furthermore, support for the $or operator now enables more complex filter policies.

  • AWS has deprecated the SQS attribute-names parameter for the receive-message operation and replaced it with message-system-attribute-names. LocalStack has implemented this update.

  • Previously, the Step Functions interpreter could not execute reentrant distributed map states because it did not perform necessary cleanups at the end of evaluations, preventing the activation of new workers. These issues have now been addressed.

  • Support for CommaDelimitedList in CloudFormation macro.

  • Support for Glue optimised integrations for Step Functions.

  • Support for S3 Multipart Uploads object integrity checks.

  • Support for GZIP and bzip2 decompression for S3 Select.

  • Previously, the Step Functions interpreter did not normalize the output values of service responses when the response type was not directly inferrable as JSON, such as with StreamingBody data types. This issue has now been addressed, and normalization steps are in place for such data types.

  • Neptune default Cardinality for Vertex property changed from Single to Set for better Gremlin query parity with AWS (🌟 pro)

  • In CloudFormation, the deployment order now better accounts for dependencies among resources during both creation and deletion. This update should resolve issues in larger stacks with many dependent resources. To revert to the previous behavior, set CFN_LEGACY_TEMPLATE_DEPLOYER=1.

  • The following CloudFormation resource providers are now supported:

    Operation Create Update Delete

LocalStack Features

  • LocalStack's new web server implementation, which enhances performance in high-throughput scenarios and was initially enabled by a feature flag, is now the default setting.
  • LocalStack CLI does not publish port 53 anymore by default. You can use the CLI flag --host-dns to expose the port on the host.
  • Support for CFN_PER_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT environment variable, defaulting to 300 seconds. This extends LocalStack's CloudFormation deployment limit for a single resource beyond the previous 2.5-minute hard cap, accommodating larger deployments such as nested stacks.
  • Support for --env-file flag in the DOCKER_FLAGS environment variable when using the LocalStack Docker Container, allowing you to pass the path to an environment file.
  • Support for environment variable placeholders in hot-reloading paths for Lambda functions.
  • New Resource Browser for Database Migration Service (DMS) is now available. (🌟 enterprise)
  • You can now select Athena databases and S3 paths directly from the Athena SQL editor. (🌟 pro)
  • Neptune Resource Browser is now easier to use, featuring a graph browser on the main page and a dropdown menu for selecting instances. (🌟 pro)

What's Changed

Exciting New Features 🎉

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25 Apr 10:24
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This release includes AWS feature updates such as Lambda support for Ruby 3.3 and S3 pre-signed POST policy validation. Enhancements comprise a new experimental event rule engine for event pattern matching and support for Transcribe on Apple Silicon. New resource browsers have been added for LocalStack.

AWS Features

  • Lambda now supports the new Lambda runtime Ruby 3.3.
  • Support for specific policy validation for pre-signed POST on S3. For S3 pre-signed POST, you can set some conditions when generating the request that the client using the pre-signed POST will need to comply with.
  • Support for Redshift Driver in Glue Jobs. (🌟 pro)
  • ECS task logs are now streamed to CloudWatch. (🌟 pro)
  • EventBridge Pipes now supports EventBridge and StepFunctions as a target. (🌟 pro)


  • Support for a new experimental event rule engine for event pattern matching used in the following services:

    • EventBridge
    • EventBridge Pipes (🌟 pro)
    • Lambda Event Source Mapping

    Configure the EVENT_RULE_ENGINE=java to use the AWS event-ruler that offers better parity.

  • Support for Transcribe on Apple Silicon/aarch64 .

  • While starting an ECS Service, LocalStack now spins up the correct number of tasks. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for the following API methods in AppSync provider: (🌟 pro)

    • VTL: evaluate_mapping_template
    • JavaScript: evaluate_code
  • New Kafka version 3.6.1 is now supported. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for the following APIs are available in the IoT provider: (🌟 pro)

  • Support for RDS Data BatchExecuteStatement API. (🌟 pro)

  • LocalStack now labels spawned containers with the service name to make identification of running containers easier. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for adding userName to user pool Lambda trigger parameters in the Cognito provider. (🌟 pro)

  • RDS AuroraMySQL can now be created using the Aurora Versioning Syntax. (🌟 pro)

  • Support for the Step Functions TestState API action with the following inspection levels:

    • INFO
    • DEBUG
    • TRACE
  • Support for Step Functions MaxItem and MaxItemPath declarations.

