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SamFritz edited this page Sep 18, 2014 · 6 revisions

Chair: Nick Ruest

Notes: Sam Fritz


Agenda & Notes

  1. Timeline updates
  • Code freeze- Monday, branches have been created
  • Release candidate- candidate out approx. month before full release. This will help with documentation.
  1. Feature for release or feature for next release? See this discussion- saved for committers call

  2. Documentation

  • doc-a-thon Sept 19th before Roadmap.
  1. Open Pull requests
  1. Tickets
  • Blockers

  • Bugs

  • 874--> already discussed

  • 646--> known issue, 1.5

  • 717--> known issue, 1.5

  • 820-->

  • 841--> known issue, MARC to DC has only been updated a few times.

  • 857 --> minor bug, mark as known issue, marked for 1.5

  • 977 --> working on

  • 981 --> stays as a known issue for now

  • 1002 --> Mark J to look at it, if it is unable to be finished it will be marked for 1.5

  • 1005 --> Donald and Kirsta to test; recent comment on list serve about the policy ds and Scholar

  • 1006 --> Paul to test

  • 1012 --> send to Kirsta/Donald for Newspaper solution pack to try to reproduce

  • 1030 --> known issue

  • 1032 --> improvement ticket

  • 1034 --> known issue

  • 1068 --> known issue

  • 1070 --> pull request is in and this will be fixed, merged

  • 1035 --> known issue

  • Code Tasks

    • 970 --> may not get to this (deprecated variables), hopefully for next release
    • 962 --> in progress
    • 997 --> marked for 1.5
    • 1001 --> unassigned, marked for 1.5 - ideal is to deprecate
  • Documentation

    • 261 --> STOMP: Update ReadME: avoid giving systems advice, highlight risk. Kirsta put pull request in, Nick to look over
    • 687--> double check x-path to see if things are duplicating; "If the xpath selects more than one xml element, it will create a form elements for each element"- good for wiki documentation

Final comments

  • no more blockers (Nigel taking car of 872)
  • release candidate for next Friday
  • notes to be posted and sent out

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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