  • Support for MaxConcurrencyPath in Step Functions.

  • CloudFormation now supports the following operations:

    • UPDATE for AWS::SNS::Subscription
    • UPDATE for AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy
    • CREATE & DELETE for AWS::Events::ApiDestination
  • Lambda added a metadata API endpoint /_aws/lambda/runtimes to query the supported Lambda runtimes.

LocalStack Features

  • New Resource Browsers for:
    • Neptune
    • Route53 Resolvers
    • Cost Explorer
    • Account Management


  • The following commands have been removed from the localstack CLI experience:

    • localstack login
    • localstack logout

    They have been replaced by localstack auth login and localstack auth logout commands.

What's Changed

Exciting New Features 🎉

Other Changes

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29 Mar 08:18
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LocalStack 3.3 is here with a host of new features and enhancements. This release includes support for running ECS tasks on Kubernetes, improved performance for DynamoDB Streams and Kinesis, and a new experimental web server implementation for high-throughput scenarios.

AWS Features

  • ECS tasks now can be run when LocalStack is deployed on Kubernetes. To enable this feature, set ECS_TASK_EXECUTOR=kubernetes. Tasks can be added to ELB load balancer target groups. (🌟 enterprise)
  • Lambda now supports the new Dotnet8 runtime.
  • Multi-label support is now available for Neptune service. (🌟 pro)
  • Filters for list operations and parameters for discover operations is now available in ECS service discovery. (🌟 pro)
  • GraphQL APIs created locally by CloudFormation can now be created with tags. (🌟 pro)
  • Support for routing of CloudFront aliases to the correct CloudFront distribution is now available. (🌟 pro)
  • Support for wildcards in CORS config (eg: http://* ) is now available in the S3 service.
  • Support for ECS Optimised Service Integration, state size quota limits, MaxItem, MaxItemPath , handling of States.DataLimitExceeded errors, and StepFunctions Activities in the Step Functions service.
  • Support for using external SAML providers (e.g., Auth0) as an identity pool IdP in the Cognito service. (🌟 pro)


  • LocalStack now stops and removes underlying EC2 containers while shutting down. You can opt to skip the removal by setting the EC2_REMOVE_CONTAINERS flag. (🌟 pro)
  • IoT Device Shadow Service now supports DeleteThingShadow API. (🌟 pro)
  • MWAA Airflow runners now come with Java Corretto pre-installed. (🌟 pro)
  • ARM-based Lambda functions now feature improved test coverage covering all AWS-supported Lambda runtimes.
  • Significant performance improvements when DynamoDB Streams or Kinesis destinations are configured for a table (over 15x more throughput for BatchWriteItem API).
  • Significant performance improvements when sending large INSERT or COPY queries for PostgreSQL database in the RDS service. (🌟 pro)
  • Default endpoint returned by ECR has been changed to include the Account ID and region for better parity. This can be configured using the new configuration variable ECR_ENDPOINT_STRATEGY . (🌟 pro)
  • Several enhancements for the Step Functions service, including API Actions validation, Map states, JsonPath extraction, and much more!

LocalStack Features

  • Support for a new experimental web server implementation that has improved performance for high-throughput scenarios. You can activate it using GATEWAY_SERVER=twisted .
  • New Resource Browser for the CodeCommit service. (🌟 pro)


  • Deprecated six Lambda runtimes including :

    • python3.7
    • nodejs14.x
    • ruby2.7
    • provided
    • go1.x
    • java8

    LocalStack prints a deprecation warning but you can still use deprecated runtimes

What's Changed

Exciting New Features 🎉

  • Remove legacy CFn models by @dominikschubert in #10304
  • fix functhread daemon status and tmp_thread cleanup by @thrau in #10404
  • add twisted gateway server by @thrau in #9834
  • implement SQS DLQ redrive to original source queue by @thrau in #10414
  • remove contrib package by @thrau in #10424
  • make SQS dynamic endpoint strategy guess the endpoint strategy used by @thrau in #10416
  • fix SQS DLQ message attributes and redrive into multiple source queues by @thrau in #10425
  • use rolo twisted gateway integration by @thrau in #10428
  • Support XML responses in api gateway templating by @shucoshuco in #10381
  • Feat/firehose add redshift destination by @maxhoheiser in #10375
  • KMS: Fixup ImportKeyMaterial for non-symmetric keys by @uubk in #10116
  • Update lambda runtime deprecations and fix Lambda ARM builds by @joe4dev in #10441
  • Support custom key material when creating KMS keys by @jalaziz in #10379
  • add resource provider for Iam Server Certificate by @pinzon in #10455
  • Move version single source outside of by @silv-io in #10497

Other Changes

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29 Feb 07:04
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LocalStack 3.2.0 release includes new AWS Pinpoint and Textract providers, EventBridge Pipes, and new Resource Browsers for various AWS services.

New Features & Services

  • Initial support for a new Pinpoint provider, supporting basic CRUD operations surrounding AWS Pinpoint. (🌟 pro)
  • Initial support for a new Textract provider, supporting basic CRUD operations surrounding AWS Textract. (🌟 pro)
  • EventBridge now supports Input Transformation. This allows customization of the text from an event before it is passed to the target specified by the respective rule.


  • LocalStack is now more intelligent about printing download progress debug messages when the DEBUG flag is configured.
  • OpenSearch now supports v2.11.
  • CloudWatch now supports additional regex filter patterns.
  • Cognito now supports Pre token generation Lambda V2_0 trigger event. (🌟 pro)
  • EventBridge Pipes is being continuously improved. It now features: (🌟 pro)
    • Basic poller for DynamoDB streams and SNS sender.
    • Improvements to batching and concurrency.
    • CloudWatch logging.
  • EC2 instance IP address can now be obtained from DescribeInstances or RunInstances API. This will make it easier to set up workflows that involve network access of emulated EC2 instances. (🌟 pro)
  • EC2 now provides Ubuntu 22.04 and Amazon Linux 2023 AMIs by default. (🌟 pro)
  • MWAA now supports Airflow 2.6.3 and 2.7.2 and comes with improved ARM64 compatibility. (🌟 pro)
  • Significant improvements to multi-accounts and multi-region setup compatibility.
  • RDS now comes with built-in support for the PostGIS extension. (🌟 pro)

LocalStack Features

  • New Resource Browsers for the following AWS services are available on LocalStack Web Application:
    • ACM
    • Amplify
    • AppConfig
    • Cognito Identity
    • DocumentDB
    • EKS
    • MQ
    • MWAA
    • QLDB
    • Transcribe
  • SNS Resource Browser now allows you to publish messages from the LocalStack Web Application.


  • MWAA: Airflow versions v1.10.12, v2.0.2, v2.2.2 have reached end-of-support and will be removed in the next major release of LocalStack
  • EC2: LocalStack will no longer provide the Ubuntu 20.04 Docker AMI by default from the next major release.
  • RDS: Postgres 10 is deprecated and will not be available from the next major release.
  • Cloud Pods: Due to a critical security update, some Cloud Pods may break with this release. It is advisable to re-create the Cloud Pods with the latest version of LocalStack.

What's Changed

Exciting New Features 🎉

Other Changes

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25 Jan 17:48
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LocalStack 3.1 is here with exciting new features and enhancements. It introduces initial support for new providers: EventBridge Pipes, MemoryDB, Account, WAFv2, Identity Store, AMB, ACM PCA, as well as new features for existing services: the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS). Additionally, it offers improvements in DynamoDB, SQS, CloudWatch, RDS, ElastiCache and Lambda. The release also includes enhancements in Cloud Pods, Resource Browsers, and CI Keys Usage inspection.

New Features and Services

  • Initial support for a new EventBridge Pipes provider to create Pipes with SQS queues and Kinesis streams as source and target. You can filter events using EventBridge event patterns and enrich events using Lambda. (🌟 pro)
  • Initial support for a new MemoryDB provider to create and manage MemoryDB clusters locally, either in the LocalStack container itself or in separate containers for each cluster node. (🌟 pro)
  • ElastiCache now supports creating Redis cache nodes and clusters as individual Docker containers, similar to MemoryDB. (🌟 pro)
  • Initial support for a new Account provider, supporting basic CRUD operations surrounding AWS account management. (🌟 pro)
  • Initial support for a new WAFv2 provider, supporting basic CRUD operations surrounding AWS Web Application Provider. (🌟 pro)
  • Initial support for a new ACM PCA provider, supporting basic CRUD operations surrounding AWS Private Certificate Authority. (🌟 pro)
  • Initial support for the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) that exposes an endpoint inside every EC2 instance at (🌟 pro)
  • Initial support for the Identity Store provider, supporting basic CRUD operations surrounding AWS IAM Identity Center. (🌟 pro)
  • A new LocalStack-native CloudWatch provider is available behind a feature flag: PROVIDER_OVERRIDE_CLOUDWATCH=v2, which includes a lot of parity fixes and is designed to be thread safe.
  • Initial support for a new Managed Blockchain provider, supporting basic CRUD operations surrounding Amazon Managed Blockchain. (🌟 pro)


  • DynamoDB now supports Time to Live (TTL) which allows you to define a per-item expiration timestamp that indicates when an item is no longer needed, and delete it automatically.
  • SQS now supports dead-letter queue re-drive emulation through StartMessageMoveTask, CancelMessageMoveTask, and ListMessageMoveTasks API operations.
  • CloudWatch now supports Lambda targets for alarm actions on LocalStack.
  • RDS now supports providing admin permission to the master users on RDS for MySQL and MariaDB engines. (🌟 pro)
  • Lambda performance improvements for asynchronous invocations along with reduction in ReadTimeoutErroroccurrences during high load on LocalStack.

LocalStack Features

  • Cloud Pods save and load commands now show a progress status on the CLI. (🌟 pro)
  • New Resource Browsers for the following AWS services are available on LocalStack Web Application: OpenSearch, CloudFront, and Application Auto Scaling. In addition, new runtimes have been added to the Lambda Resource Browser. (🌟 pro)
  • Users can now inspect CI Keys Usage on the LocalStack Web Application. (🌟 pro)


  • DNS_LOCAL_NAME_PATTERNS is removed in favor of DNS_NAME_PATTERNS_TO_RESOLVE_UPSTREAM to list domain names that should not be resolved to the LocalStack container, but forwarded to the upstream resolver.

What's Changed

Exciting New Features 🎉

  • Add option to disable AWS_ENDPOINT_URL by @joe4dev in #9792
  • Introduce DNS_NAME_PATTERNS_TO_RESOLVE_UPSTREAM config by @simonrw in #9692
  • add support for AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable resource type by @pinzon in #9790
  • Simplify the official docker-compose.yml by @joe4dev in #9822
  • Add flag to disable kinesis-mock persistence by @dfangl in #9871
  • Transcribe: Add support for transcribing video files by @viren-nadkarni in #9898
  • introduce request finalizers into handler chain by @thrau in #9194
  • Test lambda performance and mitigate async invoke timeout error (#9917) by @joe4dev in #9917
  • add cli option to restart localstack container by @HarshCasper in #9904
  • Updates deduplication ID and group ID max length to 128 by @nishadcptn in #9923
  • add lambda alarm action for cloudwatch by @steffyP in #9985
  • Test lambda performance and mitigate async invoke timeout error v2 by @joe4dev in #9972
  • fix lambda create event source mapping duplicates by @thrau in #9996
  • fix sqs multi-protocol handling and upgrade botocore by @alexrashed in #9710
  • add SNS signing of messages by @bentsku in #9997
  • add extension mechanism for exceptions by @thrau in #10019
  • Add config option to control maximum gateway worker thread count by @dfangl in #10016
  • fix support calling sqs from api ws gw on disconnect endpoint by @calvernaz in #10008
  • implement apigw request validation for parameters (header/path/qs) by @bentsku in #10036
  • refactor http router for better werkzeug compatibility by @thrau in #10011
  • move http framework code to rolo and only keep references by @thrau in #10061
  • Make the internal sqs implementation of lambda events the default by @dfangl in #10062
  • Add Cloudwatch v2 Provider by @pinzon in #9347
  • move gateway and handler chain framework to rolo by @thrau in #10092

Other Changes

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29 Nov 20:24
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In this patch release we've fixed a major issue in the localstack CLI. Since the last release the CLI was missing advanced commands like auth and pod, which should now work again.

What's Changed

  • fix get_raw_path with double slash prefix path for legacy v-host S3 by @bentsku in #9725
  • CFn: render ext providers with correct plugin namespace by @simonrw in #9728
  • [SFN] Support for CF Definition fields by @MEPalma in #9677
  • [SFN] Enhancements to V2 Interpreter by @MEPalma in #9721
  • [SFN] Fix optimised integrations clients leading to timeouts and retries by @MEPalma in #9732
  • [SFN] Context Object arguments in Intrinsic Functions by @MEPalma in #9733
  • fix cloudwatch resource providers by @pinzon in #9739
  • s3: add SourceBucketLocation for CrossLocationLoggingProhibitions exception by @sannya-singal in #9737
  • Remove HEADER_LOCALSTACK_ACCOUNT_ID by @viren-nadkarni in #9724
  • Remove last uses of get_aws_account_id() and aws_stack.get_region() by @viren-nadkarni in #9641
  • Remove localstack client dependency by @simonrw in #9368
  • [SFN] Enhancements for Intrinsic Function StringSplit by @MEPalma in #9749
  • fix AWS::SNS::Topic canonicalizing bool to str for Attributes by @bentsku in #9743
  • create s3 image and pipeline by @bentsku in #9712
  • s3: fix test_put_bucket_logging_wrong_target for multi-account and region by @sannya-singal in #9713
  • Fix Lambda CloudWatch metric recording upon invocation error by @joe4dev in #9752
  • Test lambda provisioned concurrency scheduling by @joe4dev in #9762
  • Fix for double-slash uri request by @calvernaz in #9723
  • fix type hints incompatible with python < 3.10 in aws_stack by @viren-nadkarni in #9765
  • pin global awscli install in Dockerfile by @bentsku in #9767

Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.0.2


24 Nov 13:53
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What's Changed

New Contributors

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16 Nov 14:38
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This is our third major release for LocalStack featuring both updates to our core services as well as auxiliary tooling. With our third major release for LocalStack we’re introducing improved service providers for ElastiCache, StepFunctions and S3, improved write performance in DynamoDB, increased Multi-Account and Multi-Region support and much more! A simplified networking configuration, new default container name and lots of internal refactoring to unify endpoint generation will help developers when testing their cloud applications locally.

Additionally to our core emulation in LocalStack we’ve released many additional features available in our Web Application such as IAM policy streams and a Chaos Engineering section to help you bulletproof your applications, both in terms of minimal permissions and increased robustness against failures. Our new Desktop application, LocalStack Desktop, has been released as the successor to our legacy Cockpit App and can be downloaded in the Web Application.

Several of these changes require a migration and we have done our best to make the migration for you as smooth as possible. Head to the How to migrate section and the linked resources there, to find out more. If you have trouble migrating to LocalStack 3.0 please reach out to us, we’re happy to help!

AWS Features

  • Native v2 provider for StepFunctions (default since 3.0.0)
  • Native v3 provider for S3 (default since 3.0.0)
  • Pro New ElastiCache provider (default since 3.0.0)
  • Huge performance improvements for DynamoDB write operations (1.6x for single PutItem and up to 10x for BatchWriteItem)
  • Improved Multi-Account and Multi-Region support in multiple services such as CloudWatch, StepFunctions, EventBridge, Glue and more.
  • The way ARNs are constructed internally has been significantly revamped. This change is particularly beneficial for users working with LocalStack in scenarios involving non-default account IDs or regions.
  • Updating Lambda Event Source Mappings to point to different function versions has been fixed to now correctly switch the target and trigger the new version.
  • We now offer both a Query and JSON-protocol support for SQS to support recent low-level changes in the SQS API
  • DocumentDB has received support for MasterUsername and MasterUserPassword. With the feature flag DOCDB_PROXY_CONTAINER=1 a proxied container is started, and Lambda can connect to the container using LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME
  • RDS now actually uses MySQL (instead of MariaDB) if the engine mysql is used. It now also correctly returns only the hostname in the Endpoint field of responses to the CreateDBCluster operation.
  • Lots of incremental improvements to CloudFormation
    • Improved detection of undefined dependencies in templates
    • Support for Fn::Select in conditionals
    • Fix AWS::S3::Bucket EventBridge Notifications
    • Resources in Community
      • (New) AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl
      • (New) AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions
      • (Updated) AWS::DynamoDB::Table
      • (Updated) AWS::OpenSearch::Domain
    • Resources in Pro
      • (New) AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application
      • (New) AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion
      • (New) AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment
      • (New) AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate
      • (Updated) AWS::RDS::DBCluster

LocalStack Features

  • We now create native M1 binaries of our CLI. When installing via Brew these are automatically selected for you depending on your CPU architecture.
  • Since 3.0 we publish major tags. You can pin the current major version like this: localstack/localstack-pro:3 to stay on the latest tagged 3.x release but avoid unintentionally upgrading to the next major version.
  • With 3.0 we’re also now for the first time publishing a stable tag, which will always point towards the latest tagged release.
  • The localstack docker image is now based on Python 3.11 and Debian Bookworm
  • The default container name for LocalStack is now localstack-main (previously localstack_main) to allow the use of the name in URLs.
  • Networking configuration has been simplified by removing legacy options and moving to GATEWAY_LISTEN and LOCALSTACK_HOST. Check out our Discuss page for more information.
  • Strict Service Loading allows you to define a strict subset of services to load via the SERVICES variable, e.g. SERVICES=s3 . Any services not listed here will now be prevented from loading.
  • Lots of enhancements for LocalStack Extensions
  • LocalStack Desktop is replacing the deprecated Cockpit Desktop UI
  • The IAM policy stream is a new feature in our Web Application that allows you to see exactly which permissions are needed for the API calls you’re making in LocalStack.
  • We’ve improved the Chaos Engineering capabilities of LocalStack, extending or FIS (Fault Injection Simulator) implementation and added a UI to interface with it in our Web Application.

Provider Deprecations

  • StepFunctions legacy / v1 provider has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.
  • S3 v2 provider has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.
  • ElastiCache legacy provider has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.


  • Lambda legacy / v1 provider has been removed.
  • S3 legacy / v1 provider has been removed.
  • We’ve removed a lot of legacy code with this major release. If you’ve been using any internal constructs from localstack, e.g. via extensions, please make sure they are still working. Feel free to reach out to us if you need help migrating your extension.
  • Community Cloud Pods have been removed.
  • After its initial preview phase, AWS RAM is now part of our paid offering and will be further developed and integrated with our IAM enforcement in future releases.
  • Configuration
    • legacy LAMBDA_* settings, see the sections below for more details

How to migrate


We have published an extensive migration guide for our networking related changes on this Discuss page

  • The default container name is renamed from localstack_main to localstack-main
    • Our default container name localstack_main is not a valid URL, so when the container name is used as a hostname, some libraries refuse to connect. With this release, we use the default container name of localstack-main. There may be breakages with tooling that expects the new container name, but a container is running with the old container name. Please update your tooling accordingly.
    • Most prominently, this is container name used in docker-compose files.
    • If you are using the LocalStack CLI, please just make sure to update to the latest version after the release. The CLI will handle this migration automatically.
    • We are simplifying how to configure LocalStack by fully switching over to use LOCALSTACK_HOST to configure URLs returned by AWS services. Please update your usages of HOSTNAME_EXTERNAL (default: localhost) and LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME to use LOCALSTACK_HOST (default: You can find more details in our Networking Migration Guide for LocalStack 3.0.

New default protocol for the SQS API

AWS recently updated the default protocol for the SQS API in many of their SDKs, which started breaking with LocalStack since we didn't have JSON support yet. With 3.0.0 we now support both protocols, but if you are still on 2.x a workaround would be to downgrade or pin your used SDK/tool version.

Here is the list with all the SDK versions where the issue will start appearing:

Language SDK client repository Required SDK client version
C++ aws/aws-sdk-cpp 1.11.98
Golang 1.x aws/aws-sdk-go v1.47.7
Golang 2.x aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.28.0
Java 1.x aws/aws-sdk-java 1.12.585
Java 2.x aws/aws-sdk-java-v2 2.21.19
JavaScript v2.x aws/aws-sdk-js v2.1492.0
JavaScript v3.x aws/aws-sdk-js-v3 v3.447.0
.NET aws/aws-sdk-net 3.7.681.0
PHP [aws/aws-sdk-php](https://github.c...
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18 Oct 07:46
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.3.2


18 Oct 07:45
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What's Changed

New Contributors

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